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Our significant contribution is to bring improvements to the level of existing formulations for the different layers of high-voltage underground cables using the concept of composite. This paper is focused on studying the impact of additives on the electric field behaviour in the different dielectric layers of a three-core XLPE power cable using Matlab software and a finite element approach in COMSOL Multiphysics software. This study is an extension of previous studies only interested in the insulating part of the cables. The reduction in the electric field with the augmentation of fillers was observed, and it’s very significant in insulating layers. In semiconducting layers, it also leads to an increase in the electric field in the insulation layers. While in the other dielectrics layers, there is no effect. The results indicate that the electric field strength could be controlled by adjusting the relative permittivity of the dielectrics by adding single or multiple particles.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych próbek izolacji celulozowo-aramidowej NOMEX®910 impregnowanej estrem syntetycznym MIDEL®7131, w postaci charakterystyk dyspersyjnych pojemności, współczynnika strat dielektrycznych oraz zespolonej przenikalności w zakresie częstotliwości napięcia pomiarowego od 10 mHz do 5 MHz. Celem badań była analiza wpływu stopnia termicznej degradacji składnika celulozowego izolacji na ww. charakterystyki. Wykazano, że wpływ ten jest istotny dla okna częstotliwości od 1 kHz do 400 kHz.
The article presents the results of laboratory tests of samples of cellulose-aramid insulation NOMEX®910 impregnated with the synthetic ester MIDEL®7131, in the form of dispersion characteristics of capacity, loss factor and complex permittivity in the frequency range of the measurement voltage from 10 mHz to 5 MHz. The aim of the research was to analyze the impact of the degree of thermal degradation of the cellulose component of the insulation on the aforementioned characteristics. It has been shown that this influence is significant for the frequency window from 1 kHz to 400 kHz.
The solid dielectrics used in the capacitors exhibit rather high-frequency relaxations. This means that in the radio-frequency range, the capacitors exhibit a constant capacity. When liquid crystal is put into the capacitors, it is observed that in the radio-frequency range the capacity changes (decreases with frequency). This is due to the fact that liquid crystals exhibit relaxation in the radio-frequency range. In this paper, the formulas for the electricresponse of a low-frequency RC filter with liquid crystal characterized by complex electric permittivity are derived. One Debye-type relaxation is assumed in the calculations. The influence of strengths and relaxation time (frequency) of relaxation mode in liquid crystalon the electric response of low-frequency filters is discussed.
Content available remote Material permittivity measurement with the use of HPM pulses
In the work the method of the permittivity measurement of non-magnetic material has been presented. The method allows to derive investigation in the free-space condition with exposure to pulsed strong microwave field. Presented method is particularly useful to investigate absorbers intended to shield of the electronics against destructive influence of high power pulses HPM. In introduced method modules of S21 coefficients for two slabs of material with different thicknesses have to be measured.
W pracy przedstawiono metodę pomiaru zespolonej przenikalności elektrycznej materiałów niemagnetycznych. Metoda pozwala prowadzić badania w wolnej przestrzeni w warunkach ekspozycji na silne impulsowe pola mikrofalowe. Metoda jest szczególnie przydatna do badań absorberów przeznaczonych do zabezpieczania elektroniki przed destrukcyjnym wpływem wysokomocowych impulsów HPM. W przedstawionej metodzie pomiarom podlegają dwa moduły współczynników S21 dla materiału o różnych grubościach.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych zespolonej przenikalności elektrycznej w dziedzinie wysokiej częstotliwości, przeprowadzone na próbkach izolacji impregnowanej. Warstwę izolacji stałej wykonano z dwóch rodzajów papierów elektrotechnicznych: w pełni aramidowego typu NOMEX® T410 oraz z celulozowo-aramidowego typu NOMEX® T910. Jako impregnat wykorzystano trzy rodzaje cieczy dielektrycznej: olej mineralny Nynas Nytro 10X, ester syntetyczny Midel 7131 oraz ester naturalny Midel en1204. Celem badań była obserwacja oraz analiza zmian właściwości dielektrycznych tych materiałów. W badaniach uwzględniono wpływ oddziaływania temperatury w zakresie od 20°C do 100°C, co odpowiada typowym warunkom eksploatacji izolacji impregnowanej w transformatorach mocy.
The article presents the results of experimental research on complex electric permittivity in the high frequency domain, carried out on impregnated insulation samples. The solid insulation layer was made of two types of electrotechnical papers: NOMEX® T410 fully aramid type and NOMEX® T910 cellulose-aramid type. As impregnation, three types of dielectric liquid were used: mineral oil Nynas Nytro 10X, synthetic ester Midel 7131 and natural ester Midel en1204. The purpose of the research was to observe and analyze changes in the dielectric properties of these materials. The studies took into account the impact of temperature in the range from 20°C to 100°C, which corresponds to the typical conditions of exploitation of impregnated insulation in power transformers.
This paper demonstrates a compact MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) fractal type antenna for ultra-wide band applications. The proposed antenna is manufactured on a lowcost substrate material and the design is analyzed for various iterations in terms of reflection coefficient, gain, and bandwidth. The 50 Ω transmission line feed is used for both fractal patches and a metamaterial structure is used as the ground plane. The proposed design achieved a wide-band frequency response between 5.8 and 15 GHz, with the reflection coefficient of less than –10 dB. Reduced mutual coupling, positive gain and stable radiation patterns were observed throughout the operating band as well. The bandwidth of 9.2 GHz is achieved with the use of a metamaterial structure on the ground plane. The ECC and diversity gain obtained prove the excellent diversity performance of the antenna. The design was simulated using HFSS software and was tested in a lab.
In this paper, the metamaterials structure and some of its benefits in antenna design are presented. Metamaterials can be applied as defected ground structures, superstrates of antennas to enhance some parameters of the antenna such as bandwidth, gain or reduction in dimension. Depending on the values of permittivity and permeability to classify the metamaterials and apply them in the antenna design for different purposes. The metamaterial antennas are calculated and simulated based on commercial software such as CST Studio, HFSS.
W pracy zaproponowano koncepcję wykorzystania falowodu o przekroju prostokątnym z poprzecznie umieszczonym przelotowym otworem do kontroli wybranych wielkości fizycznych takich jak: przenikalność elektryczna i wilgotność, dla różnego rodzajów stałych materiałów dielektrycznych. W zaproponowanym rozwiązaniu wielkości te kontroluje się za pomocą pomiaru zmian mocy na końcu toru falowodowego. Sposób i miejsce wycięcia prostokątnego otworu przelotowego w ściankach oraz miejsce umieszczenia wpływają na jego możliwości badawcze.
The paper proposes the concept of using a waveguide with rectangular cross section with transversely arranged through bore for the control of selected physical quantities, such as dielectric and humidity for various types of solid dielectric materials. In the proposed embodiment, these values are controlled by measuring changes in power at the end of the waveguide path. The method and cutting the rectangular hole through the wall and its positioning affects its research capabilities.
The problems of determination of the effective area of the measurement electrode during the evaluation of volume resistivity and electrical permittivity based on measurements in three electrode system are discussed. The presented analysis shows that because of the inaccuracies of formulas given in the standards concerning the effective area of the measurement electrode, the calculation of the volume resistivity and electrical permittivity might be encumbered with errors. The values of these errors are presented graphically. It has been shown that the factor of the measurement electrode extension at the electrical permittivity measurements also depends on electrical permittivity.
The paper deals with an influence of microwave energy on magnesite heatEng. The understanding of dielectric properties of heated materials predicts the running of microwave heatEng. The values of real and imaginary component of the complex dielectric permittivity of magnesite are described. The temperature distribution in the sample of magnesite during microwave heating was described by COMSOL Multiphysics programme. It followed the influence of microwave pretreatment on magnesite failure. The comminution process intensification of studied samples was evaluated by relative work index.
W artykule przedstawiono wpływ energii mikrofalowej na ogrzewanie magnezytu. Ogrzewanie za pomocą mikrofal pozwala na zrozumienie właściwości dielektrycznych materiałów. Opisano wartości składowej rzeczywistej i urojonej złożonej przenikalności dielektrycznej magnezytu. Rozkład temperatury w próbce magnezytu podczas ogrzewania mikrofalowego opisano wykorzystując program COMSOL Multiphysics. Określono wpływ wstępnej obróbki mikrofalowej próbek na efekt rozdrabnianie magnezytu. Intensyfikację procesu rozdrabniania badanych próbek oceniono obliczając względny wskaźnik pracy.
Within the research, carried-out were examinations of foundry rejects in form of waste moulding and core sands in order to determine effectiveness of the microwave utilization process. Presented are measurements of permittivity and loss tangent that determine behaviour of materials in electromagnetic field. Measurements were performed on a stand of waveguide resonance cavity that permits precise determination of the above-mentioned parameters with the perturbation method. Examination results of five waste moulding sands confirm that effectiveness of microwave utilization depends on electrical properties of the sandmixes (permittivity and loss tangent).
W pracy podjęto badania odpadów odlewniczych w postaci zużytych mas formierskich i rdzeniowych w celu określenia skuteczności procesu mikrofalowej utylizacji. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów przenikałności elektrycznej oraz tangensa kąta stratności. które określają zachowanie materiałów w polu elektromagnetycznym. Pomiary przeprowadzono na stanowisku falowodowej wnęki rezonansowej, która umożliwia precyzyjne wyznaczenie metodą perturbacyjną wymienionych parametrów. Badania pięciu zużytych mas formierskich i rdzeniowych potwierdzają, iż skuteczność mikrofalowej utylizacji jest zależna od ich właściwości elektrycznych (przenikalności elektrycznej oraz tangensa kąta stratności).
We have supplemented the already formulated microscopic theory of optical properties of very ultrathin molecular films (quantum nanofilms), i.e., quasi 2D systems parallel to XY planes bounded by two surfaces. The exposure of nanofilms to the external electromagnetic fields has resulted in the creation of excitons, but different than bulk ones in one direction perpendicular to surfaces. The analysis of the dielectric response of the system to perturbation of an external electromagnetic field shows that optical properties of these crystalline nanosystems for low exciton concentration of Frenkel’s excitons strongly depend on boundary parameters and the thickness of the film. In addition, the dynamical absorption and the refraction coefficient show a very narrow and discrete dependence of external electromagnetic field frequency, which is the consequence of both resonance and quantum size effects. Influences of boundary conditions on optical characteristics (through the analyses of dynamical absorption and refraction indices) of these nanostructures were specially and in details explored. The emission and the luminescence spectrum of the whole film have been analyzed and the results compared to experimental data show very good behavior and very good coordination.
The paper describes preliminary examinations on establishing usefulness criteria of foundry tooling materials in the microwave heating technology. Presented are measurement results of permittivity and loss tangent that determine behaviour of the materials in electromagnetic field. The measurements were carried-out in a waveguide resonant cavity that permits precise determination the above-mentioned parameters by perturbation technique. Examined were five different materials designed for use in foundry tooling. Determined was the loss factor that permits evaluating usefulness of materials in microwave heating technology. It was demonstrated that the selected plastics meet the basic criterion that is transparency for electromagnetic radiation.
W pracy podjęto wstępne badania nad ustaleniem kryteriów oceny przydatności materiałów do budowy oprzyrządowania odlewniczego, przewidzianego do zastosowania w technologii nagrzewania mikrofalowego. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów przenikalności elektrycznej oraz tangensa kąta stratności, które określają zachowanie materiałów w polu elektromagnetycznym. Pomiary przeprowadzono na stanowisku falowodowej wnęki rezonansowej, która umożliwia precyzyjne wyznaczenie metodą perturbacyjną wymienionych parametrów. Badaniom poddano piec różnych materiałów przewidzianych do zastosowania w budowie oprzyrządowania odlewniczego. Określono współczynnik stratności, który pozwala, na ocenę przydatności materiałów w technologii nagrzewania mikrofalowego. Wykazano, że wybrane tworzywa sztuczne spełniają podstawowe kryterium, jakim jest transparentność dla promieniowania elektromagnetycznego.
Przedstawiono konstrukcję anteny planarnej o paśmie pracy znacznie większym od powszechnie uzyskiwanych w konstrukcjach anten planarnych, osiągając wartość powyżej 50%. Jednocześnie opisano wpływ parametrów poszczególnych warstw anteny na jej parametry elektryczne. Przedstawiono proces optymalizacji anteny wielowarstwowej pod względem uzyskania maksymalnie szerokiego pasma pracy. Wyniki numeryczne potwierdzono na drodze eksperymentalno-pomiarowej. Wykazano przewagę wielowarstwowych anten mikropaskowych nad jednowarstwowymi.
The present paper described a method of analysis that can be applied to these geometries, as well as related configurations. The paper presents a model of the antenna on which the simulation was conducted on the impact parameter on bandwidth. The influence of the changes of the value of these parameters of individual layers on the bandwidth was talked over. Paper shows the analysis of multilayer microstrip antennas process is very complex and time consuming and compare between calculation and measurements. One of the most important parameters which have been calculated is the bandwidth. The paper describes a clear advantage of multilayer antennas over monolayer ones, where the bandwidth is significantly narrower.
W artykule przedstawiono konstrukcję anteny planarnej o paśmie pracy znacznie większym od powszechnie uzyskiwanych w konstrukcjach anten planarnych i osiągającej wartość powyżej wielkości rzędu 50%. Jednocześnie przedstawiono wpływ parametrów poszczególnych warstw anteny na jej parametry elektryczne. Przedstawiono proces optymalizacji anteny wielowarstwowej pod kątem uzyskania maksymalnie szerokiego pasma pracy. Uzyskane wyniki numeryczne zostały potwierdzone na drodze eksperymentalno pomiarowej. Artykuł przedstawia przewagę wielowartswowych anten mikropaskowych nad jednowarstwowymi.
The present paper described a method of analysis that can be applied to these geometries, as well as related configurations. The paper presents a model of the antenna on which the simulation was conducted on the impact parameter on bandwidth. The influence of the changes of the value of theae parameters of individual layers on the bandwidth was talked over. Paper shows the analysis of multilayer microstrip antennas process is very complex and time consuming and compare between calculation and measurements. One of the most important parameters which have been calculated is the bandwidth. The paper describes a clear advantage of multilayer antennas over monolayer ones, where the bandwidth is significantly narrower.
Przenikalność elektryczna mąki zależy w znaczącym stopniu zarówno od jej składu chemicznego jak i granulacji. W pracy przedstawiono etapy tworzenia opartego o sztuczne sieci neuronowe modelu opisującego przenikalność elektryczną mąki w zależności od wyznaczanych dla niej zmiennych niezależnych. Przebadanie wielu różnych architektur sieci, jak również powtarzanie wielokrotne procesu uczenia zwiększa prawdopodobieństwo wyboru najlepszej sieci dla opisu analizowanych zależności.
To a large extent, flour permittivity depends both on flour chemical constitution and granulation. The paper presents individual stages for developing an artificial neural network-based model describing flour permittivity related to independent variables determined for it. Examination of many different network architectures and multiple repetitions of teaching process increase probability for selecting best network to describe the analysed relationships.
Przedmiotem pracy jest zbadanie wpływu zmian grubości oraz przenikalności poszczególnych warstw dielektryka w strukturze anteny planarnej wielowarstwowej na szerokość pasma jej pracy. Omówione zostaną zjawiska zachodzące w wielowarstwowej strukturze planarnej zasilanej szczelinowo. Przedstawiony zastanie wpływ zmian wartości tych parametrów poszczególnych warstw na szerokość pasma pracy.
Examining the influence of the changes of thickness and the permittivity of the individual layers of dielectric in multilayer antenna on the bandwidth is the object of the work. Phenomena setting in the aperture-coupled stacked microstrip antennas were introduced. The influence of the changes of the value of these parameters of individual layers on the bandwidth was talked over.
The paper describes the influence of barium titanate BaTiO3 used as a filler in impregnating epoxy resin on electrical parameters of obtained material. The results of computer simulation of electric field intensity distribution in area of 220 kV ac composite insulator show that in order to reduce the maximum value of this field it is necessary to use the rod with the highest possible permittivity. It was assumed that the increase of rod permittivity is possible by doping the epoxy resin, being one of glass-epoxy rod components, with a filler having high permittivity. Barium titanate BaTiO3 in micro- and nanograins was used as a filler. Presumably, such a change in material structure, may negatively influence other electrical parameters of the material, important in composite insulators construction. In order to check the filler dispersion in epoxy matrix, microscopic observations of fractions of the obtained materials were performed. In a wide range of frequencies, the permittivity and volume resistivity of the materials were determined. The inception voltage of partial discharges on surface of materials was determined by the electric, acoustic and antenna methods.
Content available remote Diffused phase transition of polycrystalline (Ba0.80Sr0.20)TiO3
Purpose: The purpose of this work was to determinate the influence of the 20% Sr substitutions (in sublattice A) on changes of the character of phase transition (PT) in comparison with pure barium titanate BaTiO3 (BT). Design/methodology/approach: Polycrystalline samples of (Ba0.80Sr0.20)TiO3 (BS20T) were prepared by calcinations method at temperature 1620 K. X-ray measurements were executed from 10 deg to 120 deg with the 0.008 deg step. Images of the morphology of the samples were taken by means of electron microscope Philips SEM 525M at room temperature. Dielectric measurements were performed with application of Quatro Cryosystem 4.0 Agilent Precision LRC meter HP4824A equipped with WinDETA 5.62 software Novocontrol. Measurements were taken under cooling with 2 K/min speed. Measuring electric field frequency was from the range 20 Hz - 1 MHz. Findings: The difference between the value of temperature of structural transition (cubic-tetragonal) equal 310K and the temperature Tm (the temperature of maximum of real part electric permittivity) equal 340 K was affirmed. It was affirmed, that 20% substitution of Sr ions changed the type of phase transition. The transition was strongly diffused (DPT). The polar character of this solid solution was also observed in a broad temperature range (in the paraelectric phase too). It is connected with the occurrence of polar regions (clusters). Research limitations/implications: The results can be used to describe changes of PT in the DPT solid solutions with ferroactive substitutions in sublattice A. Originality/value: Value of this work relies on the experimental examination of the dielectric properties of (Ba0.80Sr0.20)TiO3 (BS20T) solid solution. The temperature of the DPT was calculated. The low value of phase angle is connected with the existence of the polar regions.
The paper presents the results of research which was an attempt to make use of natural biological structures occurring in yeast cells to elaborate a material characterized by high permittivity for various electrotechnical applications. Electric properties of living cells were tested in order to link the differences of the structure of cell walls and surface charge created on these walls with values of permittivity showed by them. Three yeast strains of Saccharomyces and Debaryomyces types were selected which had different values of a surface charge, determined with use of Alcian blue method and a value of permittivity coefficient determined with use of capacitative method. A considerable interdependence was found of both electrical values measured.
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