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We describe the geological structure of the Moon and its evolution from the time of its joint formation with the Earth to the present. The common origin of both of these bodies justifies the search for analogues of the rocks that build the Earth andthe Moon. On this basis, we characterize the rocks that constitute the crust of the Moon. These comprise rocks of the primary planetary anorthosite crust: anorthosites and, subordinately, other gabbroid rocks (gabbros, troctolites, norrites). These rocks make up the lunar highlands and mainly build the far side of the Moon. On the near side, there are vast areas covered with basaltoids several hundred meters thick, of various ages: the lunarmaria. These two types of igneous rocks constitute the Moon's crust. Its surface is coveredwith materialproduced by impact metamorphism from incoming asteroids, meteoroids, micrometeoroids and interplanetary dust, as well as resulting from the crust's interaction with solar wind particles and cosmic radiation. This regolith comprises loose material a few to several meters thick. We compare the chemical composition of these lunar igneous rocks with the chemical composition of the igneous rocks of Lower Silesia. Basaltoids, anorthosites, gabbros and troctolites were included in our analysis. We conclude, unsurprisingly, that it is currently impossible to indicate the occurrence of natural analogues of lunar rocks in Lower Silesia. There are large differences between the chemical composition between the rocks constituting the primary planetary crust of the Moon and the igneous alkaline rocks of Lower Silesia, the latter representing strongly differentiated igneous rocks of the Earth's crust and upper mantle. Nevertheless, in the case of basaltoids, it will likely be possible in the near future to find rocks that can, with some approximation, be considered analogues of lunar basaltoids. At present, potential locations of lunar-like basalts and foidites include the Zaręba and Księginki quarries near Lubań. In the case of plutonie rocks, especially anorthosites, Lower Silesian analogues of lunar rocks will be very approximate. However, based on basaltoid rocks from Lower Silesia, and perhaps later also using gabbroid rocks, it should be possible to produce a natural analogue of the lunar regolith. Rock material from terrestrial analogues will have to be significantly processed both physically and chemically to obtain the composition and structure of this regolith material. These considerations, however, are not the purpose of this work. We focus primarily on analogies of chemical and mineral composition, as the basic features enabling the production of a lunar regolith analogue. We are particularly interested in pointing out analogies resulting from the composition of the parent magmas of these rocks, as reflected in the chemical composition of the rocks and their mineral composition. Due to significant differences in the age of crystallization of lunar magmas and their conditions of this crystallization compared to the rocks of Lower Silesia (on Earth), it is not presently possible to indicate Lower Silesian age-analogues of lunar rocks or structural and textural analogues.
Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy i jest pierwszym z cyklu dwóch artykułów przybliżających problematykę z zakresu kartografii planetarnej. Przedstawiono w nim zarys historii map ciał niebieskich, poczynając od pierwszych map Księżyca opracowanych na podstawie obserwacji teleskopowych, po współczesne mapy wykonywane z wykorzystaniem sond kosmicznych, scharakteryzowano podstawowe źródła danych oraz przedstawiono rozwój metod ich pozyskiwania, opisano najważniejsze misje kosmiczne, od pionierskich wypraw radzieckich po współczesne badania Marsa i asteroid; przedstawiono również wybrane aspekty metodyki opracowania map obiektów pozaziemskich.
The article is the first in the series of two articles outlining the problems of planetary cartography. The article is a review, it presents, among others, the outline of history of celestial bodies mapping, to begin with the first map of the Moon developed on the basis of telescoping observation, to contemporary maps based on measurements made by the space probes. It characterizes the basic data sources and presents the development of data obtaining methods, the article describes the most important space missions from the pioneer Soviet expeditions to current research of Mars and asteroids, it also presents some aspects of extraterrestrial objects mapping methodology.
Content available remote Slumsy doby księżyca
Żyjemy w dobie Księżyca. Tak można by najkrócej nazwać obecną rzeczywistość. Zdobywamy z sukcesami kosmos, badamy możliwości ucieczki w przeczuciu nieuchronnej katastrofy globalnej. Zanim jednak odkryjemy realne możliwości dla przyszłych pokoleń, zobligowani jesteśmy do tworzenia godziwych warunków życia dla siebie i najbliższych pokoleń. Na ile współczesne i przyszłe miasta mogą odpowiadać ludzkim marzeniom, reguły gry dyktuje ekonomia i wolny rynek.
We are living in the era of the Moon. That is how we could briefly characterize our present-day reality. We conquer outer space; we explore the possibility of an escape in anticipation of inevitable global catastrophe. Yet before we are able to discover real possibilities for future generations, we are obliged to create decent conditions of life for ourselves and for successive generations. To what extent our contemporary and future cities can fulfill to our dreams? The rules of the game are established by the free market economy.
Content available remote „Dwadzieścia osiem księżycowych stacji w stosunku do magicznych operacji”
The article is devoted to the issue o f the the twenty eight lunar mansions (Moon stations) and the magical practices based on their talismans as described in the Libro de la Luna, the third part o f Libro di astromagia, an astrological-magical treatise attributed to King Alfonso X the Wise. The main purpose of the article is to pinpoint the essence of the practices in question and to try to establish what type o f magic: natural, demonic or theurgic, they belonged to. Lunar mansions arc groups of stars which delineate the path of the Moon along the ecliptic during succcssive 27 or 28 nights. The astronomical system based on the mansions was well-known in ancient China, India and Persia, and perhaps derives from the Sumcrian-Babylonian tradition. The astronomical-magical dimensions of the system are connected with the Greek tradition, while the practices based upon it, which used lunar talismans, may have arisen in the town o f Harran, in northern Mesopotamia. The practices described in the articlc were based on the belief, stemming from the ancient model of the Cosmos, that the Moon was an intermediary between the heavenly and earthly world, and a transmitter of planetary influences. The power of the 28 lunar mansions and their talismans derived from the soul of the world, which transferred it to the fixed stars. It was from those that the power was derived by planets in their apogee, and later, when the planets moved to their perigee, they transferred it to the entities of the sub-lunar world, i.e stones, plants, animals and people. The character and properties of the mansions and their talismans depended on the quality and character o f the fixed stars, zodiac signs and planets with which the Moon was associated at a given time. In order to draw upon those forces, a special ritual was developed using talismans of the mansions, invocations and fumigation. The practices involved had a lot in common, on the one hand, with natural magic, in that they also utilized only the natural links between heavenly and earthly entities, but sometimes were used for evil purposes, and, on the other, with astral and talisman magic, which relied on talismans o f the 7 planets and 12 zodiac signs made and used in accordance with the arrangement o f heavenly bodies; there was a connection to theurgy, as well, in that the practices also required a proper spiritual and physical preparation, even though unlike theurgy they served only for practical purposes. The magical practices described in the article combined elements of various kinds o f magic and since they cannot be classified as belonging to any o f the varieties, the term ''Harran magic” proposed by Garcia Aviles has been adopted in the article to refer to them. A characteristic feature of Harran magic was that during the ritual the magician directed his invocations not to the planets themselves but to the intermediary angels. The magic based on the 28 lunar mansions was reflected in the Squire’s Tale o f the Canterbury Tales, a 14th-century poetic work by Geoffrey Chaucer. The mansion used by the magician to create illusions can be identified with mansion 19 according the the zodiology of Hermuz, the fifth part o f the Libro de la luna, which favours adultery, illusion and deceit.
Content available remote W 350 rocznicę wydania Selenografii Jana Heweliusza
W 1987 r. minęła 350. rocznica wydania Selenografii, najlepszego dzieła wybitnego polskiego astronoma, Jana Heweliusza (1611-1687). Selenografia przyniosła Heweliuszowi międzynarodową sławę i dzięki niej wszedł gdański uczony do grona najwybitniejszych astronomów na świecie1. Trudno odtworzyć najdawniejsze poglądy na temat Księżyca. Wszystko, co na ten temat napisano przed wynalezieniem teleskopu, to tylko przypuszczenia, jak np. Herodota (ok. 400-424 p.n.e.), że na Księżycu są góry i Anaksagorasa (500-ok. 420 p.n.e.), że Księżyc to druga Ziemia. Przez długi czas przypuszczano również, że Księżyc jest wielkim zwierciadłem, w którym odbijają się zarysy Ziemi. Pogląd taki głosił Plutarch (100 n.e.) w pracy Twarz Księżyca. Jedyną znaną mapę naszego satelity w okresie astronomii przedteleskopowej sporządził uczony angielski, William Gilbert (1540-1603). Opublikowano ją dopiero w 1651 r. w Amsterdamie w dziele De mundo nostro sublunari Philosophia Nova.
The article is devoted to Selenographia (Gdańsk [Danzig] 1647), the best work by theeminent Polish astronomer, Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687), which was published 350 years ago. Printed at the Gdansk publishing house of Andreas Huenefeldt (1581-1661), The work was the result of several years of observations made by Hevelius in his astronomical observatory in Gdansk.The major part of Selenographiais devoted to the description of the Moon, which begins in Chapter Six. The book was 563 pages in length, it contained 110 illustrations, of which 40 showed the Moon in its various phases, as well as three lunar maps, and in thisit surpassed all later scientific publications on the subject that appeared in the period of 150 years to follow. The illustrations made by Hevelius cover over 550 lunar spots which he observed by means of projection in a special room adapted for the purpose ("cameraobscura"). One of Hevelius's lasting achievements in the area of lunar research was to have developed a method for calculating the altitude of Lunar mountains on the basis of thelength of the shadows they threw; it was not until the end of the 18th century that a more precise method was developed by William Herschel. Hevelius was also the first astronomer to put forward the hypothesis of volcanic activity on the Moon and he also discovered the longitudinal librations of the Moon. Hevelius's Selenographia attracted much scientific interest from the very moment of its publication. He sent copies of the book as a gift to about one hundred scientists all over Europe. Among those who received the first copies of the work were the Polish King Władysław IV and French scientists. The first references to the book in scientific publications began appear as early as in 1649. Hevelius also received requests to supply optical instruments, following the publication of his Selenographia. The general acclaim with which the publication of the book was greeted earned him an international reputationamong scientists.
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