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Annaba, a metropolitan city, has experienced the evolution and mutation of its commercial establishments over the last few decades. A phenomenon has upset the old center-periphery balance where the commercial offer is dominated by the phenomenon of centrality. This offer is very strong in the center and decreasing towards the periphery. From this perspective, the city of Annaba has experienced a massive migration of certain retail businesses, especially the food trade, from the center to the periphery, which has led to an important specialization, which differentiates its spaces. This paper proposes a methodological approach for analyzing commercial centralities in a compact town center. This paper is an attempt to analyze, in the form of a map, the results of a field survey carried out in 2021–2022 among retail traders, and the rationale behind the spatial reorganization of commercial units in this town. To this end, a number of indicators have been selected as relevant, in particular: residential location, consumer mobility conditions, and certain consumer practices and choices. Using Annaba’s case as a starting point, the aim is to assess the relevance of classic models of retail geography and to understand the new changes in the commercial fabric of Annaba’s inner city after several years of reconfiguration between the center and the periphery.
Content available Using GA for evolving weights in neural networks
This article aims at studying the behavior of different types of crossover operators in the performance of Genetic Algorithm. We have also studied the effects of the parameters and variables (crossover probability (Pc), mutation probability (Pm), population size (popsize) and number of generation (NG) for controlling the algorithm. This research accumulated most of the types of crossover operators these types are implemented on evolving weights of Neural Network problem. The article investigates the role of crossover in GAs with respect to this problem, by using a comparative study between the iteration results obtained from changing the parameters values (crossover probability, mutation rate, population size and number of generation). From the experimental results, the best parameters values for the Evolving Weights of XOR-NN problem are NG = 1000, popsize = 50, Pm = 0.001, Pc = 0.5 and the best operator is Line Recombination crossover.
Content available remote Experimental research of electromechanical and biological systems compatibility
Commercial frequency alternating current electromechanical energy transducers magnetic field influence on a biological system (model organism) is researched. Negative influence on the test-object (Drosophila melanogaster) of magnetic field of an induction motor with acquired parametric asymmetry and physical wear is analyzed. Phenotypic changes of a teratogenic character are revealed in the drosophila organism. The results are presented in comparison with the influence on the experimental insects of the magnetic field of healthy symmetric induction motors.
W artykule przebadano wpływ pola magnetycznego wytwarzanego przez elektromechaniczne przetworniki energii na system biologiczny. Przeanalizowano negatywny wpływ pola magnetycznego generowanego przez silnik indukcyjny z założoną asymetrią na obiekt testowy (muszka owocowa - Drosophila melanogaster). Odkryto zmiany fenotypu o charakterze teratogenicznym w organizmie badanej muszki owocowej. Przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą wyników uzyskanych dla eksperymentalnych owadów w polu magnetycznym wytwarzanym przez symetryczne silniki indukcyjne.
The article proposes implementing a modified version of genetic algorithm in a neural network, what in literature is known as “evolutionary algorithm” or “evolutionary programming”. An Evolutionary Algorithm is a probabilistic algorithm that works in a set of weight variability of neurons and seeks the optimal value solution within a population of individuals, avoiding the local maximum. For chromosomes the real value variables and matrix structure are proposed to a single-layer neural network. Particular emphasis is put on mutation and crossover algorithms. What is also important in both genetic and evolutionary algorithms is the selection process. In the calculation example, the implementation of theoretical considerations to a classification task is demonstrated.
Content available remote Evolutionary optimization of DC motor control system
The mathematical model of a DC motor control system’s dynamic work with series impulse was designed. Control is performed by thyristor’s ignition angle changing with doubling voltage. The parametric optimization was realized by genetic algorithm. The main genetic operators were crossover and mutation.
Przedstawiono model matematyczny badania dynamiki układu sterowania silnika prądu stałego z wzbudzeniem szeregowym. Sterowanie zostało wykonane za pomocą zmiany kąta opóźnienia załączenia tyrystorów prostownika z podwajaniem napięcia. Optymalizacja parametryczna układu realizowana jest za pomocą algorytmu genetycznego. Głównymi operatorami genetycznymi wybrano krzyżowanie i mutację.
The optimization of the parameters of the electric furnace temperature control was considered. The optimization was executed using genetic algorithms. The model takes into account nonlinearity, which is connected with the penetration of heat. Also, it is connected with losses of heat due to convection and radiation. The genetic algorithm determines the selection of parameters of the mathematical model in which the system accurately reproduces the input action.
W artykule przedstawiono optymalizację parametrów układu sterowania temperaturą pieca elektrycznego. Optymalizacja odbywa się za pomocą algorytmu genetycznego. Model pieca uwzględnia nieliniowości związane z przenikaniem ciepła oraz stratami ciepła przez konwekcję i promieniowanie. Algorytm genetyczny określa parametry modelu matematycznego, dla których system maksymalnie dokładnie odtwarza sygnał wejściowy.
Mutagenic properties of four different diphenylthiophenes: 3,4-diphenylthiophene, 3,4-di(4'-methylphenyl)thiophene, 3,4-di(4'-methoxyphenyl)thiophene and 3,4-di(4'-pentoxyphenyl)thiophene were investigated applying the Salmonella test. The research was done on two strains of Salmonella Typhimurium: TA98 and TA100, tested in two variants: with (+S9) and without (-S9) enzymatic activation. Only one compound 3,4-di(4'-methylphenyl)thiophene showed mutagenic activity when studied with metabolic activation (+S9) and its mutagenic rate (MR) score was 3.41 for the dose of 10.00µg*plate-1. Other studied compounds did not show any mutagenic activity (+/-S9) and their MR score did not exceed the threshold value of 2.0.
The dispersed miospore assemblage of the Retispora lepidophyta-Verrucosisporites nitidus (LN) Zone from the Holy Cross Mountains(Poland) is marked by enrichment (above 4%) in abnormal spore morphotypes during a terrestrial flora turnover close to the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary, recorded just above the Hangenberg Black Shale level. Incomplete and complete tetrads represent mostly Vallatisporites spp., supplemented by Grandispora, Retusotriletes and Apiculiretusispora. Additional peculiar morphotypes, marked byanomalous overall shape and ornamentation, are interpreted as mutated varieties of Vallatisporites based on intermediate morphologicalstages, connecting them with this well known genus. This relatively high aberrant palynomorph frequency is accompanied by volcanicash intercalations, as well as by charcoal debris and polycyclic aromatic biomarkers indicative of forest wildfire. Thus, the anomalousspore morphology could reflect the mutagenic effect of regional acidification due to explosive volcanism. However, palynological literature data from NW France and Canada highlight the possibility of a supra-regional mutated miospore signal near the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary, and there is need for high-resolution studies of the LN Zone to examine this. The end-Permian scenario of abnormalfloral growth in immensely stressed habitats may therefore apply to other potentially volcanically-induced biotic turnovers.
W artykule zaprezentowano ewolucyjną metodę optymalizacji zestawu punktów pomiarowych, stosowanych do diagnostycznej identyfikacji stanu analogowego układu scalonego. Z uwagi na ograniczony dostęp do struktury układu, diagnoza jest ustalana poprzez monitorowanie statycznego poziomu prądu zasilania, tj. metodą testowania IDDQ. Dodatkowo, w celu poprawy obserwowalności diagnostycznej, pomiar prądu zasilania układu scalonego jest wykonywany dla różnych wartości napięć: zasilania VDD i pobudzenia VIN. Podczas optymalizacji ewolucyjnej, ustalany jest minimalny zbiór kombinacji wartości napięć, który zapewni najlepszą możliwą separację stanów identyfikowanych. Wprowadzenie marginesu niejednoznaczności zapewnia odporność metody na rozrzut tolerancyjny parametrów analogowej struktury scalonej oraz na inne praktyczne ograniczenia dokładności i powtarzalności punktów pomiarowych.
An evolutionary method for optimal analog test poins determination is described in this paper. Due to limited access to internal nodes of analog integrated circuits, the power supply current monitoring is selected for fault identification (IDDQ aproach). Additionally, for fault coverage improvement, the current is measured for different values of voltages for: power supply VDq and stimulus VDD. The minimal set of test points is determined evolutionarily and it gives the best possible isolation for identified circuit states with minimal time of testing. The use of ambiguity sets assures the resistance of the approach for tolerance dispertion of analog circuit parameters and for limitation of accuracy and repeatibility of test point.
This article dealt with genetic algorithm. Genetic algorithms belong to one of the stochastic optimizing methods inspired by nature. We can use them in all the situations where search for the exact solution of everyday tasks with the help of systematic examination is infinite. This is why they enable elegant way of solving complex problems.
W badaniu wielu zjawisk przyrodniczych istotną rolę odgrywają operatory Markowa, nieujemne operatory liniowe oraz ich półgrupy. W szczególności rozważana jest asymptotyczna stabilność. A. Lasota i J. A. Yorke w 1982 r. udowodnili, że warunkiem wystarczającym i koniecznym asymptotycznej stabilności dla operatora Markowa jest istnienie nietrywialnej funkcji dolnej. W niniejszej pracy pokazujemy zastosowanie metody funkcji dolnej do badania zachowania algorytmów genetycznych. Rozpatrywane w pracy algorytmy genetyczne, używane do rozwiązywania niegładkich problemów optymalizacyjnych, są wynikiem złożenia dwóch operatorów losowych: selekcji i mutacji. Złożenie tych operacji jest macierzą Markowa.
Markovian operators, non-negative linear operators and its subgroups play a significant role for the description of phenomena observed in the nature. Research on asymptotic stability is one of the main issues in this respect. A. Lasota and J. A. Yorke proved in 1982 that the necessary and sufficient condition of the asymptotic stability of a Markovian operator is the existence of a non-trivial lower-bound function. In the present paper it is shown how the method of lower-bound function can be applied to the investigation of genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms considered used for solving of non-smooth optimization problems are compositions of two random operators: selection and mutation. The compositions are Markovian matrices.
Przedstawiono algorytm genetyczny z reprezentacją binarną i nowym operatorem mutacji wykorzystującym metodę koła ruletki. Prawdopodobieństwo mutacji bitu w klasycznym algorytmie genetycznym jest stałe. W proponowanej metodzie uzależnia się to prawdopodobieństwo od przebiegu procesu ewolucyjnego. Loci, których mutacja z 0 na 1 (z 1 na 0) we wcześniejszych generacjach poprawiła ocenę chromosomu, mutowane są częściej z 0 na 1 (z 1 na 0). Do ustalenia prawdopodobieństwa mutacji bitu używa się metody koła ruletki. Metodę zobrazowano przykładami optymalizacji kombinatorycznej ze zmiennymi binarnymi. W jednomodalnych problemach optymalizacji kombinatorycznej odnotowano przyspieszenie zbieżności algorytmu do optimum.
A genetic algorithm with binary representation and a new operator or mutation using the roulette wheel method is presented. The probability of the bit mutation in a classical genetic algorithm is fixed. In the proposed method this probability is dependent on the history of the evolutionary process. Loci, whose mutation from 0 to 1 (from 1 to 0) improved the evaluation of the chromosome in early generations, are mutated frequently tram 0 to 1 (from 1 to 0). The roulette mutation bas adaptive control of the probability of the lotus mutation. Each locus of the chromosome bas two coefficients of mutation intensity: from 0 to 1- w 0-1 and from 1 to 0 - w 1-0. The values of these coefficients are updated in each generation after mutation. If the mutation from 0 to 1 (from 1 to 0) brings positive effects (an increase in the chromosome fitness), the value of the appropriate w 0-1 (w 1-0) coefficient increases. In case of negative effects the value of the coefficient decreases. A high value of w 0-1(i) gives information that in the previous realization of the evolutionary process the change of ith bit from 0 to 1 (from 1 to 0) in most cases brought the improvement in fitness. The probability of the bit mutation from 0 to l (from 1 to 0) - p 0-1(i) (p 1-0(i)) is proportional to the w 0-1(i) (w 1-0(i)) value for this bit. The bits for mutation are chosen using the roulette wheel method. The roulette wheel is composed of two sectors "0-1" and "1-0". Each locus bas the subsector S 0-1(i) in the "0-1" sector and subsector S 1-0(i) in the "1-0" sector. The sizes of these subsectors are dependent on the probabilities p 0-1(i) and p 1-0(i). The operation of mutation consists of: sampling with replacement of q chromosomes and a number indicating subsector on the roulette wheel which in turn determines the lotus for mutation and direction of mutation (from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0) for each of the above mentioned chromosomes. The experiments showed that the operator of roulette mutation significantly speeds up the convergence of the algo-rithm in the unimodal tasks of the combinatorial optimization. The effectiveness of the roulette mutation depends on the availability of information about the sensitivity of objective function to the changes in the variable values. If the direction of an influence of a certain variable on the value of the objective function depends on the values of others variables, it may lead to the improper operation of the roulette mutation, deterioration of the exploratory properties and to the convergence of the algorithm to the local optimum.
Content available remote O asymptotycznym zachowaniu prostego algorytmu genetycznego
W pracy zdefiniowano prosty algorytm genetyczny w terminach skończonego multizbioru potencjalnych rozwiązań (osobników danej populacji), na którym są określone operacje krzyżowania, mutacji i selekcji, każda z pewnym prawdopodobieństwem. Działając złożeniem tych operacji na dowolną populację, tworzymy nową populację. Istnienie funkcji przystosowania (dopasowania), określonej na osobnikach populacji, pozwala powiązać prawdopodobieństwo selekcji osobników do nowej populacji z wartościami, jakie funkcja przystosowania przyjmuje na osobniku. Przejście z jednej generacji do drugiej jest realizowane przez operator działający na wektory probabilistyczne charakteryzujące rozkład prawdopodobieństwa pojawienia się każdej z możliwych populacji. Jest to operator Markowa. W teorii operatorów Markowa oraz operatorów dodatnich znanych jest wiele twierdzeń dotyczących istnienia punktów stałych oraz zbieżności ciągu iteracji operatora. Korzystając z tych wyników, znaleźliśmy warunki wystarczające i konieczne stabilności operatora Markowa związanego z pewną klasą algorytmów genetycznych.
The simple genetic algorithm (SGA) and its convergence analysis are main subjects of the article. The SGA is defined on a finite multi-set of potential problem solutions (individuals) together with crossover, mutation and selection operators, each with prescribed probability. The selection operation acts on the basis of the fitness function defined on potential solutions (individuals), and is fundamental for the problem considered. Generation of a new population from the given one is realized by the action of the composition of those operators. The composition is written in the form of a transition operator acting on probability vectors which describe probability distributions of each population. The transition operator is a Markov one. Thanks to the well-developed theory of Markov operators new conditions for stability of the transition operator are formulated. The results obtained are related to the class of genetic operators.
Niniejsza praca prezentuje budowę algorytmu genetycznego oraz jego zastosowanie do poszukiwania maksimum globalnegop złożonej funkcji dwóch zmennych. Przeprowadzono również analizę wpływu poszczególnych parametrów oraz operatorów algorytmu na jego działanie oraz na generowane przez niego rozwiazania. Niniejszą pracę potraktować mozna jako wprowadzenie do bardziej zaawansowanych zastosowań algorytmów genetycznych przedstawionych w dwóch kolejnych pracach tych samych autorów, zawartych w niniejszym Zeszycie Naukowym.
The paper presents the construction of a genetic algorithm and its application to searching of a global maximum of a complex two-variable function. An analysis of influence of particular parameters and operators of the genetic algorithm and solutions it generates has also been carried out. This paper can be considered as an introduction to more advanced applications of genetic algorithms presented in two following papers (by the same authors) included in this volume.
The problem with electric machine optimization can be specified as searching for a compromise between requirements manufacturer's and user's. Optimum design depends on several parameters, therefore it is very difficult fo find real optimum. The evolutionary methods seem to be a way to solve this problem. In this paper there is explained the basic principle of simple Genetic algorithm with binary coding and Simulated Annealing algorithm. Their application to design optimization of a maximum efficiency induction motor is presented as well.
Optimisation of pharmacological therapies is an important problem of modern medicine. A lot of data concerning large groups of patients has to be analysed within a few months or years in order to find (sub)optimal therapeutic standards. Since new effective drugs become available each year, natural “brain storm” iterations in the world community of clinicians for new trials generation and co-ordination may be insufficient to perform the optimisation in real time. Therefore computer supervision of such a world-wide process is necessary. Basic problems concerning complex medical therapies and their optimisation have been described in this work. A formal description of the optimisation problem has been provided. Qualitative and quantitative genetic operations (mutation, crossover) have been distinguished. The idea of statistical fitnes functions has been introduced. Statistical genetic algorithms as appropriate optimisation procedures has been proposed. The usefulness of application of the described algorithms in medicine has been pointed out. The block structure of a computer system for trials generation and coordination has been proposed.
A supplementary crossover operator for genetic algorithms (GA) is proposed in the paper. It performs specific breeding between the two fittest parental chromosomes. The new child chromosome is based on the center of gravity (CoG) paradigm, taking into account both the parental weights (measured by their fitness) and their actual value. It is designed to be used in combination with other crossover and mutation operators (it applies to the best fitted two parental chromosomes only) both in binary and real-valued (evolutionary) GA. Analytical proof of its ability to improve the result is provided for the simplest case of one variable and when the elitist selection strategy is used. The new operator is validated with a number of usually used numerical test functions as well as with a practical example of supply air temperature and flow rate scheduling in a hollow core ventilated slab thermal storage system. The tests indicate that it improves results (the speed of convergence as well as the final result) without a significant increase in computational expenses.
Content available remote DNA polymorphism in population that has undergone size changes in its history
In this paper we consider mutations which occur in genealogy of an n-individual sample taken from population which has undergone size changes in the course of its evolution. For any n = 2,3, ... we derive recurrent formulae for the probability generating function of the number of segregating sit es in the sample. If population size is constant the formulae reduce to known Watterson formulae [1]. From these formulae we obtain probabilities for numbers of segregating sites in triplets and we use it in exemplary numerical calculations. Computations are performed for four population models - two theoretical and two based on research concerning human population (from [2] and [3]). Then we compare our computations with the experimental data.
Praca dotyczy rozkładu liczby mutacji, które pojawiły się w genealogii n-elementowej próbki pochodzącej z populacji, o której zakładamy, że jej rozmiar jest funkcją czasu. Podano wzory rekurencyjne na funkcje tworzące liczby miejsc segregujących w takich próbkach. Wzory te są uogólnieniem znanych wzorów G.A. Wattersona dla populacji, których rozmiar nie zmienia się w czasie. Obliczenia przeprowadzono w przypadku n = 3 dla czterech modeli rozwoju populacji -- dwóch teoretycznych i dwóch opartych na badaniach dotyczących populacji ludzi. Następnie porównano je z wynikami symulacji oraz danymi eksperymentalnymi.
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