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We describe the organic petrography, palynology and Rock-Eval pyrolysis values of lacustrine black shales termed the Anthracosia Shales (Upper Carboniferous/Lower Permian) in the Intrasudetic Basin (Sudetes, SW Poland). Samples were taken from cores of two boreholes: Rybnica Leśna PIG 1 and Ścinawka Średnia PIG 1. Maceral composition, miospore assemblage composition, palynofacies and geochemical characteristics of dispersed organic matter in the Anthracosia Shales were used to determine conditions of the environment and to evaluate their petroleum potential. Data from both organic petrography and palynology analyses enabled recognition of three broadly distinct organic associations in these shales: bituminous, humic, and intermediate, while Rock-Eval pyrolysis revealed the presence of bituminous and humic kerogen types I and III. Type I corresponds to the bituminous association, with amorphous organic matter (AOM) dominant in the palynofacies, and type III corresponds to the humic association with phytoclasts prevailing in the palynofacies. The thermal maturity of the organic matter is determined by the values of: (1) vitrinite reflectance VRo = 0.53–0.73%, (2) palynomorph 3–4 colour index, and (3) Tmax = 443–447°C, which indicate oil window maturity. Some of the TOC results (1.6–2.9 wt.%) indicate that the Anthracosia Shales are good and very good petroleum source rocks, though the thickness of this interval is low (4–5 m). Shales with TOC values <0.5 wt.% prevail, and may be classifed as poor source rocks.
Określanie dojrzałości termicznej palinomorf na podstawie ich barwy jest metodą powszechnie stosowaną w prospekcji węglowodorów. Kolor zewnętrznej błony miospor zmienia się na skutek podgrzania od bladożółtego po czarny w zależności od paleotemperatury. Obecnie funkcjonuje wiele skal barw palinomorf skorelowanych z wartościami refleksyjności witrynitu, maksymalną temperaturą pogrzebania i stadiami generacji węglowodorów. Ze względu na zróżnicowany zarówno pod względem taksonomicznym, jak i morfologicznym materiał autorka posłużyła się skalą TAI AMOCO. Przeanalizowano ponadto udział poszczególnych grup kerogenu w palinofacjach pod kątem ich węglowodorowego potencjału. Badaniami objęto osady górnego permu i triasu z 11 otworów wiertniczych zlokalizowanych w północnej części niecki nidziańskiej. Wykazały one, że w próbkach triasowych oraz w próbkach górnego permu z otworu Milianów IG 1 dominuje jasnożółty do pomarańczowego kolor spor i ziaren pyłku, odpowiadający indeksowi TAI od 1 do 4, czyli stadium przed generacją ropy naftowej i stadium wczesnej generacji ropy naftowej. Jedynie w próbach górnego permu z otworu Pągów IG 1 dominuje brązowy kolor miospor, który odpowiada indeksowi TAI od 4+ do 5, czyli głównemu stadium generacji ropy naftowej. Dominująca wartość refleksyjność witrynitu Ro wynosi 0,4–0,6%, a zatem stopień dojrzałości materii organicznej w utworach górnego permu i triasu jest niezbyt wysoki, co świadczy o stosunkowo niskich temperaturach diagenezy osadu (< 80°C). Z analizy palinofacji wynika, że w utworach górnego permu i triasu występuje kerogen mieszany i strukturalny. Kerogen mieszany, stwierdzony w skałach węglanowych, zawiera amorficzny kerogen drobnorozproszony i „fluffy” pochodzenia glonowego oraz kerogen strukturalny, pochodzenia terygenicznego, głównie egzynit i witrynit. Kerogen mieszany charakteryzuje się potencjałem ropnym (kerogen ropotwórczy), natomiast kerogen strukturalny – potencjałem ropno-gazowym.
Determining the thermal maturity of palynomorph based on their color is a method commonly used in hydrocarbon prospecting. The color of the outer membrane of miospores (exine) changes as a result of heating from pale yellow to black depending on the paleotemperature. Currently, there are many palynomorph color scales correlated with the value of vitrinite reflectance, temperature of burial and hydrocarbon generation stages. Due to the varied material, both in taxonomic and morphological terms, the author used the TAI AMOCO scale. Furthermore, the share of individual kerogen groups in palynofacies was analyzed in terms of their hydrocarbon potential. The Upper Permian and Triassic deposits from eleven boreholes located in the north part of the Nida Basin were investigated. They showed that the Triassic and in the Upper Permian samples from the Milianów IG 1 borehole, are dominated by the pale yellow to orange color of spores and pollen grains, corresponding to a TAI index from 1 to 4, i.e. the pre-generation, dry gas and the early oil generation windows. In turn, only the samples of the Upper Permian from the Pągów IG 1 borehole are dominated by the brown color of miospores, which corresponds to a TAI index from 4+ to 5, i.e. the peak oil prone. Dominant vitrinite reflectance Ro varies from 0,4% to 0,6%, so the degree of organic matter maturity in the Upper Permian and Triassic deposits is not very high, which indicates relatively low temperatures of sediment diagenesis (< 80°C). Analysis of palynofacies showed that the Upper Permian and Triassic deposits contain mixed and structural kerogen. Mixed kerogen, occurring in carbonate rocks, contains amorphous fine-scattered kerogen and “fluffy” of algae origin, as well as structural kerogen of terrigeneous origin, mainly exinite and vitrinite. Mixed kerogen is characterized by oil potential, whereas structural kerogen – by gas-oil potential.
The sedimentary organic matter (SOM) assemblages and sedimentology of the Menilite Beds from the Dukla, Grybów and Vrancea units in the Slovakian and Romanian Outer Carpathians are described. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the SOM help ascertain depositional conditions, while the thermal maturity of the organic matter studied is estimated utilizing the Spore Colour Index and UV light excitation techniques. The sedimentary organic particles were grouped into ten SOM categories: marine palynomorphs (dinoflagellate cysts), sporomorphs (saccate and non-saccate, pollen and spores), freshwater algae (Botryococcus sp., and other freshwater microplankton), phytoclasts (cuticles, translucent wood, opaque wood), resin and amorphous organic matter (AOM). All samples are dominated by AOM. The presence of Botryococcus sp., Pediastrum sp., Pterospermella sp. and Campenia sp., in some samples points to deposition under hyposaline conditions. It is interpreted that the freshwater influx induced water column stratification in the basin, leading to the development of dysoxic to anoxic bottom-water conditions that enhanced the preservation of AOM. Kerogen analysis in UV light and evaluation using the Spore Colour Index demonstrated different thermal maturation patterns from the Slovakian (post-mature) and Romanian (immature) sections. Integrated palynofacies analysis (notably, the presence of freshwater algae) and sedimentological observations (e.g., hummocky cross-stratification) lead to the conclusion that the deposition of the Menilite Beds in the Vrancea Unit (Romania) was relatively proximal to the shoreline, above storm wave base, whereas the Slovakian units (Dukla and Grybów) were deposited in a more distal setting.
The Middle Buntsandstein Subgroup of the Lower Triassic of north-eastern Poland has been investigated in the context of possible marine ingressions into the Central European Basin. To better constrain these, palynofacies analysis and mineralogical analysis of mudstones were undertaken on samples taken from the Lidzbark and Malbork formations penetrated by the Bartoszyce IG 1 borehole, serving as stratotype section of both lithostratigraphic units. Microfacies and geochemical analyses, including C and O isotope analysis, were conducted additionally on oolitic limestones of the basal Lidzbark Formation (the lowermost Middle Buntsandstein), and the boron content was measured on all mudstone samples. Seven palynofacies types are distinguished: types 1 to 3 within the Malbork Formation and types 4 to 7 within the Lidzbark Formation. Types 1 and 2 originated on a floodplain, type 3 probably in a deltaic or barrier setting, and types 4 and 5 in a brackish lagoon or a more open basin, possibly of marine origin. Palynofacies type 6 reflects long transport and reworking, whereas palynofacies type 7 is interpreted as formed due to pedogenic processes. Clay minerals and quartz, accompanied by feldspars, calcite and dolomite are the main components of the mudstones investigated. The clay mineral association consists of illite or a mixture of illite and smectite, and chlorite. The Lidzbark Formation and the lowermost part of the Malbork Formation show less variability in mineralogical composition than the upper part of the Malbork Formation. Smectite admixtures were detected only in the upper part of the Malbork Formation (the uppermost Middle Buntsandstein). The boron content, achieved after aqua regia digestion, ranges from 70 to 121 mg/kg (96 mg/kg at average), oscillating generally around 90 mg/kg. A higher boron content, bound in silicate structure, is associated with the upper part of the Malbork Formation. All major mineralogical and geochemical changes coincide more or less with the transition from the supposed marine to the terrestrial environmental realm, interpreted from lithological and sedimentological observations within the lowermost part of the Malbork Formation. However, diagenetic alteration of the clay minerals, and of the boron content, could not be ruled out. The oolitic limestones, mainly grainstones, contain admixtures of quartz grains and rare bioclasts, the ooids nuclei being peloids or unrecognizable. The carbonates are almost exclusively composed of low-Mg calcite. A high content of Mg and the presence of small amounts of dolomite suggest that the ooids were primarily composed of high-Mg calcite and are comparable with similar Early Triassic deposits in Tethyan settings. The δ13C values range from -2 to +1‰ VPDB, fitting well with the known ranges of Lower Triassic marine carbonates. An observed δ13C depletion towards the top of the oolite-bearing part of the section may reflect a local shallowing trend that led to overall salinity decrease. A possible connection with the one of the global oceanic geochemical episodes has to be tested further. The results obtained suggest a marine origin of the lower Middle Buntsandstein deposits studied and document a terrestrial origin for the upper Malbork Formation.
A sequence- and cyclostratigraphic interpretation of early Anisian (Aegean) shallow-marine carbonate ramp deposits, exposed in outcrop sections west of Tserovo village, NW Bulgaria, is presented. The hierarchical pattern identified can be interpreted in terms of Milankovitch cyclicity with elementary sequences representing the precession (20-kyr) cycle, small-scale sequences the short eccentricity (100-kyr), and medium-scale sequences the long eccentricity (400-kyr) cycle. Palynology provides a robust stratigraphic framework. The study of sedimentary organic matter, revealing variations of terrestrial input, sorting and fragmentation of phytoclasts, and prominent acritarch peaks, allows the interpretation of environmental changes and contributes to the cyclostratigraphic and sequence-stratigraphic framework. The detailed documentation of syndepositional soft-sediment deformation structures confirms their laterally traceable distribution within the depositional sequences and makes them good palaeoenvironmental indicators. Anisian ramp systems of the western Tethyan realm thus were subjected to highly dynamic regimes, recording the interplay between sea-level changes in tune with orbital cycles and ramp morphology.
Coal-bearing conglomerates occur in the Menilite Formation of the Silesian Unit, outcropped in the village of Kobielnik. Coal particles are angular and differ in size (2 mm-6 cm). The examined coal shows rather predominance of vitrinite (collotelinite, collodetrinite, vitrodetrinite). However, the presence of inertinite (fusinite, semifusinite and inertodetrinite with rather accessory funginite and secretinite) is also significant. However, liptinite (sporinite, cutinite and resinite) also indicates its presence in the maceral composition. The results of both coal petrographic and palynologcal analyses were conducted with the intention of applying them to reconstruct environments of coalformation. Palynological studies revealed palynofacies consisting mainly of black palynoclasts ofrectangle or oval shape. Miospores are abundant and various in colour-from yellow to dark brown. The miospore assemblage is dominated by Lycospora and several other Carboniferous genera occur there. The presence of Radiizonates aligerens (Knox) Staplin, Jansonius, the guide species to the lower part of the Westphalian A (Langsettian) indicate that at least part of the coal pieces come from this part of the Pennsylvanian. The age position of the whole miospore assemblage should be determined as the Late Bashkirian-Moscovian (Westphalian). Additionaly, some older miospores, usually dark in colour, were found in this assemblage and they are considered as reworked.
Palynofacies analyses of the strata penetrated by Ida-4 wells were carried out with the aim of studying the stratigraphic sequence penetrated by the well in order to establish palynostratigraphic zones, relative age and the paleoenvironment of deposition. Fifty ditch cutting samples within the interval of 2179–3523 m were analyzed. The acid methods of sample preparation for palynofacies analyses were followed. The result of the analyses yielded low to abundant occurrences of pollen and spores with an abundance of small, medium and large sizes of palynomacerals 1 and 2, few occurrences of palynomacerals 3 and 4. The lithology consists of the alternation of shale and sandstone units with few intercalations of argillaceous sandstone units, indicating that the studied interval belongs to the Agbada Formation. The studied intervals were dated to the middle Miocene to late Miocene, based on the recovered age diagnostic marker species such as Zonocostatites ramonae, Multiareolites formosus, Verrutricolporites rotundiporus, Crassoretitriletes vanraadshoveni and Racemonocolpites hians. Two interval range palynostratigraphic zones: Multiareolites formosus – Zonocostatites ramonae, Verrutricolporites rotundiporus - Crassoretitriletes vanraadshoveni and a taxon range zone: Ainipollinite verus zone were proposed. Paleoenvironmental interpretation was based on the palynofacies association and the lithology which revealed that the stratigraphic interval studied was deposited in the Coastal-deltaic (marginal marine) environments.
The Sarcheshmeh and Sanganeh formations are the Lower Cretaceous deep marine sequences of the Koppeh-Dagh sedimentary basin, which revealed a diverse assemblage of dinoflagellates. The paper discusses palynostratigraphy, palynofacies and palaeoenvironment of these rock units in a borehole drilled in the eastern part of this basin. Ninety-five ditch-cutting samples were prepared and studied palynologically, which resulted in recognition of 76 species of dinoflagellate cysts belonging to 29 genera. The recorded assemblages are in accordance with the Odontochitina operculata Zone suggesting a Barremian?–Aptian age for the formations. Palynological data extracted led to identification of five palynofacies types based on the categories of Tyson (1995). These indicate a marginal, proximal and distal shelf environment of deposition. The obtained data from calculated palaeoecological factors revealed a gradual sea level rise during the deposition of these rock units, resulting in replacement of the oxic/dysoxic Sarcheshmeh Formation by the dysoxic/anoxic Sanganeh Formation.
[...]First of all, we would like to note that our reply will concentrate on substantial comments on the presented results or/and questionable interpretations.[...]
In their recent paper, Filipek et al. (2017) provided some data on age (dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy) and sedimentary setting (sedimentological and palynofacial analysis) of the Podhale Flysch (Central Carpathian Paleogene) from the Polish Spisz (their fig. 1). They carried out their integrated studies on the middle part of the Podhale Flysch succession – the upper part of the Szaflary beds through the lower part of the Chochołów beds. These studies, as stated in Introduction, “…allow for a new approach to the knowledge on the CCPB with regard to stratigraphy, depositional palaeoenvironment, and changes during deposition”.
A palynological study of uppermost Maastrichtian to Lower Paleocene depos i ts from a stratigraphic section of the Vrancea Nappe (Eastern Carpathians), reveals the presence of diverse and well-preserved dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. The biostratigraphic interpretation of these dinocyst assemblages suggests that (1) the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary lies within a ~8 m thick sedimentary interval, between the Lepşa Formation (uppermost Maastrichtian) and Putna-Piatra Uscată Formation (Lower Danian), based on the Last Appearance Datum of latest Maastrichtian markers such as Pterodinium cretaceum and Palynodinium cf. grallator and on the First Appearance Datum of Danian markers such as Senoniasphaera inornata, Xenicodinium lubricum, Tectatodinium rugulatum and Eisenackia circumtabulata, and (2) a discontinuity between the two formations. The palynofacies analysis from this geological section indicates an abundance of continental organic matter (mainly opaque phytoclasts), deposited in a distal setting of the sedimentary basin. The occurtences in the palynological assemblage of some oceanic dinocyst taxa such as Impagidinium and Pterodinium suggest the same depositional environment for the geological formations analysed.
The post-evaporitic upper Badenian (Middle Miocene) succession of the Roztocze (marginal zone of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin) consists of shallow-marine sands and organodetrital deposits. The latter, although predominantly coarse-grained, include very rare and usually very thin intercalations of fine-grained, loamy material. A few such clay layers were sampled for their palynological content in quarries at Józefów (Józefów and Pardysówka) and Żelebsko. The clay samples yielded palynological organic matter, in contrast to organodetrital limestone samples, which were barren. The palynofacies composition, both presence/absence of land-derived material and the specific composition of aquatic material, are useful for the palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of sedimentary settings. During late Badenian time, the sedimentary setting of the deposits studied was characteri- zed by proximity to the shoreline, which, however, supplied limited input of terrestrial matter, and by restricted marine conditions caused by increased salinity. During the latest Badenian, water salinity presumably underwent a further increase, leading to the collapse of the dinoflagellate floras. The frequent occurrence of reworked Palaeogene dinoflagellate cysts in upper Badenian samples and their absence from the uppermost Badenian indicate variable intensity of erosion of the epicontinental Palaeogene strata during the Middle Miocene at Roztocze.
W artykule przedstawiono najnowszą propozycję podziału litostratygraficznego utworów triasu północnej części niecki Nidy nawiązującego do jednostek wyróżnianych na Niżu Polskim oraz w północno-zachodnim obrzeżeniu Gór Świętokrzyskich. Podano charakterystykę petrograficzną skał tworzących zaproponowane wydzielenia. Zamieszczono także wyniki analizy palinofacjalnej utworów triasu. Opisano siedem typów palinofacji odpowiadających różnym środowiskom sedymentacji: rzecznym, jeziornym, playi, sebhy, otwartego morza i laguny. Palinofacje charakterystyczne dla środowiska rzecznego występują w utworach pstrego piaskowca środkowego, piaskowca trzcinowego (formacja stuttgarcka) oraz kajpru górnego, dla środowiska jeziornego – w utworach kajpru dolnego i piaskowca trzcinowego, dla środowiska playi – w dolnych warstwach gipsowych, dla środowiska sebhy – w recie oraz w dolnych i górnych warstwach gipsowych, dla środowiska otwartego morza – w wapieniu muszlowym i dolomicie granicznym, a dla środowiska laguny – w recie, wapieniu muszlowym górnym i dolomicie granicznym. Na podstawie wyników analizy litofacjalnej i palinofacjalnej zrekonstruowano środowisko sedymentacji utworów triasu z północnej części niecki Nidy.
The latest lithostratigraphical scheme of Triassic deposits from the northern part of the Nida Basin (southern Poland) is presented. It refers to the units distinguished in the Polish Lowlands and NW margin of the Holy Cross Mountains. Petrographic characteristics of the proposed lithostratigraphic units, and the results of palynofacies analysis are given. The identified seven palynofacies types represent a variety of depositional environments: fluvial, lacustrine, playa, sebkha, open marine and lagoonal. Palynofacies characteristic for fluvial environments were identified in the Middle Buntsandstein, Schilfsandstein (Stuttgart Formation) and Upper Keuper deposits, lacustrine environment – within the Lower Keuper and Schilfsandstein, playa environment – in the Lower Gipskeuper, sebkha environment – in the Röt as well as Lower and Upper Gipskeuper, open marine environment – within the Muschelkalk and Grenzdolomit and lagoonal environment – in the Röt, Upper Muschelkalk and Grenzdolomit. Depositional environments of the Triassic deposits have been presentedreconstructed based on the lithofacies and palynofacies analyses.
The results of the palynostratigraphical studies presented in this paper come from five boreholes Patoka 1, Czarny Las, Woźniki Śląskie K1, Kobylarz 1 and Poręba as well as from four outcrops at Lipie Śląskie, Patoka, Zawiercie and Poręba, in Upper Silesia (southern Poland). The palynostratigraphical zonation presented by Orłowska-Zwolińska (1983) for the epicontinental Upper Triassic of Poland was applied. The palynomorph spectra are marked by different preservation states, combined with the frequent occurrence of reworked specimens, probably even from Palaeozoic strata. The spore-pollen assemblage recognized in the “Chrzanów Formation” belongs to the early Carnian verrucata Subzone of the palynological longdonensis Zone. The spectrum from the Stuttgart Formation represents the Carnian astigmosus Zone. Spectra in the Patoka Marly Mudstone-Sandstone Member (Grabowa Mudstone-Carbonate Formation), with the Lisowice bone-bearing horizon, represent the middle and late Norian meyeriana b Subzone. The Rhaetian age of the bone-bearing succession in the Lisowice–Lipie Śląskie clay-pit suggested in the literature was not confirmed. The age of assemblages from the “Połomia Formation”, which overlies the Patoka Member, was not determined, owing to the poor state of miospore preservation. Moreover, three types of palynofacies were recognized as being characteristic for a fluvial channel (1), a flood plain (2), and lacustrine and playa environments (3) as well as for an undetermined milieu. Type 1 was found in the deposits of the Stuttgart Formation, the Patoka Member and the “Połomia Formation”, type 2 in the Patoka Member and the “Połomia Formation”, type 3 in the “Chrzanów Formation”, the Stuttgart Formation and the Patoka Member.
The results presented are a part of the biostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental studies of the authors on the microfauna and organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts from the Mesozoic dark deposits of the Pieniny Klippen Belt. The authors present the latest results from the Lower–Middle Jurassic strata, including the Szlachtowa and the Skrzypny Shale formations in the Slovak part of the Pieniny Klippen Belt near the villages of Jarabina, Kamienka and Litmanová. Material for the present study comes from exposures along the Malý Lipník, Veľký Lipník and Riečka Streams, and from the Jar-1 borehole, near Jarabina. The authors document the microfaunal and phytoplanctonic content of these rocks that contain over 50 foraminifera and 20 dinoflagellate cyst species. Their Middle Toarcian?–Aalenian to Bajocian–Bathonian ages are proposed and discussed. Quantitative and qualitative variations of both microfossil groups are interpreted as reflecting various sedimentary settings, related mainly to the variable intensity of influx of terrestrial matter into marine basins, leading to different bottom-water living conditions.
Na podstawie badań litologicznych, profilowań sedymentologicznych oraz analiz palinologicznych rozpoznano środowiska sedymentacji i palinofacje kredy dolnej w otworach wiertniczych Ciechocinek IG 3, Mszczonów IG 1 i Korabiewice PIG 1. Wykonano dokładną analizę spektrum palinologicznego – stosunku zawartości planktonu do całości palinomorf, ilości fitoklastów w całkowitym kerogenie oraz zawartości materii organicznej. W celu scharakteryzowania palinofacji w analizowanych otworach przeprowadzono korelacje danych palinologicznych z wynikami profilowań sedymentologicznych oraz z obserwacjami litofacjalnymi i paleogeograficznymi. Wyniki badań pozwoliły na ogólne rozpoznanie środowisk sedymentacji i palinofacji w strefie depozycji węglanowo-silikoklastycznej oraz w strefie aktywnej poduszki solnej. Na podstawie zebranego materiału, w nawiązaniu do określonego w badaniach palinofacjalnych spektrum palinologicznego, w profilu kredy dolnej wydzielono następujące środowiska morskie: odbrzeża, przybrzeża dolnego–środkowego, płytkiej zatoki morskiej, laguny i płytkiego szelfu węglanowo-silikoklastycznego. W przypadku braku jednoznacznych cech diagnostycznych środowisko sedymentacji określono jako ogólnie morskie.
Based on lithological and sedimentological logging and palynological analysis, sedimentary environments and palynofacies were identified in the Lower Cretaceous of the Ciechocinek IG 3, Mszczonów IG 1 and Korabiewice PIG 1 boreholes. A thorough analysis of the palynological spectrum was performed, determining the ratio between the amount of palynomorphs and the total of plankton, the amount of phytoclasts in the total kerogen, and the content of organic matter. Palynological data were correlated with sedimentological, lithofacies and paleogeographical data. The research resulted in a general recognition of sedimentary environments and palynofacies in the carbonate-clastic deposition zone and in a zone of an active salt pillow. The following sedimentary environments were identified in the Lower Cretaceous sediments, based on the analysed material and with regard to the palynological spectrum: offshore, lower–middle shoreface, embayment, lagoon and shallow carbonate-siliciclastic shelf. In case of the absence of diagnostic features for exact determination of sedimentary environments, the environments were defined as generally marine.
Kompleksowe badania palinologiczne przeprowadzono na 37 próbkach z otworu wiertniczego Trojanowice 2, z interwału 502,0–558,8 m. Na podstawie rozpoznanych gatunków miospor wyróżniono dwa standardowe poziomy miosporowe: Emphanisporites annulatus-Camarozonotriletes sextantii z emsu oraz Grandispora douglastownense-Ancyrospora eurypterota z pogranicza emsu i eiflu. Przeprowadzone anlizy palinofacjlne pozwoliły określić środowisko sedymentacji spągowych partii profilu na morskie, bliskiego brzegu, z intensywną dostawą materiału organicznego z lądu.W części stropowej stwierdzono natomiast nieco głębsze warunki depozycji, w większym oddaleniu od obszarów źródłowych. Analiza kolorystyczna wykazała dojrzały stopień przeobrażenia termicznego materii organicznej. Formalnie opisano po raz pierwszy dwa nowe gatunki miospor: Camptozonotriletes reticulum sp.n. i Perotrilites asymmetricus sp.n.
The palynological investigation were carried out on 37 samples from the Trojanowice 2 borehole from a depth interval of 502.0–558.8 m. Based on the presence of index and important microflora species two standard miospore zones were recognized: Emphanisporites annulatus-Camarozonotriletes sextantii, from the Emsian and Grandispora douglastownense-Ancyrospora eurypterota from the Emsian/ Eifelian transition interval. Palynofacies from the lower part of the section indicate marginal marine palaeoenvironmental conditions. Palynofacies from the upper part prove deeper marine conditions further from the shoreline. Additionally, spore colour analyses revealed a high degree of thermal transformation. Two new miospore taxa have been formally erected: Camptozonotriletes reticulum sp.n. and Perotrilites asymmetricus sp.n.
A palynofacies study carried out across the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K–Pg) boundary in the El Haria Formation at Ellès, northeastern Tunisia, revealed the presence of organic matter dominated by marine palynomorphs, mainly dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. Continental palynomorphs (sporomorphs) and amorphous organic matter (AOM) are also present in all samples. The total organic carbon (TOC) content is generally less than 0.7 wt.%. The Rock-Eval S1 parameters vary from 0.01 to 0.3 mgHC/g rock. The Rock-Eval S2 parameters vary from 0.15 to 0.57 mgHC/g rock. The hydrogen index (HI) and oxygen index (OI) values range from 61 to 214 mgHC/g TOC and 149 to 638 mgHC/g TOC, respectively. The Tmax values range from 420 to 440°C. The TOC, Rock-Eval pyrolysis and palynofacies analyses indicate that the El Haria Formation is characterized by immature organic matter type II and III and a low thermal alteration index (TAI). Also, the authors present in this paper the biostratigraphic, palaeoenvironmentl and palaeobiogeographic framework for the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages below and above the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary in the Ellès section.
The paper presents core description of the Maruszyna IG-1 Deep Borehole located in the southernmost part of the Pieniny Klippen Belt of Poland, at the Kraków-Zakopane geotraverse of the Polish Carpathians. In the borehole, two Laramian nappes have been recognized: the Pieniny Nappe, PN (0 down to 930-960 m below the surface), and the Branisko Nappe, BN (1225-4843 m below the surface). The rocks of the Branisko Nappe are unconformably covered by the Maastrichtian marine molasse (conglomerates with large olistoliths derived from this nappe) - the Jarmuta Formation, JmF (930-1190 m below the surface). The Laramian overthrust zone: PN over JnF (and BN) lies at 930-960 m below the surface. The Branisko Nappe is subdivided into three first-order (major) and numerous, second-order (minor) tectonic scales. 29 samples from the Middle Jurassic, Lower and Upper Cretaceous rocks have been analyzed for palynofacies and organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts. Biostratigraphic interpretation of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages generally confirms the ages of the earlier-distinguished Jurassic and Cretaceous lithostratigraphic units in this borehole. An Aalenian dinoflagellate cyst assemblage from rocks attributed to the Harcygrund Shale Formation, suggests a slightly wider time-range of this unit than hitherto assumed: Aalenian-Lower Bajocian.
The palynological organic matter of dark clays from Bathonian ore-bearing clays exposed at Gnaszyn (Częstochowa, Kraków-Silesia Homocline, Poland) consists of high proportions of land-derived particles; aquatic elements (mainly dinoflagellate cysts) are comparatively rare. Terrestrial particles include black opaque phytoclasts, dark brown phytoclasts, cuticle remains and subordinate sporomorphs. The latter are represented by eighty-four taxa of spores and pollen grains. They represent various groups of plants, including Bryophyta, Sphenophyta, Lycophyta, Pteridophyta, Pteridospermophyta, Cycadophyta or Ginkgophyta and Coniferophyta. The most frequent sporomorphs in almost all samples from Gnaszyn are Callialasporites (Araucariaceae), Cerebropollenites and Perinopollenites elatoides (Taxodiaceae) pollen grains, fern spores with triradiate tetrad mark, bisaccate pollen grains belonging to conifers (Pinaceae or Podocarpaceae) and also to Pteridospermophyta. Quantitative analysis of the palynofacies shows fluctuations of particular element ratios, which correlate with lithology. Clay intervals that contain siderite concretion levels yielded lower amounts of cuticles in relation to sporomorphs (mainly pollen grains) and dinoflagellate cysts. Intervals of monotonous clays and silts are characterized by a higher ratio of cuticles in relation to other elements, especially dinoflagellate cysts. Also, quantitative analysis of the sporomorphs shows changes in frequency of the representatives of various plant communities, which coexisted during the Jurassic: Upland, Lowland, River, Pioneer, Coastal and Tidally-influenced. These changes might have reflected sealevel fluctuations, which affected vegetation growing on adjacent land. However, the dominance of Callialasporites pollen grains, which belong to the Coastal community, indicates that the Gnaszyn assemblage was mainly influenced by the seashore vegetation. The high frequency of Araucariaceae pollen grains and the presence of ferns representing the Osmundaceae, Cyatheaceae, Dicksoniaceae, Schizeaceae, Gleicheniaceae and Matoniaceae indicate a warm climate without large seasonal amplitudes during the deposition of the Gnaszyn succession.
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