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In this paper, an approach for a two-and-half-dimensional (2.5D) finite element method (FEM)-based analysis, or quasi-threedimensional (3D) FEM analysis, of an axial flux machine is discussed. By cutting the 3D model laterally and thereby creating cylindrical surface cuts, the 3D model can be split into several cylindrical surfaces. Transforming those cylindrical cuts into planes leads to a layer-based two-dimensional (2D) model with different radii for each layer. By integrating over all lateral surface cuts, the results for the entire axial flux machine can be determined. In comparison to the simulation of a full 3D FEM model, the simulation of the proposed 2.5D model is much faster. To validate the approach, the two main types of axial flux machines are simulated with both 3D-FEM-based model and 2.5D-FEM-based approach, and the results are presented in this paper.
A new approach to calculations based on the modal synthesis method is proposed for the evaluation of structural and dry-friction damping effects on self-excited vibrations due to aeroelastic instability in bladed turbine wheels. The method described herein is used to study dry-friction damping of self-excited vibration of an industrial turbine wheel with 66 blades. For evaluating damping effects, the blade couplings are applied to this particular turbine wheel. Therefore, neighbouring blades are interconnected by rigid arms that are fixed on one side to one blade and are in frictional contact on their free side with the other blade. Due to relatively normal motions in contacts, the prescribed contact forces vary over time. The aerodynamic excitation arises from the spatially periodical flow of steam through the stator blade cascade. In this paper, we attempt to model flow-induced instabilities with the Van der Pol model linked to relative motion between neighbouring blades. The proposed modal synthesis method as ROM is a computationally efficient solution allowing substantial parametrization. The effect of the angles of contact surfaces on the wheel dynamics and on the level of the self-excitation suppression will be discussed herein.
Controlling the contact force between the pantograph and the catenary has come to be a requirement for improving the performances and affectivity of high-speed train systems Indeed, these performances can also significantly be decreased due to the fact of the catenary equal stiffness variation. In addition, the contact force can also additionally differ and ought to end up null, which may additionally purpose the loss of contact. Then, in this paper, we current an active manipulate of the minimize order model of pantograph-catenary system. The proposed manipulate approach implements an optimization technique, like particle swarm (PSO), the usage of a frequent approximation of the catenary equal stiffness. All the synthesis steps of the manipulate law are given and a formal evaluation of the closed loop stability indicates an asymptotic monitoring of a nominal steady contact force. Then, the usage of Genetic Algorithm with Proportional-Integral-derivative (G.A-PID) as proposed controller appeared optimum response where, the contacts force consequences to be virtually equal to its steady reference. Finally it seems the advantageous of suggestion approach in contrast with classical manipulate strategies like, Internal mode control(IMC) method, linear quadratic regulator (LQR). The outcomes via the use of MATLAB simulation, suggests (G.A-PID) offers better transient specifications in contrast with classical manipulate.
In this paper the control of a binary distillation column is described. This control is done with fuzzy logic, one with PI- like fuzzy controller and the other with modified PI fuzzy controller, using the minimal rules for fuzzy processing. This work is focused on model reduction of Wood and Berry binary distillation column to get the best performance. It is desired to minimize the rules in order to reduce the computation time to make a faster decision. Comparisons will be made between two versions of fuzzy controllers utilizing reduced rules to verify the outputs. The controlled variables are top composition with high concentration and bottom composition with low. To demonstrate the performance of the fuzzy PI control schemes, results are compared with a classical PI controller and optimal methods, like Differential Evolution (DE), Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO). The proposed structure is able to quickly track the parameter variation and perform better in load disturbances and also for set point changes. Then all the processes of the distillation column with itۥ s fuzzy controllers are simulated in MATLAB software as the results are shown.
Over the last decades the method of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) has been successfully employed for reduced order modelling (ROM) in many applications, including distributed parameter models of chemical reactors. Nevertheless, there are still a number of issues that need further investigation. Among them, the policy of the collection of representative ensemble of experimental or simulation data, being a starting and perhaps most crucial point of the POD-based model reduction procedure. This paper summarises the theoretical background of the POD method and briefly discusses the sampling issue. Next, the reduction procedure is applied to an idealised model of circulating fluidised bed combustor (CFBC). Results obtained confirm that a proper choice of the sampling strategy is essential for the modes convergence however, even low number of observations can be sufficient for the determination of the faithful dynamical ROM.
Content available The modelling method of discrete-continuous systems
The paper introduces a method of discrete-continuous systems modelling. In the proposed method a threedimensional system is divided into finite elements in only two directions, with the third direction remaining continuous. The thus obtained discrete-continuous model is described by a set of partial differential equations. General difference equations of discrete system are obtained using the rigid finite element method. The limit of these equations leads to partial differential equations. The derived equations, expressed in matrix form, allow for the creation of a global matrix for the whole system. The equations are solved using the distributed transfer function method. Proposed approach is illustrated with the example of a simple beam fixed at both ends.
In elastic multibody systems, one considers large nonlinear rigid body motion and small elastic deformations. In a rising number of applications, e.g. automotive engineering, turning and milling processes, the position of acting forces on the elastic body varies. The necessary model order reduction to enable efficient simulations requires the determination of ansatz functions, which depend on the moving force position. For a large number of possible interaction points, the size of the reduced system would increase drastically in the classical Component Mode Synthesis framework. If many nodes are potentially loaded, or the contact area is not known a-priori and only a small number of nodes is loaded simultaneously, the system is described in this contribution with the parameter-dependent force position. This enables the application of parametric model order reduction methods. Here, two techniques based on matrix interpolation are described which transform individually reduced systems and allow the interpolation of the reduced system matrices to determine reduced systems for any force position. The online-offline decomposition and description of the force distribution onto the reduced elastic body are presented in this contribution. The proposed framework enables the simulation of elastic multibody systems with moving loads efficiently because it solely depends on the size of the reduced system. Results in frequency and time domain for the simulation of a thin-walled cylinder with a moving load illustrate the applicability of the proposed method.
W sprężystym układzie wieloczłonowym rozważane są duże, nieliniowe ruchy ciał sztywnych oraz małe odkształcenia sprężyste. W rosnącej liczbie zastosowań, np. W przemyśle motoryzacyjnym, procesach toczenia i frezowania, pozycja sił działających na ciało sprężyste jest zmienna. Redukcja rzędu modelu, niezbędna by umożliwić efektywną symulację, wymaga wyznaczenia funkcji ansatz, które zależą od zmiennej pozycji sił. Przy wielkiej liczbie możliwych punktów interakcji rozmiar zredukowanego systemu rósłby gwałtownie, gdyby stosować klasyczny schemat syntezy modów składowych (Component Mode Synthesis). Jeśli wiele węzłów jest potencjalnie obciążonych, lub obszar styku nie jest znany a priori, w ujęciu przedstawionym w artykule system opisuje się przy pomocy zależnej od parametru pozycji sił. Umożliwia to zastosowanie metod parametrycznej redukcji rzędu modelu. W artykule opisano dwie techniki oparte na interpolacji macierzowej, które transformują poszczególne systemy zredukowane, umożliwiają interpolację macierzy zredukowanych systemów i pozwalają wyznaczyć systemy zredukowane dla dowolnej pozycji sił. Zaprezentowano dekompozycję w trybie online-offline oraz opis rozkładu sił na zredukowanym ciele sprężystym. Zaproponowany schemat postępowania umożliwia efektywną symulację sprężystych układów wieloczłonowych z ruchomymi obciążeniami, gdyż zależy ona wyłącznie od rozmiaru zredukowanego systemu. Przedstawiono wyniki symulacji w dziedzinie czasu i częstotliwości dla cienkościennego cylindra z ruchomym obciążeniem, które ilustrują możliwości zastosowań proponowanej metody.
Content available Simplified dynamic model of rotating beam
In the paper a hybrid model of rotating beam is presented. It was obtained by using two methods: modal decomposition and spatial discretization. Reduced modal model was built for the system without the load related to inertia forces that occur during beam rotation. This inertia load was next modeled by using the method of simply spatial discretization and combined with reduced modal model. This approach allows to obtain accurate low-order model of rotating beam.
W artykule przedstawiono hybrydowy model wirującej belki. Otrzymano go stosując dwie metody: dekompozycji modalnej oraz dyskretyzacji przestrzennej. Zredukowany model modalny zbudowano dla układu bez obciążenia wynikającego z działania sił bezwładności występujących podczas ruchu belki. Oddziaływanie to uwzględniono stosując metodę dyskretyzacji przestrzennej. Takie podejście umożliwia otrzymanie dokładnego modelu niskiego rzędu wirującej belki.
Content available Hybrid model of geared rotor system
In the paper a hybrid model of a geared multirotor system has been developed. The model is obtained by application of both the modal decomposition methodology and the spatial discretization method. Reduced modal model was constructed for the system without gyroscopic and damping effects. The gyroscopic interaction, damping and other phenomena which are difficult to include in the modal approach were modeled by application of simply lumping technique. Such approach enables to obtain accurate, low order model of geared rotor system with coupled bending and torsional vibrations. In the model it is possible to include nonproportional or nonlinear damping. Obtained hybrid model has been compared with high order FEM model. Simulation results prove that proposed method of modeling is efficient and relatively easy to use.
W artykule przedstawiono hybrydowy model układu wielowirnikowego z przekładnią. Otrzymano go stosując dwie metody: dekompozycji modalnej oraz dyskretyzacji przestrzennej. Zredukowany model modalny zbudowano dla układu bez efektu żyroskopowego i tłumienia. Oddziaływania żyroskopowe, tłumienie oraz inne zjawiska, które są trudne do uwzględnienia w modelu modalnym modelowano stosując metodę elementów skończonych. Takie podejście umożliwia otrzymanie dokładnego modelu niskiego rzędu uwzględniającego sprzężone drgania giętno-skrętne. W modelu można uwzględnić nieproporcjonalne lub nieliniowe tłumienie. Skonstruowany model hybrydowy został porównany z modelem referencyjnym wysokiego rzędu otrzymanym metodą sztywnych elementów skończonych. Wyniki symulacji potwierdzają skuteczność zastosowanej metody.
Despite the ever-increasing computational power of modern processors, the reduction of complex multibody dynamic models remains an important topic of investigation, particularly for design optimization, sensitivity analysis, parameter identification, and controller tuning tasks, which can require hundreds or thousands of simulations. In this work, we first develop a high-fidelity model of a production sports utility vehicle in Adams/Car. Single-link equivalent kinematic quarter-car (SLEKQ, pronounced “sleek”) models for the front and rear suspensions are then developed in MapleSim. To avoid the computational complexity associated with introducing bushings or kinematic loops, all suspension linkages are lumped into a single unsprung mass at each corner of the vehicle. The SLEKQ models are designed to replicate the kinematic behaviour of a full suspension model using lookup tables or polynomial functions, which are obtained from the high-fidelity Adams model in this work. The predictive capability of each SLEKQ model relies on the use of appropriate parameters for the nonlinear spring and damper, which include the stiffness and damping contributions of the bushings, and the unsprung mass. Homotopy optimization is used to identify the parameters that minimize the difference between the responses of the Adams and MapleSim models. Finally, the SLEKQ models are assembled to construct a reduced 10-degree-of-freedom model of the full vehicle, the dynamic performance of which is validated against that of the high-fidelity Adams model using four-post heave and pitch tests.
Pomimo stale rosnącej mocy obliczeniowej współczesnych procesorów, redukcja złożonych, wieloczłonowych modeli dynamicznych pozostaje ważnym tematem badań, zwłaszcza dla optymalizacji projektowania, analizy wrażliwości, identyfikacji parametrów i optymalizacji sterowników, które mogą wymagać setek lub tysięcy symulacji. W pierwszej części pracy autorzy przedstawiają model o wysokiej wierności opracowany dla seryjnie produkowanego samochodu sportowo-użytkowego (SUV) przy pomocy oprogramowania Adams/Car (MSC.Software Corporation). Następnie w środowisku MapleSim (Waterloo Maple Inc.) zostały opracowane równoważne ćwiartkowe (quarter-car) modele kinematyczne o jednym połączeniu, typu SLEKQ, dla zawieszenia przedniego i tylnego. By uniknąć komplikacji obliczeniowych związanych z wprowadzeniem tulejowania lub pętli kinematycznych, wszystkie układy przenoszące zawieszenia zostały zastąpione pojedynczymi skupionymi nieresorowanymi masami w każdym rogu pojazdu. Zaprojektowane modele typu SLEKQ odtwarzają właściwości kinematyczne modelu kompletnego zawieszenia wykorzystując przy tym tablice przeglądowe lub funkcje wielomianowe, które zostały wcześniej wyznaczone za pomocą wysokiej wierności modelu typu Adams. Zdolność predykcyjna każdego modelu SLEKQ zależy od użycia właściwych parametrów opisujących nieliniowe sprężyny i amortyzatory, które uwzględniają sztywność i wpływ na tłumienie drgań wnoszony przez tulejowanie i nieresorowane masy. Optymalizację homotopową zastosowano w celu identyfikacji tych parametrów, które minimalizują różnice między odpowiedziami uzyskanymi w modelach typu Adams i SLEKQ. Ostatecznie, z modeli SLEKQ zostaje złożony zredukowany model o dziesięciu stopniach swobody reprezentujący cały pojazd. Właściwości dynamiczne tego modelu są poddane walidacji przez porównanie z właściwościami wysokiej wierności modelu typu Adams w czterokolumnowych testach kołysania i pochylania.
This work presents an algorithm for determining values of parameters of a laboratory model of a telecommunication mast. The algorithm is constituted by several steps finally leading to a physically executable model, being a good representation of the dynamics of the mast construction. The calculations carried out were used for design a laboratory model of a telecommunications mast.
W pracy przedstawiono algorytm wyznaczania wartości parametrów laboratoryjnego modelu masztu telekomunikacyjnego. Algorytm składa się z kilku kroków, w wyniku których uzyskano fizycznie realizowalny model. Otrzymany model dobrze odwzorowuje dynamikę konstrukcji masztu. Przeprowadzone obliczenia wykorzystano do zaprojektowania modelu laboratoryjnego masztu telekomunikacyjnego.
In this paper an abstract linear-quadratic optimal control problem governed by an evolution equation is considered. To solve this problem numerically a reduced-order approach based on proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is applied. The error between the POD suboptimal control and the optimal control of the original problem is controlled by an a-posteriori error analysis. However, if the POD basis has bad approximation properties, a huge number of POD basis function is required to solve the reduced-order problem with the desired accuracy. To overcome this problem, optimality system POD (OS-POD) is utilized, where the POD basis is chosen with respect to the optimization criteria.
Content available remote Hybrid reduced model of continuous system
The paper introduces an alternative method of modelling and modal reduction of continuous systems. Presented method is a hybrid one. It combines the advantages of modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. In the proposed method continuous structure is divided into one-dimensional continuous elements. For each 1D element modal decomposition and reduction is applied. Interactions between substructures are described by lumping techniques. Presented method enables to obtain reduced, low order modal model of considered system. The proposed approach is illustrated by selected examples.
W artykule przedstawiono alternatywną metodę modelowania i modalnej redukcji układów ciągłych. Zaprezentowana metoda jest metodą hybrydową. Łączy zalety metod dekompozycji modalnej i sztywnych elementów skończonych. W proponowanej metodzie układ ciągły dzielony jest na jednowymiarowe podukłady ciągłe. Dla każdego podukładu jednowymiarowego budowany jest modalny model zredukowany. Poszczególne modele zredukowane wiąże się ze sobą poprzez oddziaływania między nimi modelowane za pomocą metody sztywnych elementów skończonych. Zaprezentowana metoda umożliwia otrzymanie zredukowanego modelu modalnego niskiego rzędu. Proponowane podejście jest zilustrowane prostymi przykładami.
W artykule zaprezentowano zagadnienia związane z redukcją złożonych modeli obiektów sterowania. Przedstawiono podstawowe grupy metod redukcji wraz z omówieniem ich wad i zalet dla celów redukcji złożonych modeli obiektów sterowania. Zaproponowano wprowadzenie nowej miary błędu aproksymacji dla oceny dokładności aproksymacji modelu zredukowanego. Dobór parametrów metod redukcji pod kątem minimalizacji tej miary błędu umożliwia uzyskanego znacznie lepszych rezultatów redukcji niż minimalizacja normy Hankela błędu aproksymacji.
Model order reduction problems of complex control model are presented in this paper. The article presents basic method group of complex control models reduction. Out of the many methods known from the literature, the methods based on balancing a system and then reducing it (SVD method) have become of great significance [1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 17, 23]. Also Krylov-based approximation methods are widely used, which are based on moment matching of the impulse response of the reduced system [1-3, 7, 9, 20]. Most of the MIMO models are characterized by large differences in gain characteristic and gain variability in frequency function (Fig. 1). The Hankel norm of approximation error (4) can't be used to estimate quality of approximation gain characteristic (Fig. 2). Authors propose in the paper new approximation error measure for reduced models of control objects (5). Minimizing this approximation error for selection of method reduction parameters gives better results than minimizing Hankel norm of approximation error (Tab. 1, Fig. 2). The reduction results of a structural model of component 1r (Russian service module) of the International Space Station [4] are also described in the paper [4].
Content available remote Iterative-interpolation algorithms for L2 model reduction
This paper is concerned with the construction of reduced-order models for high-order linear systems in such a way that the L2 norm of the impulse-response error is minimized. Two convergent algorithms that draw on previous procedures presented by the same authors, are suggested: one refers to s-domain representations, the other to time-domain state-space representations. The algorithms are based on an iterative scheme that, at any step, satisfies certain interpolation constraints deriving from the optimality conditions. To make the algorithms suitable to the reduction of very large-scale systems, resort is made to Krylov subspaces and Arnoldi's method. The performance of the reduction algorithms is tested on two benchmark examples.
The paper concerns quality improvement of modal model parameters estimation by means of the application of the Balanced Realization (BR) method to identification and removing spurious poles from stabilization diagrams. The author proposed modification of the classical BR method algorithm by introducing an objective criterion of model reduction. Formulated algorithm was implemented in the Matlab environment and verified for data measured on real structures.
The paper concerns practical applications of the balanced model reduction method presented in the associated paper 'Novel Approach to Modal Model Reduction by Means of the Balanced Realization Method. Part 1 - Theory'. There are presented results of analysis carried out for frequency response functions measured on real mechanical structures such as laboratory frame, parallel milling manipulator and its base. Carried out research proved that created software realizing elaborated model reduction method is an efficient tool supporting selection of poles by means of stabilization diagram method.
Content available remote Towards Integrated Verification of Timed Transition Models
This paper describes an attempt to combine theorem proving and model-checking to formally verify real-time systems in a discrete time setting. The Timed Automata Modeling Environment (TAME) has been modified to provide a formal model for Time Transition Models (TTMs) in the PVS proof checker. Strong and weak state-event observation equivalences are formalized in PVS for state-event labeled transition systems (SELTS), the underlying semantic model of TTMs. The state-event equivalences form the basis of truth value preserving abstractions for a real-time temporal logic. When appropriate restrictions are placed upon the TTMs, their PVS models can be easily translated into input for the SAL model-checker. A simple real-time control system is specified and verified using these theories. While these preliminary results indicate that the combination of PVS and SAL could provide a useful environment to perform equivalence verification, model-checking and compositional model reduction of real-time systems, the current implementation in the general purpose SAL model-checker lags well behind state of the art real-time model-checkers.
Content available remote Model order selection criteria: comparative study and applications
A practical application of information theoretic criteria is presented in this paper. Eigenvalue decomposition of the signal correlation matrix based AIC, MDL and MIBS criteria are investigated and used for on line estimation of time varying parameters of harmonic signals in power systems.
Artykuł przedstawia kryteria i porównanie metod redukcji modelu procesu. Przedstawiono i porównano różne kryteria bazujące na dekompozycji macierzy korelacji według wartości własnych: AIC, MDL i MIBS. Porównania dokonano na sygnałach harmonicznych odpowiadających układowi niestacjonarnemu.
The aim of this paper is to present an iterative identification of the plant in the presence of feedback using input-output data, based on the Youla-Kucera parameterisation. When a reduced complexity model is identified then the controller is designed. here the identified model is just a vehicle for the computation of a controller. The proposed iterative algorithm contains suitably selected filters and ensures that the model reduction of the identified model is not necessary as in the standard approach. This iterative approach simplifies the identification task of the Youla-Kucera parameter as only its numerator has to be estimated. an experiment with a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR), with represents a non-linear single input -single output (SISO)system, illustrate this feature. LQ controller design is used for stabilisation.
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