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The marginal seas are in the transition zone between land and ocean and are often subject to extensive human activities causing multiple stresses on the marine environment and its ecosystems. A large gap between our scientific knowledge and our treatment of the sea illustrates a weak coupling between facts and values. The aim of this work is to initiate a discussion of how to improve the human relationship with the sea. Research into the UN 2030 Agenda with its ambition to transform our world into a sustainable and healthy physical and mental environment creates an opportunity to deepen our understanding of human behaviour and values and how they impinge on the physical world. Together with improved communication and transdisciplinary initiatives, these efforts should be vital in better understanding the marginal sea system and generating a new relationship with the ocean. There is a pressing need to change the human relationship with the ocean and its marginal seas. Connecting the natural and human sciences can improve our awareness of the sea's state and support behavioural change. Such transdisciplinary development requires training in broad thinking and communication. It is time for natural science to “open the human black box”, adding values to facts.
Today, the global conveyor belt of ocean currents is controlled by the configuration of continents and the climate. Conversely, ocean currents influence water and air temperatures as well as the amount of rainfall on a regional to local scale. In addition, they govern species distribution patterns, sedimentation patterns and the dispersal of nutrients in both oceans and epeiric seas. Therefore, the reconstruction of palaeocurrents is crucial for the understanding of ancient environments and the past climate. An important driver for the global ocean circulation is the formation of deep water. However, deep-water production is difficult to estimate, and its circulation is difficult to reconstruct, not only today but especially in the geological record. Palaeocurrent reconstructions are often based on the temporal and spatial distribution of marine species. In this presentation, a new approach is proposed which uses the occurrence of glendonites as a proxy for cool bottom currents. Glendonites are pseudomorphs after the hydrous carbonate mineral ikaite (CaCO3·6H2O) which only forms in environments characterised by near-freezing temperatures. Throughout the Phanerozoic, glendonites can be found in successions which were deposited in high latitudes. However, examples of glendonite occurrences in mid-latitudinal sections are also reported. One of these examples are upper Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) glendonites from a shallow-marine succession in South Germany which was located in the European epicontinental sea  – an area, where it was technically too warm to form the precursor mineral ikaite. Based on petrographical and sedimentological investigations as well as stable isotope analyses it is concluded that a low temperature was the main factor for ikaite formation in the studied section. To explain the low water temperatures, a model for a thermohaline circulation in the European epicontinental sea is proposed. The cool climate in the late Pliensbachian initiated the growth of sea ice in high latitudes, leading to the formation of cold and saline bottom waters analogous to the modern formation of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). The cold bottom current flowed southward from the Arctic Realm through the Viking Corridor into the European Epicontinental Sea, thereby causing a massive cooling of the deeper parts of the epeiric sea, which led to the formation of ikaite in temperate areas. After passing the shelf, the bottom current entered the Western Tethys, probably forming a deep water mass. The proposed model can help to explain mid-latitudinal glendonite occurrences not only in the Pliensbachian, but also in other areas and time slices which are characterised by cooling. Moreover, it enables the use of the pseudomorph as a tracer for cold bottom currents which can be a helpful tool for the reconstruction of global ocean current patterns.
Rozwój badań naukowych jest podstawą postępu społeczeństw. Unia Europejska ma znaczące osiągnięcia w pracach badawczo-rozwojowych. Szacuje się, że jedna trzecia światowych publikacji naukowych pochodzi właśnie z UE, mimo, że jej populacja stanowi tylko 7% populacji światowej. Dlatego powstaje Horyzont Europa, który ma być największym w historii programem naukowo-badawczym Unii Europejskiej, z budżetem wynoszącym 100 miliardów euro. Będzie w nowej perspektywie finansowej (2021-2027) następcą Horyzontu 2020. Prace nad nim trwają intensywnie od 2019 roku. Koncentruje się na kwestiach zmian klimatu, celach zrównoważonego rozwoju Narodów Zjednoczonych, konkurencyjności i wzroście gospodarczym.
Artykuł to kontynuacja rozdziału Priorytet odstraszania i ocean światowy – dwie tezy o uwarunkowaniach bezpieczeństwa Polski z książki zbiorowej Współczesne wyzwania bezpieczeństwa Polski, WAT 2015. Polska polityka i strategia obronna może korzystać z synergii czterech tez: 1. Wskutek nierówności potencjałów i braku głębi strategicznej naturalnym priorytetem Polski jest odstraszanie. Trzeba wzmacniać odstraszanie nuklearne i konwencjonalne przez NATO i rozwijać narodowe siły odstraszania, będące zarazem wkładem do potęgi NATO i UE. 2. Polska powinna aktywnie korzystać z położenia nad morzem zgodnie z myślą Mahana, geopolityką i strategią NATO. Rozwój potęgi na morzu daje liczne korzyści, w tym opcję odstraszania środkami o maksymalnej zdolności przetrwania pierwszego ataku. 3. Polska może osiągnąć strategiczną przewagę – nie ilościową, lecz jakościową – przez rozwój nauki, technologii i gospodarki opartej na wiedzy, pod warunkiem zwiększenia udziału R&D w gospodarce i nakładów na obronność do poziomu czołowych państw Zachodu i Azji Wschodniej. Sprzyja Polsce członkostwo w UE, NATO i OECD. 4. Połączyć trzeba dwa historyczne polskie programy geopolityczne – piastowski (zachodni) i jagielloński (wschodni) – w pojedynczy program euroatlantycki. Dotąd przeciwstawne i konkurencyjne, programy te mogą i powinny być połączone dziś, gdy Polska należy do NATO i UE, zajmując miejsce na flance wschodniej organizacji zachodnich. Obydwa programy zaczęły być realizowane niesprzecznie już w czasach starań Polski o przyjęcie do NATO i UE, a zarazem rozwijania współpracy z krajami środkowoeuropejskimi w ramach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej i wschodnioeuropejskimi na Międzymorzu. Polska nie może izolować się od żadnych części obszaru euroatlantyckiego i ograniczać swojego dostępu do ich różnych zasobów – od zasobów naukowych i technologicznych po porty morskie i oceaniczne. Jednoczesne przyjęcie wszystkich czterech tez pozwala wszechstronnie wyjaśnić stan i wyzwania bezpieczeństwa zewnętrznego Polski oraz znaleźć adekwatne rozwiązanie.
The article is a continuation of the chapter “The Priority of Deterrence and the World Ocean: Two Theses on the Determinants of the Security of Poland” in a collective book Contemporary Challenges to the Security of Poland, published by the Military University of Technology in Warsaw in 2015. Poland’s defence policy and strategy can benefit from the synergy od four theses: 1. Due to the uneven balance of power and the lack of strategic depth, deterrence is the natural priority of Poland. Nuclear and conventional deterrence by NATO should be strengthened, while national deterrence forces should be developed, contributing also to the overall power of NATO and the EU. 2. Poland should actively use its access to the sea, consistently with the ideas of Mahan, geopolitics and strategy of NATO. The development of seapower provides many benefits, including the option to utilize for deterrence the weapons systems of maximum survivability in case of first attack. 3. A strategic advantage – not numerical but qualitative – can be achieved by Poland through the enhancement of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, on the condition that the share of R&D in the economy and in defence expenditures rises to the level of the leasing nations of the West and of East Asia. Poland’s membership in the EU, NATO and OECD facilitates this objective. 4. Two historic Polish geopolitical programs – the westward-oriented Piast Program and eastward-oriented Jagiellonian Program – should be merged into a single Euro-Atlantic program. The two programs were treated thus far as mutually exclusive and competitive, but they can and should be merged now, when Poland belongs to NATO and the EU and is placed on the Eastern Flank of Western organizations. Both programs started to be implemented in a non-contradictory way already in the time of Poland’s attempts to join NATO and the EU while developing cooperation with Central European nations in the framework of the Visegrad Group and with East European nations of the Intermarium region between the Baltic, Black and Adriatic Seas. Poland cannot isolate itself from any part of the Euro-Atlantic Area and thus limit the access to its various resources – from scientific and technological assets to sea and ocean ports. If accepted together, the above four theses allow a comprehensive explanation of the state and challenges of Poland’s external security, and the discovery of an adequate solution.
In order to improve the working stability of distributed marine green energy resources grid-connected system, we need the big data information mining and fusion processing of grid-connected system and the information integration and recognition of distributed marine green energy grid-connected system based on big data analysis method, and improve the output performance of energy grid-connected system. This paper proposed a big data analysis method of distributed marine green energy resources grid-connected system based on closed-loop information fusion and auto correlation characteristic information mining. This method realized the big data closed-loop operation and maintenance management of grid-connected system, and built the big data information collection model of marine green energy resources grid-connected system, and reconstructs the feature space of the collected big data, and constructed the characteristic equation of fuzzy data closed-loop operation and maintenance management in convex spaces, and used the adaptive feature fusion method to achieve the auto correlation characteristics mining of big data operation and maintenance information, and improved the ability of information scheduling and information mining of distributed marine green energy resources grid-connected system. Simulation results show that using this method for the big data analysis of distributed marine green energy resources grid-connected system and using the multidimensional analysis technology of big data can improve the ability of information scheduling and information mining of distributed marine green energy resources grid-connected system, realizing the information optimization scheduling of grid-connected system. The output performance of grid connected system has been improved.
Content available Current State of Deep Ocean Bathymetric Exploration
The paper presents current state of bathymetric survey concerning deep ocean rather than shallow areas, which are better surveyed due to safety of navigation concerns. Rules and requirements of the new challenge, called the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, became a starting point for a discussion about the possibilities of mapping large areas of the ocean using up-to-date and new technology. The amount of bathymetric data available nowadays and the current state of ocean map compilations are also discussed in the paper as a motivation to inspire the new initiatives in the deep ocean.
W artykule przedstawiono obecny stan pomiarów batymetrycznych głębokowodnych obszarów oceanicznych. Zasady najnowszego konkursu Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE stały się punktem wyjścia do dyskusji o obecnych możliwościach pozyskiwania danych niezbędnych do tworzenia map oceanów w oparciu o aktualnie dostępne technologie. W artykule poruszono również zagadnienie ilości i cech danych batymetrycznych znajdujących się i udostępnianych w bazach danych gromadzących tego typu informacje.
Content available Global Ocean Governance
This paper presents a few general comments on the effective global ocean governance (GOG). The Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) establishes fundamental legal principles for the governance of the marine environment and its resources. Furthermore, in the context of GOG the international community is conscious that improving of global and regional cooperation ought to be in the mainstream of socio-economic and political discourse. Nowadays, the UNCLOS is not able to give an answer for all new questions arising in the law of the sea. Therefore, it would seem that there is a great need to provide more pragmatic approaches to global ocean governance by international community as well as national governments, using the holistic paradigm of sustainable development. At the regional level, the European Union promotes an integrated maritime policy. Each EU marine Member State is obliged to prepare national integrated maritime policy as a part of the integrated maritime policy of EU. The Maritime Policy of Poland was approved by the Council of Ministers on 17 March 2015.
A numerical model of propagation of internal gravity waves in a stratified medium is applied to the problem of tsunami wave run-up onto a shore. In the model, the ocean and the atmosphere are considered as a united continuum in which the density varies with height with a saltus at the water-air interface. The problem solution is sought as a generalized (weak) solution; such a mathematical approach automatically ensures correct conditions of matching of the solutions used on a water-air interlayer. The density stratification in the ocean and in the atmosphere is supposed to be described with an exponential function, but in the ocean a scale of the density stratification takes a large value and the density changes slightly. The initial wave running to a shore is taken in the form of a long solitary wave. The wave evolution is simulated with consideration of the time-varying vertical wave structure. Near the shore, the wave breaks down, and intensive turbulent mixing develops in the water thickness. The wave breakdown effect depends on the bottom shape. In the case when the bottom slope is small and the inshore depth grows slowly with the distance from the shore, mixing happens only in the upper stratum of the fluid due to the formation of a quiet region near the bottom. When the bottom slope takes a sufficiently large value, the depth where fluid mixing takes place goes down up to 50 meters. The developed model shows that the depth of the mixing effects strongly depends on the bottom shape, and the model may be useful for investigation of the impact strong gales and hurricanes on the coastline and beaches.
nr 6
586--596, CD 2
Celem referatu było zaprezentowanie zaangażowania strony polskiej w międzynarodowych działaniach mających na celu zmniejszenie, a w efekcie końcowym wyeliminowanie Zagrożeń jakie dla środowiska morskiego oraz dla użytkowników mórz stwarza zatopiona tam broń chemiczna. W referacie przedstawiono i dokonano charakterystyki najważniejszych regionalnych i ogólnoświatowych inicjatyw w tym obszarze badań oraz rolę Polski w rozwiązywaniu problemu zatopionej amunicji chemicznej i bojowych środków trujących.
The aim of this paper was to presented the involvement of Poland in international activities to reduction and elimination the threats of chemical weapons dumped in seas and oceans. The paper presents the most important regional and global initiatives and also the role of Poland to resolve the problems of chemical warfare agent dumped in the sea.
Nauka o historii oceanów, opierająca się głównie na badaniu ich osadów, nosi nazwę paleoceanografii. Do jej najbardziej fundamentalnych problemów należy określenie zmian temperatury wód oceanicznych w przeszłości. Oceany są bowiem jednym z najważniejszych czynników kształtujących klimat na naszej planecie i poznanie zmian ich stanu termicznego jest podstawą rozważań o zmianach klimatycznych w przeszłości. Z kolei bez nich, daremne by były wszelkie próby przewidzenia przyszłych warunków klimatycznych.
Experimental results on energetic characteristics of low frequency (about 200 Hz) underwater channel sound reflection by ocean mountains and islands are presented. lt is investigated also sound penetration into shallow water. Transformation of vertical structure of sound field over continental slope is considered. Continental slope and shelf-wedge reflection coefficients of law frequency sound propagating in the underwater waveguide were measured. Results of the work show that low-frequency sound reflections from large-scale bottom irregularities can be important in ocean acoustics.
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