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Polymermineral material "PMM" has multiple cycles of swelling and drying. It does not decompose under soil, biological and atmospheric influences and is environmentally safe. By adding the proportion of up to 30 g/kg of PMM additive to soil and tamping, we get a waterproofing material that can be used in urban construction and water supply. Taking into account the fact it is not always technically possible to carry out high-quality ramming when repairing channel walls, the task was to conduct an experimental study in order to determine the total moisture content of the mixture of PMM additive with soil. Experimental results of laboratory studies show that when PMM is added to the soil at a ratio of 30 g/kg under evaporation conditions, the mass of excess water in the substrate increases with time.
West Papua province in eastern Indonesia is positioned in a dynamic tectonic zone along with the collision of the Australian, Pacific, and Eurasian plates. The interaction resulted in the formation of strike-slip faults such as Koor, Sorong, Ransiki, and Yapen, that are prone to earthquakes in the region. The rocks of West Papua in the northern part are a contribution to the Pacific Ocean plate consisting of ophiolite and volcanic arcs of the archipelago, even while the rocks of the Australian plate in the southern part are dominated by quaternary and siliciclastic sedimentary. It has a wide variety of resources, including oil and gas. This study combines the interpretation of regional gravity and magnetic data derived from satellite observations to identify the subsurface structure of West Papua. This is performed since most studies were conducted on the surface and did not significantly focus on the subsurface. The composition of subsurface is determined through three-dimensional (3-D) unconstrained inversion modeling using the iterative reweighting inversion of regional gravity and magnetic anomalies as a function of density contrast and magnetic susceptibility of rocks. In depth variations, gravity inversion produces density contrast ranging from −0.348 to 0.451 gr/cm3 , whereas magnetic inversion provides rock susceptibility varying between −0.363 and 0.223 SI. Gravity and magnetic inversions characterize the subduction of the Pacific Ocean plate in the north, extensive intrusion of igneous rocks, and low density-susceptibility contrast in the Bintuni basin as a source of oil and natural gas. The boundary between the sediment layer and the basement is believed to be 15–20 km deep, with rocks from the uplifted mantle in the north and a Silur-Devon aged Kemum formation in the south.
Artykuł przedstawia nietypowy przypadek z praktyki geotechnicznej, jaki można napotkać podczas badań polowych podłoża gruntowego w terenie centrum miasta. Podstawowe rozpoznanie zaprojektowano po ustaleniu danych archiwalnych i wyników wizji lokalnej działki. Zasadniczym zadaniem zespołu było określenie geotechnicznych warunków posadowienia wielokondygnacyjnego obiektu na działce budowlanej.
The article presents an unusual case from geotechnical practice that can be encountered during field research of the subsoil in the city centre. The basic exploration was designed after determining the archival data and the results of the site inspection. The main task of the team was to define the geotechnical conditions for the foundation of a multi-storey building on a building plot. After removing a 50 cm layer of humus, the tip of a modern monument was found - a large-chamber water device - with an intense self-outflow of artesian water from a deep well.
Autor przedstawia problematykę układania płytek wieloformatowych w kontekście przygotowania podłoża i doboru odpowiedniej chemii budowlanej.
The author presents the issues of laying multi-format tiles in the context of substrate preparation and the selection of appropriate construction chemicals.
Content available remote Hydrofobizacja sposobem na ochronę elewacji
The stress superposition effect in the midline area of the multi-wheeled vehicles produced by moving vehicles load is generally ignored, which leads to smaller results in research of subgrade service depth. Based on the elastic mechanics theory, the analytical solution of subgrade dynamic response under moving vehicles load is derived with compound elastic layers. The characteristics of subgrade dynamic stress distribution under the action of moving vehicles are analyzed by using Midas Gts Nx numerical simulation software, and the influence of static and dynamic axle load on the subgrade service depth is compared. The results demonstrate that the subgrade dynamic stress in the under-wheel area attenuates rapidly along the depth direction, while the subgrade dynamic stress in the midline area increases at first and subsequently decreases along the same direction. With the increase of subgrade dynamic stress, the shape of dynamic stress isosurface changes from bimodal to unimodal. Whether in the form of static or dynamic axle load, the subgrade service depth in the middle line area is larger than that in under-wheel area, and the influence of dynamic axle load on the subgrade service depth is greater than that of static axle load. The wheel distance and vehicle velocity have a significant influence on the subgrade service depth. With the increase of vehicle velocity, the subgrade service depth decreases. With the increase of wheel distance, the subgrade service depth decreases.
Mówiąc o ochronie roślin, najczęściej mamy na myśli stosowanie chemicznych środków ochrony roślin. Od szeregu lat zgodnie z zaleceniami Unii Europejskiej następuje wycofywanie wielu pestycydów, szczególnie tych, które mają negatywny wpływ na układ endokrynnych człowieka i zwierząt stałocieplnych, a także tych, które wykazują brak selektywności dla organizmów pożytecznych i zapylaczy oraz w sposób długotrwały ujemnie oddziałują na środowisko.
Content available Tribological aspects of footwear safety
The key factor, from the consumer's point of view, during the use of footwear is the safety of use, characterized, among others, by the friction coefficient. A low coefficient of friction can cause skidding, which is very dangerous for the elderly, people with motor apparatus injuries, those with impaired motor skills, and those with a high body BMI index. Fall injuries result in hospitalization, generating high costs of treatment and compensation. The article presents the results of tribological tests of typical footwear sole materials in combination with selected base materials depending on the load on the friction junction, the initial temperature, and the presence of water. The combination of the friction coefficient with the safety of footwear use for typical operating conditions is a new approach to the requirements of ergonomics and increasing comfort while walking.
Kluczowym czynnikiem, z punktu widzenia konsumenta, podczas eksploatacji obuwia jest bezpieczeństwo użytkowania, charakteryzowane między innymi współczynnikiem tarcia. Mały współczynnik tarcia może powodować poślizg, który jest bardzo niebezpieczny dla osób starszych, osoby z urazami aparatu ruch, z upośledzoną motoryką oraz z wysokim indeksem BMI ciała. Urazy powstałe podczas upadku są powodem hospitalizacji generującej wysokie koszty leczenia oraz odszkodowania. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań tribologicznych typowych obuwniczych materiałów spodowych w skojarzeniu z wybranymi materiałami podłożowymi w zależności od obciążenia węzła tarcia, temperatury początkowej oraz obecności wody. Powiązanie współczynnika tarcia z bezpieczeństwem użytkowania obuwia dla typowych warunków eksploatacji stanowi nowe podejście do wymogów ergonomii i zwiększenia komfortu podczas chodzenia.
Content available Ekonomika budowy przez pryzmat geotechniki
Koszt realizacji inwestycji jest jednym z kluczowych czynników decydujących o jej powodzeniu. Ważny interes społeczny, idea czy marzenie też są pochodnymi tego parametru. Żaden inwestor nie zdecyduje się na realizację inwestycji, nie mając zagwarantowanego finansowania na wymaganym poziomie. I odwrotnie, sens budowy nawet najbardziej potrzebnej inwestycji jest oceniany przez pryzmat kosztów jej realizacji.
Content available remote Mikropale kotwiące
Content available remote Przygotowanie podłoży pod prace glazurnicze
Przedmiotem artykułu są podłoża pod prace glazurnicze. Autor porusza trzy kluczowe zagadnienia: znaczenie równego podłoża, wyrównanie chłonności podłoża oraz zabezpieczenie przed wilgocią. Omawia także tematy układania płytek na gołe mury, tynki i podłogi.
The subject of the article are substrates for laying tiles. The author discusses three key issues: the importance of even surface, levelling the absorbency of the substrate and protection against moisture. He also discusses the topics of laying tiles on bare walls, plaster and floors.
Content available remote Czym się kierować, wybierając farbę do wnętrz?
In the present study, the grinding experiment of second-generation nickel-based single-crystal superalloy DD5 was carried out under different grinding parameters. The grinding force was recorded during the grinding process, and it was found that it decreased with increasing grinding speed and increased with feed speed. The microstructure evolution of ground subsurface was obtained by optical microscope (OM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM), and the elemental distribution of γ/γ' phases was investigated by energy dispersion spectrum (EDS). The results show that there are two layers different from the bulk material beneath the ground surface: (i) a white layer (WL) with no obvious structural features under limited observation scale and (ii) a severe deformed layer (SDL) with the elongated and rotated γ' phase and the narrowed γ channel. Elements segregation behavior exists in both the white layer and severe deformed layer. The grinding parameters have a great influence on the thickness of the white layer, which is due to the elemental diffusion behavior caused by intensive thermo-mechanical load. There is work hardening in the white layer, and the hardening degree aggravates with the increase in cutting speed and feed speed.
Abstract: Climate changes as well as the urbanisation and economic development influence the characteristics of the stormwater runoff in the cities. The sealing of drainage basin surface leads to an increase of the runoff intensity, thereby decreasing the rainwater infiltration. This situation can lead to the risk of flooding in urban areas. Therefore, especially in great cities there is a need for application of such solutions that will support the operation of the sewage systems. The examples of such solutions are, among others, the green roofs. The paper presents the results of investigation of the water retention capacity of 4 green roof models containing following growing media: (1) the typical green roof substrate without any amendments, (2) the substrate with addition of about 1 % by weight of hydrogel (the cross-linked potassium polyacrylate), (3) the substrate containing about 0.25 % by weight of hydrogel, (4) the substrate with addition of expanded clay and perlite. The models were not vegetated in order to investigate only the water retention capacity of drainage elements and substrates. The water retention capacity of green roof models was investigated in the laboratory conditions with use of artificial precipitations simulated after diverse antecedent dry weather periods (ADWP) amounting to: 1, 2, 5, 7, and 12 days. The intensities of artificial precipitations were relatively high and ranged from 1.14 to 1.27 mm/min, whereas their durations ranged from 7.75 to 12.56 min. These values of intensities and durations corresponded to the design rainfall intensities calculated using Blaszczyk’s equation for annual rain depth equal to 600 mm and the return periods ranged from 5 to 15 years. The obtained results indicate that the water retention capacity of green roof models, expressed as the volumes (or depths) of rainwater retained within their structures, increases with an increase of ADWP. Results indicate that the relation between ADWP and the amount of water retained in the layers of green roofs in the case of relatively short antecedent dry weather periods provided for the analysis (from 1 to 7 days) may be approximately linear. The results of the one-way ANOVA indicate that in the case of all models there is a statistically significant difference between the values of retention depth for specified ADWP (p < 0.001). During more than half of simulated precipitations, especially in the case of longer ADWPs lasting 5, 7, and 12 days the best water retention capacity had Model 3, with substrate containing about 0.25 % by weight of hydrogel. On the other hand, the results show that the weakest retention capacity had Model 2 (with substrate containing 1 % by weight of hydrogel). In the case of longer ADWPs (lasting 7 and 12 days) relatively weak water retention capacity had Model 4 (with substrate containing the addition of expanded clay and perlite). It can be concluded that too large amount of hydrogel added to the substrate can have an unfavourable impact on the water retention capacity of green roofs.
Content available remote Wpływ alkalicznie aktywowanego spoiwa żużlowego na wzrost i rozwój roślin
Spoiwa aktywowane alkaliami są coraz częsciej wykorzystywane do budowy prefabrykatów budowlanych stosowanych w środowisku naturalnym. Celem niniejszej pracy było określenie wpływu składu spoiwa żużlowo-alkalicznego na wzrost i rozwój dwóch roślin: żyta oraz szczypiorku. Wybrane rośliny zostały poddane analizie biometrycznej oraz ocenie makroskopowej. Określono również pH gleby i zawartość jonów sodowych w glebie oraz w roślinach. Na podstawie wyników przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że spoiwo żużlowe aktywowane roztworem NaOH nie ma wpływu na rozwój roślin. Badano również czy rodzaj roślin, ze względu na pobór soli mineralnych, wpływa na zmianę wytrzymałości na ściskanie badanych zapraw.
Alkali-activated binders are increasingly being used to produce the prefabricated building materials used in the natural environment. The purpose of this work was to determine the effect of the slag-alkali binder on the growth of two plants: rye and chives. Selected plants were subjected to biometric analysis and macroscopic evaluation. The pH of the soil, the content of sodium ions in the soil, and the plants were also determined. Based on the results of the tests, it was found that the slag binder activated with the NaOH solution does not negatively affect the development course of the plants. It was also examined whether the type of plants, due to the uptake of minerals, influences the change in the compression strength of the tested mortars.
The main goal of the work was to find the interconnection between the high-frequency magnetron sputtering parameters and the adhesion properties of CaP coatings formed on the surface of titanium substrate. Methods: Calcium-phosphate coatings, similar in composition to hydroxyapatite, were generated by high-frequency magnetron sputtering on titanium substrate at different values of high-frequency specific power over times of one and two hours. Afterwards, the generated coatings were studied using the method of X-ray phase analysis, and sclerometric tests (scratch test) were carried out. The adhesion strength of the deposited coatings was tested for different coating thicknesses from 0.45 to 1.1 x 10–3 mm. Results: According to the results of sclerometry, it was found that with an increase in the high-frequency specific power of plasma to 3.15 W/cm2 , the adhesion strength of the calcium-phosphate coating also increases. For all the coatings, the critical loads at which the coating completely exfoliated from the substrate were determined. Conclusions: According to the research results, the most optimal conditions for obtaining high-adhesive calcium-phosphate coatings were determined.
W artykule opisano wpływ najczęściej popełnianych błędów w trakcie montażu stalowych łączników rozporowych na nośność zamocowań. Zazwyczaj wynika to z zarysowań podłoża betonowego, użycia wierteł o niewłaściwej średnicy, zastosowania nieodpowiedniego momentu instalacyjnego, zbyt płytkiego osadzenia łączników w podłożu itp. Stwierdzone w badaniach różnice w nośności mogą dochodzić nawet do 200%.
The paper describes the effects of errors most frequently met while installing the metal anchors on the bearing capacity of the fixing system. It is usually caused by cracks of the concrete base, usage of drills with incorrect diameters, application of improper installation torque and/or too shallow embedment of anchors in the concrete base, and also other factors. The differences in the capacity found in the tests can reach even 200%.
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