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The article presents the possibility of using the knowledge of the stone building material of castles of the Kaczawa Belt for an easily accessible reconstruction of the regional geological history. The authors' idea can be used in the form of educational geosites. Selected castles: Wleń
(Lenno), Bolków, Świny and Grodziec are widely known, situated not far from each other and built of various types of local building material. Visiting them, the tourist may realize that they are usually built of rocks on which they are founded or, for practical reasons, of rocks obtained in the direct vicinity. Taking a walk along geosites the potential tourist will see rocks of different ages and different lithologies in the walls of the castles, e.g. pillow lavas (now greenstones), sandstones, ignimbrites, rhyolithoids, breccias and basaltoids. This relative diversity, the presence of various volcanic forms and types of volcanites (e.g. related to submarine and terrestrial volcanism, alkaline, and felsic volcanism, etc.), makes it possible to present the lithostratigraphic evolution of the Kaczawa Belt, starting with the rifting of Gondwana and the oldest metavolcanic series, through uplift, magmatism and metamorphism, Rotliegend deposition, and accompanying volcanism, to erosion, Cenozoic re-uplift and accompanying young basaltic volcanism.
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