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Wojna ukraińsko-rosyjska przynosi od początku jej trwania wiele zaskakujących rozstrzygnięć militarnych. Bez wątpienia jednym z nich jest sytuacja rosyjskiej marynarki wojennej na Morzu Czarnym. Ukraina nie posiada już w zasadzie żadnego okrętu bojowego, a jednak potrafi innymi siłami i środkami wykonywać skuteczne uderzenia, co i rusz uszczuplając stan posiadania strony przeciwnej eliminując definitywnie lub poważnie uszkadzając kolejne jednostki pływające. W artykule przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy, dotyczącej używanych przez Ukrainę morskich bezzałogowych pojazdów bezzałogowych, opartej, co oczywiste, przede wszystkim na podstawie potwierdzonych doniesień agencyjnych z toczącej się wojny ukraińsko-rosyjskiej oraz wszelkich udostępnianych przez Ukrainę materiałów, pozwalających poznać szczegóły taktyczno-techniczne tego rodzaju uzbrojenia.
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W referacie przedstawiono ogólną informację o Organizacji i państwach trójkąta weimarskiego jak również poddano analizie akty prawne dotyczące współpracy w ramach tej Organizacji. W kolejnych podrozdziałach autor dokonał analizy potencjału sił okrętowych w Polsce, Niemczech i we Francji.
In the paper shows general information about the Organization and the Weimar Triangle States as well as analysed legislation on cooperation within the framework of this organization. In the following subsections, the author has analyzed the potential of marine forces in Poland, Germany and France.
W przypadku wystąpienia epidemii Legionelozy, szybkie i jednoznaczne określenie źródła infekcji, oraz natychmiastowe podjęcie czynności naprawczych jest warunkiem niezbędnym do ograniczenia i zminimalizowania skutków rozwijającej się epidemii. W klasycznej metodzie oznaczania poziomu bakterii z rodzaju Legionella w próbkach wody, skuteczność działania reparacyjnego (podwyższenia temperatury wody w instalacji wodociągowej do 600C, dodatkowe chlorowanie) może być potwierdzone dopiero po 14 dniach!!! Tylko metoda IMMS&FCM skraca czas oznaczenia bakterii Legionella do 2-4 godzin, co jest najważniejszym czynnikiem ograniczenia rozwoju epidemii.
In the event of an epidemic of Legionnaires' disease, prompt and unambiguous identification of the source of infection and immediate undertaking of repair actions is a necessary condition to limit and minimise the effects of the developing epidemic. In the classical method for determining the level of Legionellabacteria in water samples, the effectiveness of the reparative action (increase of the water temperature in the water supply system to 600C, additional chlorination) can only be confirmed after 14 days!!! Only by using the IMMS&FCM method can Legionella's determination time be reduced to 2-4 hours, which is the most important factor in limiting the development of an epidemic.
The paper presents examples of vibration performances of the naval propulsion systems. It describes the methodology of preparation for measurement, used gauges and their restrictions. The necessity of synchronous measurements had been justified. The work contains also samples of analysis, to facilitate the reader with the components of amplitude-frequency spectra of naval propulsion systems. An overview of the existing normative documents had been presented. At the same time limitations of applying of them during technical monitoring of marine propulsion systems had been presented.
W artykule przedstawiono przykłady diagnostycznych pomiarów parametrów drganiowych okrętowych linii wałów. Opisano metodologię przygotowania do pomiarów, stosowanie urządzeń pomiarowych oraz ich ograniczenia. Uzasadniono konieczność stosowania pomiarów synchronicznych. Przedstawiono przegląd obowiązujących dokumentów normatywnych, zwracając jednocześnie uwagę na ich ograniczenia w procesie monitorowania stanu technicznego okrętowych układów napędowych.
Polska jako państwo członkowskie WHO jest zobowiązane do wdrażania wymogów regulacji ustanowionych przez WHO w 2005 roku w postaci dokumentu o nazwie IHR 2005 (International Health Regulation 2005.Wdrożenie procedur Analizy Ryzyka oraz Kontroli Punktów Krytycznych (Hazard Analysis and Crytical Control Points, HACCP) na statkach i okrętach flot krajowych jest pierwszym krokiem prowadzącym do wdrożenia procedur wynikających IHR 2005.
Poland as a WHO member state is obliged to implement the requirements established by WHO regulations in 2005 in the form of a document entitled IHR 2005 (International Health Regulation 2005). The implementation of the procedures of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, HACCP on ships and vessels belonging to the domestic fleet is the first step towards the implementation of procedures resulting from IHR 2005.
Podstawowe kryteria stosowane w komercyjnym okrętownictwie nie przystają głównie do wymagań okrętów wojennych. Różnorodność klas oraz specyfika ich działalności powoduje, ?e okręty obok wymagań ekonomicznych, energetycznych oraz logistycznych muszą spełniać dodatkowe, czasem trudne do zrealizowania, postulaty wymagającego użytkownika jakim jest marynarka wojenna. Podstawowym kryterium dopuszczającym projekt koncepcyjny okrętu do dalszych analiz jest spełnienie wymagań taktyczno - technicznych charakterystycznych dla danej klasy okrętu, w tym wymagań logistycznych, szczególnie istotnych przy wyborze układu napędowego
The basic criteria used in the commercial shipbuilding mostly do not fit the requirements of naval vessels. The wide range of classes and the specificity of their activities makes ships addition to the requirements of financial, technical and logistics must meet additional, sometimes difficult to achieve, requiring the user's demands which is the Navy. The main criterion for fitting the ships design to satisfy navy is the tactical - technical requirements of the ships class, including the logistics requirements.
W artykule zawarte są rozważania dotyczące okrętów przeznaczonych do zwalczania zagrożeń asymetrycznych. Jest to nowy rodzaj zagrożeń, gdyż pojawił się dopiero po rozpadzie bipolarnego świata i wydaje się, że najbliższa przyszłość w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa morskiego w dużej mierze będzie obejmowała walkę z nimi. W niniejszym artykule dokonana została analiza form zagrożeń asymetrycznych oraz przeciwnika asymetrycznego w celu wypracowania wymagań dla okrętu przeznaczonego do zwalczania tych zagrożeń.
The paper considers issues related to ships used to fight asymmetric threats. This is a new kind of threat which occurred after the break up of the bipolar world. It seems that the nearest future related to maritime security will be characterized by fight against these threats. The paper also analyses forms of the asymmetric threat and asymmetric opponent in order to work out requirements for a ship designed to fight these threats.
W artykule został opisany problem pracy równoległej zespołów prądotwórczych w okrętowych systemach elektroenergetycznych. Przede wszystkim przeanalizowano problem rozpływu mocy czynnej i biernej. W części końcowej przedstawiono wstępne badania, jakie były wykonane na rzeczywistym okrętowym systemie elektroenergetycznym.
In the paper, a problem of generating sets working in parallel in ship's electric power system has been described. Especially, a problem of active and reactive power distribution has been analyzed. Finally, some preliminary research in real ship's system has been shown.
Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy potencjalnych zagrożeń (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa morskiego) w artykule przedstawiono i scharakteryzowano działania podjęte przez państwa europejskie w celu zwiększenia poziomu bezpieczeństwa europejskiej wspólnoty interesów morskich. Jeden z elementów stanowią programy budowy nowych klas okrętów.
The paper presents the results of potential maritime threats analysis and characteristics of European actions, which were taken for improvement of the security level in Europe. The naval ship building programs are the most important element of such actions. The main part of this paper is a research analysis (according the author the most important) of trends in world new ship building including the weapons systems and programs.
W pracy przedstawiono pewną modyfikację klasycznej metody Shinbrota identyfikacji układu dynamicznego za pomocą funkcji modulującej. Zaproponowana w artykule metoda dotyczy użycia większej liczby funkcji modulujących i rozwiązuje problem wyboru najlepszego modelu. Została przetestowana w identyfikacji wskaźników sterowności dla wybranego okrętu klasy Mariner.
The paper presents a modification of classic Shinbrot method used to identify a dynamic system by means of modulating function. The method proposed in the paper refers to application of a larger number of modulating functions and solves the problem of best model selection. It was tested for identification of steerability indicators for a selected Mariner class ship.
The article tries to give a general technical and tactical account of the inland fleet warships of the Polish Navy in the interwar period (1918-1939). Ever since 1923 such warships were designed and produced only in Poland. The warships that were built, as well as the blueprints for those that were never actually completed, provide a good idea of the forms and structural solutions prevalent in warship building of that period. The power units used exclusively all kinds of internal combustion engines (petrol engines, Diesel engines, semi-Diesel engines), which worked on various fuels, including special mixes of liquid fuels; the propellers used included propellers operating in airless tunnels, Hotchkiss internal cone propellers (hydro-jet propulsion) and paddle wheels, as well as - in an experimental phase - cycloidal Voith-Schneider propellers, all kinds of hydro-pulsation propellers, Kort nozzle propellers and worm drive propellers for craft used in marshes. The armament used by the warships consisted mainly of guns and howitzers of the 37-195 mm calibre range in armoured turrets as well as heavy and later also large-calibre machine guns mounted on armoured turrets or on turning bases with shields, tarcze. The weapons used had a fairly wide firing range, which usually combined into a joint system of circular firing range. Typologically the craft included monitors, gunboats, heavy and light armed motorboats, including fast river patrolboats, report motorboats and hydroplanes, as well as river minelayers and minesweepers; work was also being conducted on such new types of craft as mortarboats, landing craft, aircraft transport boats, and anti-aircraft division ships, but due to the outbreak of the Second World War, their construction had to be abandoned. The design standards of the Polish inland fleet warships were relatively high (the designs were copied by foreign engineers), and this made the navy the most modem of Poland’s armed forces.
Content available remote Pierwsze okręty śródlądowe polskiej marynarki wojennej 1918-1921
The article describes the inland fleet warships of the Vistula Flotilla and the Pinsk Flotilla in the years 1918-1921. A total of 80 warships have been accounted for, but there is data suggesting that there were at least 98 warships in the two flotillas. The warships were built mainly in the years 1888-1905 (11 warships), but also in the period 1909-1916 (5 warships); 52 craft were taken over from the former authorities of the partitioned Poland and from private owners, while 46 were captured during the war in the east. Typologically the craft included 10 armoured warships, 18 armed warships (among which were three vessels upgraded to that status), 7 light armed warships, 18 transport vessels (including 3 personnel-sanitary vessels and 3 tugboats), 1 hospital ship, and 3 staff command-vessels, as well as 29 armed motor boats of various types (including combat, armoured, reconaissance, and transport motor boats), the latter of which there must in fact have been more, as indicated by their documented tactical numbers „M 47" and „M 51". The numerous barges are not discussed in the article. The warships differed widely as far as their propulsion was concerned - 49 had a steam engine, including at least 2 („Pancerny 1" and „Pancerny 2") which used wood as fuel, while 31 motor boats had internal combustion engines, mainly running on petrol (gasoline). Forty warships had side paddle wheels and two had paddle wheels mounted on the stern, while 27 vessels had screw propellers, including two or three („Kiliński", „Różycki" and perhaps „Bartosz Głowacki") with a tunnel stern (no data is available in the sources for the remaining warships). Also the armament used by the warships showed a great deal of variability. On the whole the armament was being increased in line with the rising numbers of the crews. There was a great variety as far as the types of weapons were concerned; they included heavy, 7.62 mm and 7.92 mm machine guns, 37 mm, 75mm and 80 mm cannons, as well as two heavy 105 mm cannons on the „Andrzej Zamoyski". Most of the cannons were of the field-gun type, which were easier to obtain at a time of great exigency. The warships were protected by wood-and-earth panelling (sand chambers, timber logs) and by steel armour (6-8 mm steel sheets, mainly on the wheelhouses). Since about 1925, the cannons were protected by armoured breastwoorks. Some warships were unique in having armoured barbettes for heavy machine guns („Wawel", „MB 1"). Since 1920 there were radio stations on board the staff command ships („Wisła", „Warneńczyk", „Andrzej Zamoyski"). Modern river monitors and typical navy motor boats, which had been custom-built for combat purposes, were used in the years 1920-1921, but they not have any influence on the inland fleet of the period under discussion; they did however give rise to a new generation of warships known from the inter-war period.
Content available remote Pierwsze okręty wojenne odrodzonej Polski (1918-1921)
The article attempts to give a general description of the first warships of the Restituted Poland (1918-1921), in terms of technology and the tactical features that they represented.In line with the prevalent political and strategic conditions of the period, duringwhich the Polish statehod was being restored, the Polish navy was an inland fleet,aimed at launching operations on the rivers Vistula and Prypeć (now: Pripyat’), at a time of military threat of German and Soviet expansion. Other urgent needs precluded theconstruction of warships proper, and thus civilian craft (which had previously been takenover, purchased, requisitioned, or obtained from the spoils of war) were adpated formilitary purposes.The precise technical data of the ships remain unknown, for these were very seldomdocumented in times of warfare. Such data are however retrievable from the data on civilianflotillas, available in materials relating to later periods of the inter-war years. Theuse of such materials makes it possible to engage in a plausible reconstruction of suchdata.The craft taken over required adaptation that consisted in partially dismantling thesuperstructures (that related especially to luxury cruisers), and strengthening the deckswhere the artillery was to be installed, including the mounting of turning platforms thatwould facilitate the movements of the cannons. Armoured warships were protected bymeans of sand chambers on the sides of the ships, by timber-log panelling or steel-sheetarmour, which shielded the vessels against draft, shell fragments, shrapnels and smallsarmsfire, but did not guard against immediate impact of artillery shells.The warships were equipped in 105 mm, 75-76 mm and 37 mm cannons (these werelater to be replaced by 47 mm cannons) as well as in heavy machine guns, used by thearmy; apart from that, there were a few cannons mounted on gun rests on a turning base.The cannons used had a fairly wide firing range, which usually combined into a systemof circular firing range.As far as the classification of the warships is concerned, one can distinguish the relativelyheavy armed warships and armoured warships, as well light armed warships, armedreconaissance, combat and armoured motor boats, landing and transport craft, hospitalships, as well as staff command-vessels, and, at the end of the period under discussion,also custom-built monitors. There were also plans to introduce floating batteriesbut such plans were never implemented.The test of the warships came during warfare, in which the ships contributed to manysuccesses of the Polish armed forces.
Content available remote Rozmyte sterowanie ruchem jednostki pływającej
Tematem pracy jest układ automatycznego sterowania ruchem jednostki pływającej, oparty na algorytmach logiki rozmytej. Wykorzystują one praktyczną wiedzę o nieliniowych zjawiskach związanych z nawigacją morską. W pracy naszkicowany został model matematyczny ruchu płaskiego okrętu. Szczegółowo omówiono rozmyty algorytm działania autopilota. Następnie przedstawiono przykłady symulacji działania układu sterowania.
Automatic control of a vessel motion, based fuzzy logic algorithms, is the subject of this paper. The algorithms make use of practical knowledge on nonlinear phenomena related to naval navigation. A mathematical model of a ship planar movement has been outlined. The fuzzy automatic pilot rules have been described in detail. Then, several simulation examples of the control unit behavior have been presented.
W referacie uzasadniono aktualność potrzeby modernizacji procesu eksploatacji turbinowych silników spalinowych w okrętowych układach energetycznych. Przeprowadzono systematyzację ich cech dla potrzeb oceny stanu. Zwrócono uwagę na aspekt praktycznego wykorzystania cech silników do sterowania procesem ich użytkowania według stanu, z zastosowaniem kryterium energetycznego. Dla silników eksploatowanych na okręcie określono relacje między cechami stanu i symptomami. Przedstawiono wybrane wyniki badań.
This paper shows reasons for the necessity of modernisation of a gas turbine engines` operation process in s ship`s power system. Systematisation of dynamic features for verification of the engine`s technical condition has been presented. Some aspects important for the discussed diagnostic concept have been stressed. This work shows haw the engines` properties can be applied to govern their operation process with a power criterion. This paper gives research results of some relationshipsbetween the features of the technical condition and symptoms.
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