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System TMS zwiększa efektywność planowania transportu poprzez identyfikację optymalnych tras do realizacji transportu, uwzględniających koszty paliwa i długość trasy.
Rosnące znaczenie transportu zbiorowego wymusza zmiany organizacji przewozów. W utrwalonym standardzie podziału kompetencji pomiędzy organizatora i operatorów komunikacji, wraz z intensyfikacją dynamicznych zaburzeń przewozów i wzrostem oczekiwań pasażerów, problemem stał się brak możliwości bieżącej wymiany danych pomiędzy tymi instytucjami. Obecny, asynchroniczny model współpracy opiera się o dwa odrębne systemy informatyczne, osobne bazy danych z niespójnymi pod względem formatu i zakresu danymi. Wymiana jest realizowana przy pomocy wydruków, plików .xml lub baz pośrednich z dużym udziałem ręcznej edycji, co jest to przyczyną opóźnień w pracy, licznych błędów, nieporozumień, a w konsekwencji obniżeniem jakości usług przewozowych i ich wysokim kosztem. Niedostrzeganym dotąd rozwiązaniem jest zmiana modelu na synchroniczną współpracę obu instytucji, poprzez wdrożenie jednolitego oprogramowania i jednej wspólnej bazy danych. Wówczas wszyscy użytkownicy, ze strony organizatora, jak i operatorów komunikacji, zgodnie z przydzielonym uprawnieniami pracują równocześnie, w czasie rzeczywistym, w oparciu o jednolitą topologię i spójne dane o przewozach. W takim systemie nie ma błędów, opóźnień, możliwe jest planowanie wszystkich typów transportu w jednym systemie, a przede wszystkim możliwa jest optymalizacja na każdym etapie planowania, co w efekcie przyczynia się do polepszenia jakości przewozów i znacznego obniżenia kosztów. Jest to wystarczający powód do niezwłocznego wprowadzenia jako standardu, nowego, synchronicznego modelu współpracy organizatora i operatorów transportu publicznego według propozycji zawartej w artykule.
The growing importance of public transport forces changes to the organization of transport. In the established standard of the division of competences between the organizer and transport operators, along with the intensification of dynamic transport disturbances and the increase in passenger expectations, the lack of the possibility of ongoing data exchange between these institutions has become a problem. The current asynchronous cooperation model is based on two separate IT systems, separate databases with inconsistency in terms of format and scope of data. The exchange is carried out using printouts, .xml files or intermediate databases with a large share of manual editing, which causes delays in work, numerous errors, misunderstandings and, consequently, a reduction in the quality of transport services and their high cost. A solution that has not been noticed so far is the change of the model to synchronous cooperation between both institutions, by implementing a uniform software and one common database. Then all users on the part of the organizer and transport operators, in accordance with the allocated rights, work simultaneously, in real time, based on a uniform topology and consistent transport data. In such a system, there are no errors, delays, it is possible to plan all types of transport in one system, and above all, it is possible to optimize at every stage of planning, which in turn contributes to the improvement of the quality of transport and a significant reduction in costs. This is a sufficient reason to immediately introduce a new, synchronous model of cooperation between the organizer and public transport operators as a standard proposed in the article.
Wybór proponowanych do realizacji projektów infrastrukturalnych, które zapewnią osiąganie celów rozwojowych, jest jednym z kluczowych zagadnień planowania. W Polsce, w obszarze strategicznego planowania rozwoju infrastruktury transportowej, metody wspomagania decyzji nie są kompleksowo stosowane. Artykuł ten ma na celu wypełnienie tej luki za pomocą modelu decyzyjnego rozwoju transportu z zastosowaniem logiki rozmytej. Zaprezentowana metoda umożliwia ocenę projektów kolejowych i drogowych względem grupy kryteriów odpowiadających głównym paradygmatom rozwoju, tj. zrównoważonemu rozwojowi i jakości życia. W celu praktycznego zastosowania logiki rozmytej wykorzystano moduł Fuzzy Logic Toolbox dostępny w pakiecie MATLAB. Model rozwoju obejmuje definicję zmiennych lingwistycznych odpowiadających kryteriom decyzyjnym, funkcje przynależności, reguły wnioskowania oraz ocenę wyników. Model został zastosowany do oceny dwóch rzeczywistych projektów infrastrukturalnych w zakresie linii kolejowej i drogi. Rozważania przeprowadzone w tym artykule wskazują na przydatność logiki rozmytej do wspomagania decyzji w planowaniu rozwoju transportu.
The selection of infrastructure projects proposed for implementation that will ensure the achievement of development objectives is one of the key planning issues. In Poland, in the area of strategic planning of infrastructure development, methods of supporting decision-making, are currently not applied comprehensively. The article aims to address this gap with Fuzzy Logic-based Decision Model for Transport System Development. The presented method allows to assess infrastructure development projects in road and rail transport against a number of criteria corresponding to the main development directions, i.e. sustainable development and quality of life. To allow practical application of fuzzy logic, the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox package available in the MATLAB environment has been employed. The developed model contains defined linguistic variables reflecting the decision-making criteria, membership functions, inference rules as well as assessment results. Model was applied in two real-life project evaluation cases of rail and road infrastructure projects. The deliberations described in this paper indicate the applicability of fuzzy logic for supporting decision-making in planning transport development.
Dokonujące się w ostatnich latach remonty i otwarcia linii tramwajowych w polskich miastach prowokują do porównań i refleksji z analogiczną praktyką i długą tradycją za granicą. Przedmiotem tego artykułu jest relacja przestrzenna między kompleksami wielorodzinnej zabudowy mieszkaniowej a linią tramwajową. Oczywiście przyjęte rozwiązania różnią się od siebie, tym niemniej widać na Zachodzie wyraźny trend do zbliżania obu elementów do siebie, mimo kosztów środowiskowych, które linie szynowe powodują. W modelowym ujęciu bardzo liczne są przypadki prowadzenia trasy „środkiem struktur”, wskutek czego powstają warunki do symbiozy, w myśl zasad urbanizacji zorientowanej na transport publiczny (transit oriented development – TOD). Występuje ono czasem w klasycznej postaci odpowiednio intensywnej zabudowy sprowokowanej wcześniejszą budową tramwaju, a czasem w postaci odwróconej – z wtórnym wprowadzeniem tramwaju we wcześniej istniejące struktury. Niekiedy zaś mamy przypadki mieszane, w którym dokonuje się uzupełnienia zabudowy towarzyszącej korytarzom tramwajowym – nie zawsze tylko mieszkaniowej, ale często także usługowej, dopełniając program osiedli i dzielnic, korzystając z potencjału ekonomicznego wynikającego z obecności użytkowników tramwaju. Obudowa korytarzy linii tramwajowych sprzyja tworzeniu przyjaznego środowiska urbanistycznego i skraca drogi dojścia. Sposób, w jaki uniknięto przeskalowania przestrzeni i zbyt dominującego ruchu decyduje o dobrym rozwiązaniu problemu. Liczne przykłady mogłyby posłużyć za wzorzec dla miast polskich.
The renovation and opening of tram lines in Polish cities in recent years provoke comparisons with similar practice and long tradition abroad. The subject of this article is the spatial relationship between multi-family residential complexes and a tram line. Of course, the solutions adopted differ from each other, but there is a clear trend in the West to bring both elements closer to each other, despite the environmental costs that rail lines cause. In the model approach, there are numerous cases of planning the route through the "centre of structures", which creates conditions for symbiosis in terms of "transit oriented development" (TOD). Sometimes it appears in the classic form of intensive building up provoked by the earlier construction of the tram, and sometimes in a reversed form - with retrofitting tram into previously existing structures. Sometimes there are mixed cases, with structural infills next to tram corridors – not always just residential, but often with service facilities, complementing the program of housing estates and districts aimed to capitalise on the economic potential which results from the presence of tram users. Infilling the tram line strips fosters the creation of a friendly urban environment and shortens the access routes. How space overscaling and overly dominant traffic are avoided is decisive for a good solution to the problem. Numerous examples could serve as a model for Polish cities.
Transportation appraisal has a potential important role in prioritization of transportation investment projects and other transportation measures. Appraisal practices vary much over countries and time, but these differences are not fully known. More knowledge on the variation in practices may contribute to smoother knowledge exchange between countries and more informed choices in the further development of each national practice. In this paper, we present both an updated mapping and a meta-analysis of impact coverage in national appraisal guidelines for transportation measures and spatial measures more generally. Our updated mapping of impact coverage covers 18 national and regional guideline sets and 44 sorts of impact. It shows rather similar overall impact coverage in the reviewed guidelines for economic, social and environmental impacts. The most advanced appraisal practices are found in Northern and Western Europe and Oceania. We find that supplementary quantitative analyses are most common for economic impacts, while multi-criteria analyses are most common for environmental impacts. Our meta-analysis covers ours and 15 earlier impact mappings, jointly covering 42 countries and regions. In this examination, we show how impact coverage in appraisal practices has improved over time, particularly for environmental, user and wider economic impacts. The meta-analysis also reveals that Western and Northern European and Oceanian countries and dependencies have had the widest impact coverage from 1998 to 2020, both in CB and overall. To examine what characterize countries with broad and narrow impact coverage, we have applied econometric regression models that are linear (i.e. linear least squares), quasi-linear (i.e. Tobit) and fractional response-based (i.e. fractional probit and fractional logit). In these regression analyses, we control for study-specific characteristics and clustering the standard errors on countries. Our results show that the CB impact coverage tends to increase with economic wealth, equality and population size in developed countries, while we find no such patterns for overall impact coverage.
Deliberations on transport development indicate that planning is its most significant aspect. One of the key issues in planning is selecting infrastructure projects for completion that will contribute to achieving the development objectives. The important functions of planning, as well as its complexity, indicate the need to use solutions in the decision-making support field. In Poland, in the area of strategic planning of infrastructure development, methods of supporting decision-making aimed at selecting infrastructure projects, taking into account their degree of compliance with strategic goals, are currently not applied comprehensively. The paper aims to address this gap with MCDA solution basing on review of literature combined with the authors’ experience in transport planning. Therefore, authors presented a proposed tool for supporting decision-making in planning transport development on a strategic level. The presented method allows for assessing infrastructure development projects in road and rail transport. Such assessments take into account a number of criteria corresponding to the main development directions, i.e. sustainable development and quality of life. Due to the method of formulating development objectives, it has been decided that it will be advantageous to apply fuzzy logic, which enables using natural language in decision-making support systems. To allow practical application of fuzzy logic, the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox package available in the MATLAB environment has been employed. The developed model contains a structure along with defined linguistic variables reflecting the decision-making criteria; also, it includes membership functions, inference rules as well as assessment results. The paper also defines the algorithm of decision-making support procedure. For verification purposes, the decision support model was applied in several real-life project evaluation cases, including a variety of projects in construction, development, and renovation of rail and road infrastructure. The deliberations de scribed in this paper indicate the usefulness of fuzzy logic for supporting decision-making in planning transport development. It’s beneficial that the defined criteria can be applied in the case of projects in early preparation phase, enabling their practical application. Implementation of the solution in the MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox enables achieving fast results of the assessment of decision-maker preference level.
W artykule omówiono najważniejsze aspekty dotyczące planowania tras przewozu ładunków niebezpiecznych wynikające z przepisów umowy ADR. Poruszono w nim między innymi kwestie związane z planowaniem transportu drogowego tego rodzaju materiałów, problemem wyznaczania bezpiecznych tras, umożliwiających dostawę na czas. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwość zastosowania narzędzi do symulacji komputerowej wspomagającej planowanie transportu ładunków niebezpiecznych. Zaprezentowano sposób wykorzystania oprogramowania komputerowego do modelowania i symulacji 3D oraz ProcessFlow do tworzenia bloków decyzyjnych.
The article discusses the most important aspects regarding the planning of dangerous goods transport routes resulting from the provisions of the ADR agreement. Among other things, it touched upon issues related to road transport planning of this type of materials, the problem of setting safe routes, enabling timely delivery. Attention is paid to the possibility of using computer simulation tools supporting the planning of transport of dangerous goods. The method of using computer software for 3D modeling and Simulation and ProcessFlow for creating decision blocks has been presented.
The current state of mobility in our cities is still showing worse and worse transport, security and environmental conditions. The most common problem of traffic services in cities is the inability to arrange the conditions for the transport of persons and the transport of goods and services. Inappropriate conditions are evident mainly in traffic congestion, which cause significant time losses for all users of the means of transport (mass transport of persons is not exemption). The daily practice proves that one of the crucial conditions not only for the satisfaction of the inhabitants, but also for the city’s own functionality is the high-quality, fast, safe and dynamic transport and also parking on its territory. Increasing and widespread traffic collapse in cities is caused by two factors. The first is an enormous increase in car traffic which significantly limiting other types of transport. The second is an inappropriate localization of various activities and facilities. Unregulated urban development is caused by disregarding the landuse plan and cities have unregulated construction. This results in inadequate traffic requirements in specific areas, which significantly exceed the capacities of transport communications. In our papers are described mentioned problems and, as a deterrent example, we introduce the city of Žilina.
This article presents the methodology of information analysis, required for planning safe road transport of sensitive cargoes. Based on the literature studies we found that the traditional approaches applied to analyze traffic information are insufficient to ensure safe transport of sensitive loads as they fail to take into account several threatening factors. In addition, the need was noted to develop the procedures that may allow to choose a transport route considering appearance of so-called high-risk zones within road infrastructure, analyze the interdependence of such zones with errors made during the design or operation of road infrastructure and investigate the impact of road traffic on the frequency of road accidents involving Heavy Goods Vehicle. Therefore, article aims to present an integrated approach to traffic information analysis. Thus a multiple stage data ordering procedures were proposed, based on grouping information on accident rates and inclusion of audit results of selected route sections. Considering that transport infrastructure plays an important role in transport safety, the proposed methodology includes the analysis of errors in infrastructure and a merger in the sections the detected risk zones within the road infrastructure in any location. Application of this methodology can improve the planning of road transport of sensitive cargoes. Its verification was carried out on the example of a selected route running through Poland. During the audit of the route, it was found that a number of incorrect design solutions were applied on its separate sections, which may lead to high values of the severity factor for potential collisions and indicator of possible post-accidental losses. As a result of the research, the areas of the route were identified, where high-risk zones are located that threaten the safety of road traffic of vehicles, including those carrying sensitive loads. Research results may be of interest for those, who are involved in planning and organization of sensitive cargo transport, both in domestic and in international relations.
A primary goal of the Internet of Things is to create smart spaces, including smart cities and intelligent transportation system (ITS). One of the ITS variants is smart hybrid public transportation system, whose efficient development requires a broad support from the side of information and communication technologies (ICT). For such a system to function optimally, vehicles that are part of it have to be able to exchange data with other road users and road infrastructure. This applies especially to autonomous vehicles, whose trajectories may be in the future controlled through the vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication network. In the paper we propose a system that can be used to optimize the boundaries of relatively small suburban zones, in which public autonomous vehicles would be allowed to operate. Vehicles of this type may offer the transport only to the nearest local railway stations, from which the travel to the central city of the agglomeration would be continued for example by train. The concept of the proposed solution is based on the Voronoi diagrams, in which particular suburban train stations are treated as local attractors. The proposed software system in one of its stages uses Google Maps engine that allows for the determination of road distances and travel times between particular towns. On the basis of such data it determines the mentioned zones. Their boundaries, as well as optimal routes in a given period of the day may be communicated to the vehicles through the V2I system. The system performance is presented for an exemplary case of Poznan city, Poland.
Summary. This research is an attempt to compare engineering solutions for traffic intersections from a planning viewpoint. In this research, various solutions have been discussed for traffic intersections (traffic light, roundabout, underpass and overpass). The research highlighted the importance of each of these solutions in urban environments and clarified all variables related to the pros, cons, costs, capacity and environmental compatibility of each of these solutions with the surrounding urban environment. Weights were developed for all these variables, then correlation was determined using the linear regression method. The analysis of statistical results shows that the creation of underpasses often achieves most of the designated goals when compared to other solutions, despite some technical difficulties and high construction costs.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z pasami postojowymi dla taksówek w Poznaniu. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie problematyki zarządzania pasem drogowym oraz niespójności jego oznakowania. W celu analizy właściwego wykorzystania pasa drogowego wybrano 11 różnych postojów taksówek, dla których przeprowadzono pomiary. Badania pozwoliły określić kierunki zmian dla wybranych postojów, tj. ich utrzymanie lub likwidacja. Przedstawione wyniki badań wykazały, że w większości przypadków postoje taksówek nie są przystosowane do faktycznych potrzeb. Z kolei analizy oznakowania pokazały, że sposób oznakowywania narzucony przez rozporządzenie jest sprzeczny z zapisami ogólnymi ustawy i prowadzi do dezorientacji kierowców. Ostatecznie autorzy zaproponowali procedurę klasyfikacji postojów, w której uwzględniono trzy kryteria: średnia liczbę oczekujących taksówek, bezpieczeństwo miejsc postojowych oraz wykorzystanie ich przez inne pojazdy.
The article presents issues of taxi bays in Poznan city. The purpose of this article is characteristics of management of the road lanes and proper markings of the road signs. In order to analyse the proper use of the road lane, the measurements were made for 11 several taxi bays (passengers taxi stops). The research allowed to determine the directions of changes for selected taxis bays i.e. maintenance, liquidation. It shows that in most cases taxi bays 260 Jakub Wiecanowski, Marcin Kiciński are not adapted to actual needs. However, the analysis of the taxi bays indicates the lack of justification for maintaining the current state and the necessity of introducing thorough changes. The authors proposed the classifications procedure of taxi stops. The procedure included three criteria: the average number of parking taxis, safety and effectiveness of taxi stands.
Niniejsza praca ma na celu przybliżyć pojęcia z zakresu metod probabilistycznych w zadaniu planowania trasy przejazdu w systemach telematycznych. W zadaniu klasyfikacji zastosowano model bazujący na probabilistycznym klasyfikatorze Bayesa i funkcji gęstości prawdopodobieństwa. W części pierwszej pracy zostały opisane problemy planowania tras przejazdów we współczesnych systemach telematycznych. Część druga zawiera teoretyczne podstawy klasyfikatorów bazujących na twardych metodach matematycznych. Aby taki model miał jakikolwiek sens, należy uwzględnić pomniejsze rodzaje ryzyka związane z procesem transportu. Artykuł prezentuje metodę doboru najbardziej optymalnych parametrów do zadania planowania transportu. Tutaj niewątpliwie autor artykułu zwraca uwagę na metodę redukcji zmiennych niezbędnych do planowania z zastosowaniem metody analizy czynnikowej składowych głównych z metoda rotacji czynników Varimax znormalizowaną metodą Kaisera dla cech ilościowych. Rozdział trzeci poświęcony jest procesowi planowania tras przejazdu, ryzyku jakie jest z tym planowaniem związane.
This paper aims to familiarize readers with notions related to probabilistic methods used for planning routes in telematics systems. The classification task made use of the model based on probabilistic Bayes’ classifier and the probability density function. The first part of the paper describes problems with planning routing in contemporary telematics systems. The second part covers a theoretical basis of classifiers based on hard mathematical methods. If such a model is to make sense, it should account for smaller kinds of risk related to a transport process. This paper presents a method of selecting the most optimal parameters in transport planning. Its author draws attention to the variable reduction method necessary for planning supported by a factor analysis of principal components together with Varimax rotation normalized with Kaiser’s method for quantitative features. The third part is devoted to the process of planning routes and the related risk.
The paper presents the application of the Multiple Criteria Decision Aid/Making (MCDA/MCDM) methodology in the assessment of the development of different scenarios for an urban public transportation system (UPTS). This methodology allows considering several conflicting objectives and performing the evaluation process in a comprehensive manner. This approach also corresponds to the holistic philosophy: different aspects (economic, technical, social etc.) and interest groups – stakeholders (operators, passengers, city government etc.). The MCDA/MCDM methodology is specifically customized to the real life case study – urban public transportation system in the city of Cracow (Poland). A family of 10 criteria is proposed to evaluate several solutions (W) for a UPTS in terms of their usefulness and attractiveness for different stakeholders. These criteria take into account: travel time and standard, effectiveness of the fleet use, environment friendliness, the level of integration and reliability of the UPTS, safety and security, the profitability and availability of the UPTS, investment costs. Considering the possible solutions, the 6 alternatives were designed heuristically and compared with the current state (denotation of alternative W0). Based on the analysis, for the final considerations compared with the current alternative, 7 new solutions of the integrated urban public transportation in Cracow were adopted, denoted as: W1 (bus/rail alternative: integration of high-speed agglomeration rail with bus transportation), W2 (rail/tram/bus alternative: integration of high-speed agglomeration rail with tram and bus transport system), W3 (alternative with the underground: integration of the underground with high-speed agglomeration rail and with tram and bus transport system), W4 (tram/rail alternative: integration of high-speed agglomeration rail with tram transport), W5 (Tram alternative: integration of tram transport with bus transport), W5A (tram alternative: sub-alternative to the alternative W5, integration of tram transport), W6 (dual-mode tram alternative: integration of dual-mode tram transport). The variants of the scenarios for the urban public transportation system were generated by VISUM computer macro-simulation software. The computational experiment was carried out with the practical application of different Multiple Criteria Decision Aid/Making methods: AHP (Expert Choice program) and Electre III (software package Diviz).
This paper aims to familiarize readers with notions related to probabilistic methods used for planning routes in telematics systems. The classification task made use of the model based on probabilistic Bayes’ classifier and the probability density function. The first part of the paper describes problems with planning routing in contemporary telematics systems. The second part covers a theoretical basis of classifiers based on hard mathematical methods. If such a model is to make sense, it should account for smaller kinds of risk related to a transport process. This paper presents a method of selecting the most optimal parameters in transport planning. Its author draws attention to the variable reduction method necessary for planning supported by a factor analysis of principal components together with Varimax rotation normalized with Kaiser’s method for quantitative features. The third part is devoted to the process of planning routes and the related risk.
Praca ma na celu przybliżyć pojęcia z zakresu metod probabilistycznych w zadaniu planowania trasy przejazdu w systemach telematycznych. W zadaniu klasyfikacji zastosowano model bazujący na probabilistycznym klasyfikatorze Bayesa i funkcji gęstości prawdopodobieństwa. W części pierwszej pracy zostały opisane problemy planowania tras przejazdów we współczesnych systemach telematycznych. Część druga zawiera teoretyczne podstawy klasyfikatorów bazujących na twardych metodach matematycznych. Aby taki model miał jakikolwiek sens, należy uwzględnić pomniejsze rodzaje ryzyka związane z procesem transportu. Artykuł prezentuje metodę doboru najbardziej optymalnych parametrów do zadania planowania transportu. Tutaj niewątpliwie zwraca się uwagę na metodę redukcji zmiennych niezbędnych do planowania z zastosowaniem metody analizy czynnikowej składowych głównych z metodą rotacji czynników Varimax znormalizowaną metodą Kaisera dla cech ilościowych. Rozdział trzeci poświęcony jest procesowi planowania tras przejazdu i ryzyku jakie jest z tym planowaniem związane.
Транспортная отрасль России характеризуется огромным числом проблем системного характера, связанных в первую очередь с нехваткой эффективных специалистов. Как показывает опыт передовых в этом отношении стран, особого внимания заслуживает образование специалистов в области транспортного планирования.
The transport sector of Russia is characterized by a huge number of problems of a systemic nature, linked primarily with lack of effective professionals. As the experience of advanced countries, deserves special attention the education of specialists in the field of transport planning.
The irregularities of evolutionary development, continuous improvement of environmental component into transport and raise many unsolved problem in the fields of transport in logistics systems and material flows management. The city parameters analyses had highlighted connections with transport services technology. Also the distribution stage of the logistic chain, which consists of following market participants: incoming material flow, retailers and Transportation Company (carrier) in different cities has been considered. Transportation service is made by road transport. The paper compares results of transportation servicing in different cities and logistic chains with same technology. As performance indicator net present value has been used. Existing criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of distribution of material flows does not sufficiently take into account the time value of money and possible options for investment, so when estimating the performance of servicing of business investment indicators should be used. Paper should elucidate the impact of cities on the transport service efficacy. Practical suggestions on logistics system functioning and transportation service of retailers in urban area have been proposed. Obtained results discovered overall impact of city’s parameters (density of streets and roads network’ irregularity factor; automobilizationlevel; urban square; scheme of road network; city radius) on logistics according to model which include more than 50 parameters and allows finding regularities of changing logistics efficiency on them.
W artykule przedstawiono studium przypadku dotyczące wybranych aspektów związanych z transportem materiałów niebezpiecznych w przedsiębiorstwie spedycyjno-logistycznym. We wstępie przedstawiono szczegółową klasyfikację materiałów niebezpiecznych na podstawie umowy dotyczącej międzynarodowego przewozu drogowego materiałów niebezpiecznych. Na podstawie przewozu materiału niebezpiecznego - kwasu azotowego pokazano uwarunkowania techniczne, które niezbędne są dla przewozu takiego ładunku. Poruszono w nim kwestie przepisów BHP przy przewozie towarów niebezpiecznych oraz postępowanie w sytuacjach awaryjnych.
The article presents some aspects of the transportation of hazardous materials on the example of logistics company. In the introduction the author presents a detailed classification of hazardous materials in accordance with the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road. Technical conditions which are necessary in this kind of transportation are also described in the article on the example of the transport of nitric acid. It presents the issues of health and safety regulations for the transportation of dangerous goods and emergency handling.
This paper deals with the problem of selection the most suitable trip-modelling tool (TMT), which is a part of the more complex integrated transport planning system (ITPS) at the regional scale. Since an application of TMT is not autonomous and several different users exist the selection problem is not a trivial. In this paper, an original five-phase selection procedure is presented. The first phase consists in specification of both, detailed expectations of all identified users and technical requirements of ITPS. Second phase deals with research on available TMT while a third one is concentrated on defining a comprehensive set of criteria. In this phase critical criteria as well as selection criteria are defined. First one is utilised to eliminate unacceptable TMTs in phase four and second one to evaluate and select most adequate TMT in phase five. In the paper an exemplary application of this procedure is presented. The authors have defined 2 critical criteria and a set of 19 selection criteria. The last one is divided into 3 main subsets, i.e. functional, technical and financial contexts of selection process. All the selection criteria are characterised by 43 sub-criteria and some of them are more detailed extended. Using this procedure 3 out of 6 alternative TMTs including Emme, Aimsun and Visum have been initially accepted and next evaluated. Finally, Visum has been selected and recommended for application into ITPS.
The urban sustainable transport policies are very different in terms of costs and expected benefits, and the effects of these policies and their combinations are difficult to anticipate on a purely intuitive basis and sometimes the end effect could be contrary to intuitive expectations (e.g. policies aimed to reduce pollution, ending up in increasing it). In this context, the concept of eco-rational planning assumes a central role. This means identifying the right mixture of interventions to be implemented on the transport system that is: rational for the transport system and sustainable for people’s health and for the environmental and requires minimal economic resources. Starting from the results of the compendium paper (Part 1), the paper investigate on non-rational sustainable transport policies through an ex-post analysis on real casa application in Naples (Italy).
Polityki zrównoważonego transportu miejskiego są bardzo różne pod względem kosztów i spodziewanych korzyści. Skutki polityk i ich kombinacje są trudne do przewidzenia na podstawie czysto intuicyjnej i czasem efekt może być sprzeczny z oczekiwaniami (np. polityka zmierzające do zmniejszenia zanieczyszczenia, kończąca się jego zwiększeniem). W tym kontekście pojęcie ekoracjonalnego planowania zaczyna mieć podstawowe znaczenie. Oznacza to identyfikację odpowiedniego zestawu działań (w celu wdrożenia w systemie transportowym), który jest: racjonalny dla systemu transportu i zrównoważony dla zdrowia ludzi i dla środowiska oraz wymaga minimalnych zasobów gospodarczych. Począwszy od wyników pracy przedstawionych w części pierwszej, artykuł przedstawia niezbadane racjonalne polityki zrównoważonego transportu przez analizy prawdziwych przypadków zaistniałych w Neapolu (Włochy).
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