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w słowach kluczowych:  non-stationary magnetic field
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W niniejszej pracy autor przedstawia dwa problemy związane ze smarowaniem poprzecznych łożysk ślizgowych ferrosmarem w niestacjonarnym polu magnetycznym. Pierwszym problemem jest rozwiązanie analityczne składowych natężenia pola magnetycznego dla niestacjonarnego pola magnetycznego w szczelinie poprzecznego łożyska ślizgowego smarowanego ferrosmarem o izotropowych i nieizotropowych własnościach magnetycznych. Składowe te są wyznaczane z równań Maxwella po uprzednim ubezwymiarowieniu i oszacowaniu zgodnie z teorią cienkiej warstwy granicznej. Drugim rozpatrywanym problemem jest analiza współczynnika podatności magnetycznej. Współczynnik ten dla ferrosmaru o izotropowych własnościach magnetycznych jest skalarem którego wartość jest funkcją temperatury zgodnie z prawem Curie-Weissa. Natomiast dla ferrosmaru o anizotropowych własnościach magnetycznych współczynnik podatności magnetycznej jest tensorem, którego składowe również zależą od temperatury. Problem modelowania pola magnetycznego dla stacjonarnego pola magnetycznego w szczelinie poprzecznego łożyska ślizgowego smarowanego ferrosmarem o izotropowych własnościach magnetycznych autor rozwiązał w pracach wcześniejszych.
Ferromagnetic, non-isothermal oil contains small 10 nm particles of iron or gadolin oxides and viscoelastic impurities for example combustion products, lead salts, soot, dust and various additions. Present paper shows the possibility of optimisation and control of lubrication problem in radial slide journal bearing for non-Newtonian, viscoelastic, ferro-oil in time variable magnetic induction field. The results presented in this paper have many practical applications. The influences of magnetic field on the viscosity of ferro-oil are very important. Magnetic field increases capacity and reduces bubble cavitation problem in lubricant. Author shows in presented paper two problems connected with the lubrication problem of radial slide journal bearings in time depended, unsteady magnetic field. In this investigations the ferro-oil as a lubricant is taken into account. The first one problem presents the analytical solution of components of magnetic intensity vector for unsteady magnetic field in the gap of radial slide journal bearing, lubricated with ferro-lubricant with isotropic and non isotropic magnetic properties. Above components are determined from Maxwell Equations, which are previously presented in dimensionless form and estimated accordingly to the boundary layer simplifications. Main problem is finally described by means of the set of three, non-homogeneous, linear partial differential equations of second order and constant coefficients. The unknown functions are three components of magnetic intensity vector. Boundary conditions are formulated in the region of lubrication in slide journal bearing gap. At first author presents general solutions of the set of partial differential equations with four constants and with two unknown functions. These quantities and functions are determined on the ground of numerical calculations using Mathcad 11 Professional Program. Solutions of these equations are presented in semi-analytical form and next are examined numerically using Mathcad 11 Professional Program and results of calculations are illustrated in enclosed figures. The second problem contains semi-analytical and numerical method of recognition of values and its changes of magnetic susceptibility coefficient of ferro-lubricant. If ferro-lubricant has isotropic magnetic properties, then coefficient of magnetic susceptibility is a scalar. The value of this scalar is a function of the temperature accordingly to the Curie-VVeiss Law. If ferro-lubricant has non-isotropic magnetic properties, then magnetic susceptibility is a tensor-dyad with nine components in general case. These components are a function of the temperature too. Semi-analytical determination of tensor components of magnetic susceptibility for lubricant with non-isotropic magnetic properties to make a new computational contribution in the field of journal bearing lubrication for magnetic fluids. Semi-analytical and numerical results obtained in this paper enable to make an optimization and control of lubricant magnetic properties during the lubrication process. The problem of optimization and control of magnetic intensity field in oil during the lubrication of slide journal bearings was not considered in foregoing authors scientific papers and was not investigated by the other researcher hitherto.
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