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The paper presents the results of hydrogeological parameters determination carried out in the area of the Muschelkalk outcrop (Middle Triassic) near Tarnów Opolski. The studies consisted of a short pumping test in 16 piezometers and then their flooding and observation of water table recovery after the stopping of the pumping. The test allowed the values of hydraulic conductivity and specific capacity of Muschelkalk layers ranging from 8.5 • 10–8 m/s to 3.63 • 10–3 m/s and from 0.0075 to 128 m3/h/1mS, respectively, to be calculated. The wide range of values is related to the fact of studying the layers characterized by high permeability and water-bearing capacity (Karchowice Beds, Diplopora Beds and Górażdże Beds) as well as layers with low permeability (Gogolin Beds). The dense network of the research points made it possible to demonstrate the surface variability of rocks permeability and water-bearing capacity, determined mostly by the direction of outcrops of individual layers. The results of the conducted studies show that the most water-bearing zone of the area is related to the carbonate rocks of the Karchowice, Diplopora and Górażdże Beds, characterized by the highest values of hydraulic conductivity k (above 2 • 10–4 m/s) and specific capacity q (above 15 m3/h/1mS), in the belt stretching latitudinally through Kosorowice–Otmice. The studied area can be considered a Polish limestone-concrete field where several mines exploiting Muschelkalk carbonate rocks operate. The results of the conducted studies may be useful for the correct prognosis of the groundwater inflow either to already existing quarries or newly designed mines within the Major Groundwater Basins.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań parametrów hydrogeologicznych przeprowadzonych na obszarze wychodni warstw wapienia muszlowego (trias środkowy) w okolicach Tarnowa Opolskiego. Badania polegały na przeprowadzeniu w 16 piezometrach krótkotrwałych pompowań, zalewań badawczych otworu oraz obserwacji wzniosu zwierciadła wody po zaprzestaniu pompowania. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań obliczono wartości współczynnika filtracji k oraz wydatku jednostkowego q skał węglanowych warstw wapienia muszlowego w zakresie odpowiednio od 8,56 • 10–8 m/s do 3,63 • 10–3 m/s i od 0,0075 do 128 m3/h/1mS. Duża rozpiętość uzyskanych wartości wynika z faktu objęcia badaniami skał warstw karchowickich, diploporowych i górażdżańskich charakteryzujących się dobrą przepuszczalnością oraz zawodnieniem jak i słabo przepuszczalnych warstw gogolińskich. Liczna sieć punktów badawczych umożliwiła przedstawienie powierzchniowej zmienności przepuszczalności skał oraz ich zawodnienia, w dużej mierze zdeterminowanej biegiem wychodni poszczególnych warstw. Wyniki wykonanych badań wskazują, że na badanym obszarze strefa o największym zawodnieniu związana jest z występowaniem skał węglanowych warstw karchowickich i diploporowych oraz górażdżańskich, charakteryzujących się najwyższymi wartościami k (powyżej 2 • 10–4 m/s) i q ( powyżej 15 m3/h/1mS), w pasie biegnącym równoleżnikowo przez miejscowości Kosorowice–Otmice. Omawiany obszar stanowi zagłębie wapienniczo-cementowe Polski, na którym funkcjonuje kilka kopalń eksploatujących skały węglanowe warstw wapienia muszlowego. Wyniki prezentowanych badań mogą być pomocne w prawidłowej ocenie prognoz dopływów wód podziemnych do odkrywek kopalni już istniejących, czy też projektowanych, leżących w większości w granicach głównych zbiorników wód podziemnych.
In Zabrze, Dąbrowa Górnicza and Tarnowskie Góry towns, seven underground tourist trails are located in historical mines. Four of them were developed in the central part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, two of which, at the “Królowa Luiza” (“Queen Louise”) Adit (comprising the former coal mine “Królowa Luiza” and the drainage Main Key Hereditary Adit remnant), and two others at the “Guido” Mine in Zabrze town. The next one was developed in the eastern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, in a part of the “Sztygarka” Training Coal Mine in Dąbrowa Górnicza. Two other trails are located in Tarnowskie Góry town, in the border zone between the Upper Silesian Coal Basin and the Silesian-Kraków Monocline. These are the relics of the historical lead, zinc and silver ore mine, and the “Czarny Pstrąg” (“Black Trout”) drainage adit. The bituminous coal deposits are hosted in the Upper Carboniferous clastic formations, which fills the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The metal ores are hosted in Middle Triassic dolomites, which belong to the southern margin of the Silesian-Kraków Monocline. The geotourism attractiveness of all these historical mines was demonstrated by selected annual statistical data of tourist attendance. In general, the interest in these facilities has been growing since decades, same as the popularity of industrial heritage in the Upper Silesia. These three towns have become very widely known in Poland and in the world.
W Zabrzu, Dąbrowie Górniczej i Tarnowskich Górach utworzono w sumie siedem podziemnych tras turystycznych prowadzonych wyrobiskami górniczymi zabytkowych kopalń. Cztery z nich znajdują się w Zabrzu, w centrum Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego, a jedna w Dąbrowie Górniczej, na jego wschodnim krańcu. Dwie pozostałe są natomiast zlokalizowane na pograniczu Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego i monokliny śląsko-krakowskiej, w Tarnowskich Górach. Na terenie Zabrza dwie podziemne trasy turystyczne zostały wytyczone w Sztolni „Królowa Luiza”, zespole łączącym wybrane wyrobiska dawnej Kopalni Węgla Kamiennego „Królowa Luiza” z odwadniającą ją Główną Kluczową Sztolnią Dziedziczną, a pozostałe dwie w Zabytkowej Kopalni Węgla Kamiennego „Guido”. W Dąbrowie Górniczej udostępniono do zwiedzania część wyrobisk górniczych dawnej Kopalni Ćwiczebnej „Sztygarka”, natomiast w Tarnowskich Górach podziemne trasy turystyczne wyznaczono w zabytkowej kopalni srebra i Sztolni „Czarnego Pstrąga”. Złoża węgla kamiennego występują w klastycznych osadach górnokarbońskich Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego, natomiast rud metali  – w środkowotriasowych dolomitach kruszconośnych południowej części obszaru monokliny śląsko-krakowskiej. Atrakcyjność geoturystyczna poszczególnych tras podziemnych została określona na podstawie porównania wyników analiz statystycznych frekwencji turystów w poszczególnych obiektach. Generalnie obserwowany jest jej wzrost na przestrzeni lat, wraz ze zwiększającą się popularnością dziedzictwa przemysłowego na Górnym Śląsku z biegiem czasu, zarówno w Polsce, jak i na całym świecie.
The lithology, sedimentary structures and trace fossil association from the Bathonian organic-rich mudstones from Kraków-Silesia Homocline (SW Poland) are described and a preliminary interpretation of the palaeoenvironment is presented. The ore-bearing clays exposed in the Gnaszyn clay-pit are developed as dark grey claysilt deposits with a few horizons of sideritic concretions. Sedimentological analysis has revealed that these deposits originated in the offshore part of a marine basin, below the fair weather wave base. Relict parallel lamination suggests that the predominant mechanism of deposition was quiet settling from suspension. However, locally preserved storm deposits indicate that the sea bottom was affected by offshore flows, deriving coarser material from the nearshore area. The degree of bioturbation is high but the diversity of the trace-fossil association is low. It consists mainly of Chondrites, Trichichnus, pyritized burrows and less common Palaeophycus. Other traces, including Thalassinoides, Planolites, Taenidium and some undetermined burrows, occur mainly in the lower part of the succession. This ichnoassociation combines features of distal Cruziana and Zoophycos ichnofacies, suggesting poor oxygenation of the bottom sediment. Temporary improvements in bottom oxygenation, linked with more intense mixing of water during major storms, resulted in the more diverse trace fossil suite that is found in some intervals of the succession.
Iron carbonate concretion horizons are characteristic features of the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) claystone-mudstone succession at Gnaszyn. They occur in single horizons, which generally represent the same genetic type. The siderite concretions are the main type of iron carbonate concretions at Gnaszyn; a second type is represented by phosphate-siderite concretions. On the basis of the fieldwork, and their petrographical and mineralogical characteristics, the genesis of the concretions and their palaeoenvironmental significance is discussed. The results of this study (based on the localization, mode of occurrence, mineralogy of iron carbonate concretions and also the textural relationship between the concretions and host sediment layers) suggest an early diagenetic origin of the concretions. The preferential occurrence of the concretion horizons in single layers in the ambient sediments was associated with particular conditions of their deposition and early diagenesis, favored by a slower sedimentation rate and more intense bioturbation, and related primarily to the greater availability of reactive iron ions. From the viewpoint of physicochemical conditions the horizons with iron carbonate concretions in the study area reflect the redox boundary between oxic/bioturbated and anoxic/non-bioturbated zones. The conditions favoring the formation of such horizons was possibly due to longer periods of diminished sedimentation rate when the redox boundary remained in the same position within the sediment.
Systematic sampling through the Middle and Upper Bathonian strata at Gnaszyn has resulted in the discovery of 13 neoselachian teeth. Systematically, the teeth represent five taxa including Sphenodus sp., Protospinax sp. 1, Protospinax sp. 2, Palaeobrachaelurus sp. and another, indeterminate orectolobiform. The presence of two species of the flattened and bottom-dwelling Protospinax and two different orectolobiforms that are likely to have lived near the bottom, is a strong indication of oxygenated bottom conditions at the time of deposition. The dietary preferences of these taxa included a wide variety of benthic invertebrates. The synechodontiform Sphenodus may have been the first pelagic predatory neoselachian in the Jurassic, equipped with high and slender piercing teeth that formed a tearing-type dentition. The diet of Sphenodus probably included bony fish, smaller sharks and cephalopods.
A succession of Middle-Upper Bathonian (Subcontractus.Retrocostatum zones) ore-bearing clays exposed at Gnaszyn has been investigated for the presence of dinoflagellate cysts. The assemblages are dominated by Ctenidodinium. However, analysis of diversity shows some subtle differences throughout the succession, possibly related to the palaeoenvironmental conditions in the photic zone. Impoverished assemblages, dominated by Ctenidodinium, occur mainly in monotonous muddy intervals. More diverse assemblages, albeit also dominated by Ctenidodinium, occur in intervals which contain siderite concretion levels. The taxonomic composition of the former assemblage seems to reflect slightly restricted conditions in the photic zone, possibly related to a minor reduction in salinity and/or increase in nutrient availability. More diverse dinoflagellate cyst assemblages reflect periods of less intense terrigenous influx and relatively higher, possibly normal, salinity. These changes were possibly caused by variable intensity of freshwater influx into the basin, controlled by sea-level fluctuations. Sea-level changes may be related to migrations of Tethyan water masses, which were probably partly responsible for the composition of the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages.
The faunal dynamics of benthic foraminifera in the Middle Jurassic ore-bearing clays of Gnaszyn (Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, south-central Poland) are used to reconstruct sedimentary environments. Two types of foraminiferal assemblages, distinct in their quantitative and qualitative composition, were distinguished; type I assemblages, characterizing intervals between horizons with sideritic concretions; and type II assemblages, characterising horizons with sideritic concretions. Benthic foraminifers were further subdivided into eight ecological morphogroups, based on their morphological features and micro-habitats. Type I assemblages consist mostly of plano/concavo-convex, small-sized epifaunal morphotypes, with a restricted occurrence of shallow infaunal forms and a scarcity of deep infaunal taxa, which suggests low-oxygen conditions in both sediment and bottom waters, and a high sedimentation rate in an outer shelf environment. Type II assemblages are characterized by high taxonomic diversity, high specimen abundance and variability of epifaunal and infaunal morphotypes representing a mixed group of specialized feeding strategies. This suggests optimum living conditions controlled by a lower sedimentation rate, relatively well-oxygenated bottom waters and sufficient or high food supply.
Qualitative and quantitative studies on calcareous nannofossils have been carried out on the Middle-Upper Bathonian succession of Gnaszyn (Kraków-Silesia Homocline, Częstochowa region). The nannofossil assemblages are moderately or well-preserved and are dominated by Watznaueria britannica; also common are Staurolithites lumina and Zeugrhabdotus erectus. The presence of delicate nannofossil forms together with dissolution-resistant taxa shows that the changes in composition of some of the nannoplankton assemblages reflect original variations. The frequency and diversity changes of the calcareous nannofossil assemblages have been interpreted in relation to fluctuations of sedimentation rate versus changes in trophic conditions within the photic zone. The highest diversity assemblages contain a high percentage of palaeofertility indicators, and are impoverished in the genus Watznaueria. This is interpreted as a reflection of a lower sedimentation rate and more stable, possibly mesotrophic conditions within the photic zone. On the other hand, W. britannica-dominated assemblages with low species diversity may represent more unstable environments with a high influx of terrestrial material related to a high sedimentation rate and a high nutrient influx, i.e. eutrophic conditions in the photic zone.
This paper provides introductory data for multidisciplinary studies on palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) ore-bearing clays exposed at Gnaszyn, southern Poland. These dark-coloured fine-clastic deposits have been studied for micropalaeontology, sedimentology and geochemistry (published in separate papers within this volume). Brief outlines of the Middle Jurassic palaeogeography of the Polish epicontinental basin and the geology of the Kraków-Silesia Homocline are given. A description of the ore-bearing clays succession exposed in the clay-pit at Gnaszyn is provided, including locations of the sections studied, their ammonite biostratigraphy, brief lithology and macrofossil distribution. The sample positions collected for micropalaeontological and geochemical studies are specified.
W celu rozpoznania składu minerałów ciężkich środkowojurajskich piasków i piaskowców, analizie poddano utwory tego wieku z kilku odsłonięć okolic Krakowa (Dębnik, Dębnik-Czatkowice, Racławice, Paczółtowice). Wykazano w ich obrębie wysoki udział minerałów z grupy granatu, wskazując na duże podobieństwo do minerałów tego typu znanych z zewnętrznych Karpat Zachodnich. Tym niemniej bezpośrednie wskazanie obszaru źródłowego tych minerałów nie jest możliwe, a stwierdzić można jedynie, że ten enigmatyczny region obfitował w granulity, eklogity i perydotyty.
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