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Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie charakterystyki sejsmicznej utworów o charakterze olistostromowym z obszaru paleodoliny Szczurowej–Wojnicza na podstawie interpretacji połączonych danych sejsmicznych 3D i 2D. Interpretowany rejon cechuje się skomplikowaną budową geologiczną oraz słabym stopniem rozpoznania wiertniczego, gdyż tylko nieliczne odwierty przewierciły pełen profil utworów miocenu autochtonicznego. Paleodolina Szczurowej–Wojnicza, stanowiąca jeden z najbardziej charakterystycznych elementów budowy strukturalnej obszaru badań, wyerodowana została w utworach węglanowych kredy i jury. W okresie neogenu paleodolina ta wypełniona została miąższą serią osadów klastycznych należących do formacji skawińskiej. W podłożu tej formacji zidentyfikowany został również pakiet charakterystycznych osadów gruboklastycznych o silnie zróżnicowanej miąższości, nazwany serią zlepieńcowo- -olistostromową. Punktem wyjścia interpretacji był profil otworu Basowy-1, w którym w materiale rdzeniowym pochodzącym ze spągowej partii miocenu stwierdzono obecność pakietów zlepieńców oraz utworów o charakterze olistostromowym (brekcji węglanowych). Przeprowadzona obecnie interpretacja obrazu sejsmicznego pozwoliła na możliwie szczegółowe rozpoznanie rozprzestrzenienia i układu strukturalnego utworów poszczególnych kompleksów litostratygraficznych w badanym rejonie. Analiza atrybutów sejsmicznych wskazuje na zróżnicowanie litologiczne serii zlepieńcowo-olistostromowej, wynikające najprawdopodobniej z zazębiania się pakietów zlepieńców i brekcji węglanowych z utworami drobnoklastycznymi. Można przypuszczać, że przynajmniej częściowo w strefach krawędziowych paleorynny lateralny kontakt pomiędzy utworami jury i miocenu ma charakter tektoniczny, związany z reaktywacją dyslokacji. Przypuszczalnie w wyniku pogrążania centralnej części rowu tektonicznego Wojnicza doszło do przechylenia w kierunku SW warstw skalnych budujących strefę krawędziową paleorynny, co z kolei doprowadziło do zainicjowania ruchów masowych. Ponadto zaobserwowano wpływ morfologii powierzchni stropowej serii zlepieńcowo-olistostromowej na układ strukturalny zalegających powyżej utworów formacji skawińskiej, wynikający z nierównomiernego stopnia kompakcji osadów drobnoklastycznych.
The article discusses the seismic characteristics of the olistostrome deposits from the Szczurowa–Wojnicz paleovalley area based on the interpretation of combined 3D and 2D seismic data. The study area is characterized by a complex geology and poor drilling exploration, as only few wells have drilled through the full profile of the autochthonous Miocene deposits. The Szczurowa–Wojnicz paleovalley, which is one of the most characteristic elements of the geological framework of the research area, was formed by erosion of Cretaceous and Jurassic carbonate formations. In the Neogene period, the paleovalley was filled with a thick series of clastic sediments belonging to the Skawina Formation. In the basement of this formation, a set of characteristic coarse-clastic sediments of highly differentiated thickness, called the conglomerate-olistostrome series, was identified. The presence of conglomerate and olistostrome deposits (carbonate breccia) described in the core material from the Basowy-1 well was the background for undertaking the present study. The conducted research allowed for the most detailed recognition of the distribution and structural arrangement of lithostratigraphic complexes in the interpreted region. The analysis of seismic attributes indicates lithological differentiation of the conglomerate-olistostrome series, most likely resulting from overlapping conglomerates and carbonate breccias with fine clastic sedimentary rocks. It can be assumed that, at least partially in the edge zones of the paleovalley, the lateral contact between the Jurassic and Miocene sediments is tectonic, related to the reactivation of dislocations. Presumably, as a result of subsidence of the central part of the Wojnicz halfgraben, there was a tilt of the sediments forming the edge zone of the paleovalley toward SW direction, which in turn led to the initiation of mass movements. Moreover, the morphology of the top surface of the conglomerate-olistostrome series affected the structural configuration of the overlying deposits belonging to the Skawina Formation, which may be explained by the uneven compaction degree of fine-clastic sediments.
In the Ukrainian part of the Silesian Nappe (Outer Carpathians, Uzh River Basin) the exotic clast-bearing Uzhok Olistostrome (up to 60 m thick) occurs within the Oligocene Krosno Formation and underlies the Pikui Sandstone (Otryt Sandstone in Poland). The Uzhok Olistostrome consists of debris/grain/mud flow deposits with clasts of schist and bioclastic limestone. These deposits contain redeposited pelagic sediments with planktonic foraminifers including Parogloborotalia pseudocontinuosa (Jenkins), Ciperoella ciperoensis (Bolli), Globoturborotalita woodi (Jenkins), Chiloguembelina adriatica Premec Fucek, Hernitz Kucenjak and Huber. The age of the Uzhok Olistostrome based on planktonic foraminifers correlates with the middle Oligocene within the middle O2–O5 zones. The source area for the Uzhok Olistostrome and Pikui Sandstone was a mid-Oligocene intrabasinal palaeouplift (the Pikui Ridge) interpreted as the fore-bulge located in the Silesian Sub-basin ahead the emerging Outer Carpathian accretionary prism (including the Dukla Nappe and other West Carpathian inner flysch nappes).
A Late Carboniferous (Early Moscovian) olistostrome developed in the Kadamzhai and Khaidarkan gold-antimony-mercury deposits on the Alay Ridge northern slope (Kyrgyzstan), at the front of the Late Paleozoic Southern Tian Shan nappes, is characterized. It comprises a sub-nappe olistostrome in a collisional tectonic setting. The olistostrome contains olistoliths and olistoplaques containing parts of the mid-Paleozoic sedimentary successions belonging to the parautochthon and lower nappes of the northern Bukantau-Kokshaal branch of the Southern Tian Shan nappe belt. The olistostrome accumulated ahead the advancing nappes in the foredeep basin that was filled with turbidities and debris-flow deposits (Tolubai Formathion). The parautochthon was partly dismembered into thrust limestone sheets which disintegrated and slid into unconsolidated sediments of the foredeep basin, forming large limestone olistoliths and olistoplaques. Olistoliths containing shales and bedded cherts were slid from the lower nappes. Tectonic breccias up to melange scale are present in some olistoliths, suggesting tectonic disintegration within the nappe pile and the subsequent sliding of the tectonized blocks into the olistostrome basin. Ore-bearing silicified rocks (so-called “jasperoids”) with antimony-mercury and gold mineralization are located predominantly along the contacts of the limestone olistoliths/olistoplaques with a terrigenous matrix.
Dotychczasowe badania terenowe w polskich Karpatach zewnętrznych prowadzone przez różnych badaczy dokumentują obecność utworów chaotycznych, które powstały w wyniku podmorskich ruchów masowych. Wychodnie utworów chaotycznych często występują w rejonie stref ścięć tektonicznych i mają charakter melanży tektonicznych związanych z nasunięciami. Wykorzystując metodę modelowania analogowego, przeprowadzono eksperyment dokumentujący sposób powstawania kompleksów chaotycznych w rejonie nasunięcia.
Previous fieldwork in the Polish Outer Carpathians conducted by various researchers document the presence of chaotic complexes, the blocks in the matrix type, which were created as a result of underwater mass movements. The outcrops of the chaotic complexes frequently occur in the region of tectonic shear zones and are characteristic for tectonic mélanges connected with overthrusts. Using the analog modelling method, the experiment was performed documenting how the chaotic complexes are formed in the region of the overthrust.
In the Ghibaudo (1992) classification, the Upper Jurassic Lower Cieszyn Shales (Vendryně Formation) exposed in Goleszów (southern Poland) show sedimentological features typical of the MyG (muddy gravel beds) facies. Two lithic components of this facies have been petrographically studied: calcareous shales, which are principal constituent of the olistostrome matrix, and the rocks displaying field characteristics of marls, which occur as olistoliths. Two factors controlling the mode of intrabasinal redeposition have been recognized: the primary depositional environment, and the presence of calcareous nannofossils in the original sediments. Because the rocks occurring as olistoliths and those forming the matrix are compositionally similar but differ in grain size and clay abundance, it is reasonable to assume that the matrix rocks were originally deposited in quieter water conditions than the future olistoliths. Despite post-sedimentary modification, FESEM/BS imagery of the marls from the olistoliths reveals coccoliths in their groundmass, which are hold together with calcite overgrowth cement; this feature is eogenetic. Thus, the presence of coccoliths appears to be the crucial factor that made possible early hardening of the sediments and subsequently their redeposition as lithic blocks. This process in the starting sediments for the olistostrome matrix was inhibited by clay. Thus, they remained unconsolidated and were then redeposited as muds.
The origin of the olistostromes at the front of the Ukrainian Carpathian orogen is related to Miocene synsedimentary thrust movements of the Carpathian accretionary prism and to erosion of uplifted areas of the Boryslav-Pokuttya Nappe in the front of the accretionary prism. There are two olistostrome complexes. The first is the Lower Miocene Polyanytsya-Vorotyshcha Olistostrome with clasts of molasse and flysch deposits formed in a piggy-back basin on the inner part of the Boryslav-Pokuttya Nappe at the top of the accretionary wedge. This olistostrome is associated with the Sloboda Conglomerate derived from the fore-bulge at the foreland of the Boryslav-Pokuttya Nappe. The second one is the Middle Miocene Lanchyn Olistostrome with olistoliths of strongly deformed molasse deposits. These olistoliths were slid from the uplifted front of the Boryslav-Pokuttya Nappe. The Lanchyn Olistostrome was deposited at front of this nappe in a foredeep basin.
The study focuses on a large olistostrome unit (~200 m thick and 4 km in strike-parallel extent) embedded in the Mid-Eocene shaly Hieroglyphic Formation of the Silesian Nappe, exposed in the Rożnów Lake area. Foraminifer biostratigraphy and petrographic comparisons are used to identify the provenance of olistoliths. The olistostrome is tripartite with respect of its olistolith composition. The lower part of the olistostrome abounds in olistoliths of sandstones derived from the Early Eocene turbiditic Ciężkowice Formation, whereas the middle part is dominated by olistoliths of Early Eocene bathyal mudshales. The upper part contains olistoliths of Middle Eocene turbiditic “banded sandstones”, known from the Hieroglyphic Formation and deposited in the bathyal zone above the CCD. The bathyal provenance of the olistostrome contrasts with the abyssal origin of the hosting green shales. The olistostrome unit is inferred to be composite, emplaced in the earliest Bartonian or at the Lutetian/ Bartonian transition by a series of at least three large debris flows that closely followed one another. Biostratigra- phical data and slump-fold vergence suggest resedimentation from the bathyal northern slope of the Silesian Cordillera that bounded the abyssal Silesian Basin to the south. Northward movement of the thrust-formed cordillera must have warped up the base-of-slope deposits of the Ciężkowice Formation, causing their gravita- tional collapse. This event destabilized the former lower-slope muddy deposits, resulting in a second phase of resedimentation by retrogressive slumping, which led to the collapse of mid-slope sandy turbidites. The slope failures involved contemporaneous Mid-Eocene sediment with an admixture of foraminifers derived from the upper slope or shelf margin and with exotic bedrock debris shed from the eroded cordillera crest. The catastrophic multi-phase emplacement of the olistostrome marked the last major thrusting pulse of the second (Late Cretaceous–Late Eocene) stage of tectonic evolution of the Outer Carpathian accretionary prism.
Content available Devonian palaeogeography of the Southern Urals
Devonian deep-water deposits of the Southern Urals are represented mainly by flysch and cherty units. The main sedimentary basins (marginal sea and back-arc basin) and their origin, evolution and principal depositional environments are characterised. The main sources of clastic material were the Uraltau microcontinent (especially in the Famennian, when a mountain range formed following collision with an island arc) and two island arcs: the Irendyk, at the end of the Early and at the beginning of the Mid Devonian; and the Magnitogorsk, in the Mid to Late Devonian. Comparison with transgressive-regressive cycles established in Devonian epicontinental basins worldwide indicates that these global sea level fluctuations were recorded also in the Southern Urals deep-water settings. This applies primarily to the Eifelian and Frasnian-Famennian transgressive-regressive cycles.
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