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Method of operation quality evaluation of electric network, comprising renewable sources of energy (RSE) is considered. Integral index that enables to evaluate the impact of RSE on energy losses and its quality as well as balance reliability in electric network is suggested. Mathematical model is constructed, taking into account the assumption that electric network with RSE may be in various operation modes, characterized by different technical economic indices. To determine the integral index of operation quality of electric network with RSE in all possible states tools of Markov processes theory and criterial method are used.
The basis of operation systems functioning is their ability to accomplish set goals, in given conditions, place, quantity and time. Assessment of their operation quality is a summary measurement of their efficiency, reliability, safety, environment friendliness and ergonomics. The analysis of literature on this subject proves, that studying the systems operation quality is one of the main factors, which make up the processes of their service, repairs, control, supply, diagnostics, and most of all, operation of used machines and devices. The studied systems belong to socio-technical systems of the type H–M–E (human–machine–environment), to which the discussed transport system, being the research object of this work, belongs as well. Basing on the author's own research and the identification of processes occurring within the studied object, a method and a model for its operation quality assessment have been developed and discussed in the article. Application of the method enables making an assessment of the research object operation quality, depending on changes of values of features describing the actions of operators, technical objects operated by them and the impact of the environment.
Podstawą działania systemów eksploatacji jest realizacja postawionych im celów w określonych warunkach, miejscu, ilości i czasie. Ocena jakości ich funkcjonowania stanowi zbiorczą miarę zarówno pod względem efektywności, niezawodności, bezpieczeństwa, ekologiczności, jak i ergonomiczności. Z analizy literatury przedmiotowej wynika, że badanie jakości funkcjonowania tych systemów stanowi jeden z podstawowych czynników w procesach obsługowo-naprawczych, sterowania, zasilania, diagnozowania, a w szczególności użytkowania eksploatowanych w nich maszyn i urządzeń. Omawiane systemy zalicza się do systemów socjotechnicznych typu (człowiek–maszyna–otoczenie), wśród których wyróżnić można system transportowy, stanowiący w niniejszym opracowaniu obiekt badań. Na podstawie wyników własnych badań eksploatacyjnych oraz identyfikacji procesów realizowanych w obiekcie badań w opracowaniu przedstawiono metodę oraz zbudowano model oceny jakości działania takich systemów. Zastosowanie tej metody umożliwia ocenę jakości ich działania, realizowaną w zależności od zmian wartości cech opisujących działanie operatorów, sterowanych przez nich obiektów technicznych oraz wpływu otoczenia.
W niniejszym opracowaniu zaprezentowano zagadnienia dotyczące oceny i analizy jakości działania pasażerskiego systemu transportu kolejowego. Dokonano ogólnej charakterystyki problematyki jakości działania systemów transportowych oraz zdefiniowano pojęcie jakości ich działania. Na tej podstawie oraz mając na uwadze cel opracowania, zrealizowano badania ankietowe dotyczące wymagań jakościowych pasażerów, korzystających z usług transportowych rozpatrywanego systemu. Zaprezentowana w niniejszym opracowaniu metoda zastosowana została do oceny jakości działania wybranego systemu transportowego, natomiast istnieje możliwość jej implementacji zarówno do oceny jakości działania tego samego systemu w różnych chwilach czasowych, jak i dwóch różnych systemów w tej samej chwili czasu oraz różnych systemów w różnych chwilach czasowych.
In this work, issues concerning evaluation and analysis of a passenger railway transport system have been studied. A general characteristics of problems connected with transport means operation quality has been presented. Moreover, the notion of operation quality has been defined. On this basis, and having in mind the purpose of the article, a survey was carried out concerning quality requirements of the passengers using services of the studied transport system. Although the method presented in this paper was used for an assessment of operation quality of a selected transport system, it also can be implemented for evaluation of both: the same system in different times of its operation, two different systems at the same time and also for different systems in different times of their functioning. In this work, issues concerning evaluation and analysis of a passenger railway transport system have been studied. A general characteristics of problems connected with transport means operation quality has been presented. Moreover, the notion of operation quality has been defined. On this basis, and having in mind the purpose of the article, a survey was carried out concerning quality requirements of the passengers using services of the studied transport system. Although the method presented in this paper was used for an assessment of operation quality of a selected transport system, it also can be implemented for evaluation of both: the same system in different times of its operation, two different systems at the same time and also for different systems in different times of their functioning.
Podstawą działania systemów transportowych jest realizacja postawionych im celów w określonych warunkach, miejscu, ilości i czasie. Z analizy literatury przedmiotowej wynika, że badanie jakości funkcjonowania tych systemów, stanowi jeden z podstawowych czynników w procesach obsługowo – naprawczych, sterowania, zasilania, diagnozowania a w szczególności użytkowania eksploatowanych w nich maszyn i urządzeń. Omawiane systemy, zalicza się do systemów socjotechnicznych typu (człowiek – maszyna – otoczenie), wśród których wyróżnić można system transportowy, stanowiący w niniejszym opracowaniu obiekt badań. Na podstawie wyników własnych badań eksploatacyjnych oraz identyfikacji procesów realizowanych w obiekcie badań, w opracowaniu przedstawiono metodę oceny jakości działania takich systemów. Jako przykład zastosowania opracowanej metody ocenowej, w pracy podjęto próbę budowy modelu oceny niepożądanych oddziaływań ludzi, usytuowanych w systemie i jego otoczeniu.
The basis of operation systems functioning is their ability to accomplish set goals, in given conditions, place, quantity and time. The analysis of literature on this subject , proves that studying the systems operation quality, is one of the main factors which make up the processes of their service, repairs, control, supply, diagnostics, and most of all, operation of used machines and devices. The studied systems belong to socio-technical systems of the type H-M-E (human -machine environment), to which the discussed transport system ,being the research object of this work, belongs as well. Basing on the author's own research and identification of processes occurring within the studied object, a method for its operation quality assessment have been developed and discussed, in the article. As a example of implementation elaborated method, the authors of the paper make an attempt to evaluate the level of threats resulting from intended or not intended actions of people situated in this environment.
The study deals with operation quality assessment of operating complex systems especially transport ones. It has been established that assessment of their operation quality depends on fulfilment level of specified criteria. Thus, determination of a set of criteria in terms of their quantity and significance is of great importance. Since the considerations refer to socio-technical systems of the type: human machine and environment , and especially municipal transport systems, these criteria account for human actions, machine operation (transport means) and the impact of factors coming from the environment. The basis of their operation quality is provided by a set of significant, variable in time, measurable and independent features whose values, in a given time period, determine the fulfilment degree of the specified criteria. .On the basis of fulfilment degree of the distinguished criteria, an assessment of operation quality and classification of the considered transport systems are made. In this study, one way of choosing the criteria has been proposed. This method is based on square matrixes and questionnaire survey, which are usedfor establishing their influence on the transport system operation quality, for selected transport means, used in urban complexes.
In this paper there has been developed a method for the transport system operation quality assessment. The concept of the transport system quality has been defined. There has also been described the proposed evaluation method and the process of an assessment model construction. Basic features of the metrical space have been characterized and a proposition o f a system operation quality evaluation metrics has been presented. Also, studies concerning the choice of assessment criteria and distinction of the most signiflcant set of features accepted for the resultant model of the examined transport system operation quality, have been presented. It should be emphasized that using the presented method it is possible to make an assessment of the same system, in different times, with the assumption that the rating is performed on the basis of homogenous criteria, and with the use of a set of the same features, distinguished for the deser iption of the research object.
This paper deals with selected problems connected with transport means operation quality. Basic concepts concerning the problems of quality have been defined, and general characteristics of the elaborated methodology have been made. Description of rules on the basis of which the method was elaborated, has been presented. An algorithm of mathematical model determination has been created and a model for quality assessment of the system operation has been built. This model is supposed to serve as a general abstract form for operation quality assessment of a wide class of real transport systems different in terms of their features, structure and operation. The further part of the paper deals with possibilities of quality control in order to provide the desired level of the transport system operation quality which will be an effect of the carried out research, especially, the results, obtained on the basis of the proposed assessment method. The presented methodology can be found to be a universal tool for diagnostic, prognostic processes, and above all, for optimization and rational control ofcomplex systems of technical object using, especially transport ones through assessment of their states, determined on the basis of changes of significant features characteristic for the system.
The operation and mainenance factors as well as the destructive processes of the technical object elements cause unfavourable changes in the values of the significant functional features causing failures. A damage to a technical object has been defined as exceeding admissible limiting values by significant values of the features describing its elements. Based on the analysed references in question as well as on the results of our research, it has been found that the damages to the means of transport, being utilised within the transport systems, are a result of the interaction of various forcing factors. Some number of the damages results from natural wear of the machines, while the other damages may be caused by an inefficient repair of the previous damage. This leads to secondary damages that occured within a short time interval. They result from inappropriate organisation of the repairs, the poor training level of the repairing team workers, limits related to pre- and post-repair diagnosis, thus directly affecting the operation reliability of the systems and the technical objects being operated and maintained within them. Based on the analysis of the investigation results, it has been found that the reason for the secondary damages is, in general, improper quality of the repairs of the primary damages to the subsystem elements. The primary damages are independent to one another, and they occur randomly (they are not connected with one another by the cause and effect links). The secondary damages are dependent, because their occurrence depends on the prior occurrence of the primary damage and the effect of its improper repair or improper repair of the next secondary damage.
Czynniki eksploatacyjne i procesy destrukcyjne elementów obiektów technicznych powodują niekorzystne zmiany wartości istotnych cech funkcjonalnych, powodujących uszkodzenia. Uszkodzenie obiektu technicznego zdefiniowano jako przekroczenie dopuszczalnych wartości granicznych przez istotne cechy opisujące jego elementy. Na podstawie analizy literatury przedmiotu oraz wyników badań własnych stwierdzono, że uszkodzenia środków transportu, użytkowanych w systemach transportowych, są wynikiem oddziaływania różnorodnych czynników wymuszających. Pewna liczba uszkodzeń wynika z naturalnego zużywania się elementów maszyn, natomiast inne uszkodzenia mogą być spowodowane nieskuteczną naprawą poprzednio powstałego uszkodzenia. Skutkiem tego powstają tzw. uszkodzenia wtórne w krótkim przedziale czasu. Są one wynikiem niewłaściwej organizacji napraw, słabego wyszkolenia pracowników brygad naprawczych, ograniczeń związanych z diagnozowaniem przednaprawczym i ponaprawczym, co z kolei bezpośrednio wpływa na niezawodność działania systemów i eksploatowanych w nich obiektów technicznych. Na podstawie analizy wyników badań stwierdzono, że przyczyną powstawania uszkodzeń wtórnych jest, z reguły, niewłaściwa jakość napraw pierwotnych uszkodzeń elementów podsystemów. Uszkodzenia pierwotne są niezależne od siebie i występują w sposób losowy (nie są ze sobą związane więzią przyczynowo-skutkową). Uszkodzenia wtórne są zależne, ponieważ ich wystąpienie jest uwarunkowane wcześniejszym wystąpieniem uszkodzenia pierwotnego i skutkiem niewłaściwej jego naprawy lub naprawy następnego uszkodzenia wtórnego.
Content available remote Transport system operation quality assessment as a multiobjective analysis issue
The optimisation of exploitation process of complex exploitation system enables to decrease the costs of using and service activities. As an example of such system the transport system is considered. The base of optimisation process is the assessment method. In the case it is necessary to implement the assessment system that can take into consideration the digital and continuous criteria defined in different domains. Unfortunately for transport system the ISO and TQM methods are not sufficient. In the paper the assessment of transport system operation quality is described as multi-objective analysis issue. The criteria stem from the cardinal features of the transport system identified during the carried out studies. The set of the criteria can be expressed in form of equations and/or inequalities. So, the set of equations and/or inequalities is received. The set can have zero, one or more than one solution. If there is no solution or there is more than one solution it is not possible to assess the transport system operation quality unambiguously. Therefore in the paper the fuzzy extension of multi-objective analysis is implemented. Each criterion was expressed in form of fuzzy set. The support and the shape of the member function for each fuzzy set was defined. Thanks to the implemented method it is possible to assess the quality of the complex system operation taking into consideration the criteria expressed in different form and defined in different domains.
Content available remote Mathematical model for evaluating the operation quality of transport systems
The paper discusses some problems related to the evaluation of the operation quality of transport systems. An algorithm enabling to develop a mathematical model and a general model for evaluating the operation quality of transport systems are presented. Certificates that allow to compute the value of the operation quality of the above systems have been worked out. Relationships of the partial and correct order of systems as regards the quality of their operation have been applied. Elementary concepts of metric space were necessary to compute the operation quality of transport systems. The presented certificates are very useful since they permit the evaluation of the operation quality of a single system at different moments in time, as well as the assessment of the operation quality of two distinct systems at the same moment, and of distinct systems in different moments in time.
Praca dotyczy oceny jakości działania systemów transportowych. Przedstawiono algorytm wyznaczania modelu matematycznego oraz zbudowano ogólny model oceny jakości ich działania. Opracowano metryki służące do wyznaczania jakości działania rozpatrywanych systemów. Zastosowano relację częściowego porządku i dobrego uporządkowania w celu jakościowej klasyfikacji systemów oraz zastosowano podstawowe pojęcia przestrzeni metrycznej do wyznaczenia poziomu jakości ich działania.
Content available remote Ewolucja procesów eksploatacji maszyn w rolnictwie XXI wieku
Na przykładach rozwoju konstrukcji ciągników rolniczych oraz kombajnów zbożowych, analizowano na przestrzeni ubiegłych 20-30 lat ewolucję ich budowy i cech eksploatacyjnych. Stwierdzono wzrost efektywności użytkowej, w tym trwałości i niezawodności, oraz bardzo istotne zmniejszenie pracochłonności zabiegów obsługowych i naprawczych. Wyraźnym trendem jest zapewnienie ergonomiczności i dbałości o środowisko. Cele te osiągnięto częściowo dzięki automatyzacji.
On an example of development in construction of agricultural tractors and combine harvesters, the evolution changes in their structural and operational characteristics were analysed along the last 20-30 years. An increase in operation effectiveness was observed including durability and relability of the machines as well as significantly reduced labour consumption for their maintenance, service and repairs. An important trend reffered to assuring their ergonomics and making them environment friendly appeared. The automation was a factor that enabled to realize these objectivies to some extent.
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