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Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be defined as the application of science and engineering with the intent of intelligent machine composition. It involves using tool based on intelligent behavior of humans in solving complex issues, designed in a way to make computers execute tasks that were earlier thought of human intelligence involvement. In comparison to other computational automations, AI facilitates and enables time reduction based on personnel needs and most importantly, the operational expenses. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of great interest and significance in petroleum exploration and production. Over the years, it has made an impact in the industry, and the application has continued to grow within the oil and gas industry. The application in E & P industry has more than 16 years of history with first application dated 1989, for well log interpretation; drill bit diagnosis using neural networks and intelligent reservoir simulator interface. It has been propounded in solving many problems in the oil and gas industry which includes, seismic pattern recognition, reservoir characterisation, permeability and porosity prediction, prediction of PVT properties, drill bits diagnosis, estimating pressure drop in pipes and wells, optimization of well production, well performance, portfolio management and general decision making operations and many more. This paper reviews and analyzes the successful application of artificial intelligence techniques as related to one of the major aspects of the oil and gas industry, drilling capturing the level of application and trend in the industry. A summary of various papers and reports associated with artificial intelligence applications and it limitations will be highlighted. This analysis is expected to contribute to further development of this technique and also determine the neglected areas in the field.
W publikacji przedstawiono problemy wykorzystania wyników testów DST w pracach związanych z rozpoznaniem i udostępnianiem złóż węglowodorów. Możliwość zastosowania wyników testów do projektowania technologii badań DST w rozpoznawanych złożach oraz podejmowanie decyzji technologicznych w trakcie udostępniania złóż przedstawiono na przykładzie utworów jury górnej–kredy dolnej zapadliska przedkarpackiego. W projektowaniu technologii testów DST zaproponowano wykorzystanie: wyników badań geofizycznych, prognozowania statystycznego warunków złożowych i parametrów technologicznych, wyników kontroli technicznej testu, stosowanych metod interpretacji oraz przetwarzania uzyskanych rezultatów. Omówiono możliwość zastosowania informacji uzyskanych z interpretacji testów DST w rozpoznawaniu złóż węglowodorów. Umożliwiają one określenie podstawowych parametrów złożowych, a także dokonanie szczegółowej diagnostyki złożowej możliwe dzięki oparciu na analizie i interpretacji rezultatów testów DST tradycyjną metodą Hornera oraz nowoczesną metodą log-log w zależności od jakości uzyskanych wykresów ciśnienia. Na przykładzie utworów jury górnej–kredy dolnej zapadliska przedkarpackiego przedstawiono sposób wykorzystania danych statystycznych uzyskanych z testów DST w projektowaniu kolejnych testów. Na podstawie opracowanych schematów blokowych wykazano, że dogłębna analiza technologii testów DST może poprawić jakość i kompletność uzyskiwanych rezultatów oraz umożliwić podejmowanie efektywnych decyzji technologicznych w procesie udostępniania złóż oraz oceny produktywności badanych utworów.
The problems related to the use of DST tests in works related to hydrocarbon deposits exploration and development are addressed in the paper. The possibility of using results of tests to designing DST technology in recognized deposits, and undertaking technological decisions in the development process are presented on the example of Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous strata of the Carpathian Foredeep. At the stage of designing, the following elements were planned to be taken into account in the DST technology: results of well logs, statistical predictions of reservoir conditions and technological parameters as well as results of technological check-ups of the test itself, applied interpretation methods and processing of obtained results. The possibility of using information obtained from interpretation of DST tests for hydrocarbon deposits recognition was considered. On this basis the main technological parameters can be determined and detailed reservoir diagnostics made on the basis of analysis and interpretation of DST results with traditional Horner method and new log-log method, depending on the quality of the obtained pressure logs. A method of using statistical data from DST tests for designing successive tests was presented on the example of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous strata in the Carpathian Foredeep. The analysis of the block diagrams revealed that a thorough study of the DST technology may increase the quality and completeness of the results and enable undertaking efficient technological decisions about the development of deposits and evaluating productivity of the analyzed strata.
Na podstawie reinterpretacji profilu sejsmicznego Użok- Borysław-Rudki zrekonstruowano model strukturalny wgłębnej budowy geologicznej Karpat i ich zapadliska w strefie transgranicznej z terytorium Polski w aspekcie oceny perspektyw ropogazonośności.
The structural model of subsurface geological structure of the Carpathians and their foredeep in the transfrontier zone between Ukraine and Poland was reconstructed. The model was analysed from the point of view of assessment of its petroleum prospects, on the basis of reinterpretation of the seismic section Użok – Borysław – Rudki.
In the Polish offshore Łeba (B) tectonic block in the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea the oil and gas fields are accumulated in Middle Cambrian quartzose sandstone, often fractured and diagenetically sealed at depth by advanced silification developed in reservoir around the petroleum deposit. Petroleum traps aremainly of structure-tectonic type, i.e., anticlines closed with strike-slip faults. At least four gas-condensate and four oil deposits of total reserves more than 10 Gm3 gas and 30 Mt oil were discovered by the “Petrobaltic” Co. in the Polish Baltic sector. The subsurface petroleum deposits in the Cambrian reservoir are the source of secondary vertical hydrocarbon migration to the surface which produces surface microseepages and hydrocarbon anomalies. Geochemical survey of the sea bottom sediments and waters run along seismic profiles was completed in 1999–2002 within a joint project of “Petrobaltic” Co. Gdańsk and the Fossil Fuels Dept., AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, approved by theMinistry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry. It was found that seafloor hydrocarbon anomalies are closely related to subsurface geologic structure and location of petroleum deposits. Particularly the faults as principal venues for vertical hydrocarbon migration are reflected in high-magnitude seafloor anomalies. Above petroleum field there occurs a “halo” effect of high-magnitude anomalies contouring the deposit with damping related to productive zone situated inbetween. Thus, the section of sea bottom anomalies over a petroleum deposit resembles the shape of a volcanic caldera. Positive subsurface structures manifest themselves as neotectonic features in the sea-floor morphology and as petrological variations of the bottom sediments. Along the contours of petroleum field, the sea-floor seeps of gas and submarine springs of subsurface water occur. These are seismically recognizable as gas chimneys, geysers, craters and effusive cones. The sea-floor geysers and springs disturb thermal and density stratification of sea water column. The submarine geochemical studies strictly correlated with seismic profiles may contribute greatly to offshore petroleum exploration and marine environmental protection.
Górnictwo naftowe zwykle ujmowane jest w opracowaniach statystycznych z punktu widzenia ilości udokumentowanych zasobów i wielkości wydobycia ropy i gazu, a więc od strony efektów. Niniejsza praca poświęcona jest natomiast analizie światowego górnictwa naftowego od strony nakładów, a mówiąc dokładniej - analizie ilości i trafności wierceń naftowych realizowanych w poszczególnych krajach i kontynentach w latach 1983-1998 z nawiązaniem do całego okresu po drugiej wojnie światowej. Analiza ta jest jak najbardziej celowa, gdyż trendy działalności wiertniczej (poszukiwawczej) zachowują się zupełnie inaczej niż trendy ilości udokumentowanych zasobów węglowodorów i wielkości ich wydobycia. Trendy zasobów i wydobycia odznaczają się bardzo dużą stabilnością, a w przypadku trendów światowych stałym wzrostem i przedmiotem dociekań ekonometrycznych może być jedynie kształt trendu (przejście z trendu wykładniczego do liniowego). Przy analizie trendów działalności wiertniczej napotyka się natomiast na bardzo silne wahania koniunkturalne, związane głównie z aktualną ceną ropy naftowej oraz dostępnością i ceną kapitału. W efekcie istnienia cykli koniunkturalnych, historię działalności poszukiwawczej za ropą naftową i gazem ziemnym na świecie w drugiej połowie XX wieku można podzielić na cztery oddzielne okresy: - okres powojenny (1946-1957) - budowy narodowych przemysłów naftowych w krajach rozwiniętych gospodarczo, potrzebujących dużych ilości paliw i energii; cechą charakterystyczną tego okresu jest boom wiertniczy w tych krajach i słaby jeszcze rozwój poszukiwań naftowych w krajach trzeciego świata, - okres przedkryzysowy (1958-1973) - industrializacji i otwarcia gospodarki przy taniej ropie naftowej; cechą charakterystyczną tego okresu jest gwałtowny zanik górniczych inwestycji naftowych w krajach rozwiniętych i wzrost roli krajów eksportujących ropę naftową, dysponujących złożami o dużej wydajności nie wymagającymi dużej ilości wierceń, - okres kryzysowy (1974-1982) - dwukrotnej drastycznej podwyżki cen ropy naftowej, czego efektem było gwałtowne ożywienie działalności wiertniczej na całej kuli ziemskiej zarówno w rejonach dużego zapotrzebowania na ropę i gaz, jak i w krajach eksportujących ropę, - okres pokryzysowy (1983-1998) - spadku cen ropy i dochodów firm naftowych, co doprowadziło do drastycznego spadku nakładów na górnictwo naftowe mimo rekordowego wzrostu wydobycia i zużycia ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego; cechą charakterystyczną tego okresu są wielkie zmiany w zarządzaniu przemysłem naftowym, ukierunkowane na utrzymanie się na rynku i skuteczną walkę z konkurencją.
Upstream activities of the petroleum industry are generally presented in categories of proved reserves and volume of crude oil and natural gas produced. This paper analyzes the upstream activities from the point of view of capital outlays. Number of wells drilled and success ratio in individual countries and continents for the period 1983-1998 is analyzed with the reference to the whole post-war period. Such the analysis is worthwhile as trends of drilling (exploration) activities are completely different from the trends of hydrocarbon proved reserves and oil and gas production. Trends of reserves and production are highly stable and world-wide trends increase, thus their econometric study may deal only with a shape of the trend (change from exponential to linear one). Drilling activity trends have, on the contrary, very strong cyclical fluctuations caused mainly by changes in crude oil prices and capital price and availability. The policy determined for the post-crises period is related in each case to the published results obtained for the previous periods. The detailed results are presented for 25 countries and regions. In Germany, Austria and France the decrease in drilling activity occurred to the never before observed level. The chaotic policy of investors has been found at average success ratio about 60% what means that new oil and gas fields were searched. Italy drilled more wells than its neighbors, with the similar success ratio. Decrease in upstream investments was observed also in the Netherlands where lower risk was taken (average success ratio 69%). A high increase in drilling expenditures occurred in countries operating on the North Sea (United Kingdom, Denmark and Norway). The investors used the opportunities - cost advantage and political events (collapse of Soviet Union and Persian Gulf War) - to strengthen their positions on oil and gas markets. The drilling activity in these countries concentrated on development of existing oil and gas fields (high success ratio) while search for new fields and long-term goals were neglected. The study of West-European exploration policy showed that upstream petroleum industry in this region "has aged" and is now similar to the exploration industry in USA and South America: shift to abnormal policy, high increase in success ratio, and low reserves to production ratio. The recession in the US upstream petroleum industry is discussed in detail. Old, low-productive and high-cost American oil and gas fields were eliminated from the market what caused the number of wells drilled annually to drop in the analyzed period from about 80 thousand to about 30 thousand, flow of capital outside USA and bankruptcy of many companies. The success ratio reached historical level of 75% and the proved reserves decreased. The new situation caused, however, the positive economic changes to occur: restructurization of the industry, mergers of companies, cutting costs, lowering employment etc. Opposite changes occurred in Canadian petroleum industry in the post-crisis period: the number of wells drilled and success ratio amounted to the never reported levels. In Mexico, the decrease in number of wells drilled and increase in success ratio were observed. Drop in drilling activity and success ratio increase occurred also in Venezuela and Brazil while in Argentina the post-crisis period has brought the highest historical level of upstream investing activity what placed the country on the third place in the free-market world - after USA and Canada - as regards number of wells drilled. African countries were not involved strongly in search of new oil and gas fields and their activity was concentrated rather on development of existing fields (average success ratio 75%). Low-cost hydrocarbon deposits enabled them to increase sales volume of oil and gas without substantial investments. Bigger changes occurred in exploration policy of Middle East countries where number of wells drilled amounted to the historical level at average success ratio of 87%. As this region produces oil at the lowest cost (2-3 dollars per barrel, while in Africa, South America, and Far East the cost is 6-7 dollars, and at least 10 dollars in Europe and USA), it was very attractive for the investors, to say nothing about low geological risk. The historical level of drilling activity was observed also in Indonesia at average success ratio of 81%. The only country highly interested in the search of new oil and gas fields and ready to take the high geological risk was Australia where the average success ratio for the post-crises period was only 51%. Intensive drilling activity was carried out also in India, Thailand and Malaysia, but their main goal was to develop existing fields. Summarizing the changes occurred in the post-crisis period, the increase in number of wells drilled was reported in oil exporting countries while number of wells decreased in countries of old oil industry and in oil importing countries. In total, the post-crisis period has brought the drop in upstream investments - the increase in number of wells drilled occurred only in 16 areas while strong decrease in 20 countries of 50 being analyzed in this paper. The total average success ratio for free-market countries was 73.5%. The substantial changes in world upstream petroleum industry that took place in post-crisis period are more evident if the period is split into two eight-year subperiods. In the first subperiod (1983-1990), 506 thousand of wells were drilled in the free-market world while in the second subperiod (1991-1998) only 335 thousand. The total average success ratio in the first subperiod was 70.9% while in the second subperiod amounted to 77.1%. The first change was caused by the shift of capital investment from upstream to down- stream activities, due to higher requirements in the field of environment protection and low profitability of drilling investments. The increase in success ratio was caused by high progress in exploration technology and by change in petroleum companies strategy. The low oil and gas prices and competitive market caused companies to abandon long-range planning of new discoveries and to start a low-cost exploitation of proved hydrocarbon reserves. The change in strategy caused that for the most of countries studied in this paper the chaotic exploration policy has been revealed and that econometric models used successfully for the previous periods are rather not significant for post-crisis period.
The TTI modelling demonstrated that the autochthonous Miocene strata located in the outer Miocene basin of the Carpathian Foredeep, north of the present edge of the Carpathian overthrust have generated only the microbial gas. In the part of the Miocene basin covered recently by the Carpathian overthrust the low-temperature thermogenic gases were generated down to 7,000 of meters depth. Finally, in the hypothetical zone of the Lower Miocene molasse located recently at depth interval 7,500-11,000 meters only the high-temperature thermogenic gases could be formed. Alternatively, at the site of the Lower Miocene molasse the depression filled with Upper Carboniferous coal-bearing formation may occur. Therefore, at depth beneath 7,500 meters, i.e. beneath the Carpathian overthrust the gas deposits can be expected. The maximum yield of the microbial methane generation within the autochthonous Miocene calculated for depth interval 900 to 1,500 meters is about 5 cubic meters per cubic meter of source rock. It is possible that the generation process of microbial methane still continues. Accumulation of microbial methane within the autochthonous Miocene strata was facilitated by high sedimentation rate and rhythmic and cyclic deposition of clays and sands.
The results of molecular and stable carbon isotope analyses of methane, ethane and propane, and stable hydrogen isotope analyses of methane to explain the origin of gaseous hydrocarbons accumulated in the whole Badenian and Early Sarmatian sequence of the Carpathian Foredeep, at the depths from 161 to 2,670 meters. Composition of tested gases is dominated by methane which concentration usually exceeds 98 vol. %. Methane was generated during carbon dioxide reduction pathway of microbial processes. Higher gaseous hydrocarbons (mainly ethane and propane) which are usually minor constituents (concentrations less than 0.2 vol. %), were generated during diagenetic processes and at the initial stage of the low-temperature thermogenic processes. Only the gas encountered in the Tamów-45 well, in the bottom part of Upper Badenian sequence a typical, high-temperature, thermogenic gas generated from the oil-prone, marine organic matter (type II kerogen) which remains at transformation level corresponding to 1.1-1.6% in vitrinite reflectance scale. This gas has migrated from the Mesozoic basement where such thermogenic gases were encountered. Natural gas accumulated in the Upper Jurassic carbonate trap of the Lubaczów field is typically microbial and has migrated from the autochthonous Miocene strata along the fault zone.
Geochemical studies on the organic matter from the autochthonous Miocene strata of the Carpathian Foredeep demonstrated the presence of gas-prone type 111 kerogen in both the Upper Badenian and Lower Sarmatian sediments with rare admixtures of algal type II kerogen. The TOC contents vary from 0.02 to 3.22 wt. %. Down to the depth 3,200 meters the organic matter is immature. Its transformation degree corresponds to the vitrinite reflectance R,,from 0.25 to 0.6% and to the Rock Eval Tmax temperatures from 415 to 438" C. Insignificant variability in spatial and depth distribution of geochemical parameters and indices (TOC, TE/TOC, Tmax, HI, R<>, CPI, etc.) suggest that deposition conditions of the organic matter were generally homogenous within the full thickness of Miocene sequence down to the recent depth about 3,200 meters. Such conditions resulted in the lack of diversity of the TOC, the genetic type and the transformation degree of the studied kerogen. The Miocene terrestrial OM is immature and generated almost exclusively the microbial methane. The low-temperature thermogenic processes have been active beneath the depth about 3,200 meters i.e., mainly under the Carpathian overthrust.
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