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w słowach kluczowych:  modele wielorównaniowe
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The article presents the continuation of the authors’ research on the problem of the operational fluidity of cargo handling sea terminals, based on the example of the DCT. The article presents a solution based on the multiequation models and applied to analyze the operational fluidity of terminals in the transshipment and feeder relation. To provide a solution to the problem of the functioning of sea-land supply chains at the terminal, the GRETL software has been applied.
Changing some of the parameters of the engine structure affects the emission of harmful components in the exhaust gases. This primarily concerns damage in the cargo exchange system as well as in the fuel system and engine boost system. Changes in emissions of harmful compounds are often ambiguous, depending largely on the parameters that shape the combustion process. An additional problem is that often simple but undesired interactions occur with the interaction of these parameters. It is therefore possible to speak of different diagnostic parameters' sensitivity to the same extractions from the engine structure, but implemented in other load states. In cases where the set of parameters is numerous and the values of these parameters are similar, there is a real problem with their proper classification, often based on the discretion of the researcher. In the paper the authors propose a methodology for classification of acquired diagnostic parameters. In previous papers [4, 5], Hellwig's method of information capacity index was proposed as a measure of diagnostic parameter sensitivity. This method can be used to build a diagnostic parameter ranking that divides the set of diagnostic variables into stimulators, destimulators and nominators. This normalization of the set seems to be helpful in making a diagnostic decision not influenced by the discretion of the researcher. The zero unitary method can also be helpful in creating diagnostic tests.
The change of some of the engine’s structural parameters affects the change of toxic compound emission in exhaust gases. It mainly applies to the damage sustained by the charge exchange system as well as the fuel system and the engine supercharging system. These changes are definitely higher during dynamic states and the related transient states. As such, it is possible to speak of a diverse sensitivity of the diagnostic parameters on the exact same excitations which come from the structure of the engine but are realized in other states of load. In the paper presented is the diagnostic model of an engine, based on the theory of multi-equation models, in which the diagnostic symptoms are the indices and characteristics of exhaust gas compound emissions. For the sake of this paper, the modal value of the structure parameters was assumed to be the change in the angle of advance of the fuel injection. The diagnostic model of the engine was supplemented with the results of research conducted on a station equipped with a single cylinder CI test engine. In previous works of the author, the information capacity index method (the Hellwig method) was suggested for the measurement of the sensitivity of a diagnostic parameter. Based on this method, a ranking of diagnostic parameters can be created, which divides the collection of diagnostic transients into stimulators, destimulators and nominants. This normalization of the collection seems to be helpful during making a diagnostic decision.
Contemporary empirical research on combustion engines are processed based on the theory of experiment. Available software applications analyzing the experimental data commonly utilize multiple regression models, which enables studying of the effects and interactions between input values of the model and a single output variable. Using multi-equation models gives free hand at analyzing measurement results because it enables analysis of the effects and interaction of many output variables. It also allows analysis of the measurement results during dynamic processes. In this paper the author presents advantages of using a multidimensional regression model on the example of research conducted on engine test stand.
Współczesne badania silnikowe przeprowadza się na podstawie teorii eksperymentu. Dostępne aplikacje programów służących do analizy danych eksperymentalnych powszechnie wykorzystują model regresji wielokrotnej, który umożliwia badanie efektów i interakcji pomiędzy wielkościami wejściowymi modelu a jedną zmienną wyjściową. Zastosowanie modeli wielorównaniowych daje więcej swobody podczas analizy wyników pomiarowych, gdyż umożliwia jednoczesną analizę efektów i interakcji wielu zmiennych wyjściowych. Umożliwia również analizę wyników pomiarów podczas procesów dynamicznych. W pracy przedstawiono zalety stosowania modelu regresji wielowymiarowej na przykładzie badań przeprowadzonych na stanowisku silnika badawczego.
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