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The paper relates to the changes in the content of various nitrogen forms, i.e. total nitrogen (TN), Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrite nitrogen (NO2-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) and organic nitrogen (ON) at the subsequent operation stages of a mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The obtained results indicate the correctness of nitrogen compounds transformations at the subsequent stages of sewage treatment; they are considered as typical for two-stages WWTPs, operating in the activated sludge technology. The analysis of multi-year data and the analysis for particular months show that nitrogen compounds in the form of NO3-N and NO2-N, were characterised by the greatest variability. Both the classical analysis of the nitrogen compounds content in each month of the year and the analysis using control cards prove that in the months characterised by a low temperature or by the impact of meltwater or rainwater, disturbances in the nitrification and denitrification processes can be expected, and thus, lower efficiency of nitrogen removal (winter months, the period between winter and spring, summer months). Knowledge on the transformation of nitrogen compounds at the subsequent stages of treatment can be useful both to improve the efficiency of the currently used processes and to model new solutions, which is particularly important in the case of biogenic compounds reduction.
This work is devoted to the study of the content of mineral forms of nitrogen in the water of small rivers in Khabarovsk and its surroundings, represented by the Bolshekhekhtsirsky Nature Reserve, during the winter low water of 2017-2021, which lasts from December to February. The dynamics of quantitative distribution of ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate nitrogen in relation to different groups of watercourses were considered. The correlation analysis enabled to reveal the probable reasons for such correlations of their content.
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the positive impact of ponds on water quality in a small stream Čermná. Four sites were sampled regularly every month for one year. Simultaneously, pH and temperature were measured continuously. The concentration of ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen were determined by subsequent analysis of the water samples. The results were classified in compliance with Government Decree (GD) No. 401/2015 Coll., as amended, and Czech standard ČSN 75 7221. High concentrations of ammonia nitrogen that were detected during the whole period are the result of the discharge of all wastewater from the village of Dolní Čermná to flow Čermná. Although the results showed a positive effect pond Čermenský, during the growing season the concentration of ammonia nitrogen at SP No. 2 placed under the pond increased mainly due to fertilizing pond by manure to increase nutrients for the fish population in the pond.
W okresie od stycznia do grudnia 2011 roku na terenie obiektu doświadczalnego UWM w Olsztynie, zlokalizowanego we wsi Samławki (ok. 80 km od Olsztyna), prowadzono badania nad dynamiką stężeń składników biogennych w wodach gruntowych pod plantacją wierzby krzewiastej (Salix viminalis L.), uprawianej na cele energetyczne, oraz na obiektach porównawczych. Wody gruntowe pobierano z sześciu piezometrów. Trzy z nich zainstalowano na plantacji wierzby: po jednym na wzniesieniu terenu, na stoku i w obniżeniu terenu oraz trzy w celach porównawczych umieszczono - na gruntach ornych (1 szt.) i dwa w lesie (po jednym na wierzchowinie i w obniżeniu terenu). Wody gruntowe do analiz chemicznych pobierano raz w miesiącu i oznaczono w nich standardowymi metodami: azot azotanowy(V) (N-NO3), azot azotanowy(III) (N-NO2), azot amonowy (N-NH4), a także fosfor ogólny (P) i fosforanowy (P-PO4). Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że na zawartość związków azotu i fosforu w wodach gruntowych znacząco wpływał sposób użytkowania terenu oraz jego ukształtowanie, a także warunki meteorologiczne, w tym przede wszystkim opady atmosferyczne, modyfikujące dostępność dla roślin i mobilność składników pokarmowych w środowisku glebowym. Ze względu na ochronę wód gruntowych przed zanieczyszczeniami związków fosforu zaleca się uprawę wierzby, która znacznie redukuje te związki.
In the period from January to December 2011 in the area of the experimental object University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, located in the village Samławki (about 80 km from Olsztyn distance) the research was concerned of nutrients compounds on dynamics concentrations in groundwaters on the long-term plantation of the willow (Salix viminalis L.) and comparative points. Groundwaters were being taken up from 6 piezometers. Three of them were installed on the area of the planted willow: the elevation of land (1 piece), slope (1 piece), the depression of land (1 piece). The three comparative points was installed in the forest (2 pieces - elevation and depression of forest) and on the arable land (1 piece) located in the vicinity of the plantation. Groundwaters for chemical analyses have been taken up once a month to determine with standard methods: the nitrate nitrogen (N-NO3), nitrite nitrogen (N-NO2) ammonia nitrogen (N-NH4), as well as compounds of total phosphorus (P) and of phosphates (P-PO4). As a result of examinations carried out, it was found that nitrate, nitrite and ammmonia nitrogen, total phosphorus and phosphates concentration in groundwaters was affected the method of agricultural use, land form and meteorological conditions especially precipitations which modified the availability for plants and of nutrients in the soil environment. The willow plantation (Salix viminalis L.) as form excluded from agricultural use proved to be the most effective method of protecting groundwaters before total phosphorus.
Zbiornik zaporowy w Goczałkowicach pełni znaczącą rolę w zaopatrzeniu w wodę mieszkańców aglomeracji katowickiej i rybnickiej. Woda (czerpana ze zbiornika Goczałkowice na Wiśle oraz Czaniec na rzece Sole) jest przygotowywana do spożycia przez ludzi w Zakładzie Uzdatniania Wody (ZUW) w Goczałkowicach Górnośląskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Wodociągów (GPW S.A.). Udział ZUW Goczałkowice w całkowitej produkcji wody pitnej w GPW S.A. wynosi ok. 45%. Analizą jakościową objęta jest woda ze zbiornika (10 punktów pomiarowych), jego dopływów (punkty pomiarowe Bajerka, Potok Zbytkowski, Rów A) oraz woda w poszczególnych punktach procesu produkcyjnego (w tym woda surowa). Ze względu na źródło zasilania i stosowaną technologię uzdatniania wyróżniono wodę surową: GO-CZA I i GO-CZA II. Wykonywane na bieżąco oznaczenia obejmują takie wskaźniki, jak: temperatura, mętność, barwa, zapach, odczyn, BZT5, utlenialność, ChZTCr, procentowe nasycenie tlenem oraz zawartość azotu amonowego, azotu azotynowego i azotu azotanowego, fosforanów, chlorków, manganu i żelaza. W przypadku niektórych wskaźników zaobserwować można sezonowość zmian. Występowanie pozostałych uwarunkowane jest innymi czynnikami (spływy powierzchniowe, opady atmosferyczne, zakwity glonów). W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analiz takich wskaźników, jak: azot amonowy, azotanowy, azotynowy oraz fosforany, dotyczących wody surowej ujmowanej ze zbiornika Goczałkowice i przesyłanej do zasilania linii technologicznej GO-CZA I. Na podstawie danych archiwalnych pochodzących z lat 80., 90. XX w. oraz wyników z lat 2000-2005 dokonano porównania wybranych wskaźników jakościowych wody przeznaczonej do uzdatniania.
Dam reservoir in Goczałkowice have a vital role in water supply of Upper Silesian agglomeration inhabitants. Water (taken from the Goczałkowice reservoir on the Vistula River and Czaniec reservoir on the Soła River) is prepared for human consumption in the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Goczałkowice belonging to the Upper Silesian Waterworks in Katowice. Production of WTP Goczałkowice is around 45% of the total production of drinking water in the whole waterworks. Qualitative analysis includes: water from the reservoir (10 sampling points), its tributaries (measurement points Bajerka, Zbytkowski stream, Ditch A) and water at different points of the production process (including raw water). Depending on supply source and the technology used to water treatment stands out: raw water GO-CZA I (used by production line GO-CZA I) and GO-CZA II (used by production line GO-CZA II). Analysis includes parameters such as: temperature, turbidity, colour, odour, pH, BOD5, oxidation, COD, percentage oxygen saturation and content of ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, phosphates, chlorides, manganese and iron. Some parameters show seasonal changes. The occurrence of the remaining parameters is conditioned by other factors (surface runoff, rainfall, algal blooms). The paper describes results of analysis of selected quality parameters ammonium, nitrate and nitrite nitrogen as well as phosphates of raw water from the Goczałkowice reservoir transmitted to the processing line GO-CZA I. Comparisons of selected quality indicators of water intended for treatment was based on archival data from the 80's, 90's of the 20th century and the results from year 2000-2005. The most accurate measurement data come from the 80's, when the analysis were performed every week. In later periods, their frequency was limited to a month. In the summer seasons of years: 1984-1986, 1994-1998 and 2000-2005 was observed increased concentration of selected raw water quality parameters. Considerable increase in the concentration of ammonium nitrogen was recorded in June and July 1997 and in July and September 2002 and 2003. At the same time during these periods there were lower concentrations of nitrate nitrogen. The lowest concentration of phosphates was noted in the 80's. In the other two periods concentrations were higher.
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