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Biostratigraphic analysis of calcareous nannofossils from the Pełczyska section in the Miechów Trough (southern Poland) has revealed that the entire section covers the lowermost Maastrichtian. The UC16bTP Tethyan subzone is designated based on the presence of Broinsonia parca constricta Hattner, Wind and Wise, 1980, reworked remains of Uniplanarius trifidus (Stradner) Hattner and Wise in Wind and Wise, 1983 and the simultaneous lack of Eiffellithus eximius (Stover) Perch-Nielsen, 1968. The studied section spans also the interval between the LO of Zeugrhabdotus praesigmoides Burnett, 1997 and the FO of Prediscosphaera mgayae Lees, 2007 (UC16 S3 Boreal subzone). Quantitative analysis of nannofossil assemblages has shown the dominance of cold water species (up to 50%), e.g., Micula decussata Vekshina, 1959, Prediscosphaera spp., Arkhangelskiella spp., Calculites obscurus (Deflandre) Prins and Sissingh in Sissingh, 1977 and Lucianorhabdus cayeuxii Deflandre, 1959. In the early Maastrichtian, the studied area was more influenced by cool water masses from the Boreal Province rather than by warm water from the Tethyan Province. The significant predominance of cold water taxa and the elevated presence of Prediscosphaera cretacea (Arkhangelsky) Gartner, 1968 also supports the hypothesis of climate cooling in the early Maastrichtian.
The objective of this study was to reconstruct the environmental changes in the Gulf of Gdańsk in the last 200 years. Four subbottom sediment cores were analyzed with respect to diatom flora and anthropogenic effects. The so-called “anthropogenic assemblage” – a result of cultural eutrophication – was observed in the surface sediments. Changes in the species composition may have been caused by the increased use of fertilizers, nitrogen loads and increasing organic matter concentration. Three phases (A, B and C) were distinguished based on the floristic spectrum, which clearly indicates trophic changes in the study area.
A palynological study of a 30 m borehole within the Akoka campus of the University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria revealed Late Quaternary paleo-vegetational, climatic and environmental changes. Sixteen samples at a regular interval of 2 m were subjected to standard palynological and sedimentological techniques. Six pollen zones representing six paleoclimatic phases within the Late Quaternary period were recognized. The age model is based on two radiocarbon dates (6 m: 5,495 ± 25 ¹⁴C yr and 12 m: 15,660 ± 40 ¹⁴C yr) and, by extrapolation, the sequence spans approximately the last 35,000 yr BP. The African maximum transgression and the African Humid Period (wet paleoclimate maximum) – the Nouaktchottian, and Pre-Nouaktchottian respectively – were recognized, while the Ogolian II (Erg II) was stratigraphically recognized and the Upper Inchirian extrapolated. Recovered diatom frustules with other proxies were employed for paleoclimatic and paleoecological deductions. Four hydrological cycles and three paleoecological settings were identified. Results from this work indicate the co-eval record of paleoclimatic events across Africa, suspected cooling during the African maximum transgression in Nigeria and the usefulness of coastal freshwater swamp sediments for paleoclimate studies.
This study is based on the analysis of the sedimentology and the fossil assemblages of the Pleistocene deposits in Eastern Tunisia. It aims to establish the different fauna assemblages in order to highlight their paleoenvironments and discuss the importance of the Persististrombus latus distribution especially in the MIS 5e deposits around the Mediterranean Basin. The stratigraphic succession has been divided into two main units. The lower unit is quartz-rich sediment. Its lower marine term revealed well preserved species (Bivalves, Gastropods, Echinoids and Scirripedia) dominated by Acanthocardia, Cerastoderma, Parvicardium, Arca, Donax, Glycymeris, Loripes, Tellina and Cerithium. This fauna is representative of a typical association/biocenosis which may be developed in a sheltered bay, where the hydrodynamism is regularly moderate to low and/or quickly post-mortem buried. The upper unit is carbonated. Its basal term is also rich marine fauna which contains the extant tropical West African species Persististrombus latus. The occurrence of Persististrombus latus in this unit compared to its presence in the whole Mediterranean basin in the Late Pleistocene leads to question its importance in the interpretation of the climate warming during the Late Pleistocene, and to suggest its Atlantic origin.
Foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil assemblages from the Eastern Carpathians (northern part of the Tarcău Nappe, Romania) were documented and correlated in order to reconstruct the palaeonvironmental settings and provide a biostratigraphic framework of the Plopu Formation. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by flysch-type agglutinated taxa, suggesting a bathyal palaeodepth with frequent oscillations of the carbon compensation depth. The agglutinated foraminifera morphogroup analyses suggest different levels of organic matter influx and oxygenation. Both the foraminifera and calcareous nannofossil assemblages suggest a shift between the warm mid Eocene to the cooler late Eocene climate. Biostratigraphic data based on calcareous nannofossils (NP15–NP19/NNTe8–NNTe12 biozones) helped to establish the age of the formation. Four assemblages of benthic agglutinated foraminifera (Psammosiphonella cylindrica – Nothia excelsa; Paratrochamminoides spp. – Trochamminoides spp.; Karrerulina spp.– Reticulophragmium amplectens; Spiroplectammina spectabilis) correlated with calcareous nannofossil bioevents supported the placement of the mid to late Eocene transition within the Plopu Formation.
Calcareous nannoplankton assemblages from the Jurassic relict deposits in the northern part of the Bohemian Massif are described here for the first time. They are generally of low diversity and dominated by watznaueriaceans. Some of them are diagenetically affected, probably due to dolomitisation. Calcareous nannoplankton enables the stratigraphical range of the Northern Bohemia Jurassic succession to be extended to the Tithonian by reference to the stratigraphical range of Jurassic platform sequences in Central Poland and the eastern part of the Bohemian Massif. The Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian nannofossil assemblages indicate a generally oligotrophic condition of the restricted sea with episodic fluvial input containing terrestrial nutrients. The character of the upper part of the water column was generally uniform and did not reflect variability at the sea-floor expressed by lithofacies diversity. The palaeoenvironment interpreted for the famous former palaeontological locality “Sternberk Quarry” was characterized by a higher nutrient content and more stable environment. The Tithonian nannofossil assemblages contain warm-water Tethyan taxa which suggest south-north migration of nannoplankton due to warming during the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary interval.
This article presents results of diatom analysis of seven sediment cores taken from various depths of the Gulf of Gdańsk between the Hel Peninsula and the coast of Gdańsk and Gdynia. Further eight cores were drilled in the northern, southern and central part of the Vistula Lagoon. The present investigations enabled the determination of: (i) differentiation of diatom assemblage zones, (ii) correlation of palaeoecological units with reference to the following stages: Mastogloia Sea, Littorina Sea, Post-Littorina Sea, including the latest environmental changes associated with an anthropogenic factor, (iii) description of the defined diatom biofacies based on statistical analysis, (iiii) reconstruction of spatial and temporal development of both basins with the emphasis on the role of inflows of sea and river waters.
The aim of this study was to analyze resting spores of Chaetoceros spp. preserved in Middle and Late Holocene sediments of the three parts of the Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea. The material studied consists of ten cores retrieved from Kuźnica Deep (Puck Lagoon), as well as the shallower and deeper parts of the Outer Puck Bay region. Our results indicate that the abundance of Chaetoceros resting spores in diatom taphocoenoses corresponded to regional and local paleoecological changes registered in Mastogloia, Littorina and Post-Littorina sediments, and that they also reflect human impact in the last hundred years.
Fructification of Stratiotes a/oides L. is very rarely recorded at present. In general, there are only one sex representatives in each lake basin, which simply makes generative reproduction difficult. The subfossil seeds of Stratiotes a/oides have been found in five localities of biogenic accumulation in northern and central Poland.
The Zygnemataceae are an extant family of freshwater filamentous green algae which produce acid-resistant zygospores. Palynomorphs of probable zygnematacean affinity occur in sediments of the Carboniferous to Holocene age (van Geel & Grenfell, 1996). These algae reproduce using four types of spores, but only zygospores and probably aplanospores are acid-resistant and can be preserved in the fossil record. The majority of recent species have zygospores of constant form of three types: elliptical (occurring in genera Debarya and Spirogyra), square (occurring in Mougeotia) or circular (occurring in Zygnema). The zygospores normally have a three-layered wall (exospore, mesospore and endospore), but only mesospore contains a decay and acid-resistant substance (most probably algaenans), so usually only this layer is preserved in fossil state, and is of interest to palynologists. The mesospore layer is smooth or ornamented with various sculptures (Kadłubowska, 1972; Grenfell, 1995). The shape and sculpture are very important features for determination of both the recent and fossil species. Two samples from the Bełchatów Lignite Mine were palynologically examined and two types of probable fossil zygnematacean zygospores, differing in shape, were encountered. The following species have been distinguished: Tetraporina sp., Spintetrapidites quadriformis Krutzsch & Pacltová as well as Ovoidites elongatus (Hunger) Krutzsch, and O. ligneolus Potonié ex Krutzsch. The fossil genus Tetraporina is usually related to the recent zygnematacean algae zygospores of Mougeotia genus, fossil Ovoidites is the nearest the recent zygospores of Spirogyra and Sirogonium, while Spintetrapidites is similar to both zygospores of Zygnemataceae and Tetraedron green algae. Species of recent genera Mougeotia and Spirogyra are usually found in shallow, freshwater, oxygen-rich environments such as ponds, lake margins (paludal or low gradient fluvial), ditches and very slowly moving streams (Kadłubowska, 1972). Occurrence of Tetraporina and Ovoidites zygnematacean zygospores in the material studied from Bełchatów points out at presence of water basin(s) during sedimentation time. That confirms the previous geological results that formation of examined sediments took place in the environment of a meandering river (including ox-bow lakes).
W niniejszej pracy opisano faunę amonitową z najwyższego famenu (górny dewon) odsłaniającego się w kamieniołomie Kowala. Obejmuje ona 31 taksonów. Po raz pierwszy z Kowali opisano dwa gatunki amonitowatych: Prionoceras frechi (Wedekind, 1913) oraz Flexiclymenia tempestiva (Czarnocki, 1989). Ponadto omówiono na podstawie własnych obserwacji oraz starszych prac faunę towarzyszącą. Przedstawiono interpretację paleoekologiczną poziomu klimeniowego. Na podstawie fauny amonitowej ustalono pozycję stratygraficzną badanego poziomu. Obejmuje on zony od Clymenia laevigala po Wocklumeria sphaeroides, odpowiadające górnej części zony konodontowej expansa i dolnej części zony konodontowej praesulcata.
This paper discusses ammonoid fauna from Uppermost Famennian (Upper Devonian) in Kowala Quarry, which includes 31 taxa. For the first time two ammonoid species Prionoceras frechi (Wedekind, 1913) and Flexiclymenia tempestiva (Czarnocki, 1989) have been described from this locality. In addition, the paper summarizes taxonomic characteristics of the fossil assemblage, as well as the environmental reconstruction of the Clymeniide Level. The stratigraphic setting of this unit has been determined with ammonoids. The level includes the following zones: Clymenia laevigata and Wocklumeria sphaeroides, corresponding to the units of conodont zones: upper expansa and lower praesulcata.
The diatom records of two sediment cores taken in the SW part of the Gulf of Gdańsk indicate paleoenvironmental variability in the last three stages of formation of the Baltic Sea: the Mastogloia, the Littorina and the Post-Littorina. Diatom community compositions of the cores show the influence of several factors on past environmental conditions of the study area: (1) regional salinity changes, (2) changes of the Vistula River inflow, and (3) sedimentary processes connected with the Hel Peninsula development.
The aim of the study was to analyze the diatom taphocoenoses preserved in the Holocene sediments of the southwestern Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic Sea). Three sediment cores collected at sites located between the tip of the Hel Peninsula and Gdynia were used to reconstruct environmental changes that have occurred over the last 9 ka. The floristic spectrum and the distribution of ecological groups indicate that the diatom flora developed during four Baltic Sea paleoecological stages; thus, the Ancylus Lake, Mastogloia Sea, Littorina Sea, and Post-Littorina Sea stages are discussed. The anthropogenic assemblage in the superficial sediments of the study area is also described.
Fossil and subfossil diatom flora were analyzed in four sediment cores (ZW 1, ZW 4, ZW 11, ZW 15) taken from the Vistula Lagoon. The aim of the study was to reconstruct environmental changes in the Holocene with an emphasis on the relationship with paleoecological stages of the Baltic Sea. Results of the diatom study supported by lithological analyses indicate that the development of the Vistula Lagoon took place under changing environmental conditions. The basin was formed in the Late Atlantic chronozone and was indirectly connected with the Littorina Sea transgression. The basin became shallower and its waters fresh in the Subboreal period. Due to the last marine transgression linked with the Post-Littorina Sea in the Subatlantic chronozone, slightly higher salinity was observed in the diatom record. Moreover, the effects of eutrophication are recorded in the subfossil diatom flora preserved in sediments from the southwestern part of the lagoon. Additionally, the results of the discontinuation of the Nogat River inflow in 1915 are noted in the superficial sediments.
W warstwach cieszyńskich odnotowano liczne otwornice bentoniczne wieku tyton-hoteryw. Generalnie ich liczebność i zróżnicowanie taksonomiczne zmniejszały się podczas depozycji tych osadów. Zubożenie zespołów otwornicowych było związane z transformacją geotektoniczną basenu karpackiego (cieszyńskiego) i ewolucją ówczesnych środowisk na przełomie jury i kredy. Analizy morfogrupowa i tafofacjalna wykazały, iż basen ewoluował od marginalnego i szelfowego zbiornika do otwartego basenu morskiego. Proces ten udokumentowała sukcesja ośmiu zespołów otwornicowych. Początkowo dominowały w nich wapienne otwornice bentoniczne znane z szelfowych i pararafowych środowisk basenów epikontynentalnych i morskich. Na przełomie jury i kredy zostały one wyparte przez głębokomorskie otwornice krzemionkowe. Pierwsza grupa wapiennych otwornic miała charakter allochtoniczny i była związana z końcową fazą regresji morza. Odmienna autochtoniczna mikrofauna pojawiła się z początkiem cyklu regresywno-transgresywnego. W tym czasie, przy nadal utrzymującym się niskim poziomie morza, doszło do wyraźnego pogłębienia zbiornika cieszyńskiego. Następstwo omawianych zespołów otwornic określa przynależność paleobiogeograficzną badanego fragmentu zbiornika karpackiego, który stał się integralną częścią oceanu tetydzkiego już we wczesnej kredzie.
Numerous benthic foraminifers are noted in the Cieszyn Beds. Generally their number and taxonomic variability decreased during the sedimentation of these deposits. The impoverishment of foraminiferal assemblages, which corresponded with geotectonic transformation of the Carpathian (Cieszyn) Basin and evolution of the contemporary environments was noted at the turn of Jurassic-Cretaceous. Morphogroup and taphofacial analyses suggest that this basin evolved from narrow, shelf basin into open marine basin. Succession of foraminiferal assemblages has evidenced this process. At the beginning these assemblages contained calcareous benthic forms, which were known from shelf and para-reef environments of epicontinental and marine basins. At the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary these ones were replaced by deep-water siliceous foraminifers. The first group of the mentioned foraminifers comprised mainly allochthonous forms, which occurred at the end of the regression of the sea. Autochthonous microfauna, al-though differing, appeared at the beginning of transgression cycle. At this time the basin was deepening while a level of the sea was as low as before. The sequence of the studied foraminiferal assemblages is related to paleobiogeographical position of the Cieszyn Basin, which finally became an integral part of the Tethyan bioprovince at the Early Cretaceous.
Trzy odsłonięcia górnego kampanu, należące do trzech kolejnych poziomów amonitowych (Neancyloceras phaleratum, Bostrychoceras polyplocum i Didymoceras donezianum) w dolinie środkowej Wisły, zostały zbadane pod kątem paleośrodowiskowym. Bogata makrofauna ze wszystkich szczebli troficznych, świadczy o spokojnym środowisku, odpowiadającemu dzisiejszej strefie pogranicza wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego szelfu, o normalnym zasoleniu, dobrze natlenionych wodach przydennych i podłożu o zróżnicowanej konsystencji, stwarzającego różnorodnej faunie odmienne nisze ekologiczne.
The paleoecology of macrofauna from three Upper Campanian outcrops in the Middle Vistula valley, belonging to three successive ammonite zones (Neancyloceras phaleratum, Bostrychoceras polyplocum and Didymoceras donezianum), have been investigated on paleoenvironmental ground. The rich macrofauna of all trophic levels indicates the calm epicratonic basin, corresponding to the inner to outer shelf environment, of normal salinity waters, good bottom-water oxygenation and with substrate of varied consistency, providing different niches for diverse fauna.
Content available remote Fauna osadów interglacjalnych z Koczarek koło Mrągowa
Analiza paleontologiczna 46 próbek z otworu wiertniczego w Koczarkach wykazała obecność różnorodnych szczątków zwierząt: mięczaków, małżoraczków, ryb i owadów. Na tej podstawie określono warunki paleoekologiczne i paleoklimatyczne w jakich powstawały osady z fauną oraz ich stratygrafię. Znalezione tu charakterystyczne gatunki mięczaków: Corbicula fluminalis i Lithoglyphus jahni oraz małżoraczka Scottia browniana pozwalają określić wiek osadów z fauną na interglacjał mazowiecki.
Content available remote Gąbki krzemionkowe i wapienne oksfordu z Zalasu pod Krakowem
W pracy oznaczono, opisano i udokumentowano rysunkami zespół gąbek krzemionkowych i wapiennych, stwierdzony w marglisto-wapiennych osadach budujących biohermy gąbkowe w Zalasie pod Krakowem. W bogatym materiale gąbkowym, liczącym około 5000 okazów, stwierdzono zbiór ponad 150 gatunków gąbek złożony ze 132 gatunków gąbek krzemionkowych oraz z 21 gatunków gąbek wapiennych. W zbiorach pozostało jeszcze około 20 gatunków gąbek, które nie zostały opisane ze względu na stan zachowania i ubogi materiał dokumentacyjny. W biohermach gąbkowych z Zalasu dominują gatunki z rodzaju Cnemidiastrum. Występujące w biohermach gatunki z tego rodzaju i ich fragmenty są nieraz tak liczne, iż tworzą miejscami zlepy gąbkowe. Spoiwo margliste bioherm jest zwykle miękkie, dzięki czemu skały te rozsypują się tworząc u podnóży skarp w kamieniołomie gruz złożony z "mumii" gąbkowych i ich fragmentów
The assemblage of siliceous and calcareous sponges from marly limestone deposits that build sponge bioherms in Zalas near Kraków have been described. In rich paleontological material about 5000 specimens have found. There were more than 150 species: 142 species of siliceous sponges and 21 species of calcareous sponges. About 20 species due to their bad preservation have not been described. The sponge bioherms in Zalas are dominated by members of Cnemidiastrum genus. Sponges and their fragments are locally so abundant that they form clusters. As the marly cement of bioherms is usually soft the rock easily disintegrates producing debris of sponge moulds and fragments at the foots of quarry scarps
W marglach górnej jury odsłoniętych w brzegu potoku Dłubnia znaleziono mikrofaunę złożoną z 42 gatunków otwornic oraz mikroszczątków innych organizmów. Otwornice reprezentowane są przez formy bentoniczne wapienne i nieliczne aglutynujące. Otwornice planktoniczne pojawiają się sporadycznie - tylko jeden gatunek. Pozycja stratygraficzna tych utworów została określona na podstawie składu zespołu mikrofauny i przez analogię do obszarów sąsiednich (wiercenie w Glanowie), z których znane są amonity, na poziom Idoceras planula. Wśród otwornic bentonicznych wyróżniono 12 morfogrup. Na podstawie obecności przedstawicieli poszczególnych morfogrup oraz ich liczebności podjęto próbę interpretacji warunków środowiska na dnie zbiornika górnojurajskiego - jest to środowisko szelfowe
In the small outcrop of the Upper Jurassic marly sediments a rich assemblage of microfauna have been found. The microfaunal assemblage consists of 42 specimens of foraminifera and many debris of another fossils. The foraminiferal assemblage consists of benthic calcareous species and some arenaceous ones. Only one species of planktic foraminifera has been found. Sfratigraphical position of the sediments was settled as Idoceras planula Zone on the base of microfauna and similar Jurassic sediments from neighbourhood (Glanów borehole), which age was known. In the benthic foraminiferal assemblage 12 morphogroups have been distinquished. Interpretation of the paleoenvironment on the bottom of Upper Jurassic basin have been done. It was the shelf paleoenvironment condition
Content available remote Biostratygrafia miocenu w szybie S-1 KWK "Czeczot" w Woli koło Pszczyny
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań mikropaleontologicznych utworów badenu z szybu S-1 KWK "Czeczott" w miejscowości Wola koło Pszczyny. Znajdują się one w zachodniej części zapadliska przedkarpackiego, a litologicznie należą do formacji skawińskiej. Badania mikrofauny wykazały, że wiekowo reprezentują one dwa podpiętra badenu: moraw - poziom Candorbulina suturalis, oraz wielicz - poziom Uvigerina costai. Dolną granicę morawu wyznacza masowe pojawienie się gatunku Candorbulina suturalis oraz tzw. zespołu "lancendorfskiego". Natomiast dolna granica wieliczu została przyjęta w miejscu pojawienia się płytkowodnych gatunków bentonicznych, jako nowych elementów mikrofauny oraz typowego dla wielicianu gatunku planktonicznego Globoturborotalita decoraperta. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy jakościowo-ilościowej stwierdzono, że otwornice morawu wskazują na pogłębianie się basenu sedymentacyjnego oraz na tropikalny lub subtropikalny klimat. W wieliczu natomiast doszło do ochłodzenia klimatu i zaniku ciepłolubnego planktonu, głębokość basenu ulegała powolnemu spłyceniu
The results of the micropaleontological investigations of the Badenian deposits originated from pit shaft S-1 ("Czeczott" Mine - Wola near Pszczyna) were presented. Investigated area belongs to the western part of the Carpathian Foredeep. The deposits on study are the part of the Skawina Formation. Study of microfossils showed that the deposits were represented by two substages of Badenian: Moravian (Candorbulina suturalis Zone) and Wielician (Uvigerina costai Zone). The lower boundary of Moravian is limited by appearance of species Candorbulina suturalis and so called "lanzendorf" assemblage. The lower boundary of Wielician was pointed out in the area of shallow benthonic forms appearance as a new microfauna element as well as appearance of Globoturborotalita decoraperta - a typical planktonic species for Wielician. Qualitative-quantitative analysis allowed environment conditions to be determined. Presence of Moravian foraminifers suggests on slowly deepening of sedimentary basin, as well as on tropical or subtropical climate. Based on change of foraminiferal assemblage during Wielician time, shallowing upward trend is suggested. Additionally, warm-water planktonic foraminifers disappeared
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