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Introduction of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in road traffic is commonly presented as an opportunity to improve safety and traffic performance through elimination of human factor from the decisive process, including its replacement with vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. However, AVs must take into account interactions with vulnerable road users (including pedestrians and cyclists), which is problematic due to the need for prediction of their behavior and adequate reaction thereto. The article presents the results of microsimulation analyses of AV traffic in the vicinity of a mid-block pedestrian crossing. With the assumed gradual increase in the share of AVs in traffic, the results suggest that pedestrian crossings are among locations where smoothness of traffic flow may considerably deteriorate. The results of the performed analyses and literature studies indicate that AVs will have to brake more rapidly (or brake earlier) and come to a complete stop more frequently than conventional vehicles. The article also presents the effect of the share of AVs in road traffic on fuel consumption, which indirectly affects the environment.
Pojawienie się pojazdów autonomicznych (AV) w ruchu drogowym jest powszechnie przedstawiane jako szansa na poprawę bezpieczeństwa i warunków ruchu poprzez wykluczenie człowieka z procesu decyzyjnego, w tym zastąpienie go komunikacją pojazdów z pojazdami i z infrastrukturą. AV muszą uwzględniać między innymi interakcje z niechronionymi uczestnikami ruchu (m.in. pieszymi i rowerzystami), co jest problematyczne ze względu na konieczność przewidywania ich zachowań i odpowiedniego reagowania na nie. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analiz mikrosymulacyjnych ruchu AV w rejonie wydzielonego przejścia dla pieszych. Założenie stopniowego wzrostu udziału AV wskazuje, że przejścia dla pieszych są miejscem, w którym płynność ruchu może się wówczas znacząco pogorszyć. Wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz oraz studiów literatury wskazują, że AV będą musiały gwałtowniej lub wcześniej hamować oraz częściej zatrzymywać się niż pojazdy konwencjonalne. W artykule przedstawiono również wpływ różnych poziomów udziału AV w ruchu na zużycie paliwa, mające pośredni wpływ na środowisko.
Vehicles entering from on-ramps can increase the speed dispersion of the mainline and induce frequent changing lanes or acceleration and deceleration behaviors. These complex traffic behaviors interfere with traffic on the mainline and thus result in congestion and safety issues. Reasonable management and control of ramps, especially on-ramps, has been proven to be an effective solution for traffic congestion caused by ramp traffic flow. Understanding the influence of traffic flow of on-ramps on the average speed of the freeway mainline is useful for creating effective ramp management strategies. In this study, field tests were employed to gather traffic flow data on some typical basic freeway interchanges in China. As it is difficult to obtain the required traffic conditions only through field tests, the VISSIM traffic simulation model was also utilized. The same set of field data was used in VISSIM and the driver behavior model parameters CC0 (standstill distance between vehicles) and CC1 (time headway) were calibrated based on the sensitivity analysis to truly reflect the actual traffic conditions. The simulation program was executed with the calibrated parameters and various on-ramp traffic volumes to supplement the traffic data. The gathered traffic data sets from field tests and simulations were classified into four groups based on the various on-ramp traffic flow patterns (free-flow, reasonably free-flow, unstable flow, and congested flow condition). The influence of on-ramp traffic flow on the mainline average speed is discussed for each group. The results showed that the average travel speed of the mainline is significantly affected by the v/C ratio of the on-ramp, as the v/C ratio of the entrance ramp increases, the average travel speed of the mainline significantly decreases. Additionally, the four-parameter logistic model was developed to model the mainline average speed changes with different mainline v/C ratios under various on-ramp traffic flow patterns. The results demonstrate that the model fits the data well. The findings of this study can provide reference information for the implementation of ramp management strategies.
Content available Study of drivers’ behavior in urban road traffic
The main aim of the research was to diagnose drivers' behavior in urban road traffic. It was preceded by careful observation and testing of drivers' behavior in terms of the violations assumed to be observed. It was taken into account, inter alia, aspects such as failure to comply with road signs and signals, behavior at the rail-road crossing, or offenses occurring in the pedestrian-driver relationship. During the observations, the assumption was to capture negative behaviors of drivers, but each time attention was also paid to positive behaviors related to road culture. The analysis of the results allowed the researchers to identify the most common mistakes made by drivers. This can help not only to better enforce regulations at selected measurement sites but also lead to improved education about these specific violations.
This research paper aims to study the effect of tram management on traffic fluidity and its impact on car drivers’ behaviors at junctions crossed by trams. The methodology used in this research is based on a mathematical model and an investigation of car drivers. The first step is to analyze the data of annual travelers’ attendance and assess the number of trams offered and needed in operation to respond adequately to the factual demand. The second step proceeds to show how the previous results of the trams’ fleet influence traffic jams. That is, this step identifies how the number of trams used in operation blocks other motorists and reduces traffic flow capacity at junctions. Finally, the purpose of the questionnaire is to determine car drivers’ opinions of the causes of traffic congestion at junctions and understand how this phenomenon affects their behaviors. The outcomes demonstrate that tram management is ineffective because there is a considerable gap between the annual offered tram fleet and the actual one needed according to the real statistical data. The high number of trams utilized is the leading cause of traffic congestion. Furthermore, this situation disturbs the control of traffic lights at common intersections. Unfortunately, this outcome is the main reason for drivers’ poor behavior, as 75.20% of car drivers are always stressed. These issues have intensified traffic jams in several junctions along the tram line. The article recommends some solutions to improve tram management and traffic fluidity to avoid the substandard behavior of car drivers at junctions.
Traffic capacity is an important index to measure the operation efficiency of expressway toll stations. In order to provide relevant theoretical support for accurately evaluating the congestion degree and service level of toll stations, this paper establishes a traffic capacity calculation model for the square in front of expressway toll stations based on the traditional cellular transmission method. Firstly, by dividing the square in front of the station into regular cells, the process of calculating the traffic capacity is simplified; Secondly, the capacity model of the square in front of the station is established based on cellular transmission, and a large amount of data is collected through the monitoring videos of several toll stations. The theoretical capacity of the square in front of the station is calculated by using the important parameters of the model calibrated by the measured data under different lengths of the square in front of the station and the configuration of toll lanes. Then, the simulation platform of VISSIM software is used, and many experiments are carried out with relevant measured data to verify the accuracy of the model in multiple scenarios. Finally, the simulation value of the capacity of the square in front of the station is obtained, and the error is calculated by using the simulation value and the calculation value. The results show that the error of the verification result is 5.19%, and the error is within the allowable range, which shows that the model is accurate and feasible. The theoretical capacity calculated by the capacity model of the square in front of the toll station established in this paper is compared with the actual capacity, which can be used as a standard to judge the congestion degree of the square in front of the toll station and further provide a theoretical reference for evacuation of congestion.
With the rapid development of urban transportation and the increase in per capita car ownership, the problem of urban traffic congestion is becoming increasingly prominent. Due to the uneven distribution of crowd in different regions of the city, it is difficult to determine and solve the traffic dynamics congestion. In order to solve the problem that it is difficult to determine the dynamics of traffic congestion areas caused by uneven distribution of vitality in different regions of mountainous cities, a crowded mega mountainous city is selected as research object and it proposes a model to calculate the change characteristics of regional crowd gathering. Baidu Heatmap is used as it could distinguish crowd gathering in certain urban core area. The heat map pictures in dozens of consecutive days is extracted and researchers conducted pixel statistical classification on thermal map images. Based on the pixel data of different levels of the pictures, the calculation model is established and an algorithm based on particle swarm optimization is proposed. The calibration of the relative active population equivalent density is conducted, and the distribution characteristics of crowd gathering in time and space are analyzed. The results show that there are obvious spatiotemporal characteristics for this selected city. In time, holidays have an important impact on crowd gathering. The peak time of crowd gathering on weekdays is different from that on rest days. The research in this paper has a direct practical value for the identification of traffic congestion areas and the corresponding governance measures. The dynamic identification of population gathering areas in mountainous mega cities, demand prediction for various transportation regions, and future population OD(Origin-Destination) planning are of great significance.
Artykuł przedstawia metodę szacowania godzinnego natężenia ruchu drogowego opartą o sztuczne sieci neuronowe i dane z systemów GPS. Metoda ta została opracowana przez Centrum Zaawansowanych Technologii Transportowych Uniwersytetu Maryland (University of Maryland, Center for Advanced Transportation Technology) w ramach prac badawczych finansowanych przez stanowe agencje drogowe. Przedstawiona metoda umożliwia szacowanie natężenia ruchu w całej sieci drogowej z wartością błędu nie przekraczającą zazwyczaj 7%. W artykule zaprezentowano też modyfikacje, które pozwalają na wykorzystanie istniejących stacji pomiaru natężenia ruchu drogowego dla podniesienia dokładności szacowania w całej sieci drogowej oraz zaproponowano taki sposób rozmieszczania tych stacji, który maksymalizuje uzyskane wyniki. Ostatnim z przedstawionych rozwiązań jest analiza możliwości wykorzystania dużych zbiorów danych z innych obszarów oraz analiza możliwości wykorzystania modeli służących do szacowania natężenia ruchu w innych miejscach i okresach. Opisane w tej części artykułu rozwiązania pozwalają na znaczące obniżenie kosztów proponowanej metody.
This paper presents the method of estimating hourly traffic volumes based on artificial neural networks and GPS data. This method was developed by the University of Maryland, Center for Advanced Transportation technologies in research founded by State Highway Agencies. The presented method allows for estimating traffic volume in the entire road network with an EMFR error that is usually smaller than 7%. Additionally, the modifications of the presented method that enables leveraging existing continuous count stations in order to increase the accuracy of the model, as well as the optimal way of deploying such stations, are also discussed. Finally, we discussed ways of reducing the cost of the presented solution by utilizing large data sets and models gathered or trained in different places and time periods.
Content available remote Estimation of traffic flow using measurements of road surface vibrations
Road traffic parameters in a selected road cross-section can be measured using various techniques. Such measurements can be made in the visible wave band, the audible frequency band or they can be based on vibrations. Most vibrations in the roadway are generated by vehicles moving in a traffic flow. This paper presents a simplified way of traffic flow measurement based on an analysis of road surface vibrations generated by vehicles. The vibrations originating from individual vehicles depend on the latter’s specifications and technical condition, as well as on the road’s pavement type, design class and condition. As part of this research an attempt at the parametrization of the traffic flow in a selected road cross-section was made using a road surface vibration analysis method. For this purpose a prototype measuring system equipped with an ADLX335 accelerometer was built. Road pavement vibration measurements acquired in this way were collated with measurement data obtained from a manual traffic recorder. The results show that the presented method is suitable for road traffic flow estimation.
Pomiar parametrów ruchu drogowego w wybranym przekroju drogi zrealizowany może być z wykorzystaniem różnych technik. Pomiar może być wykonany w pasmie fal widzialnych, pasmie akustycznym lub z wykorzystaniem drgań. Większość drgań w pasie drogowym wywołują pojazdy poruszające się w strumieniu ruchu. W artykule przedstawiono sposób uproszczonego pomiaru natężenia strumienia ruchu z wykorzystaniem analizy drgań powierzchni jezdni wywoływanych przez pojazdy. Drgania pochodzące od poszczególnych pojazdów zależą od ich parametrów technicznych i stanu technicznego, jak również od rodzaju nawierzchni, klasy technicznej i stanu drogi. W artykule przedstawiono także próbę parametryzacji strumienia ruchu drogowego w wybranym przekroju drogi z wykorzystaniem metody analizy drgań nawierzchni. W tym celu użyto prototyp układu pomiarowego wyposażonego w akcelerometr ADLX335. Uzyskane w ten sposób wyniki pomiarów drgań nawierzchni zestawiono z danymi pomiarowymi z ręcznego rejestratora ruchu. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników wykazano, że prezentowana metoda pozwala na szacowanie natężenia strumienia ruchu drogowego.
The paper presents two models of traffic forecasting developed for two completed road construction projects in two cities of Poland: Lublin and Poznań. The predictions from both models were compared with the field data. In the first part the article presents the currently used model for computational determination of road projects’ viability, including indication of relationships between road traffic forecasts on the one hand and actual road operations and viability of road projects on the other. The second part presents results of various international studies on road projects in order to show the differences between the predicted and the actual traffic volumes, which is typical for most developed countries. Then, the article discusses the differences observed between the model outputs and the actual traffic and its structure in the analysed road projects. Finally, the authors put forward their conclusions regarding the inconsistencies between the traffic models (as well as the resulting traffic forecasts) and the actual transport performance.
W artykule przedstawiono dwa modele natężenia ruchu opracowane dla inwestycji drogowych zrealizowanych w Lublinie i Poznaniu. Dokonano porównania danych wynikających z obu modeli z danymi pomiarowymi pozyskanymi w terenie. W pierwszej części artykułu zaprezentowano obecnie wykorzystywany model obliczania efektywności ekonomicznej inwestycji drogowych, wraz ze wskazaniem powiązań pomiędzy prognozami ruchu drogowego a wykonywaną pracą przewozową i opłacalnością inwestycji drogowych. W drugiej części podane zostały wyniki międzynarodowych badań dotyczących inwestycji drogowych w celu wykazania odchyleń notowanych prawie we wszystkich krajach wysoko rozwiniętych, pomiędzy modelami ruchu a rzeczywistym natężeniem ruchu. W kolejnej części pracy omówiono różnice odnotowane między modelami ruchu w przypadku badanych inwestycji drogowych a rzeczywistym natężeniem i strukturą ruchu. We wnioskach przedstawiono konkluzje autorów na temat przyczyn odchyleń pomiędzy modelami ruchu i wynikającymi z nich prognozami ruchu a rzeczywistą pracą przewozową realizowaną na badanych odcinkach dróg.
W wyniku obostrzeń związanych z pandemią koronawirusa w całym kraju obserwuje się spadek natężenia ruchu samochodowego. Niestety, przełożyło się to na agresywne zachowania kierowców i nierespektowanie obowiązujących ograniczeń prędkości.
Content available The impact of weather on bicycle risk exposure
Traffic volume is the main independent variable of risk exposure in road safety models. Cyclists as a vulnerable road users are more exposed to weather conditions than e.g. car drivers. As a result, their decision of whether to cycle is strongly related to weather conditions. It suggests that any change in the weather may have a significant effect on bicycle use. Objective of the paper was to indicate which weather parameters have a significant impact on bicycle use, how a change in weather parameters affects the change in bicycle volume (risk exposure) and, consequently, predicted number of crashes with cyclists and which factors differentiate the impact of weather conditions on bicycle volume. The impact of weather on bicycle volume variability was estimated based on literature review. The Web of Science, Scopus and TRID databases were searched. Finally, 33 papers from 1977 up to 2020, different in terms of the methodology used, country of origin, and analyzed group of cyclists, were reviewed. The impact of change in weather conditions on the predicted number of crashes with cyclists was estimated using own road safety models and previous research results. Results indicate that air temperature, precipitation, sunshine, cloud cover, humidity, and wind strength, have a significant influence on bicycle use. The impact of the weather on bicycle volume differs between different cyclists’ groups (different levels of experience, age, gender), trip motivations (recreational, commuting, etc.) and locations (countries, cities, climate zones). The paper shows complexity of impact of weather conditions on cycling and sensitivity of relationship between weather conditions and bicycle volume (i.e. risk exposure) and, as a consequence, bicycle safety. Results indicate that weather conditions should always be taken into consideration when analyzing cycling, especially in road safety analysis. The discussion of presented research results, research methods used with their limitations, and recommendations for future research were described.
W dobie rozwoju motoryzacji i coraz większej ilości pojazdów na ulicach naszych miast, władze samorządów oraz administratorzy sieci dróg i ulic, stają przed wyzwaniem wprowadzania sprawnych rozwiązań inwestycyjnych oraz optymalizacyjnych, które pozwolą w sprawny i efektywny sposób poruszać się podróżnym, komunikować się do miejsc pracy, nauki, zakupów, etc. Badania całodobowego natężenia ruchu na drogach wlotowych do Krakowa z października 2017 r. wykazały ogromny napływ pojazdów do stolicy małopolski. Ilość samochodów jaka każdego dnia wjeżdża do miasta to ok. 246 tys. pojazdów, z czego ok. 16 tys. pojazdów przejeżdża przez centrum. Badania potwierdzają potrzebę podjęcia działań mających na celu zmniejszenie nadmiernego zatłoczenia ulic, m. in. przez budowę przy drogach wlotowych do miast parkingów przesiadkowych.
The seismic elastomeric bearings reinforced with fibre is considered as a new technology in comparison to other conventional isolator systems in civil engineering. In this type of bearing, recycled fibres replaced traditional steel plates used in common bearings. Therefore, this type of bearing has been studied in recent years due to both environmental and cost-saving advantages. The shortage of references about the application of this type of bearing in the bridge industry, and particularly the continuous-span bridges, prompted the researchers in this study to investigate the performance of the isolated reinforced concrete box girder bridges with continuous spans. Reducing the acceleration transmission from the substructure to the superstructure is one of the main advantages of using seismic bearings. Based on the study of the structural models, it was found that, in most cases, elastomeric bearings reinforced with fibres showed a suitable performance and reduced the acceleration applied to the superstructure by absorbing the earthquake energy.
Content available remote Analysis of the influence of traffic flow variability on noise level on roads
The paper presents the results of analyses concerning the annual variability of the road traffic noise level calculated in the reference point. Because of the large differences between the average noise values and the maximum ones, scaling factors enabling one to convert annual average values into the highest annual averages have been developed. The time range favourable for conducting sampling measurements ensuring the reliable estimation of annual average and highest annual average of the road traffic noise level has been determined. Moreover, factors for scaling the annual average daily traffic (for all vehicles and heavy vehicles, respectively), with a division into two daily periods, have been developed. The scaling factors make it possible to determine the noise level when no direct measurement of traffic intensity can be carried out. The analyses were made using data from 25 automatic traffic recorders (ATRs), equipped with state-of-the-art SICK and Golden river vehicle counters, located on national interurban expressways (class A and S roads).
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analiz dotyczących rocznej zmienności obliczeniowego poziomu hałasu drogowego w punkcie odniesienia. Ze względu na duże różnice pomiędzy wartościami średnimi i maksymalnymi hałasu opracowano wskaźniki przeliczeniowe umożliwiające przejście z wartości średnich do największych średnich rocznych. Określono korzystny, czasowy zakres przeprowadzania pomiarów wyrywkowych, pozwalający na wiarygodne szacowanie wartości średniej rocznej oraz wartości średniej największej obliczeniowego poziomu hałasu drogowego. W pracy opracowano także wskaźniki przeliczeniowe średniego dobowego ruchu rocznego (w grupie wszystkich pojazdów oraz pojazdów ciężkich) z podziałem na dwa okresy dobowe, umożliwiające wyznaczenie poziomu hałasu w przypadku braku możliwości wykonania bezpośredniego pomiaru natężenia ruchu. Analizy przeprowadzono wykorzystując dane uzyskane z 25 stacji ciągłego pomiaru ruchu, zlokalizowanych na krajowych drogach zamiejskich szybkiego ruchu (drogi klasy A i S) i wyposażonych w najnowocześniejsze liczniki SICK oraz Golden River.
Based on the Interreg Central Europe Territorial cooperation Programme’s CONNECT2CE project the current paper analyses the existing passenger traffic flow across the border which is among the TOP10 busiest border section of the EU. It provides an overview of the main socio-economic characteristic of the peripheral border area and identifies the factors which are leading to the continuous growth of cross-border traffic. Based on previous research and travel surveys it collects the past service attempts offered to tap the growing cross-border travel demand. It also presents the most recent passenger counts and relational (Origin-Destination O-D) ticketing statistic in order to get precise knowledge about the usage level of the existing service which helps to understand the rapidly changing mobility patterns and spatial structure. Finally, it takes into account the existing EU conform legal and organisational challenges for offering competitive public transport services on a cross-border route and proposes two new solutions as a contributionto achieve a sustainable modal shift towards public transport in the peripheral border area.
By the methods of field research, it is determined the primary factors of traffic flows on the sections of urban twolane streets, where routes of tram and urban bus movement which have motion in general structure of traffic flow are laid. Using methods of documentary research and traffic simulation, there are received results of change of average operational speed of tram and urban bus movement during different periods of operation on the route; traffic flow delays connected with technological features of tram and urban bus routes functioning in zone of operation of tram and urban bus stops and controlled intersections. Using methods of traffic simulation, it is determined possible time losses and queue length in traffic flows in conditions of increase of traffic volume and change of its composition (increase of urban public transport rate).
W artykule przeprowadzono analizę kolizji statku pasażerskiego „Celestyal Crystal” z chemikaliowcem „STI Pimlico” w Cieśninie Dardanele, 27 czerwca 2015 roku. Dokładny opis poważnego wypadku morskiego w aspekcie prawideł MPZZM oraz analiza manewru ostatniej chwili uwzględniają większość czynników wpływających na bezpieczeństwo żeglugi. W publikacji przedstawiono również szczególne znaczenie systemów rozgraniczenia ruchu (TSS) oraz komunikacji ze służbą kontroli ruchu (VTS) na akwenach uznanych za trudne nawigacyjnie ze względu na ograniczoną szerokość toru wodnego i duże natężenie ruchu statków.
The article presents analysis of the collision between passenger ship „Celestyal Crystal” and chemical tanker „STI Pimlico”in the Çanakkale Strait’s Traffic Separation Scheme on 27 June 2015. The detailed description of accident in the aspect of the COLREG rules and the analysis of the last chance manoeuver shows majority of the factors influencing on the safety in navigation. The role of Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) and communication with Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) in narrow passages with high traffic density were also presented.
Przygotowany referat omawia tematykę sterowania ruchem oraz priorytetu dla komunikacji miejskiej w Krakowie na wybranym odcinku. Pokrótce została omówiona problematyka wpływu transportu indywidualnego na transport zbiorowy na obszarze miasta Krakowa, oraz przedstawiono zastosowane systemy obszarowego sterowania ruchem. Analizie poddano ciąg komunikacyjny wzdłuż Alei Pokoju pod kątem obecnie stosowanych koncepcji sterowania sygnalizacją, a następnie opracowano model mikrosymulacji w programie Aimsun. Wyniki symulacji zaprezentowano w postaci kilku wariantów umożliwiających poprawę funkcjonowania komunikacji miejskiej na omawianym odcinku.
The article is about traffic control and priority for public transport in Cracow on a selected segment. The issue of the influence of individual transport on public transport in Cracow and local Urban Traffic Control System were introduced. The communication segment along the Aleja Pokoju was analyzed in terms of currently used signal control concepts, and then a model of microsimulation has been developed in the Aimsun software. The results of the simulation were presented in the form of several variants to allow improvement of the functioning of public transport on the discussed segment.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane analizy dotyczące zastosowania szybkiej kolei miejskiej jako alternatywy dla rozbudowy ulicy Cieszyńskiej w Bielsku-Białej. Autorzy dokonali oceny efektywności układu drogowego dla zmodernizowanej ulicy Cieszyńskiej oraz przedstawili podstawowe założenia dla utworzenia szybkiej kolei miejskiej z wykorzystanym aktualnie wyłączonej z eksploatacji linii kolejowej.
The article presents selected analyzes regarding to the use of S-train as an alternative to the extension of Cieszyńska Street in Bielsko-Biała. The authors assessed the efficiency of the road system for the modernized Cieszyńska Street and presented the basic assumptions for the creation of S-train with the used of currently excluded railway line.
It has been shown that road geometry has a great impact on overall Energy consumption and emissions. Some roads connect traffic origins and destinations directly. On the other hand, some use winding, indirect routes. Indirect connections result in longer distances driven and increased fuel consumption. A similar effect is observed on congested roads and mountain roads with many changes in altitude. Therefore, we propose a framework to assess road networks based on energy consumption. This framework should take into consideration traffic volume, shares of vehicle classes, road geometry and energy needed for road operation and construction. It can be used to optimize energy consumption with efficient traffic management and to choose an optimum new road in the design phase. This is especially important as the Energy consumed by the vehicles soon supersedes the energy needed for road construction.
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