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w słowach kluczowych:  model reference adaptive system
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This research paper proposes a novel design of an efficient combined sliding mode observer (SMO) for induction motor flux and speed estimation. The suggested sensorless technique employs the sliding mode’s second-order approach using a model reference adaptive system (MRAS). The second-order super-twisting control method is free-chattering, which lowers the chattering effect while preserving the same good features as the first-order sliding mode control (SMC). In addition, the conjunction with the MRAS as a separated speed estimator can raise the accuracy and make the observer immune to speed fluctuations, particularly for low-speed applications. Furthermore, in order to achieve effective decoupled flux–torque control, the super-twisting algorithm (STA) was combined with a non-linear feedback linearisation controller for the inner control loop construction. This strategy can boost the control system’s stability and robustness against external disturbances and modelling uncertainty. The performance analysis of the suggested methods has been carried out via simulation and experimental validation utilizing MATLAB/Simulink with the dSpace 1104 real-time interface.
This paper presents a fractional-order adaptive mechanism-based model reference adaptive system (MRAS) configuration for speed estimation of sensorless direct torque control (DTC) of a five-phase induction motor. In effect, the fractional-order proportional-integral (FOPI) controller parameters are obtained by the particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm to enhance the MRAS observer response. Thus, the developed algorithm in the speed loop control of the DTC strategy to increase its robustness against disturbances. Moreover, a comparative study has been done of the proposed MRAS-PSO/FOPI speed estimator with the conventional MRAS-proportional-integral (PI) and the PSO-based MRAS-PI. Simulation results have carried out of the different controllers used in the adaptation mechanism of the MRAS estimator, to show the performance and robustness of the proposed MRAS-PSO/FOPI algorithm in use.
Content available remote Improved current regulators for sensorless synchronous reluctance motor
To achieve rapid response, good tracking performance and high efficiency, different types of control strategies have been adopted for synchronous reluctance motors (SynRMs). In this paper, a new approach to rotor speed estimation of a sensorless reluctance synchronous motor is proposed. It consists of replacing the conventional PI current controller with that based on model predictive control (MPC) using the adaptive model reference estimator (MRAS) upstream. The stator current and speed are first estimated by the MRAS technique and then injected into the MPC block to calculate the reference voltage vector (RVV). This new approach which takes into account all the mechanical and electrical variables in a control law via a new cost function allows to obtain the signals switched to the power converter. The overall system is implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Aby osiągnąć szybką reakcję, dobrą wydajność śledzenia i wysoką wydajność, przyjęto różne typy strategii sterowania dla synchronicznych silników reluktancyjnych (SynRM). W artykule zaproponowano nowe podejście do szacowania prędkości obrotowej wirnika bezczujnikowego reluktancyjnego silnika synchronicznego. Polega ona na zastąpieniu konwencjonalnego regulatora prądu PI regulatorem opartym na modelowym sterowaniu predykcyjnym (MPC) z wykorzystaniem adaptacyjnego estymatora odniesienia modelu (MRAS). Prąd i prędkość stojana są najpierw szacowane za pomocą techniki MRAS, a następnie wprowadzane do bloku MPC w celu obliczenia wektora napięcia odniesienia (RVV). To nowe podejście, które uwzględnia wszystkie zmienne mechaniczne i elektryczne w prawie sterowania za pomocą nowej funkcji kosztu, pozwala na uzyskanie sygnałów przełączanych do przekształtnika mocy. Cały system jest zaimplementowany w środowisku MATLAB/SIMULINK.
This article presents a new development of an indirect stator flux-oriented controller for sensorless speed induction motor drive utilising instantaneous and steady-state values, respectively, of a fictitious resistance symbolised as R_f. The dimension of the fictitious quantity, in this context, is the ohm, which is the difference between the stator d- and q-axis fictitious resistances. However, from the measurement of the stator voltage and currents of the machine, two independent resistance estimators are built. Therefore, the first is considered as a reference model of the induction machine (IM), and the second is considered as an adjustable model. Subsequently, the error between the states of the two models is used to drive a suitable adaptation mechanism that generates the estimation of the speed, for the adjustable model. Furthermore, the structure of the proposed estimator is free from stator resistance and eliminates the requirement of any flux computation. All the detailed simulation study is carried out in MATLAB/Simulink to validate the proposed method and to highlight the robustness and the stability of the proposed model reference adaptive system estimator.
In this article, model reference adaptive system (MRAS)-based estimator of a rotor resistance of an induction motor (IM) is presented. In contrast to the solutions known from the literature, the reference model of this estimator uses the measured values of the phase current and the adaptive part is a virtual current sensor. The article presents an accurate description of the algorithm taking into account the discrete equations for possible practical implementation in the microprocessor system. In the first step, the impact of motor parameters to stator current estimation quality in the adaptive model was checked. Subsequently, simulation tests of the proposed rotor resistance estimator were carried out for the field-oriented control of the induction motor drive system with a model of an induction motor with fixed parameters and an induction motor with a changing main inductance according to a magnetisation curve. The analysis of the estimator’s work showed its high efficiency and insensitivity to changes in the IM main inductance.
A sensorless indirect stator-flux-oriented control (ISFOC) induction motor drive at very low frequencies is presented herein. The model reference adaptive system (MRAS) scheme is used to estimate the speed and the rotor resistance simultaneously. However, the error between the reference and the adjustable models, which are developed in the stationary stator reference frame, is used to drive a suitable adaptation mechanism that generates the estimates of speed and the rotor resistance from the stator voltage and the machine current measurements. The stator flux components in the stationary reference frame are estimated through a pure integration of the back electro-motive force (EMF) of the machine. When the machine is operated at low speed, the pure integration of the back EMF introduces an error in flux estimation which affects the performance torque and speed control. To overcome this problem, pure integration is replaced with a programmable cascaded low-pass filter (PCLPF). The stability analysis method of the MRAS estimator is verified in order to show the robustness of the rotor resistance variations. Experimental results are presented to prove the effectiveness and validity of the proposed scheme of sensorless ISFOC induction motor drive.
A sensorless indirect stator-flux-oriented control (ISFOC) induction motor drive at very low frequencies is presented herein. The model reference adaptive system (MRAS) scheme is used to estimate the speed and the rotor resistance simultaneously. However, the error between the reference and the adjustable models, which are developed in the stationary stator reference frame, is used to drive a suitable adaptation mechanism that generates the estimates of speed and the rotor resistance from the stator voltage and the machine current measurements. The stator flux components in the stationary reference frame are estimated through a pure integration of the back electro-motive force (EMF) of the machine. When the machine is operated at low speed, the pure integration of the back EMF introduces an error in flux estimation which affects the performance torque and speed control. To overcome this problem, pure integration is replaced with a programmable cascaded low-pass filter (PCLPF). The stability analysis method of the MRAS estimator is verified in order to show the robustness of the rotor resistance variations. Experimental results are presented to prove the effectiveness and validity of the proposed scheme of sensorless ISFOC induction motor drive.
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