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Purpose: The subject of this article is training and its impact on the motivation of public administration employees in tax offices. Design/methodology/approach: both secondary and primary research were conducted. Secondary research includes literature on the subjects of motivation, motivating, human resources management and employee training. However, the primary study includes a survey conducted in tax offices; in this case, the method was a survey, the technique was an online survey, and the research tool was a survey questionnaire. Findings: respondents almost unanimously answered that they mainly participate in training because the acquired knowledge will allow them to improve the performance of their duties. Training also motivates them to continue their professional development. The answer regarding job change is noteworthy: respondents do not connect the knowledge acquired during training with the possibility of changing jobs. The research shows that the most important form of motivation is material motivation. Next are the atmosphere and satisfaction with the duties performed. Originality/value: indicating how important it is to align employees' personal goals with the goals of the organization. In such a case, the system should take into account the individual needs of employees, but employees should also recognize the opportunities for their own development and the benefits that may accrue to the institution. In this way, professional goals can also become personal goals. The author drew attention to an important issue - respondents are aware of their needs, and employers should notice and meet their expectations. This will undoubtedly improve the functioning of many offices. In the era of artificial intelligence, employees' soft skills should be particularly valued because interpersonal skills, flexibility, the ability to cooperate, and creativity are becoming the key factors that distinguish people in the context of technological progress.
The present paper is a continuation of the article which was published in the previous edition of Polish Technical Review. It is a story about Prof. Piotr Wolański from Warsaw University of Technology, a visionary who - apart from the problems concerning combustion, explosions and space drives - was able to give the positive energy and passion to the students as well as his collaborators all over the world. How it happened that a boy from a small, mountainous settlement “reached the stars”, becoming the inspiration to the younger generations? The authoress of paper concentrates her attention on the motivating aspect, being perceived from the viewpoint of Professor as well as his pupils and also, she gives the floor to the mentor himself.
Sport is an important element of self-improvement and professional development of every person and above all of firefighters, since their service involves helping people and saving property in particularly dangerous and often quite extreme conditions. The article is an assessment of the impact of sports on the improvement of fitness, integration and motivation of firefighters in the context of safety during operational activities of State Fire Service units, based on two different environments - the District Headquarters of the State Fire Service in Włoszczowa and the Polish firefighters’ team in firefighting sports. Empirical research was conducted using a survey questionnaire. The results of the research and the formulated conclusions summarize the article.
Sport jest ważnym elementem samodoskonalenia i rozwoju zawodowego każdego człowieka, a przede wszystkim strażaka, gdyż jego służba polega na niesieniu pomocy ludziom i ratowaniu mienia w szczególnie niebezpiecznych i często ekstremalnych warunkach. Artykuł jest oceną wpływu sportu na poprawę sprawności, integrację i motywację strażaków w kontekście bezpieczeństwa podczas działań operacyjnych jednostek Państwowej Straży Pożarnej na przykładzie dwóch różnych środowisk – Komendy Powiatowej Państwowej Straży Pożarnej we Włoszczowej i reprezentacji polskich strażaków w sportach pożarniczych. Badania empiryczne przeprowadzono za pomocą kwestionariusza ankiety. Wyniki badań i sformułowane wnioski podsumowują artykuł.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between the organizational climate and the motivation and efficiency of work in agile development teams. The article describes the concept of organizational climate, its factors and its impact on motivation and efficiency in those teams. Design: The study was conducted in five development teams that operate both in enterprises whose main activity is based on software development and in enterprises where the teams develop software only for the internal use of the company. These teams are using agile software development methodologies. The empirical research was carried out using a questionnaire among members of those teams. Findings: Standard motivating factors are no longer sufficient to motivate and retain the company programmers. They value more independence in the tasks performed and want to have a real impact on the company’s operations and the atmosphere in the workplace. Organizational climate factors contribute to this commonly understood work atmosphere. These factors can be created by the organization to achieve the greatest possible motivation of employees, and therefore their efficiency. It is worth noting that agile software development methodologies determine the intensity of some of these factors. Value: Appropriate measurement and metrics of projects, processes, and IT teams allows us to determine whether they work optimally and to improve their efficiency. Motivated, creative and satisfied employees, who identify with the company, and consequently are efficient, are the keys to success.
Celem artykułu jest zbadanie zależności między klimatem organizacyjnym a motywacją i efektywnością pracy w zwinnych zespołach programistycznych. W artykule opisano pojęcie klimatu organizacyjnego, jego czynniki oraz ich wpływ na motywację i efektywność w zespołach. Badanie przeprowadzono w pięciu zespołach programistycznych, które działają zarówno w przedsiębiorstwach, których główna działalność opiera się na tworzeniu oprogramowania, jak i w przedsiębiorstwach, w których zespoły tworzą oprogramowanie wyłącznie na użytek wewnętrzny firmy. Zespoły te używają zwinnych metod wytwarzania oprogramowania. Badania empiryczne przeprowadzono za pomocą ankiety wśród członków wybranych zespołów. Wyniki wskazują, iż standardowe czynniki motywujące nie wystarczają do motywowania i zatrzymywania programistów w firmie. Cenią sobie oni samodzielność w wykonywanych zadaniach i chcą mieć realny wpływ na funkcjonowanie firmy. Niezmiernie ważna jest dla nich atmosfera w miejscu pracy. Czynniki klimatu organizacyjnego składają się na powszechnie rozumianą atmosferę pracy. Każda organizacja może kształtować je w celu osiągnięcia jak największej motywacji pracowników, a co za tym idzie – ich efektywności. Warto zauważyć, że zwinne metody tworzenia oprogramowania determinują intensywność niektórych z tych czynników. Zastosowanie parametry i odpowiedni pomiar czynników w projektach, procesach i zespołach IT pozwala nam określić, czy działają one optymalnie, a następnie dążyć do poprawy ich efektywności. Zmotywowani, kreatywni i zadowoleni pracownicy nie tylko identyfikują się z firmą, lecz także pracują wydajniej.
Zasoby ludzkie są jednym najważniejszych zasobów organizacji. Bez wystarczającego kapitału społecznego, jak i jego odpowiedniego wykorzystania, żadna przedsiębiorstwo nie jest w stanie w pełni funkcjonować. Dlatego tak ważne jest, aby pracownicy firmy odczuwali bodźce zachęcające ich do pracy i osiągania celów przedsiębiorstwa, a nowi, potencjalni kandydaci, czuli chęć dołączenia do zespołu. W celu uzyskania takich efektów, organizacje powinny skutecznie wykorzystywać jedną z „klasycznych” funkcji zarządzania, jaką jest motywacja. Celem artykułu jest analiza działań motywujących, wykorzystywanych przez kierowników trzech przedsiębiorstwach o różnej specjalizacji oraz ich ocena z punktu widzenia tychże kierowników oraz ich podwładnych. Aby osiągnąć cel przeprowadzono przegląd literatury a w szczególności rodzajów motywacji i przeanalizowano wcześniejsze, obecne i nowe podejścia do motywowania. Uwzględniono również zależności pomiędzy motywacją a osobowością pracownika a także stosowane instrumenty motywowania. Analiza literatury była podstawą do przeprowadzenia badań empirycznych w trzech przedsiębiorstwach. Przeprowadzono je z wykorzystaniem dwóch kwestionariuszy ankiety. Pierwsza ankieta skierowana była do kierowników a druga do pracowników. Zebrane dane pozwoliły na określenie stopnia motywacji pracowników. Stopień ten został oceniony z punktu widzenia kierowników oraz samych pracowników. Reasumując, nie istnieje jeden doskonały system motywacyjny, który odpowiadałby każdej organizacji zakwalifikowanej do konkretnej specjalizacji. Ważne, by zwierzchnicy dobrze znali swoich podwładnych, a także aby mieli świadomość jakie są ich potrzeby. Jest to kluczowe przy doborze odpowiednich instrumentów motywacyjnych, a dodatkowo fundamentalny wpływ mają narzędzia perswazji, które opiewają się na partnerskiej współpracy, zawierającej liczne konsultacje czy negocjacje. Wyniki badań stanowią użyteczne informacje dla praktyków zarządzania. Pozwalają bowiem lepiej zrozumieć, a tym samym odpowiednio zmotywować swoich pracowników.
Human resources are one of the most important resources of an organization. Without sufficient social capital, as well as its proper use, no company can fully function. That is why it is so important that the company's employees feel incentives to work and achieve the company's goals, and new potential candidates feel the desire to join the team. In order to achieve such results, organizations should effectively use one of the "classic" functions of management, which is motivation. The purpose of this article is to analyze the motivational activities used by managers of three companies with different specializations, and to evaluate them from the point of view of these managers and their subordinates. To achieve the goal, a literature review was conducted and previous, current and new approaches to motivation were analyzed. The relationship between motivation and the personality of the employee was also considered, as well as the instruments of motivation used. The literature analysis was the basis for an empirical study in three companies. They were conducted using two survey questionnaires. The first questionnaire was addressed to managers and the second to employees. The data collected made it possible to determine the degree of employee motivation. The degree was assessed from the point of view of the managers and the employees themselves. It is important for superiors to know their subordinates well, and to be aware of what their needs are. The results of the research provide useful information for management practitioners.
Purpose: The aim of this article is to analyze students’ preferences and motivations regarding video games and present ideas and opportunities to improve education. Design/methodology/approach: The author conveyed a survey among students from the Silesian University of Technology and compared the results with data from more than 1.25 million gamers from all over the world. Findings: Most students are very interested in virtual games and it presents the possibility to increase engagement in classes. Research limitations/implications: Better results would be achieved if students from more faculties participated in the survey. Practical implications: The author hopes that this article will inspire lecturers to use presented class ideas and come up with more creative and interactive tasks during lectures to better connect with the new generation of gamers and to make classes more engaging and educating. Social implications: The author hopes that society will see the impact and usefulness that virtual games have in modern times and that it is a medium worthy of attention, cognition, and use. Originality/value: The author saw an opportunity to improve education through the use of a large database of gaming preferences. This research paper is addressed to lecturers and gamers.
Content available Certain Conditions of the Motivation Process
The article discusses the topic of the motivation process, which appears to be important and complex from the point of view of the organization. No one today needs to be convinced about the extremely important mechanism of shaping interpersonal relations in a company by motivating. The importance of motivation is analysed at the level of both business entities and public organizations. In addition to imposing demands on the employee and issuing instructions, there are various, more or less visible ways of influencing the employee, which are aimed at increasing the efficiency of his work. There are no universal rules for building incentive systems that would work in every situation. So, what motivates you to perform your duties diligently? The prospect of receiving a reward or promotion, or maybe the spectre of punishment?
The cognitive objective of this paper is to assess the motives driving hotel owners and managers to implement environmentally friendly actions from the perspective of hotel guests. The empirical aim of the study materialises through investigations conducted on a sample of 1317 hotel guests in four provincial cities in Poland: Warsaw, Cracow, Wroclaw, and Opole. The study encompassed guests of six hotels classified as three-star establishments. The research methodology employed herein is a diagnostic survey using a questionnaire designed by the authors of this study. The survey was conducted between June and September 2021. In the concluding section of the paper, the analysis of the research allows for the formulation of conclusions. Among these conclusions, a notable observation is the assertion that guests have a remarkably low awareness regarding the impact of hotels on the natural environment. This finding contradicts the more optimistic assessments of such awareness that are found in various works within the field of hospitality. According to the authors, this conclusion could form the basis for educational initiatives and the initiation of mechanisms, including economic ones, aimed at elevating the knowledge level in this domain, not solely among hotel guests but also, perhaps predominantly, among hotel proprietors and managers. Nevertheless, the authors of this paper are cognizant of the exploratory nature of the conducted study, which may serve as a convenient foundation for subsequent, more in-depth investigations, particularly focusing on expanding the array of applied methodologies, significantly increasing the research sample size, and considering a broader range of respondent characteristics in the research.
Celem poznawczym artykułu jest ocena motywów, którymi kierują się właściciele i menedżerowie hoteli w realizacji działań proekologicznych z perspektywy gości hotelowych. Cel empiryczny badania materializuje się poprzez badania przeprowadzone na próbie 1317 gości hotelowych w czterech miastach wojewódzkich Polski: Warszawie, Krakowie, Wrocławiu i Opolu. Badaniem objęto gości sześciu hoteli sklasyfikowanych jako obiekty trzygwiazdkowe. Zastosowaną metodą badawczą jest sondaż diagnostyczny z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza opracowanego przez auto-rów niniejszego badania. Badanie przeprowadzono w okresie od czerwca do września 2021 r. Wśród wniosków z badań na szczególną uwagę zasługuje wyjątkowo niską świadomość dotyczącą wpływu hoteli na środowisko naturalne wśród gości. Odkrycie to stoi w sprzeczności z bardziej optymistycznymi ocenami tej świadomości, jakie można znaleźć w różnych pracach z zakresu hotelarstwa. Zdaniem autorów wniosek ten mógłby stać się podstawą inicjatyw edukacyjnych i uruchomienia mechanizmów, w tym ekonomicznych, mających na celu podniesienie poziomu wiedzy w tym zakresie nie tylko wśród gości hotelowych, ale także, a może przede wszystkim, wśród właścicieli i menedżerów hoteli. Autorzy niniejszego artykułu mają jednak świadomość eksploracyjnego charakteru przeprowadzonych badań, co może stanowić dogodną podstawę do dalszych, bardziej pogłębionych badań, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem poszerzenia zakresu stosowanych metod, znacząco zwiększając wielkość próby badawczej oraz uwzględnienie w badaniu szerszego zakresu cech respondentów.
The article examines the peculiarities of using the methodology (CLIL) in the process of training future teachers in modern higher education institutions of Ukraine. The general principles of the methodology (CLIL) were explained. Attention is drawn to the application of the methodology (CLIL) in a pedagogical higher educational institution. The advantages and disadvantages of using subject-language integrated education were indicated.
W artykule przeanalizowano specyfikę wykorzystania metodologii (CLIL) w procesie kształcenia przyszłych nauczycieli w nowoczesnych szkołach wyższych Ukrainy. Wyjaśniono ogólne zasady metodologii (CLIL). Zwrócono uwagę na zastosowanie metodyki (CLIL) w placówce pedagogicznej. Wskazano zalety i wady stosowania zintegrowanego kształcenia przedmiotowo-językowego.
The article examines the issue of formation and development of the hardiness of personality as a professional component of the training of students in higher education under war conditions. The trends of the modern world and the challenges currently facing the personality are presented. An analysis of theoretical approaches to the construct ‘hardiness of personality’ by foreign and domestic scientists was carried out. The content and structural characteristics of the hardiness of personality are singled out. The basic definition of the concept of ‘hardiness of personality’ and directions of its development in accordance with the today’s realities are proposed.
W artykule podjęto problematykę kształtowania się i rozwoju odporności osobowości, jako komponentu zawodowego kształcenia studentów szkół wyższych, w warunkach wojennych. Przedstawiono trendy współczesnego świata oraz wyzwania stojące obecnie przed osobowością. Dokonano analizy teoretycznych podejść do konstruktu „twardość osobowości” przez naukowców zagranicznych i krajowych. Wyróżniono treść i cechy strukturalne odporności osobowości. Zaproponowano podstawowe definicje pojęcia „twardość osobowości” oraz kierunki jej rozwoju, zgodnie ze współczesnymi realiami.
Człowiek dobrze zmotywowany, pełen entuzjazmu osiąga lepsze wyniki w nauce i jest bardziej zaangażowany. Emocje, osobowość, otoczenie i panująca w nim atmosfera wpływają na nastawienie studenta do nauki i w konsekwencji na jego proces motywacyjny. Okazuje się jednak, że motywacja zależy od wielu czynników, również od formy nauki. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań dotyczących tego, czy i w jaki sposób nauczanie zdalne wpłynęło na motywację studentów do kształcenia się, a także jak zmieniło się postrzeganie tej formy nauki po powrocie do nauczania stacjonarnego i/lub hybrydowego. W badaniach wykorzystano metodę badań ankietowych, czyli technikę CAWI. Udział w nich wzięło 415 respondentów – studentów uczelni. Badania przeprowadzono w grudniu 2022 r., kiedy to studenci po półtorarocznej nauce w formie zdalnej powrócili do nauki w murach uczelni. Dobór próby był losowy.
A person who is well-motivated and enthusiastic achieves better academic results and is more engaged. Emotions, personality, environment and the prevailing atmosphere all influence the student’s attitude towards learning and, consequently, his motivation process. However, it turns out that motivation depends on many factors, also on the form of learning. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a study on whether and how distance learning has affected students’ motivation to learn, and how the perception of this form of learning has changed after returning to full-time and/or hybrid learning. The survey research method used for the study was the CAWI technique. The study population consisted of 415 respondents – university students. The research was conducted in December 2022, when the students returned to study within the walls of the university after one and a half years of remote learning. The sample selection was random. The results of the study clearly show a significant increase in motivation after returning to in-person learning. The mere change in course format and environment from home back to the walls of the university contributed to a large increase in motivation and engagement.
System motywacyjny, a zwłaszcza wartości i postawy, jakie premiuje, wpływa na sprawność działania pracowników, ich zadowolenie z pracy oraz realizację celów przedsiębiorstwa. Jeżeli będą oni odpowiednio motywowani, będą zaspokajane ich potrzeby, a odpowiednie warunki pracy spowodują większe zadowolenie. Żeby te cele realizować, należy podjąć inicjatywy mające na celu usprawnienie działania pracowników oraz podwyższenie ich satysfakcji z pracy. Właśnie dlatego doskonalenie systemu motywacyjnego to nadal aktualny i ważny temat w naukach o zarządzaniu i jakości. Jednym z elementów zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi jest motywowanie pracowników, które stało się przedmiotem badań. Ich celem były ocena i doskonalenie systemu motywacyjnego w firmie transportowej. Wyniki prezentowano w podziale na grupy według: zajmowanego stanowiska, odbytego stażu, wieku i wykształcenia. W badaniu wykorzystano analizy Kruskala-Wallisa. Wyniki poprzedzono analizą literatury w zakresie przedmiotu pracy. Wnioskuje się, że występuje grupa osób, dla których system motywacyjny nie jest zrozumiały. Należy go udoskonalić dla pracowników z najdłuższym stażem, aby przeciwdziałać rutynie w ich motywacji.
The motivation system, and especially the values and attitudes it awards, affects the efficiency of employees, their work satisfaction and the achievement of company goals. If employees are properly motivated, their needs will be met and the appropriate working conditions will result in greater satisfaction. In order to achieve these goals, initiatives should be taken to improve the performance of employees and increase their job satisfaction. The evaluation of the motivation system is still a current and important topic in management and quality sciences. Efficient human resource management allows the company to achieve its goals. One of the elements of human resource management is motivating employees, which has become the subject of this research. The aim of the research was to evaluate the motivation system in a company from the transport industry, according to: the position held, duration of employment, age and education. Kruskal-Wallis analyses were used in the study. The results were preceded by an analysis of the literature on the subject of the work. The conclusion is that there is a group of people for whom the motivation system is not understandable. The system among senior employees should be improved to counteract the routine in their motivation.
Content available Tourists’ motivations for using social media
Purpose: The main objective of the paper is to determine whether latent variables (constructs) regarding tourists' motivations can be found in the studied social media use behaviour of tourists. Design/methodology/approach: The study was carried out via an on-line survey questionnaire. Responses to questions were measured on a nominal or ordinal scale. Factor analysis was used in the data analysis. The subject of the study involves the use of social media by tourists and analyses their motivation. Findings: Tourists’ motivators for using social media were identified and these are: 1) Visibility in the crowd, 2) Obtaining information about nearby events, 3) Building relationships with the local community, 4) Relying on the opinions of others. Research limitations/implications: The study was carried out only in one country. There are plans to expand the study area in the future in order to make international comparisons. Moreover, motivators were not identified by age group, which is planned in future studies. Practical implications: Identification of tourists’ motivation to use social media enables city managers, tourism organisations and tourism facility managers to have a targeted impact on tourist behaviour. These activities can result in the desired objectives being achieved, e.g. relations between tourists and the local community will be built. This will also enable the identification of people who are motivated to be visible in the crowd and offer them cooperation in the promotion of tourist destinations or attractions. Social implications: Identification of tourists’ motivators will make it possible to influence tourists in such a way that they will participate in solving problems of the local community or provide information on situations requiring intervention in the area of tourist attractions. Originality/value: New insights on latent variables concerning tourists’ motivation when using social media have been provided. The paper is addressed to city managers, tourism organisations and tourism facility managers what will help them to improve the quality of provided services.
Purpose: The aim of the work was to successfully define motivation and the act of motivating, but also to characterize many different kinds of the former. Based on a survey carried out among retired officers a set of data was presented, explaining the reasons for their desire to find employment after withdrawing from the army, as well as making known retirees’ opinions on their persisting willingness to keep working post-retirement. The profile of an officer of the Polish Army was also discussed. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted in a group of retired officers of the Polish Army in 2019-2021 using the snowball method. The study also used the method of analysis and criticism of the literature and the heuristic method, as well as the quantitative method - a questionnaire was used. The research problem was expressed in the form of a question: What factors influence the motivation of retired officers of the Polish Armed Forces to take up work after leaving the service? Findings: The termination of military service after several years of work in the Polish army may be a difficult moment for some officers, because most of their lives they worked in one organization, where there are clear and defined rules and high discipline. During their service, the officers of the Polish Armed Forces acquired valuable competences - knowledge and skills supported by experience, therefore it is important that they can still use their competence potential. It is essential that officers who will retire plan their future careers. Motivation, i.e. a set of forces and factors that are aimed at supporting an individual in certain behaviors, also plays a large role. Thanks to them, you can work towards achieving specific goals. According to the survey, retired officers take up work after leaving the service due to the desire to further use their knowledge and experience. Working in a group, contact with other people also influences the continuation of work in retirement. For some respondents, too low a retirement benefit is a factor that motivates them to look for a job. Originality/value: Results of this research should be of interest to institutions and people, who help retired officers of the Polish Armed Forces. Secondly they are also directed to officers themselves, as a support in planning their future professional career.
Content available Management of engineering teams
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze the methods of management in the case of engineering teams. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The considerations presented in the publication made it possible to analyses the most important aspects of managing engineering teams. The publication draws attention to the specificity of managing engineering teams and the features that distinguish it from management in other types of organizations. In particular, it points out how to develop engineering teams in subsequent stages. The paper presents soft skills that should characterize people managing engineering teams, such as: dependability, work ethic, communication skills, community and teamwork, time management skills, goal setting, mental ability and takes direction well. The paper has a special focus on the best practices that should be followed to effectively manage engineering teams. Especially nowadays, in the era of Industry 4.0, there is a need for team management in industrial companies as well as more and more cooperation between people and machines. This kind of approach requires careful planning and management of engineering teams. The best practices presented in the publication can provide assistance to engineering teams in today's industrial enterprises wherever teamwork is necessary. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with management of engineering teams.
The purpose of this study is to identify, assess and compare the hierarchy of motivating factors among sales department employees of Polish companies before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study examines the COVID-19 pandemic as a specific and unprecedented crisis we had not encountered on such a scale before. The study used a survey questionnaire, the results of which were analysed using methods from multivariate statistical analysis. A decrease in respondents’ preferences for motivating factors related to the work team, the atmosphere at work and employee benefits, and a substantial increase in the importance of employment security have been observed. Attractive remuneration has retained its high position in the hierarchy of motivating factors from the time before the COVID-19 pandemic. From the point of view of a company’s surviving the crisis, sales department employees are its key assets. Understanding the changes in motivating factors caused by an unstable environment may be very useful to managers in creating effective and practical tools for motivating employees.
Celem badania jest identyfikacja i ocena porównawcza hierarchii ważności czynników motywujących do pracy pracowników działów sprzedaży polskich firm w odniesieniu do sytuacji przed i w trakcie pandemii COVID-19. Rozpatrujemy tu pandemię COVID-19 jako specyficzną i bezprecedensową sytuację kryzysową, z którą nie mieliśmy do czynienia na taką skalę. W badaniu wykorzystano kwestionariusz ankietowy, którego wyniki przeanalizowano z wykorzystaniem metod z obszaru wielowymiarowej analizy statystycznej. Stwierdzono spadek preferencji respondentów w czynnikach motywacyjnych dotyczących zespołu, atmosfery w pracy i dodatkowych świadczeń pozapłacowych (benefitów pracowniczych) oraz istotny wzrost znaczenia bezpieczeństwa i pewności zatrudnienia. Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie utrzymuje swoją wysoką pozycję ważności zarówno przed, jak i w trakcie trwania pandemii COVID-19. Pracownicy działu sprzedaży z punktu widzenia przetrwania firmy w czasie kryzysu, stanowią kluczowy zasób firmy. Wiedza na temat zmienności czynników motywujących pod wpływem niestabilnego otoczenia może stanowić ogromną wartość dla menedżerów w tworzeniu skutecznych narzędzi motywowania pracowników.
Introduction/background: The issue of employee motivation in project teams is one of the key challenges that arise in the project management process, as the success of a project largely depends on the level of employee engagement. Creating an effective incentive system that increases the level of employee commitment to projects every day is key to the success of the company. However, this is not an easy process, as the recipe for the right motivation methods that employees would be fully satisfied with does not exist. Aim of the paper: The aim of the paper was to identify and evaluate the incentive system in project management carried out on the example of a selected multinational manufacturing company producing industrial automation. Materials and methods: The research tool was a survey questionnaire consisting of six metric questions to clarify the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents and fifteen closed questions relating to the incentive system of the company under study. The subject of the study was one of the world's largest automation and industrial IT companies. Results and conclusions: The results of the study made it possible to assess the effectiveness of the incentive system in the studied enterprise, to indicate the range of tools that managers can use to motivate members of project teams and to formulate recommendations or recommendations for the studied enterprise.
The main purpose of the paper is to identify and analyse a state of exploratory motivating factors in terms of lean management as the instrument of a policy of human resource management in the face of COVID-19 pandemic implemented in service companies. The main question is: if the motivation system used in the companies works out up against the unpredictable situation such as COVID-19 pandemic? The secondary purpose of the paper is to recognise relations and dependencies between these factors, and the question is: what factors have the strongest or the weakest relations with Lean Staff Management (LSM) tools? This research designed based on interview was conducted due to the lack of existing studies on the current status of motivating factors in terms of lean management tools in two service companies (case studies) in the light of COVID-19. The results show that factors influencing work efficiency in a dominating manner were, primarily, financial incentives (almost 21%), communications (around 21%), and workplace atmosphere (almost 18%). The paper investigates also the benefits and concerns of implementing LSM in service companies during the pandemic. This research might help the service organization’s management to identify the employees‘ problems to implement more effective lean services.
The new threat, which the SARS-COV-2 virus turned out to be two years ago, meant that mining companies had to face this challenge. The rapidly deteriorating situation, the continuous increase in the number of coronavirus infections and the severe course of the disease contributed to the development of new rules and procedures in the operation of mining plants. They were to guarantee all employees, especially those working underground, a sense of peace and security, as well as ensuring the continuity of maintenance and operation of plants. This "unique challenge" resulted in the companies developing best practices during the pandemic, which were based primarily on efficient and reliable internal communication shaping safe behavior of employees. This publication presents the internal communication models developed and used by various mining companies, which shaped the safe behavior of employees in the raw materials sector during the coronavirus pandemic. The authors compared the introduced actions shaping safe behavior and the resulting models of internal communication during extraordinary work. A comparative analysis of the communication tools used in individual models was made on the example of selected companies from the raw materials sector.
Nowe zagrożenie jakim okazał się dwa lata temu wirus SARS-COV-2 spowodował, że spółki górnicze musiały sprostać temu wyzwaniu. Pogarszająca się w dużym tempie sytuacja, ciągły wzrost liczby zakażeń koronawirusem i ciężki przebieg choroby wpłynęły na wypracowanie nowych zasad i procedur w funkcjonowaniu zakładów górniczych. Miały one zagwarantować wszystkim pracownikom, a szczególnie pracującym pod ziemią, poczucie spokoju i bezpieczeństwa, a także zapewnić ciągłość utrzymania i funkcjonowania zakładów. To „unikalne wyzwanie” spowodowało, że spółki wypracowały przez okres pandemii dobre praktyki, które opierały się przede wszystkim na sprawnej i niezawodnej komunikacji wewnętrznej kształtującej bezpieczne zachowania pracowników. Niniejsza publikacja prezentuje wypracowane i stosowane przez różne spółki górnicze modele komunikacji wewnętrznej, które kształtowały bezpieczne zachowania pracowników w branży energetycznej podczas pandemii koronawirusa. Autorki dokonały porównania wprowadzonych działań kształtujących bezpieczne zachowania oraz powstałych modeli komunikacji wewnętrznej podczas nadzwyczajnego trybu pracy. Analizę porównawczą wykorzystywanych narzędzi komunikacji w poszczególnych modelach dokonano.
The purpose of this study was to determine the adoption groups of the fast-fashion consumers, evaluate the consumers’ perceptions of the fast-fashion in different groups, and model the role of “social or status image”, “uniqueness”, and “conformity” on the level of fast-fashion consumer adoption. The consumer adoption groups were determined as “innovators”, “early adopters”, “early majority”, “late majority”, and “laggards” by using a domain-specific innovativeness (DSI) scale. Consumers’ perceptions of fast-fashion were evaluated from cognitive and emotional aspects and the differences across the consumer groups were investigated by using Kruskal-–Wallis test and Mann-–Whitney U test. The roles of “social or status image”, “uniqueness”, and “conformity” on consumer groups were modeled by using ordinal logistic regression analysis. As a result of the research, consumers’ perceptions of fast-fashion were found to vary across different consumer adoption groups in terms of “being in-style products”, “expressing self-image”, “imitating the luxury fashion products”, and “frequent renewal of the collections”. Further, the findings revealed that the probabilistic relationship between different levels of consumer adoption based on innovativeness could be modeled based on the motivations of “social or status image” and “uniqueness”.
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