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w słowach kluczowych:  objective ranking
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The paper presents a comparison of two ways of multiple criteria ranking of social penetration of information society technologies (ICT): the traditional one and the socalled objective ranking, illustrated on the example of Network Readiness Index. It is shown that objective ranking stresses a balanced development more than the traditional one. Another issue presented in this paper is the concept of dynamic ranking, a systematic presentation and prediction of the change of ranking in time. This is illustrated on the example of regions of three European countries: Finland, Italy and Poland.
The paper starts with the discussion of the issue of objectivity versus subjectivity, stressing that while an absolute objectivity is not attainable, nevertheless trying to be as objective as possible constitutes a higher value, necessary for hard science and technology. Dangers and errors of the subjectivist reduction of objectivity to power and money attempted by the postmodern sociology of science are discussed. Then we turn to the problem of subjective versus objective decision analysis and ranking. It is shown that while all classical decision theory aims at a rational analysis and support of subjective decisions, there are important application cases, particularly in managerial problems, when the decision maker prefers to avoid specifying her/his preferences and needs decision analysis - e.g., ranking of decision options - that is as objective as possible. An approach to decision support that might be easily adapted for such objective ranking is the reference point methodology; its application is shown on examples. One of these examples is actually not an application of the methodology, but a real life problem that motivated the development of objective ranking. The examples illustrate that objective ranking might be important for management, including also management of telecommunication networks.
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