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Elastyczność i wielofunkcyjność wnętrz architektonicznych ma duże znaczenie w dobie dynamicznie rozwijającej się sytuacji ekonomiczno-społecznej. Zwiększająca się mobilność, migracje w obrębie regionów, państw i kontynentów napędzają zapotrzebowanie na rozwiązania zmienne, które łatwo dostosować do wymagań użytkowników. Dodatkowo pandemia COVID-19 i konieczność wprowadzenia dystansu społecznego stawiają nowe wyzwania przestrzeniom zamieszkania. Ich funkcja zaczęła znacznie wykraczać poza prywatny wymiar sfery domowej. W tekście przedstawiono autorską systematykę podatności na zmiany przestrzeni architektonicznej w procesie projektowania wnętrz. Projekty studenckie wykonane na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Poznańskiej i Mediolańskiej stanowią działanie eksperymentalne, które potwierdziło słuszność założeń.
The flexibility and multifunctionality of architectural interiors is of great importance in the era of dynamic economic and social situation. Increasing mobility, migrations within regions, countries and continents drive the demand for variable solutions - which are easy to adapt to user requirements. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to introduce social distancing create new challenges for living spaces. Their function began to go far beyond the private dimension of the home sphere. The text presents author’s original systematics of space susceptibility to changes in interior design, which was supported by student projects made at the Faculty of Architecture of the Poznań and Milan Universities of Technology.
The use of Multi Agents Systems (MAS), Cloud Computing (CC) and Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) in e-commerce has increased in recent years. The purpose of these systems is to enable users of electronic markets to make transactions in the best conditions and to help them in their decisions. The design and implementation is often characterized by the constant manipulation of information, many of which are imperfect. The use of the multi-agent paradigm for the realization of these systems implies the need to integrate mechanisms that take into account the processing of fuzzy information. This makes it necessary to design multi-agent systems (MAS) with fuzzy characteristics. For the modeling and realization of this system, we chose to use the FMAS model. This paper deals with the presentation of the use of the Fuzzy MAS model for the development of a management and decision support application in a virtual market with high availability. After the presentation of the system to be realized in the first section, we describe in the second section the application of the model FMAS for the design and the realization of this system. We then specify the JADE implementation platform and how the fuzzy agents of our model (Expert, Choice and Query) can be implemented using this platform.
Konflikty są zjawiskiem powszechnym i nieodłącznym elementem funkcjonowania jednostek jak i zbiorowości w każdym przedsiębiorstwie, a negocjacje to kluczowy element komunikacji wewnętrznej w przedsiębiorstwie w momencie wystąpienia takiej sytuacji, która jest czynnikiem potencjalnie kryzysowym dla przedsiębiorstwa. Jednocześnie jest to złożony i skomplikowany proces komunikacji międzyludzkiej, w którym strony o częściowo rozbieżnych interesach dążą do osiągnięcia satysfakcjonującego porozumienia. W artykule autorka prezentuje podstawowe elementy procesu negocjacji, aby był to proces skuteczny i sprawny, wspierający komunikację wewnętrzną w sytuacjach szczególnych. Opisuje podstawowe taktyki i strategie negocjacji, a stosując analizę przypadków prezentuje przykładowe rozwiązania sytuacji konfliktowych na linii pracodawca -pracownicy i ich konsekwencje, przy zastosowaniu różnych strategii negocjacyjnych i ofensywy informacyjnej.
In the article the author presents basic elements of negotiation process as one of the elements in a successful and efficient internal communication in an enterprise. It describes basic tactics and strategies of negotiation and possible solutions that resolve conflictual situations between employer and employees. It also shows usage of these negotiation strategies and informational offensive.
The lack of proper communication between navigators is one of the many causes of dangerous situations in maritime transport. Automation of communication processes, in particular negotiation processes, can help either avoid such situations or, when they do occur, deal with them more promptly and effectively. We have characterized inference processes in maritime communication and the communication subontology used to describe these processes. The negotiating processes involving two or more parties are considered. An example is given of an encounter by three ships that requires communication (including negotiations) between the three navigators. We also present how the described communication processes can be automated using the developed subontology of communication.
Automatic communication can help reduce errors in communication between navigators, and, consequently, increase the level of navigation safety. This article reviews some methods for the development of an ontology and looks into processes for communication at sea. Three basic elements of ontology can be distinguished: navigational information, communication and interface. The possibility of applying these methods for the construction of ontology was analyzed for a system of automatic communication at sea.
In order to develop a reasonable negotiation strategy, it is necessary to rely on strategic management principles and techniques. This article examines the issues on the application of strategic management theory in negotiations. The article presents an overview of strategic management science researches, are presented scientific positions on the substance of strategic management process, its structure, and prospects for studies in this area. In the article, there are examined worldwide scientific approaches to strategic management and different schools of strategic management. A survey of the key provisions of strategic management schools showed that not all of them may be useful in practice of negotiations. However, merging and adapting their individual elements for specific cases can be an excellent tool for strategic analysis of the negotiating situation, but also for development and implementation of negotiation strategy. The most applicable theories of strategic management in preparing and implementing of negotiation strategy seem to be the ones developed by the following schools: Entrepreneurial, Cognitive learning, Environmental and Power. Considering theincreasing internationalization of negotiations there are important theoretical and practical concepts of strategic management culture school. This paper will provide an overview of the main theoretical perspectives on strategic management of negotiations.
Celem tego badania jest (a) analiza teoretycznej i empirycznej literatury na temat podobieństw i różnic w stylach negocjacji międzykulturowych pomiędzy polskimi i amerykańskimi negocjatorami, (b) zbadanie wpływu różnic międzykulturowych na skład zespołu negocjacyjnego w kulturze polskiej i amery-kańskiej (c) określenie konsekwencje składu zespołu negocjatorów dla między-narodowych negocjacji handlowych. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań ilościowych uzyskane od 211 polskich i 149 amerykańskich respondentów.
The purpose of this study is to (a) examine theoretical and empirical literature about similarities and differences in cross-cultural negotiation styles between Polish and American negotiators, (b) explore the impact of cross-cultural differences in negotiation team composition between Polish and American negotiators, (c) identify team composition implications for international trade negotiations. Cross-cultural negotiation has a significant influence for companies doing business in other countries wanting to have productive outcomes, whereby negotiation processes and outcomes will become the most important factors for reaching agreements in the business world. The article presents quantitative research findings obtained from 211 Polish and 149 American respondents.
Content available remote Negotiation metaphors across cultures
Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in the cultural dimensions of conflict. Books, numerous studies, and courses have offered perspectives on the nature of culture and its complex relationship to the transformation of conflict. This article focuses on metaphors concerning negotiations across cultures. Certain metaphors are widely used in diverse approaches to negotiation. The article attempts to answer the question of how the usage of metaphors for the process of negotiation differ across cultures.
Ostatnie lata przyniosły eksplozję zainteresowania międzykulturowymi wymiarami konfliktu. Książki, liczne badania, a także szkolenia i kursy zaproponowały różne perspektywy, pozwalające na analizę roli kultury w transformacji konfliktu. Ponieważ stosowanie metafor określających proces negocjacji jest w dużym stopniu uzależnione od kultury, w artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jaki sposób użycie tych metafor różni się od siebie w odmiennych kulturach.
Content available remote Co-ordination in the autonomous software agents’ systems
Purpose: Agents are designed to behave individually rational, which means that they should maximize their personal utility which is the way to make them less vulnerable to mean actions of others, yet they have to co-ordinate their actions to reach common goals, which is the purpose of this work. Design/methodology/approach: Agents can create and pursue their individual goals, behaving in a ‘selfish’ way to acquire the desired state of their world. To achieve that they may choose to adopt goals of other agents too, should this co-ordination be assessed as beneficial for them. Moreover, there is also a possibility to define the desired states of the agents in a way which will induce them to work together rather than try to operate individually. This may include their specialization, which forces in most cases sharing of their potential. This may be achieved by specialised design of agents being able to carry out elementary tasks. Such approach calls however, for design of a layer of supervisory agents which will be capable of realising what is the multi-agent overall system goal, setting up their teams from simple agents and committing to common sub-goals. All such systems may be efficiently developed only after careful study of the successfully operating systems in which humans are the agents, whose tasks may now be assigned to the software ones. These agents have to be coupled, as it also happens in their human counterparts. Findings: Development of the software agents’ co-operation framework based on review of publications covering both the fundamental considerations, as well as the latest developments. Research limitations/implications: Approach presented still needs careful testing and refinement of the co-ordination / negotiation rules. Originality/value: Co-ordination of agents to reach their common goal, satisfying also their individual utility.
The article examined selected methods that allow to optimize the risk - the reduction or complete elimination. The presented methods are certainly helpful particularly for the investor that is involved in the construction process. Knowledge of procedures and responsibilities is also required in relation to contractors. Presented tools are useful particularly in the initial stage of construction projects, when appropriate conditions are created and the formal relationship between investor and contractor is fixed. The proper attention to them will in the future allow to avoid adverse and unforeseen situations, which often carry a high risk of loss.
W artykule przedmiotem analizy są wybrane metoody, które umożliwiają optymalizację ryzyka - jego redukcję lub calkowitą eliminację. Prezentowane metody są z pewnością pomocne szczególnie inwestorowi zaangażowanemu w proces budowlany. Znajomość procedur i odpowiedzialności niezbędna jest także w stosunku do wykonawcy robót. Przedstawione w artykule metody przydatne są w szczególności na początkowym etapie realizacji inwestycji budowlanych, kiedy tworzone są odpowiednie warunki formalne oraz relacje między inwestorem i wykonawcą. Poświęcenie im należytej uwagi pozwoli w przyszłości na uniknięcie niekorzystnych i nieprzewidzianych sytuacji, które często
We present an extension of the Soft Concurrent Constraint language that allows the nonmonotonic evolution of the constraint store. To accomplish this, we introduce some new operations: retract(c) reduces the current store by c, updateX(c) transactionally relaxes all the constraints of the store that deal with the variables in the set X, and then adds a constraint c; nask(c) tests if c is not entailed by the store. The new retraction operators also permit to reason about Belief Revision, i.e. the process of changing beliefs to take into account a new piece of information. We present this framework as a possible solution to the negotiation of resources (e.g. web services and network resource allocation) that need a given Quality of Service (QoS). For this reason we also show the the new operators of the language satisfy the Belief Revision postulates [20], which can be used in the negotiation process. The QoS requirements (expressed as semiring levels) of all the parties should converge on a formal agreement through a negotiation process, which specifies the contract that must be enforced.
Rozważono szczególny przypadek gry, w której ostateczny wynik negocjowanego porozumienia jest uzależniony od samodzielnych decyzji graczy poza stołem negocjacyjnym. Założono ograniczoną informację na temat strategicznych celów graczy. Dokonano analizy wpływu przekazywania różnego typu informacji na ostateczny wynik gry.
A specific case of a game, where the final agreement being negotiated depends on independent decisions of players taken outside the negotiation table was considered, assuming limited available information on strategic aims of the players. The impact of delivery of different kinds of information on the final outcome of the game was also analyzed.
Zaprezentowano metodę wyboru strategii w dwuosobowej, sekwencyjnej grze rynkowej, w której gracze są zmuszeni zarówno konkurować, jak i kooperować. Założono obustronną i wzajemną znajomość macierzy wypłat oraz celu, który gracze chcą osiągnąć. Przyjęto, że decyzja o charakterze konkurencyjnym danego gracza poprzedza decyzję o charakterze kooperacji oraz konkurencyjną odpowiedź drugiego gracza. Zaproponowano przykład zastosowania metody w rozwiązaniu problemu wyboru strategii cen detalicznych na lokalnym rynku usług telekomunikacyjnych, w perspektywie konieczności nawiązania współpracy międzyoperatorskiej oraz odpowiedzi na rynku detalicznym konkurencyjnego gracza.
Method of choosing strategy in two persons, sequential market game, when players are forced so to compete as to cooperate was presented. It was assumed that players know their own and the other player pay off matrix as well as the goal that the other aims to realize. The decision of competitive character precedes the cooperative one, and the competitive response of the other player. It was illustrated how the method could be applied by the telecommunication operator in the problem of choosing retail prices on local telecommunications services market, in prospect to necessity of negotiate conditions of interconnection agreement (wholesale decision) with the other player and to possible it's response on retail market.
Content available remote Rough Dialogue and Implication Lattices
A dialogue is an `activity' by a pair of agents to arrive at some kind of understanding over a concept/belief/piece of information etc. represented by a subset (the extension) in some universe of discourse. The universe is partitioned into two different sets of granules (equivalence classes) representing the perceptions of the agents. So, there are two approximation spaces at the beginning. A third approximation space arises out of superimposition of the two partitions. A dialogue is a finite process of gradual enhancement of the two base subsets of the agents, in their `common' approximation space. Through this process, various kinds of overlap may emerge between the two final subsets. A first introduction of the idea of a dialogue in rough context was made in [6]. This paper further develops the notion and focusses upon the study of the above-mentioned overlaps in a systematic manner. Given two sets A and B in an approximation space, there are nine possible inclusion relations among the sets lo(A), A, up(A), lo(B), B and up(B) where lo and up denote the lower and upper approximation operators respectively. There are five resulting equivalence classes and the quotient set forms a lattice by implication ordering. That is, of the nine relations, only five are independent and they form an implication or entailment lattice. Starting with this basic lattice other implication lattices are formed. Relationship of these lattices with the various overlap conditions between the final pair of sets arrived at after a dialogue is studied. Finally, examples are given, one of which relates dialogues in rough context with rough belief revision [3] - in a line similar to the approach of [5].
Content available remote Approaches to Conflict Dynamics Based on Rough Sets
Conflict analysis and conflict resolution play an important role in negotiation during contract-management situations in many organizations. The issue here is how to model a combination of complex situations among agents where there are disagreements leading to a conflict situation, and there is a need for an acceptable set of agreements. Conflict situations also result due to different sets of view points about issues under negotiation. The solution to this problem stems from pioneering work on this subject by Zdzisaw Pawlak, which provides a basis for a complex conflict model encapsulating a decision system with complex decisions. Several approaches to the analysis of conflicts situations are presented in this paper, namely, conflict graphs, approximation spaces and risk patterns. An illustrative example of a requirements scope negotiation for an automated lighting system is presented. The contribution of this paper is a rough set-based requirements scope determination model and assessment mechanisms using a complex conflict model.
Rozpatrzono wpływ kolejności procesów ustalania cen na rynkach detalicznych i negocjacji stawek rozliczeniowych na rynkach hurtowych na sprawność procesu negocjacji. Zaproponowano sposób określania wartości korzyści ze zmiany kolejności ruchów w grze rynkowej bez informacji o macierzy wypłat konkurenta.
The impact of the order of processes of setting retail and wholesale prices on the efficiency of the negotiation process was analyzed. The method of calculating the value of changing the order of market player movement in situation when the competitor's pay off matrix is unknown was proposed.
W artykule przedstawiono opis, analizę i ocenę wykorzystania symulacji procesu negocjowania umów agencyjnych i dystrybucyjnych w nauczaniu przedmiotu marketing międzynarodowy. Referat oparty jest na doświadczeniach autora w kształceniu wielonarodowych grup studenckich na jednej z fińskich uczelni technicznych.
The paper deals with simulation gamę used by multinational (Finnish-Polish-Chinese) groups of students. The negotiation process with foreign middleman (agent or distributor) is imitated during that gamę. The paper presents description, analysis and evaluation of the gamę (especially advantages in teaching process of intemational marketing).
The aim of this analysis is to draw conclusions from the consideration of the transformation of Polish economy from a command to a market driven one on the basis of results from innovation theory. As the starting point it is assumed that welfare is related to market economy with a considerable number of private and privatised companies. It will be further explained that these companies have to be innovative so as to be successful. The most visible innovation is related to the introduction of marketing units in companies. This, however, implies coping with two generic types of marketing conflicts. The first one is the structural marketing conflict: it results from the internal conflicting objectives. The second one is the marketing implementation problem: it results from the resistance attitudes. The model describing structural conflicts is presented in the paper. It is explained hope the model allows the use of existing computer software to support managers.
W celu poprawy sytuacji w produkcji i tradycyjnym eksporcie polskiej gęsi potrzebna jest współpraca wszystkich ogniw tej produkcji w celu jej ustalenia na optymalnym dla producentów poziomie. Żeby mogło do tego dojść, wszyscy producenci i eksporterzy polskich gęsi powinni usiąść do stołu i ustalić, jaką ilość gęsi i elemen-tów Polska może sprzedać na rynek niemiecki i po jakiej cenie. Ustalenia te muszą być konsekwentnie realizowane w rozmowach z kupcami niemieckimi. Tylko takie działania mogą uratować produkcję gęsi w Polsce i spowodować, że będzie ona opłacalna.
Profitability of production and export of geese in Poland is dropping down. To improve the situation cooperation between al! partners in the production cha in is needed. Producers and exporters should agree upon production limits and market price. These agreements should be enforced and adhered to during negotiations with German merchants. This is the only way to save production of geese in Poland and to make it profitable.
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