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w słowach kluczowych:  poly(pyrrole)(PPy)
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The interaction of calcium, magnesium potassium and sodium cations with heparin (Hep), a highly negatively charged glycosaminoglycan, was studied by using conducting polymer (CP) films. The CP-Hep films were obtained by electrochemical deposition of poly(pyrrole) (PPy) or poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT). In order to induce magnesium or calcium sensitivity, all films were conditioned in alkaline solution containing magnesium or calcium ions, respectively. After conditioning, the potentiometric response towards calcium or magnesium ions with a close-to-Nernstian slope was observed. The calcium or magnesium sensitive CP-heparin films do not respond to Na or K ions, but the response towards Mg or Ca ions was almost identical. Adistinct difference in dynamic open-circuit response to calcium or magnesium ions was observed and its relevance to biological membrane processes is stressed. CP-heparin films can be used for testing an ion exchange as well as transport processes that occur in biological membranes.
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