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w słowach kluczowych:  moralny wymiar działalności gospodarczej
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Content available remote Czy etyka biznesu jest etyką?
Etyka biznesu to dziedzina wiedzy dotycząca moralnego wymiaru działalności gospodarczej. Stanowi ona zbiór zasadnych standardów moralnych dotyczących decydowania, co w biznesie jest moralnie właściwe, a co niewłaściwe. Jest to dyscyplina zajmująca się stosowaniem ogólnych zasad etycznych do rozstrzygania dylematów w sytuacjach charakterystycznych dla biznesu.
Ethics is set of rules, norms, regulations, writs and bans that determine the ways of people’s behavior as well as a branch of philosophy that studies morality and creates intellectual systems, which the moral rules could be derived from. Business ethics is a branch of knowledge that deals with a moral dimension of economic activity. It is a set of justified moral standards that decide upon what is moral and what is immoral in business. This discipline deals with the implementation of general ethical rules to resolve dilemmas in the situations characteristic for business. In the 1980s and 1990s there emerged moral breakthrough in a business practice. Nowadays, business ethics delivers knowledge not only regarding the moral aspects connected to economic activity, but it also initiates a social movement called CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). CSR is such an economic activity that aims at achieving the balance between effectiveness of a company and social interest. Business ethics and the values connected with this concept are included in a definition of ethics. One cannot speak about business ethics without using general ethical norms.
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