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Akceleratory cząstek mogą być idealnym poligonem doświadczalnym dla technik opartych na sieciach neuronowych. Wiele wczesnych prób zastosowania sieci neuronowych w akceleratorach cząstek przyniosło mierne wyniki ze względu na względną niedojrzałość technologii do takich zadań. Opisano najnowsze postępy w technikach sieci neuronowych, omówiono niektóre obiecujące możliwości włączenia sieci neuronowych do systemów sterowania akceleratorami cząstek, opisano system sterowania rezonansem inżektora działa elektronowego w kompleksie Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology (FAST) oraz scharakteryzowane szczegółowo niektóre zagadnienia techniczne istniejącego systemu w celu stworzenia projektu nowego systemu sterowania opartego na sieciach neuronowych.
Particle accelerators can be an ideal test-beds for NN-based techniques. Many early attempts to apply neural networks to particle accelerators yielded mixed results due to the relative immaturity of the technology for such tasks. The recent advances in neural network techniques were described, some promising avenues for incorporating neural networks into particle accelerator control systems was discussed, a control system for resonance control of an RF electron gun at the Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology (FAST) facility has been described and some detailed technical issues of an existing system characterized for new neural network-based control system design.
Głównym celem opisanych prac badawczych i wdrożeniowych, było opracowanie kontrolera opartego na sieciach neuronowych, dostosowującego ustawienia częstotliwości fali zasilającej wnękę działa elektronowego i mocy ogrzewacza HP tak, aby uzyskiwać żądaną częstotliwość rezonansową. Dodatkowo, jego zadaniem powinno być kontrolowanie szybkości, z jaką moc RF jest doprowadzana do wartości operacyjnej podczas włączania. Dla każdej kandydującej architektury modelu i zestawu danych wejściowych przeszkolono kilka indywidualnych sieci, a następnie przetestowano na zestawach wyselekcjonowanych danych. Ze względu na długie stałe czasowe przepływu wody powrotnej z działa i obecność dwóch zmiennych kontrolowanych, został wybrany schemat modelu sterowania predykcyjnego (Model Predictive Control - MPC), w którym model systemu i algorytmy optymalizacji są używane w celu określenia optymalnej sekwencji przyszłych działań kontrolera takich, że docelowy stan wyjścia zostanie osiągnięty w jakimś przyszłym horyzoncie czasowym, Taki schemat jest przydatny do kompensacji opóźnionego zachowania systemu. Ponadto, jeśli seria przyszłych nastaw jest znana z góry, sterownik może działać wyprzedzająco. Zaprezentowane zostały wyniki zarejestrowane w procesie regulacji. Rozważono możliwości modyfikacji i rozszerzeń sterownika tak, aby żądana operacyjna moc RF osiągana była bez znaczącego wzrostu mocy fali odbitej.
The main goal of described research and implementation work was to develop a controller based on neural networks, adjusting frequency of RF power to the cavity of electron gun and the power of the heater to obtain the desired resonant frequency. In addition, its function should be to control the rate at which RF power is brought to operational value during power-up. For each candidate model architecture and input data set, several individual networks were trained and then tested on selected data sets. Due to the long-time constants of the return water flow from the gun and the presence of two controlled variables, a Model Predictive Control (MPC) scheme was chosen, where the system model and optimization algorithms are used to determine the optimal sequence of future controller actions such as the target output state will be reached in determined time horizon. Such a scheme is useful for compensation of delayed systems performance. In addition, if a series of future settings are known in advance, the controller can act with prediction. The results recorded during regulation process were presented. Possibilities of modifications and extensions of the controller were considered so that the required operational RF power was achieved without a significant increase in the reflected wave power.
W akceleratorach cząstek ma miejsce niezliczona ilość skomplikowanych i nieliniowych zjawisk fizycznych. Dodając do tego nieodłączne złożoności interakcji, które często obejmują wiele oddziałujących na siebie systemów, wykazują długoterminowe cykle procesowe i zmiany parametrów poszczególnych elementów maszyny w czasie. Ponadto, poza dużymi ośrodkami akceleratorowymi, zaangażowanie w nich na co dzień wysoko wykwalifikowanych operatorów i techników jest często ekonomicznie nieuzasadnione. Jednym ze sposobów sprostania tym wyzwaniom jest zastosowanie intensywnie udoskonalanych technik z dziedziny uczenia maszynowego (ML) i sztucznej inteligencji (AI) w projektowaniu systemów sterowania akceleratorami cząstek. W szczególności, dobrze sprawdzają się techniki oparte na sieciach neuronowych (NN) do modelowania, sterowania i analizy diagnostycznej złożonych systemów o zmiennych w czasie parametrach i systemów operujących na wielkiej ilości danych i metadanych. Techniki te mogą być stosowane w połączeniu z rzeczywistym obiegiem danych maszynowych, uwzględniając dodatkowo zakłócenia, zmienne opóźnienia, subtelne korelacje statystyczne i złożone efekty, które mogą nie być łatwo przewidziane z wyprzedzeniem. NN mogą być również przydatne w przypadkach gdzie dokładne dane z symulacji lub innych obliczeń wprawdzie są osiągalne, ale niektóre korelacje muszą być obliczane błyskawicznie w celu efektywnego wdrożenia nastaw w czasie rzeczywistym.
Particle accelerators are host to many nonlinear and complex physical phenomena. They often involve a multitude of interacting systems, are subject to tight performance demands, and should be able to run for extended periods of time with minimal interruptions. Often times, traditional control techniques cannot fully meet these requirements. One promising avenue is to introduce machine learning and sophisticated control techniques inspired by artificial intelligence, particularly in light of recent theoretical and practical advances in these fields. Within machine learning and artificial intelligence, neural networks are particularly well-suited to modeling, control, and diagnostic analysis of complex, nonlinear, and time-varying systems, as well as systems with large parameter spaces. Consequently, the use of neural network-based modeling and control techniques could be of significant benefit to particle accelerators. One path toward meeting these challenges is the incorporation of recently improved techniques from the fields of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) into the design of control systems for particle accelerators. In particular, techniques based on neural networks (NNs) are well-suited to modeling, control, and diagnostic analysis of complex, time varying systems, and systems with large parameter spaces. These techniques can be used in conjunction with actual machine data, thereby accounting for noise, variable delays, subtle statistical correlations, and complex effects that may not be easily addressed a priori. NNs can also be useful in cases where accurate data from simulations or some other computationally intensive procedure is available, but the input-output relationship needs to be computed more rapidly for effective real-time deployment.
ARIES, czyli Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society, to projekt Integrating Activity poświęcony badaniom, rozwojowi i innowacjom europejskich akceleratorów cząstek oraz związanej z nimi infrastruktury i technologii. Projekt był realizowany od maja 2017 r. do kwietnia 2022 r. i współfinansowany przez Komisję Europejską w ramach programu Horyzont 2020. Przyszłe akceleratory będą potrzebowały wyższej energii i jasności, aby umożliwić naukowcom dalsze badanie podstawowych elementów budujących wszechświat. Aby osiągnąć ten cel, należy opracować nowe technologie i materiały, aby infrastruktury akceleratorów mogły sprostać wymogom przyszłych badań. Akceleratory i związane z nimi technologie są wykorzystywane w wielu różnych dyscyplinach naukowych i mają szerokie zastosowanie w takich dziedzinach, jak przemysł, opieka zdrowotna, energia, środowisko, bezpieczeństwo i dziedzictwo kulturowe. ARIES połączył innowacyjny program badawczo-rozwojowy z szerszym zaangażowaniem społeczności naukowej, aby zapewnić rozwój nowych technologii i zastosowań praktycznych. ARIES obejmował 41 partnerów ze środowiska akademickiego i przemysłowego z 18 różnych krajów europejskich, w tym CERN. Praca była podzielona na 18 pakietów roboczych (WP), obejmujących szereg działań sieciowych (NA), wspólnych działań badawczych (JRA) i transnarodowych działań dostępowych (TNA). Autor z zespołem badawczym z Politechniki Warszawskiej uczestniczył w latach 2003-2022 w cyklu integracyjnych projektów infrastrukturalnych dotyczących rozwoju techniki akceleratorowej w Europie.
ARIES, or Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society, is an Integrating Activity project dedicated to research, development and innovation of European particle accelerators and related infrastructure and technology. The project ran from May 2017 to April 2022 and was co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program. Future accelerators will need higher energy and luminosity to enable scientists to continue exploring the fundamental building blocks of the universe. To achieve this goal, new technologies and materials must be developed to enable accelerator infrastructures to meet the demands of future research. Accelerators and related technologies are used in many different scientific disciplines and have wide applications in areas such as industry, healthcare, energy, environment, security and cultural heritage. ARIES has combined an innovative research and development program with the wider involvement of the scientific community to ensure the development of new technologies and practical applications. ARIES involved 41 partners from academia and industry from 18 different European countries, including CERN. The work was broken down into 18 work packages (WPs) covering a range of network activities (NA), joint research activities (JRA) and transnational access activities (TNA). Author, together with research team from Warsaw University of Technology, participated during 2003-2022 in infrastructure integrating projects on particle accelerators development in Europe.
Sections of the superconducting magnets of the SIS100 particle accelerator, under construction at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), the Society for Heavy Ion Research (GSI), Darmstadt, are going to be connected with the by-pass lines. Each line will be used to transfer a two-phase helium flow and an electric current. The electric current will be carried by four pairs of superconducting Nuclotron-type cables. Fast-ramping currents are expected to cause the generation of heat within the cables. In this work the results of a numerical thermal analysis of a bus-bar are presented. The amount of heat transferred from the environment was found based on geometric dimensions of the line and applied insulation. The amount of hysteresis loss, generated in the cable during the operation under most demanding regime of the operation of the accelerator, was calculated. According to the amount of the generated heat, the amount of the hysteresis loss is low in relation to the heat generated in the superconducting magnets. Also it was found that the cable used in the line still retains a large margin of current-carrying capacity.
The ILC is an immense e+e- machine planned since 2004 by a large international collaboration, to be potentially built in Japan [1]. The gigantic size of the whole research infrastructure, the involved human, technical and financial resources, and the pressure of new emerging and potentially soon to be competitive accelerator technologies, make the final building decision quite difficult. A vivid debate is carried on this subject globally by involved accelerator research communities. The European voice is very strong and important in this debate, and has recently been essentially refreshed by clear statements in a few official documents [2]. The final HEP European Strategy Document is just under preparation. This paper is a very modest and subjective voice in this debate originating from Poland, which around 50 researchers are present at the list of 2400 signatories for the original ILC TDR document published in 2013 [3].
Content available ARIES 2018 : infrastructure, innovation, outreach
This article has two outreach aims. It concisely summarizes the main research and technical efforts in the EC H2020 ARIES Integrating Activity – Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society [1] during the period 2017/2018. ARIES is a continuation of CARE, TIARA and EuCARD projects [2-3]. The article also tries to show these results as an encouragement for local physics and engineering, research and technical communities to participate actively in such important European projects. According to the author’s opinion this participation may be much bigger [4-27]. All the needed components to participate – human, material and infrastructural are there [4,7]. So why the results are not satisfying as they should be? The major research subjects of ARIES are: new methods of particles acceleration including laser, plasma and particle beam interactions, new materials and accelerator components, building new generations of accelerators, energy efficiency and management of large accelerator systems, innovative superconducting magnets, high field and ultra-high gradient magnets, cost lowering, system miniaturization, promotion of innovation originating from accelerator research, industrial applications, and societal implications. Two institutions from Poland participate in ARIES – these are Warsaw University of Technology and Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in Warsaw. There are not present some of the key institutes active in accelerator technology in Poland. Let this article be a small contribution why Poland, a country of such big research potential, contributes so modestly to the European accelerator infrastructural projects? The article bases on public and internal documents of ARIES project, including the EU Grant Agreement and P1 report. The views presented in the paper are only by the author and not necessarily by the ARIES.
Quality of electric current delivered to the magnets of a particle accelerator is essential for safety and reliability of its operation. Even small discrepancies strongly affect the properties of particle beams. One of the sources of the disturbances is the appearance of induced currents caused by the electromagnetic interactions between the elements of the machine. In this paper the calculations of induced currents in by-pass lines of a SIS100 particle accelerator are presented. In order to find the values of the currents the self-inductances and mutual inductances of the by-pass lines are found. Due to the complex geometry of the line, especially of Ω-shaped dilatations, the numerical approach was employed. The calculations show that the size of induced currents increases with the distance between the cables in an individual bus-bar. The maximum discrepancy of the magnetic field in a dipole magnet is found to be 7.7 μT. The decrease of distance between the cables allows one to obtain a discrepancy of 1.2 μT.
Safety and operation efficiency of the particle accelerators strongly depend on the quality of the supplied electric current and is affected by the electric properties of all elements of the circuit. In this paper the capacitance of the superconducting bus-bars applied in the cryogenic by-pass line for the SIS100 particle accelerator at FAIR is analysed. The unit capacitance of the bus-bars is calculated numerically and found experimentally. A 2D numerical model of a cross-section of the cable is applied. The capacitance is found with three methods. The stored energy, electric displacement field and charge gathered on the surfaces of the device are calculated and analysed. The obtained values are consistent. Experimental measurements are performed using the resonance method. The measuring system is undamped using a negative conductance converter. Small discrepancies are observed between numerical and experimental results. The obtained values are within the requirements of the accelerator design.
Superconducting magnets in the SIS100 particle accelerator require the supply of liquid helium and electric current. Both are transported with by-pass lines designed at Wrocław University of Technology. Bus-bars used to transfer an electric current between the sections of the accelerator will be encased in a steel shell. Eddy currents are expected to appear in the shell during fast-ramp operation of magnets. Heat generation, which should be limited in any cryogenic system, will appear in the shell. In this work the amount of heat generated is assessed depending on the geometry of an assembly of the bus-bars and the shell. Numerical and analytical calculations are described. It was found that heat generation in the shell is relatively small when compared to other sources present in the accelerator and its value strongly depends on the geometry of the shell. The distribution of eddy currents and generated heat for different geometrical options are presented. Based on the results of the calculations the optimal design is proposed.
The cyclotron laboratory for radioisotope production and multi-disciplinary research at the Bern University Hospital (Inselspital) is based on an 18-MeV proton accelerator, equipped with a specifi cally conceived 6-m long external beam line, ending in a separate bunker. This facility allows performing daily positron emission tomography (PET) radioisotope production and research activities running in parallel. Some of the latest developments on accelerator and detector physics are reported. They encompass novel detectors for beam monitoring and studies of low current beams.
TIARA jest Europejskim Konsorcjum Techniki Akceleratorowej, które poprzez prowadzenie projektów badawczych, technicznych, sieciowych i infrastrukturalnych ma doprowadzić do integracji środowiska naukowo-technicznego oraz zasobów materialnych w skali całej Europy. Konsorcjum gromadzi wszystkie ośrodki europejskie posiadające dużą infrastrukturę akceleratorową. Pozostałe ośrodki, jak np. uniwersytety, są afiliowane jako członkowie stowarzyszeni. TIARA-PP (faza przygotowawcza) jest projektem europejskim prowadzonym przez Konsorcjum i wykonywanym w ramach EU FP7. W artykule przedstawiono ogólny zakres działań Konsorcjum TIARA, poprzedzając to portretem współczesnej techniki akceleratorowej oraz przeglądem jej zastosowań w nowoczesnym społeczeństwie.
TIARA is an European Collaboration of Accelerator Technology, which by running research projects, technical, networks and infrastructural has a duty to integrate the research and technical communities and infrastructures in the global scale of Europe. The Collaboration gathers all research centers with large accelerator infrastructures. Other ones, like universities, are affiliated as associate members. TIARA-PP (preparatory phase) is an European infrastructural project run by this Consortium and realized inside EU-FP7. The paper presents a general overview of TIARA activities, with an introduction containing a portrait of contemporary accelerator technology and a digest of its applications in modern society.
Content available EuCARD 2010 Accelerator Technology in Europe
Accelerators are basic tools of the experimental physics of elementary particles, nuclear physics, light sources of the fourth generation. They are also used in myriad other applications in research, industry and medicine. For example, there are intensely developed transmutation techniques for nuclear waste from nuclear power and atomic industries. The European Union invests in the development of accelerator infrastructures inside the framework programs to build the European Research Area. The aim is to build new infrastructure, develop the existing, and generally make the infrastructure available to competent users. The paper summarizes the first year of activities of the EU FP7 Project Capacities EuCARD - European Coordination of Accelerator R&D. Several teams from this country participate actively in this project. The contribution from Polish research teams concerns: photonic and electronic measurement - control systems, RF-gun co-design, thin-film superconducting technology, superconducting transport infrastructures, photon and particle beam measurements and control.
Akceleratory są podstawowymi narzędziami eksperymentalnej fizyki cząstek elementarnych, fizyki jądrowej, źródeł światła czwartej generacji. Na przykład intensywnie rozwijają się techniki transmutacji odpadów promieniotwórczych z przemysłu energetyki jądrowej i atomistyki. Unia Europejska inwestuje w rozwój infrastruktury akceleratorowej w ramach programów ramowych utworzenia Europejskiego Obszaru Badawczego. Celem jest rozwój nowej, udoskonalenie istniejącej, oraz udostępnienie infrastruktury badawczej kompetentnym użytkownikom. Artykuł podsumowuje pierwszy rok działalności Projektu UE FP7 Capacities, EuCARD (2009-2013) - European Coordination for Accelerator R&D. W projekcie uczestniczą aktywnie partnerzy krajowi.
Accelerators are basic tools of the experimental physics of elementary particles, nuclear physics, light sources of the fourth generation. They are also used in myriad other applications in research, industry and medicine. For example, there are intensely developed transmutation techniques for nuclear waste from nuclear power and atomic industries. The European Union invests in the development of accelerator infrastructures inside the framework programs to build the European Research Area. The aim is to build new infrastructure, develop the existing, and generally make the infrastructure available to competent users. The paper summarizes the first year of activities of the EU FP7 Project Capacities EuCARD - European Coordination of Accelerator R&D Several teams from this country participate actively in this project.
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