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This article discusses regulations on the management of rock mass resources more broadly than previous literature in this area. Significant changes in the directions of globalization development as well as the transformations and disruptions of existing raw-material supply chains and changes in their structure call for verification of and changes in regulations on raw-material management in individual countries, not only in the UE. The article examines the current EU regulations and their amendments in Poland. The article presents problems that have arisen during works on the necessary regulatory reform of the following policies: development, spatial (land-use), raw material, geology and mining, environmental protection, and waste and water management. The article shows that strategies, policies, and regulations prepared simultaneously, which were to be correlated with the horizontally integrated National Development Concept, are not. This should effectively enhance the country’s raw-material security. Deficiencies have been highlighted both in assumptions and procedures adopted in developing said documents. The author also emphasizes the need to balance competing values and make necessary choices when specific solutions affect at least two competitive areas, e.g. mineral deposits vs. water, farmlands or woodlands, critical infrastructure, housing, investment in the defense sector. The need is highlighted to rationally and sustainably manage resources and country space, to protect and explore them, and plan their management. The author justifies the need for a new Act of the Code status -that comprehensively and consistently regulates both the management of rock mass resources and land and water resources, and the country space management.
Artykuł obejmuje ocenę regulacji gospodarowania zasobami górotworu w szerszym zakresie niż to dotychczas w literaturze przedmiotu miało miejsce. Istotne zmiany w kierunkach globalizacji i przekształcanie oraz zrywanie się dotychczasowych łańcuchów dostaw surowców, zmiany ich struktury, wymagają weryfikacji, zmian regulacji gospodarki surowcowej w poszczególnych krajach, nie tylko w Unii Europejskiej. W artykule zajęto się aktualnymi regulacjami w UE oraz ich zmianami w Polsce. W artykule przedstawiono problemy pojawiające się w toku prac nad konieczną reformą regulacji dotyczących polityki rozwoju, zagospodarowania przestrzennego, polityki surowcowej, geologii i górnictwa, ochrony środowiska oraz gospodarki odpadami i wodami. Wykazano, że równolegle przygotowywane nowe strategie, polityki i regulacje, powinny być skorelowane z nową, horyzontalnie zintegrowaną Koncepcją Rozwoju Kraju, czego brak. Powinno to wpływać na skuteczne zabezpieczanie bezpieczeństwa surowcowego kraju. Przedstawiono błędy, zarówno w założeniach, jak i procedurach przyjmowania tych dokumentów. Autor porusza także istotny problem konieczności wyważania konkurencyjnych wartości i dokonywania koniecznych wyborów w sytuacji konieczności jednoczesnego zastosowania danej regulacji do dwu konkurujących celów, np. złoża kopalin vs. wody, grunty rolne czy leśne, infrastruktura krytyczna, domy mieszkalne, inwestycje w sektor obronny. Autor wykazuje niezbędność zachowania racjonalnej, zrównoważonej gospodarki zasobami, przestrzenią kraju, ich ochrony, rozpoznawania oraz planowania gospodarowania nimi. Autor uzasadnia potrzebę przygotowania zupełnie nowej ustawy o randze kodeksu, kompleksowo i spójnie regulującej gospodarowanie zasobami górotworu, gruntami i wodami, ale też przestrzenią.
Antarctic krill mainly inhabit the Antarctic Ocean, not far from Antarctica, especially the Weddell Sea, where krill is dense. Marine fisheries have reached new levels, but the topic of sustainable use of marine fishery resources is far from reaching the required levels. In order to study the sustainable development of the Antarctic krill environment, this paper studies the living environment and applicability of Antarctic krill based on system dynamics, and provides some references for the sustainable development of marine resources. Mentioned the use of case analysis method, literature analysis method and other methods to collect data, build a Model, and read and analyse a large number of related literatures through the literature survey method. The experimental results proved that the salinity has a significant effect on the survival rate of Antarctic krill (p < 0.05). When the salinity is 34, the molting frequency reaches its maximum value, which is 70 %. It is concluded that the ability of Antarctic krill to adapt to gradual changes in salinity is stronger than that of sudden changes in salinity, and the suitable salinity for survival is 30-42. With 34 as the basic salinity, when the salinity rises within a certain range, the molting rate of krill will increase, and as the salinity decreases, the molting rate will gradually decrease. This shows that improving the environmental resources of Antarctic krill is an effective method for improving salinity.
The article examines the significance and role of eco-management in the system of green economy as it is connected with the need to develop new scientific and methodological approaches to managerial decision-making aimed at ensuring resource-oriented production and economic activities of an organization. The purpose of the research is to develop management technologies for eco-management to build a green economy. The eco-management technologies are studied in the following areas: 1) an analysis and evaluation of statistical observations on economic development trends and identification of issues in resource conservation, 2) justification of the need for a new approach to managing organizations, namely considering an environmental component in the decision-making process, 3) the choice of resource-saving measures in terms of a limited financial budget, 4) algorithmic implementation of environmental management components as an important component of an organization's competitive strategy. The methodical approach to the choice of environmental measures and criteria of resource utilization completeness is suggested. This allows forming the information space as a basis for making management decisions in the field of ecological safety of industrial organizations. During the last decade, the main trends of economic development have confirmed the importance of resource efficiency as far as economic and environmental aspects, which has allowed to determine the impact of research results on the economy and the environment from the standpoint of sustainable development. To this end, practical recommendations for reusing industrial waste in the production activities of companies have been provided. Within the established system of principles, criteria, and factors of rational and efficient use of resources in the conditions of modern economy, the issues of identifying and revealing the features in the development of branch organizations within the mechanism of their resource efficiency have proved to be crucial and of paramount importance.
In recent years, the importance of production in cyberphysical systems - CPS characteristic of the new industry concept, which is Industry 4.0 -I 4.0, is gaining importance. Industry 4.0 enforces modification of traditional perception of production. The basis for changes in Industry 4.0 has become Internet of Things - IoT, which gives the opportunity to connect and communicate with each other such areas as mobile solutions, cloud computing, sensors, analytics and cyber security. By new technology, areas that previously operated in enterprises as separate systems can be combined and create new opportunities for industrial production (modernization of production methods and reduce employment). Industry 4.0 brings with it a number of new challenges for producers in the field of environmental protection, and related to the inclusion of cybernetic technology in physical production processes as well as distribution. Production starts and ends on the customer. Industry 4.0 is a collective term for technologies and concepts of value chain organization. The United Nations Organization for Industrial Development indicates the following environmental aspects in the perspective of the development of Industry 4.0, such as: climate change and limited access to resources, primarily to clean energy. It is assumed that changes in the production and functioning of economies will result in a decrease in the emission of harmful compounds into the atmosphere and increase the flexibility of activities for environmental protection. The purpose of this work is to present general directions of changes in the field of environmental protection in Industry 4.0. Authors present the following areas of change: energy management and material management. These areas are opportunities for environmental. In the category of threats, the growing costs of environmental protection and household expenses are pointed out. The work is based on a literature study and statistical data. Statistical data are used: integrated technologies, expenditure and costs of environmental protection, recycling of secondary raw materials and energy consumption for the EU and Poland.
Węgiel kamienny, jako kopalina, zgodnie z naszym prawem zaliczony został do zasobów strategicznych, to znaczy mających istotne znaczenie, najważniejszych. Czy te cechy w dalszym ciągu opisują węgiel jako zasób strategiczny? Czas najwyższy na rozważenie jego dotychczasowej pozycji i nadanie mu nowej roli i nowego wymiaru.
Coal as a mineral, according to Polish law, has been credited to strategic resources, which are relevant, very important. The most important are those resources that are valuable, rare, difficult to imitate and well organized. These features create the famous model VRIO Barney and although has been designed for resources of companies in the context of a competitive advantage, it can successfully be used to describe the resources of a much larger organization like the state. Are these qualities continue to describe coal as a strategic resource? I have many doubts. Strategic role of coal has been derived from its position as the main energy resource, ensuring energy security of the country. We hear everywhere that coal is still our wealth, national treasure, black gold, but we did not notice that the world has changed and with it, the position of coal as the main raw material for energy production. It is true that coal exports in post-war Poland was a major provider of foreign exchange, it is true that the Polish energy sector is based on coal, because it was “cheap” and easily accessible, and that continued participation of coal in electricity production hovers around 60%. But perhaps now is the time for deliberation of its current position and giving it a new role and a new dimension. This is a task for the coming years and on this basis must be built development strategy Polish energy sector in the context of energy security. The consequence of this approach will be to rationalize the management of coal resources and sensible, smart protection, free from ideological backgrounds.
W artykule scharakteryzowano uwarunkowania formalnoprawne w zakresie ochrony zasobów węgla kamiennego, w szczególności w cienkich pokładach węgla. Z ich analizy wynika, że przepisy nie określają w sposób jednoznaczny zakresu ochrony zasobów, co może budzić wątpliwości i prowadzić do różnych, czasem skrajnych ich interpretacji. Dla zilustrowania tego zagadnienia przeprowadzono studium hipotetycznego przypadku, z którego wynika, że traktowanie ochrony zasobów w sposób nadrzędny, może prowadzić do sytuacji, w której konieczność ochrony cienkiego pokładu bilansowego bez znaczenia przemysłowego mogłaby uniemożliwić eksploatację zasobów w pokładach atrakcyjnych gospodarczo.
The article presents the characteristics of formal and legal requirements concerning protection of hard coal resources, in particular of thin coal seams. The analysis indicates that the legislation does not specify clearly the rules of the protection of the resources and derogations from the protection, which may give rise to uncertainties at documenting the deposits in different stages. From the case study performed on that basis it results that considering necessity of protection of resources firstly, there may be hypothetical situations where conservation of thin balance seam (without economic significance) may result in the unenforceability of exploitation of the seams economically attractive. The problem and economic effects resulting from it as significant losses of the resources are presented in the paper on the basis of a hypothetical situation that could take place at “Pokój” Coal Mine, if planning of extraction of coal from a part of seam 500 group (at present have already been exploited) was under the relevant legislation currently in force. It was found that as a result of protection of 503 seam (0.6 m in thickness – uneconomic) could result in the unenforceability of mining of a part of seam 504 laid below (filching seam) and 502 seam laid above, whose mining would require earlier decompression through mining 504 seam. Consequently, the option of the mine’s production would be decreased by 6697 thousand tons, shortening the lifetime of the mine. Changes to the legislation shall indicate in clear and unambiguous scope and manner the procedure and methods for protection of the resources and consequences resulting from abandoning such activities. In the cases verified in terms of technical and economical considerations, the regulations shall enable departure from such protection, e.g. reclassification to losses or another category of resources (not subject to protection).
W artykule przedstawiono metodę oceny wpływu zabezpieczeń na funkcjonowanie elementów systemu teleinformatycznego. Prezentowane treści zilustrowane zostały dwoma przykładami. Na podstawie przykładów przedstawiono wymagania bezpieczeństwa oraz sposób ich oceny. Istotne jest stwierdzenie, czy wdrożone wymaganie poprawia poziom bezpieczeństwa systemu, czy jest przyczyną nieprawidłowego działania systemu. Porównano aktualny poziom zabezpieczeń obiektu ze stawianymi wymaganiami.
In the paper, a method of evaluation the safeguards influence on operate system’s elements is presented. Content on the basis of two examples of ITC systems is presented. For both of them security requirements and the methods of evaluation are presented. It is important to show if implemented requirement improves a level of object security or if it is a source of disturbance in the system operation. During a process of evaluation, the current state of object’s protection is compared to what is suggested by requirement state of protection.
Artykuł dotyczy problematyki wdrożeniowej Zintegrowanych Systemów Informatycznych, obrazuje na jakim etapie są polskie przedsiębiorstwa i z jakimi problemami najczęściej się spotykają w sytuacjach wdrażania nowoczesnych systemów informatycznych. Analizuje główne założenia, jakie przedsiębiorstwa muszą spełniać przed wdrożeniem systemów i etapy jego projektowania. Pokazuje model idealny i rzeczywisty. Charakteryzuje najczęściej spotykane Zintegrowane Systemy Informatyczne.
This paper describes an implementation issue of Integrated Information Systems, shows at what stage are the Polish company, and what problems most commonly faced in the implementation of modern systems of situations. Describes the main assumptions that the company must meet prior to the implementation of systems and stages of its design. Shows a model of ideal and real. Describes the most common Integrated Information Systems.
The purpose of mineral deposits valorisation is a comparison of the different deposits, using the same, uniform criteria, as a tool to protect the most valuable mineral deposits and to diverse a level of this protection. To realize this idea, a complex, multi-criterial model was elaborated. There are two main separate groups of criteria: geological and mining assets and environmental-spatial-planning conditions. Additionally another factor - the level of certainty of geological research is necessary to take into consideration by the deposits valorisation. The presented model and rules of valorization of rock mineral deposits provides an opportunity for their legal protection more effective.
W artykule przedstawiono system ochrony zasobów funkcjonujący w polskim prawodawstwie nie tylko wynikający z ustawy prawo geologiczne i górnicze ale również z innych ustaw. Uwarunkowania prawne w zakresie ochrony złoża kopaliny porównano do ochrony innych elementów środowiska, wskazując na niektóre uwarunkowania wynikające z zasad planowania przestrzennego. Na tym tle omówiono podstawowe wymagania związane z prowadzeniem eksploatacji złóż kopalin i wynikające z tego obowiązki w zakresie ochrony zasobów. Przedstawiono również gospodarkę zasobami złóż węgla brunatnego na przestrzeni ostatnich 10 lat. Ze względu na wagę tematyki ochrony powierzchni ziemi w odkrywkowym górnictwie węgla brunatnego zagadnienia ochrony środowiska pokazano prezentując przede wszystkim stan rekultywacji terenów pogórniczych, rozumianej jako element gospodarki gruntami, oraz przedstawiając podstawowe dane dotyczące gospodarki nadkładem i ochrony wód.
The paper presents rules of mineral resource protection, resulting from the Polish law system followed not only Geological and Mining Law, but also other legal acts. Legal conditions in the area of deposits' resource protection are compared to protection of different elements of the environment, and-at the same time-some aspects resulting from principles of land planning are indicated. On the background of the legal rules and principles there are also characterized essential requirements connected to deposits exploitation as well as duties in the area of mineral resource protection resulting from the requirements. The paper describes also management brown coal resource during the last 10 years. In consideration of the land protection importance for open-pit mining of brown coal there are also presented issues of environmental protection in the paper. They are showed at the examples of land recultivation treated as the element of land management and essential data of water protection and waste management.
Artykuł zawiera formalno-merytoryczne i ekonomiczne problemy zabezpieczenia niewykorzystanych części złóż w obszarach górniczych zakładów objętych całkowitą lub częściową likwidacją. Omówiono również kwalifikację i wykorzystanie zasobów w zlikwidowanych zakładach górniczych.
The article contains description of formal/substantial and economic problems of preservation of the non-used parts of the deposits within the mining areas of the mining operation units covered by the procedure of total or partial liquidation. Discussed are also the qualification and utilization of reserves in the liquidated mines.
Content available remote Racjonalne metody eksploatacji złóż ropy naftowej
W artykule przedstawiono obecne osiągnięcia w zakresie ochrony zasobów ropy naftowej. Omówiono zależność współczynnika sczerpania od gęstości siatki odwiertów wydobywczych. Opisano mechanizm wypierania ropy naftowej ze szczelinowo-porowego ośrodka poziomu roponośnego. Dokonano oceny optymalnego tempa wydobywania ropy naftowej dla poszczególnych systemów energetycznych oraz typów złoża ropy naftowej. Określono wpływ tempa wydobycia na wskaźnik sczerpania złoża dla złoża z systemem energetycznym czapy gazowej wodno-naporowym, przy występowaniu wolnego gazu ziemnego oraz przy nawadnianiu poziomu roponośnego.
The paper deals with the present achievements in the protection of oil resources. The dependence of oil depletion index on the density of production wells network has been discussed. The mechanism of oil-pushing from the fracture-porous medium in an oil-bearing horizon has been analysed. The optimum oil depletion rate for the individual power systems as well as the type of oil field have been estimated. There has been determined the impact of the production rate on the depletion index in a deposit with a power system of the water-head gas cap, in the presence of free natural gas, and when introducing water to the oil-bearing horizon.
Opracowanie poświęcone jest problemom bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zasobów w rozbudowanym, multimedialnym systemie obiegu informacji. Zaakcentowano problemy związane z tworzeniem i integracją lokalnych sieci komputerowych oraz dołączeniem ich do sieci Internet; Przedstawiono metody zabezpieczenia zasobów przed atakami zewnętrznymi, jak i wewnętrznymi. Zaprezentowane rozwiązania są wdrażane w Urzędzie Miasta Pszów.
Paper is devoted to problems of security of resources in a large multimedia information exchange system, with special accent given to the problems of building and integration of local area networks and connecting them to Internet. Methods for security of resources against external as well as internal attacks are presented. The solutions proposed in the paper are being implemented in municipal office of the city of Pszów.
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