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The aim of the research was to identify the level of the Polish municipality’s own investment capacity with the most significant share of naturally valuable areas in the years 2014-2016 and the level of tourism development of these areas. The methods of economic analysis – comparative, indicative and tools of taxonomic analysis were used here, which allowed for ranking of the surveyed units in terms of the level of naturally valuable, tourism function, the level of local development and own investment potential. The surveyed entities had their own investment capacity, however, due to the scope of infrastructure needs, it should be assessed as low. The conducted research indicates a small scope of development of tourism in communes with the with the highest naturally valuable areas. In results, it can be concluded that this development opportunity has not been effectively used. In the authors’ opinion, the development of the tourist function in the most naturally valuable areas which ensures that tourism will be the basis of local development of these areas is not possible without external support in the form of subsidies from the national budget and the implementation of knowledge on how to manage these areas.
Kopalnia Wapienia „Czatkowice“ Sp. z o.o. jest wiodącym producentem sorbentów do odsiarczania gazów odlotowych. Jej aktualne zasoby zostaną wyczerpane w 2022 roku, a dalsza działalność wymaga przeniesienia eksploatacji w nową, północno-wschodnią partię złoża. Dla potrzeb pozyskania koncesji opracowano Raport, w którym rozważano dwa warianty eksploatacji nowej partii złoża. Uwzględniono w nich wyprzedzające działania minimalizujące w postaci utworzenia około 200-metrowego, leśnego pasa ochronnego wzdłuż północno-wschodnich granic złoża. W raporcie wykazano, że uwzględnienie w planowanej działalności kopalni celów środowiskowych i ponoszenie istotnych kosztów na działania minimalizujące wpływ na środowisko, może otworzyć drogę dla prowadzenia działalności górniczej w sąsiedztwie obszarów Natura 2000 i innych terenów chronionych.
The “Czatkowice” Limestone Mine is a leading manufacturer of sorbents used for flue-gas desulphurization. The Mine’s current resources will be depleted in 2022, and further activity will require the relocation of the exploitation to the new, north-east part of the deposit. For the needs of obtaining the concession the report was worked out. In the report two variants of exploitation of the new part of the deposit were considered. In these variants were taken into account activities minimising the environmental impact in the form of creation of an about 200 metres long forest belt along the north-east border of the deposit. In the report it has been pointed out that taking into account in the planned mine activities the environmental aims and bearing costs for activities minimising the environmental impact can open the way for conducting mining activity in the neighbourhood of Nature 2000 areas and other protected grounds.
Content available remote Lokalizacja obwodnicy Olsztyna a obszary objęte ochroną
Artykuł jest próbą pokazania, w jaki sposób ochrona przyrody determinuje zagospodarowanie przestrzeni. Zostanie on przedstawiony na przykładzie wyboru lokalizacji inwestycji celu publicznego, jakim jest obwodnica miasta Olsztyn. Analizie poddane zostały różne warianty planowanej obwodnicy położonej na południe od granicy miasta w gminie Stawiguda. Są to tereny o szczególnych walorach przyrodniczych, co spowodowało liczne dyskusje planistów, ekologów i społeczności lokalnej nad przebiegiem najkorzystniejszego wariantu obwodnicy.
The paper is an attempt to show how the protection of nature determines the use of space. It will be shown a selection of the location of a public investment, which is to bypass the city of Olsztyn. Have been analyzed different variants of the planned ring road located south of the border town in the municipality of Stawiguda. These are areas of special natural, which resulted in numerous discussions planners, environmentalists and local communities over the course of the most advantageous option pass.
According to encyclopedic definition – the administration, which us connected in this issue to subject it means to man – contains the special way of conduction of human’s activity who are employed for realization of choose task. It contains creation, control and fluent regulation of rules of use (of norms, plans, instructions) for actual needs of interaction of this task for society an vice versa. Creation of homogenous theory of administration seems to be impossible, so the optimal solutions are rather elaborated for selected problems then the whole system. It worth to be remind at the moment the thoughts of one of famous creator of polish school of landscape architecture – professor Zygmunt Novák, who had said, among others: Only the man is able to put the fire on and he opens with is the great idea and reality, which is called the civilization. He had added also: The civilization as the result gives us, as the sum of society life of human beings the never ending destruction, from one side, which general visual picture are the rubbers’ landscapes, from another one – it develops the artificial forms in lucky cases excellent improved in surroundings and useful for mankind. But parallel this author worn us that improvement of spatial order a priori can be the destructive one. In opposite – the organic improvement of spatial order in different developing activities can be constructive. The difference comes from that, that the first one develops from ready form while the second one – from alive essence which builds form for itself. We know that nowadays it is difficult to say about strict protection, is means about the administration which deals only with conservation and keeps the former state of landscape. Most common and obvious is the protection throughout the creation or together with it. So that in newest Law of protection and care on monuments from 2003, the definition of cultural landscape and the form of its protection by so called cultural park is put dawn on very beginning in first articles and points of this parliament document. So it is interesting in which scale and scope this regulations is next to real life on field of creation and administration of protection of cultural landscape through giving this task for local authorities (community or society of communities) with suport of plan instrumentation, as the element of local law. On that situation influence the rules of European Landscape Convention, being ratified by polish government in 2006, which specifies some of fundamental keywords like: landscape, protection of landscape, politics in landscape, landscape management and administration. At least the different forms with different result of their statement, of spatial way of protection of nature and landscape (including the cultural one), which come from law of nature protection are in Poland. They are: national parks, landscape parks, nature reserves, ecological areas, geological points, landscape‐natural complexes, and areas of protected landscape. In case of those last – in management, financial, planning reality and the administration and social practice – this form of protection of landscape seems to be the empty rule. In accordance to professional experience of author in elaboration of different tasks for national parks; the Tatra, Pieniny, Bieszczady and Świetokrzyski ones and for the landscape parks of Yura, in central and eastern viovodships of Poland and in scope of cultural parks in Cracow, Warsaw‐Wilanów, and of fortresses in Zamość and Przemyśl – he would to share of his thoughts on administration of cultural landscape on different examples. The main idea is the role of expert in activity of administration service on different levels: the central and regional ones (the ministry, the board of national or landscape park, the regional conservatory of monument or nature), the social organizations (councils on ministry level; the culture and environment ones, board of parks, NGOs) and by the local authorities (on level of voivodship, boards of towns or communities and their services) As the complementary subject are the examples of special instructions; for completion and preparing of plan of protection of cultural park, projects of acts of creation of these parks, he state program of protection of monuments an case studies of so called difficult investments in cultural landscapes on examples of historic monumental towns like Sandomierz, Carcow, Oświęcim, Lower Kazimierz or Szydłów.
Opracowanie przedstawia uwarunkowania prawne i infrastrukturalne rozwoju przedsiębiorczości w powiecie bieszczadzkim. Podstawowym elementem infrastruktury technicznej, na który zwrócono uwagę, był stan i jakość sieci komunikacyjnej. Najwyższy wskaźnik, wyrażający się udziałem dróg gminnych na 100 km2 powierzchni ogólnej, występował w gminach: Solina 43,5 km na 100 km2, Olszanica 16,8 km na 100 km2, Lesko 16,5 km na 100 km2 i Ustrzyki Dolne 13,8 km na 100 km2. Analizie poddano również stan łączności telekomunikacyjnej, gdzie poza miastami mieliśmy do czynienia ze średnim wskaźnikiem nasycenia abonentów (Olszanica 183,6 na 1000, Solina 170,9 na 1000 i Baligród 164,0 na 1000 mieszkańców). Najniższy wskaźnik zanotowano w gminach Ustrzyki Dolne - 85,4 na 1000 i Cisna na 1000 mieszkańców. Z uwagi na to, że przedmiotem analizy były obszary prawnie chronione wnikliwej ocenie poddano również sieć wodociągową i kanalizacyjną. Niestety te dwa elementy, też nie prezentowały się najlepiej. Wskaźnik nasycenia w sieć wodociągową w gminach: Baligród, Lesko i Solina utrzymał się na niezmiennym poziomie. Na obszarach prawnie chronionych istotne znaczenie; większe niż gdziekolwiek indziej ma również sieć kanalizacyjna. Okazuje się jednak, iż w dwóch gminach: Baligród i Ustrzyki Dolne ten element infrastruktury proekologicznej zupełnie nie występował. Niepokojącym faktem jest również liczba osób obsługiwanych przez oczyszczalnie ścieków (zaledwie 22,4% ludności ogółem). Dlatego też, aby mówić o rozwoju małej i średniej przedsiębiorczości na tym terenie, najpierw dużo uwagi należy poświęcić odpowiedniemu poziomowi rozwoju infrastruktury, a szczególnie infrastruktury proekologicznej.
The study presents the legal and infrastructural limits of initiative development in the Bieszczady district. The state and ąuality of communication network was the re-marked and basie element of technical infrastructure. The highest index expressing by the part of commune roads per 100 ha of sq. km of total area took place in com-munes: Solina 43,5 km/100 km2, Olszanica 16,8 km/km2, Lesko 16,5 km/km2, and Ustrzyki Dolne 13,8 km/km2. To an analyse they were also included: the state of telecommunicational connection /on the out-of town areas we are having the mean index of abonent's intensity Olszanica 183,6/1000, Solina 170,9/1000 and Baligród 164,0/1000 inhabitants. The lowest index they were noted in communes:Ustrzyki Dolne 85,4/1000 and Cisną 75,6/1000 inhabitants. Considering that the matter of an analyse were the areas with legal forms of protec-tion we discerning examined also the waterworks and sewage networks. Unfortunately, this two elements were not presented the good state. The indexes of eąuipment by waterworks network in communes: Baligród, Lesko and Solina were kept on the invariable level. On the areas covered by legal forms of protection the significant mean (the biggest than in the other areas) are having the sewage system. It appears that in two communes :Baligród and Ustrzyki Dolne this element of proc-cological infrastructure is completely not take place. Also the number of persons servicing by the purification plants is an alarming fact (only 22,4% of total population). So, in discussion about development of smali and mean initiatives on this areas we must pay much morę attention on the suitable level of infrastructure, especially the proecological infrastructure.
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