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Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza aspektów związanych z planowaniem zielonej infrastruktury w miastach. Pod uwagę wzięto w szczególności takie kryteria, których uwzględnienie ma przyczynić się do poprawy jakości powietrza poprzez usuwanie różnego typu zanieczyszczeń. Praca obejmuje przegląd wyników badań na temat wykorzystania roślin do oczyszczania powietrza na różnych płaszczyznach: poprzez usuwanie szkodliwych związków chemicznych, wychwytywanie cząstek pyłów zawieszonych oraz wpływ na cyrkulację powietrza. Na podstawie zebranych danych opracowano zestaw wytycznych, które docelowo mogą posłużyć jako narzędzie do bardziej efektywnego planowania zieleni miejskiej. Całość została zwieńczona spisem przykładowych roślin, które mogą być wykorzystane do przygotowania optymalnego doboru gatunkowego w zależności lokalizacji projektu.
The subject of this article is the analysis of aspects related to the planning of green infrastructure in cities. In particular, author have taken into account such criteria, that are expected to contribute to the improvement of air quality through the removal of various types of pollutants. The paper includes a review of research results on the use of plants for air treatment at different levels: through the removal of harmful chemical compounds, the capture of particulate matter and the effect on air circulation. On the basis of the collected data, a set of guidelines was developed, which can ultimately serve as a tool for more effective urban greenery planning. Author also propose the list of exemplary plants that can be used to prepare an optimal species selection depending on the project location.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń wpływu odzysku ciepła jawnego i utajonego spalin wylotowych z kotła energetycznego bloku o mocy 900 MW zasilanego węglem brunatnym na pracę instalacji mokrego odsiarczania spalin (IOS). Obliczenia przeprowadzono na podstawie modelu matematycznego wykorzystującego dane z prawdziwej rośliny. Oprócz pozytywnego wpływu układu odzysku ciepła (HRS) na sprawność cieplną bloku energetycznego oraz wstępnego oczyszczenia spalin z pyłów i gazów kwaśnych, wyniki obliczeń wykazały bardzo istotny wpływ na pracę bloku energetycznego. IOS. Główna zmiana dotyczy masowego przepływu wody stosowanej w absorberze w celu schłodzenia spalin do wymaganej temperatury. Obliczony maksymalny spadek zapotrzebowania elektrowni na wodę uzupełniającą (przy 167,5 MW odzysku ciepła) wynosi 185,9 Mg/h. Gdy do uzupełniania używany jest kondensat HRS, zapotrzebowanie na wodę surową będzie zerowe. Dodatkowo HRS w wyniku kondensacji części pary wodnej zawartej w spalinach powoduje częściowe zasiarczenie spalin w wymienniku HRS. Zmniejsza to obciążenie IOS, w tym mniejsze zapotrzebowanie na sorbent i wodę technologiczną używaną do przygotowania roztworu sorbentu. Strumień spalin kierowany do instalacji i odprowadzany do atmosfery przez chłodnię kominową zmniejsza się o ok. 9%. Wartością dodaną proponowanego rozwiązania jest zabezpieczenie wnętrza pochłaniaczy IOS przed wysoką temperaturą spalin w przypadku awarii zasilania instalacji (blackoutu) lub innej tego typu awarii, odcinającej dopływ prądu do pomp IMOS.
This paper presents the results of calculations of the influence of sensible and latent heat recovery from flue gas of a 900 MW power unit Bieled with lignite on the operation of the wet flue gas desulfurization plant (FGD) The calculations based on the mathematical model using data from the real plant. In addition to the positive Impact of the heat recovery system (HRS) on the thermal efficiency of the power unit and the initial cleaning of flue gas from dust and acid gases, the results of the calculations showed a very significant impact on the operation of the FGD. The main change concerns the water mass flow used in the absorber to cool the flue gas to the required temperature. The calculated maximum decrease in the demand for make-up water by the plant (with 167.5 MW of hęatgrecovery) is 185.9 Mg/hr. When HRS condensate is used for top-up, the raw water requirement will be zero. In addition, the HRS with condensation of part of the water vapor contained in the flue gas causes partial flue gas dęsulfurization in the HRS exchanger. This reduces the load on the FGD, including the lower need of sorbent and process water used to prepare the sorbent solution. The flue gas stream directed to the installation and discharged to the atmosphere through the cooling tower is reduced by approx. 9%. The added value of the proposed solution IS thc protection of the interior of the FGD absorbers against high flue gas temperature in the event of a system power failure (blackout) or other such failure, cutting off the power supply to FGD pumps.
The following article is an attempt at a condensed description of the history of the Tarnobrzeskie Zagłębie Siarkowe (the sulphur mining district), covering the history of the combine and the sulphur mines that were part of it. The main objective of the article is to highlight the following three elements: the extremely dynamic development of a new type of sulphur mining and refining in an area with no previous history of mining and chemical traditions, the great effort and dedication of the company staff creating a new branch of the Polish mining and refining industry and the unprecedented significance of this industry for the development not only of Tarnobrzeg with its surroundings, but also the whole of Poland.
This research presents the characteristics and inferred evolution of post-bog soils developed in the Last Glacial Maximum area of northwestern Poland near the southern Baltic coast. The study involved a total of five sites near existing lakes in NW Poland. In total, 21 soil pits were described and sampled and 17 piezometers were installed. In soil samples chemical and physical properties were determined. During the hydrological year the water level was checked and chemical properties of water were determined, the floristic composition at each location was also carried out. Mineralisation of post-bog soils initiated by dehydration leads to the decomposition of organic surface layers and an increase in CaCO3 content as well as mineral non-lime components at the expense of organic matter. A sequence of five soil types occurs in this landscape: Sapric Histosols (Limnic), Drainic Histosols (Calcaric, Limnic), Histic Gleysols (Murshic), Umbric Gleysols (Hyperhumic), Gleyic Phaeozems (Hyperhumic) that represent individual stages of soil genesis. Differences between the chemical properties of soils are apparent between organic vs organic-mineral and mineral layers. Man-induced drainage of post-bog soils changes their physical parameters. Bulk density increase and water retention decrease. The fluctuation of groundwater determines the moisture content of post-bog soils and affects the species composition of vegetation. Chemistry of groundwater is shaped mainly by the construction of catchment and the nature of its use, however, it is modified as a result of the inflow of macronutrients released during organic matter mineralisation processes and leaching of exchangeable forms from the sorption complex.
The increasing demand for water with the industrialisation of the world is becoming a major problem as there is a water shortage all over the earth. Therefore, the water problem is one of the important problems that need to be effectively solved. This paper presents the results of research on wastewater treatment of bitumen production in the Mangystau region, which after physical and chemical treatment methods is sent to natural evaporation fields. As a result of research work, a method of wastewater treatment of bitumen plant was developed, which includes two stages: distillation of water on the solar plant and ozonation in order to oxidize volatile organic matter. Distillation to obtain primary treated water of 70–75% volume was carried out at 33–37 °C ambient temperature and 15–30 kPa rarefaction, at the same time COD of water was reduced by 68%.
The article provides an analysis of life forms of 9 floristic complexes of the Ketpen ridge on the basis of many years of research materials, where life forms were studied in each floristic complex according to the systems of K. Raunkiaer and I.G. Serebryakov. An analysis of life forms according to the system of K. Raunkiaer established the dominance of hemicryptophytes in cryophilic-meadow (74.8%), petrophilic (72.5%) and deciduous-forest (80.3%) floristic complexes of the Ketpen ridge, which accounted for the total number of species of complexes. The second large group in terms of the number of species corresponded to cryptophytes, which predominate in the cryophilic-meadow (65.3%) and psammophilic (45.9%) floristic complexes. Distribution of species according to life forms according to I.G. Serebryakov demonstrated a clear predominance of polycarpic in the meadow complex amounting to 82.5%, deciduous-forest – 81.7%, psammophilous – 75.9% and steppe – 79.4% floristic complexes of the total number of species of complexes. An analysis of the meadow floristic complex of the Ketpen ridge according to Serebryakov showed that taproot plants account for 128 species or 20.5%, short-rhizome – 18.4%, long-rhizome – 11.3%, turf-rhizomatous – 4.8%. An analysis of the life forms of the psammophilic floristic complex revealed the prevalence of therophytes (40.7%). It was found that the spectrum of life forms according to Raunkiaer and Serebryakov emphasizes the peculiarities of the floristic complexes of the Ketpen ridge.
The manuscript presents the results of morpho-anatomical structure of vegetative organs of Salvia aethiopis L. S. aethiopis L. is a promising medicinal plant of flora of Kazakhstan, which is able to grow under certain soil and climatic conditions. According to its anatomical and morphological features, S. aethiopis L. is a drought-resistant plant that does not tolerate excess moisture. The aim of the study was to investigate the morpho-anatomical structure of S.aethiopis L. plants growing in three different populations of the South Balkhash region of the country. As a result of the study of the morpho-anatomical structure of vegetative organs of the studied plants, the following features of xeromorphic structure of S.aethiopis L. were noted: strong pubescence of all above-ground parts of plants by simple, globular and glandular hairs, well expressed cuticle with small spinules, presence of cuticular thickening of guard cells, large number of stomatal apparatus on lower epidermis. A comparative analysis of the structure of plants of three different populations showed that in the stem of plants of population № 1 the primary cortex and the diameter of the central cylinder are more pronounced in comparison with plants growing in populations № 2 and № 3, which is due to the growing conditions of these populations. In plants of population № 1, an increase in the thickness of the leaf blade as well as inclusions of essential oils, which are localized in single or paired essential oil passages, were noted. In plants of populations № 1 and № 2, the more essential oil passages were observed. The studied plants of population № 1 have the most pronounced thickness of the primary bark than plants of populations № 2 and № 3. The revealed changes in the morpho-anatomical structure of plants are associated with the influence of various environmental and anthropogenic factors depending on the location of the studied plants.
The man-made activity of mankind has led to the emergence of many global problems and caused the deterioration of the quality of the natural environment (air, water, soil). Of particular concern is the contamination of agricultural land with toxicants, in particular, radionuclides, which, entering the soil – plant – human body food chain, can reach toxic levels. Therefore, an important task is the removal of hazardous substances from the soil. Phytoremediation can be one of the effective methods for reducing its pollution. The article examines the effectiveness of phytoremediation of soils contaminated as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in certain territories of Polissia of Ukraine (Korosten district of Zhytomyr region). Nectar-pollinating plants were selected for the research, which was carried out for two years: great globe-thistle (Echinops sphaerocephalus), milk thistle (Silybum marianum), and white melilot (Melilotus albus). The results of the research showed that in the dry vegetative mass of milk thistle, great globe-thistle, and white melilot, the specific activity of 137Cs over the two years of research was in the range from 30.8 Bq/kg to 238.5 Bq/kg, the accumulation coefficient – from 0.135 to 0.985, and the hazard coefficient – from 0.055 to 0.395. The highest indicators of specific activity and accumulation coefficient of 137Cs were observed in the vegetative mass of the white melilot, which amounted to 238.5 Bq/kg and 0.96, respectively, comparatively lower values – 2.3 times and 2.3 times were found in the vegetative mass of milk thistle, 2.8 times and 7.1 times – in the vegetative mass of the great globe-thistle. At this level of accumulation of 137Cs in the vegetative mass of nectarine plants from the soil, on average, over two years of research, 1130550 Bq of this radionuclide was removed from the soil per hectare of agricultural land with milk thistle, 621250 Bq with great globe-thistle, and 2851650 Bq with white melilot. The removal of 137Cs with the vegetative mass of nectarine plants reduced the content of this radionuclide in the soil per 1 kg – from 3.4% to 8% on average over two years of research.
Najprostszym sposobem ograniczenia negatywnego oddziaływania na środowisko jest zaprzestanie prowadzenia działalności przez podmiot korzystający ze środowiska. Nałożenie takiego obowiązku musi być jednak obwarowane rozwiązaniami gwarantującymi, że jest to rzeczywiście niezbędne do wyeliminowania zagrożeń. W polskim systemie ochrony środowiska rozwiązania mogące stanowić podstawę do nałożenia takiego obowiązku rozproszone są w różnych aktach prawnych. Dlatego też w opracowaniu tym omówione zostały relacje pomiędzy przepisami prawa mogącymi stanowić podstawę wstrzymania działalności podmiotu korzystającego ze środowiska. Przedmiotem szczegółowych rozważań jest natomiast możliwość nałożenia na podstawie art. 343 ust. 1 i 2 ustawy z dnia 20 lipca 2017 r. Prawo wodne (Dz.U. z 2022 r., poz. 2625 z późn. zm.) obowiązku wstrzymania działalności zakładu w przypadku wystąpienia stanu zagrażającego życiu lub zdrowiu ludzi, zwierząt lub środowisku albo prawnie chronionemu interesowi osób trzecich do czasu ich usunięcia. Omówione zostały przesłanki uzasadniające nałożenie obowiązku wstrzymania prowadzonej działalności oraz formy procesowe, w jakich może to mieć miejsce. Ponadto omówiono przesłanki uzasadniające ponowne podjęcie wstrzymanej działalności. Zaproponowano także rozwiązania porządkujące, mogące poprawić skuteczność stosowania omawianych rozwiązań.
The simplest method to mitigate the adverse impact of activity of an entity using the environment is to suspend its operations. Imposing such obligation needs however to be subject to solutions guaranteeing that it is essential in order to eliminate the threat. In the Polish environmental protection system, solutions that may be the basis for inflicting such obligation are scattered among different legal acts. This study discusses therefore relationships between different legal regulations that may constitute the grounds for suspending the operations of an entity using the environment. A detailed analysis is devoted to the possibility to inflict the suspension a plant's operations in the event of the occurrence of a threat to life of health of people, animals, environment or legally protected interest of third persons until it is eliminated, based on Article 343(1) and 343(2) of the Water Act of 20 July 2017 (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2625 as amended). It discusses premises justifying imposition of the obligation to suspend the operations as well as procedural forms that it may take. It also discusses the premises for resuming the suspended activities. The author proposes some organizing solutions that may improve the effectiveness of application of the discussed solutions.
The success of the crop production industry in the southern region of Ukraine always depended on weather and climatic factors. Among the factors of crop formation, the availability of moisture in plants occupied the first place. This dependence has been increasing in recent decades due to changes in the climatic conditions occurring not only in Ukraine, but also around the world. In this situation, it is necessary to improve the known elements of field crop cultivation technology and develop new measures to ensure the stability of the industry as well as reduce its dependence on climatic factors. This should help to obtain stable yield levels in all years, regardless of the significant deviations in temperature, precipitation and other weather factors. The solution of this issue is also becoming relevant in connection with the conditions of martial law in Ukraine, when the area of cultivation of agricultural products partially decreased. Adjustments to the development of measures also arise in connection with a significant reduction in the area of irrigated land. At the same time, it is necessary to select not only more drought-resistant crops for cultivation, but even their varieties or hybrids with a high level of productivity. After all, regardless of the specified state and a certain weakening of the economic capacity of agricultural enterprises, it is still necessary to receive the planned amount of crop production. This will determine not only the state of the agricultural sector, but also the stability of Ukraine as a whole.
In this research project, we measured the impact of the activity of "Ferronikel" factory on the concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Ni) in soil, plant (Urtica dioica L.) and shell of snail (Helix pomatia L.) in the locality of Drenas. Large quantities of these metals come from natural and anthropogenic sources including mining activity, agriculture, pesticide use, industrialization, and inadequate disposal of mineral waste and artificial fertilizers. These inorganic pollutants are deposited in the soil, water, and atmosphere in various forms of complexes and are thus transmitted from plants, animals to humans. Climatic factors such as winds, rains, and temperatures are believed to be major contributors to the spread over time and space of heavy metals in the environment. Soil samples, nettle plant and snail, were collected from the selected pollution source of factory "Ferronikel" at distances of 1 km, 2 km, and 5 km in the radius circles divided into four geographical areas. The samples were digested in microwave at 200 °C for 45 min and have been read in two types of absorbers Thermo and Contra AAA. Higher concentrations of Pb, Zn, and Ni were recorded in the southern parts of the country compared to that control with significant differences (p<0.01). Bioaccumulation and biomagnification levels of these heavy metals have also been recorded in the roots, stalks, and leaves of the stinging nettle plant as well as in snail shells. The results show that the stinging nettle plant has translocated larger amounts of these heavy metals especially Pb along with the vegetative organs wherefrom these they are carried in the snail shell, which is fed on the stinging nettle plant. Also, results shown that the nettle plant Urtica dioica can be used in phytoremediation process whereas snail Helix pomatia can be used like bioindicator of heavy metal pollution.
Na ile zastosowanie wentylacji wyporowej przyczynia się do poprawy warunków komfortu i jakości powietrza w obiektach produkcyjnych? Co wpływa na jej dobre lub złe funkcjonowanie? Jakimi analizami muszą być poprzedzone decyzje dotyczące doboru urządzeń?
Przetwórstwo oparte na pulsacyjnym polu elektrycznym jest techniką przyjazną dla środowiska, która może być skutecznie stosowana w wielu aplikacjach związanych z przetwarzaniem żywności, takich jak inaktywacja mikroorganizmów czy enzymów, odzyskiwanie związków bioaktywnych, odwadnianie i zamrażanie I wiele innych. Kauczuk naturalny stosowany obecnie w przemyśle pochodzi głównie z przetworzonego mleczka zawierającego lateks, wydzielanego z drzew Hevea brasiliensis, naturalnie występujących w lasach dorzecza Amazonki [3]. Kauczuk naturalny jako unikalny biopolimer o specyficznych właściwościach często nie może być zastąpiony przez alternatywne syntetyczne materiały. Celem badań było określenie wpływu oddziaływania pulsacyjnego pola elektrycznego na proces koagulacji lateksu syntetycznego. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w Laboratorium Eksperymentalnych Technik Badawczych Produktów i Surowców Biologicznych. Zbadano wpływ oddziaływania pulsacyjnego pola elektrycznego o różnych wartościach napięcia elektrycznego i różnej liczbie impulsów elektrycznych na proces koagulacji lateksu syntetycznego. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdzają że oddziaływanie pulsacyjnego pola elektrycznego powoduje proces koagulacji lateksu syntetycznego. Najlepsze efekty procesu koagulacji lateksu syntetycznego, uzyskano po zastosowaniu 400 impulsów oddziaływań PEF oraz 30 kV ustawionego napięcia. Metoda PEF okazała się dobrym zastępstwem tradycyjnej metody koagulacji.
Pulsed electric field-based processing is an environmentally friendly technique that can be used effectively in many food processing applications, such as inactivation of microorganisms or enzymes, recovery of bioactive compounds, dehydration and freezing and many others. Natural rubber used in industry today is mainly derived from processed latex-containing milks secreted from Hevea brasiliensis trees, naturally found in the forests of the Amazon basin [3]. As a unique biopolymer with specific properties, natural rubber often cannot be replaced by alternative synthetic materials. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pulsed electric field interaction on the coagulation process of synthetic latex. The research was conducted in the Laboratory of Experimental Research Techniques of Biological Products and Raw Materials. The effect of pulsed electric field interaction with different values of electric voltage and different number of electric pulses on the coagulation process of synthetic latex was studied. The conducted research confirms that the interaction of pulsed electric field causes the coagulation process of synthetic latex. The best results of the coagulation process of synthetic latex, were obtained after the application of 400 pulses of PEF interactions and 30 kV of set voltage. The PEF method proved to be a good substitute for the traditional coagulation method.
Based on the analysis, it was shown that is possible to increase the local efficiency of waste management by establishing a Municipal Waste Management Plant in the Sądecki Subregion in the Małopolska Voivodeship. This is due to its convenient location and environmental conditions and the proposed solution minimising the negative impact of waste on the environment. In the plant planned for waste management, the weight of mixed waste will be 323.80 Mg per day in majority. On the basis of the forecast, it was shown that the largest decrease in the mass of waste will cover mixed waste and will exceed 800.00 Mg and segregated waste per capita in the amount exceeding 96 kg cap.-1 day-1, which results from a decrease of more than 5,000 in the number of inhabitants. The possibility of producing RDF with simultaneous rational reduction in the amount of deposited waste. The proposed solution should help to reduce the amount of deposited waste.
Na podstawie analizy wykazano, że istnieje możliwość zwiększenia lokalnie efektywności gospodarki odpadami poprzez utworzenia Zakładu Gospodarki Odpadami Komunalnymi w Subregionie Sądeckim na terenie Województwa Małopolskiego. Wynika to z dogodnych uwarunkowań lokalizacyjnych i środowiskowych oraz zaproponowanego rozwiązania minimalizującego negatywne odziaływanie odpadów na środowisko. W zakładzie przewidywanym do zagospodarowania odpadów w przewadze będzie pozostawała masa zmieszanych odpadów 323,80 Mg·dzień-1. Na podstawie prognozy wykazano, iż największy spadek masy odpadów obejmie zmieszane i przekroczy 800 Mg oraz segregowane w przeliczeniu na mieszkańca w ilości przekraczającej 96 kg·M-1·dzień-1, co wynika ze spadku liczby mieszkańców, przekraczającego 5 000. Za korzystaną uznano możliwość produkcji RDF z jednoczesnym racjonalnym ograniczaniem ilości deponowanych odpadów. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie powinno ograniczyć ilość deponowanych odpadów.
A constructed wetland may consume different levels of pollution in different types of wastewater. The focus of this study was the removal of heavy metals (Pb, Cr, and Cd) by plants and their fate in constructed wetland mesocosms. With hydraulic regime manipulation, heavy metals were retained in the ferric dewatered sludge either by adsorption to the carboxylate groups and iron oxy-hydroxide under anaerobic conditions or by co-precipitation with iron oxy-hydroxide under aerobic conditions. Under anaerobic conditions, most heavy metals accumulate in the bottom layer and decrease when moving to the top one. In turn, under aerobic conditions, most of the heavy metals accumulate in the bottom and top layers. Plants play a minor role in heavy metal removal. About 16% of total heavy metals added to the ferric dewatered treatment sludge were taken up by plants. Roots accumulated roughly 64% of the total lead take up by plants, 66% of the chromium, and 63% of the cadmium, respectively, and passed 36%, 34%, and 37% of the aboveground tissues for harvesting. As a conclusion of this study, when constructed wetland is used, the role of hydraulic regime, substance used, and vegetation should not be ignored in the process of wastewater purification in constructed wetland.
For the last 20 years researchers have tried to create new approaches of managing urban ecosystem by using remote sensing methods. The authors estimated the normalized vegetation index (NDVI) and moisture index (NDMI) indices of Kyiv and propose an approach which can be used for estimation vegetation of other cities. The aim of the study was to assess the indicators of NDVI and NDMI in Kyiv for the last 5 years. The authors consider the NDVI index as an important ecostabilizing component of the urban ecosystem, as well as an indicator of the well-being citizens in a modern city. The study used space images of the Sentinel-2 satellite system with resolution of 10×10 m and 10×20 m. The images were decrypted using the Sentinel Hub platform which updates the data-base daily. The paper presents the results of correlation analysis using Statistica-6.0 software and demonstrate the close relationship (r = 0.73, r2 = 0.55) between NDVI and NDMI. Thus, the statistical results of the study confirm a strong correlation between photosynthetic activity of plants and indicators of their water content by satellite imagery which allows using modern satellite technologies to assess the functional state of the urban vegetation. The changes in the length of active vegetative growth period were identified by NDVI and NDMI. The results of the research expand the directions of the methods of monitoring the condition of the urban vegetation cover in the aspect of applied landscape research.
W artykule przedstawiono krótki opis wyboru maszyny TBM Slurry/Mix (tarcza zawiesinowa) zastosowanej w budowie drogowego tunelu w Świnoujściu, a także opis i działanie zaplecza TBM.
The article presents a brief description of the selection of the Slurry/Mix TBM used in the construction of the road tunnel in Świnoujście, as well as description of TBM plants and gantries.
In commercially available generation III and III+ PWR (pressurized water reactor) reactors, pressure of steam produced in steam generators varies in a relatively wide range from 5.7 to 7.8 MPa. Therefore, it is important to ask which value of steam pressure should be used for a specific unit, taking into account different location conditions, the size of the power system and conditions of operation with other sources of electricity generation. The paper analyzes the effect of steam pressure at the outlet of a steam generator on the performance of a PWR nuclear power plant by presenting changes in gross and net power and efficiency of the unit for steam pressures in the range of 6.8 to 7.8 MPa. In order to determine losses in the thermal system of the PWR power plant, in particular those caused by flow resistance and live steam throttling between the steam generator and the turbine inlet, results concerning entropy generation in the thermal system of the power plant have been presented. A model of a nuclear power plant was developed using the Ebsilon software and validated based on data concerning the Olkiluoto Unit 3 EPR (evolutionary power reactor) power plant. The calculations in the model were done for design conditions and for a constant thermal power of the steam generator. Under nominal conditions of the Olkiluoto Unit 3 EPR power unit, steam pressure is about 7.8 MPa and the steam dryness fraction is 0.997. The analysis indicates that in the assumed range of live steam pressure the gross power output and efficiency increase by 32 MW and 0.735 percentage point, respectively, and the net power output and efficiency increase by 27.8 MW and 0.638 percentage point, respectively. In the case of all types of commercially available PWR reactors, water pressure in the primary circuit is in the range of 15.5−16.0 MPa. For such pressure, reducing the live steam pressure leads to a reduction in the efficiency of the unit. Although a higher steam pressure increases the efficiency of the system, it is necessary to take into account the limitations resulting from technical and economic criteria as well as operating conditions of the primary circuit, including the necessary DNBR (departure from nucleate boiling ratio) margin. For the above reasons, increasing the live steam pressure above 7.8 MPa (the value used in EPR units that have already been completed) is unjustified, as it is associated with higher costs of the steam generator and the high-pressure part of the turbine.
India economy depends on agriculture with severe climatic changes and a heavy infestation of diseases depleting food crop yield substantially. Rapid identification and real-time infestation feedback that affects plants are accomplished through computer vision and IoT, thereby providing a reliable system for farmers to increase the season’s growth yield. With LSTM, CNN provides an efficient way of identifying diseases specific leaf in plants through image recognition techniques. An extensive collection of plant leaf images is trained to recognize season-specific diseases like early blight and late blight, leaf mold, and yellow leaf curl. The proposed CNN model identifies the infestation with high accuracy and precision with significantly fewer training epochs. The proposed model provides an efficient way of identifying leaf borne infestation pertained to a particular agricultural region. Furthermore, there is a need to increase and improve different region-specific infestations that arise due to climatic and seasonal changes.
Content available remote Compost produced with addition of sewage sludge as a source of Fe and Mn for plant
Direct application of sewage sludge to soil is controversial due to, among others, its highly variable composition, odour, and risks for health. The obtained composts with the addition of sewage sludge were tested for the contents and availability of manganese and iron. Once composts were applied to the soil, their effect on the content and availability of Mn and Fe in soil and bioaccumulation in the plant were determined. The addition of sewage sludge enriched composts with manganese and iron, but did not increase the content of water-extracted forms of Mn and Fe. The compost with addition of biochar had more organic matter-bound forms of Mn and Fe. Composts amended with sewage sludge had lower effect on the amount of Poa pratensis L. biomass than maize straw compost. The content of Mn and Fe in Poa pratensis L. was in the range permissible for biomass used as fodder. Smaller addition of all composts to the soil significantly increased the content of mobile manganese forms; however, neither the type nor the dose had effect on the content of iron mobile forms. There was no significant differences in the content of organic matter-bound forms of Mn and Fe in soil after the application of composts.
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