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Palynostratigraphic studies of the Carboniferous strata of the Szczawno and Wałbrzych formations, outcropping in the vicinity of Wałbrzych in the northern part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin, are reported. Rocks of the Szczawno Formation in a section near Konradów had earlier been assigned to the Upper Visean, while rocks of the Wałbrzych Formation in the Biały Kamień section were included to the Lower Namurian [the Stenozonotriletes triangulus-Rotaspora knoxi (TK) Miospore Zone]. This study describes abundant palynological material with many taxonomically diverse miospore assemblages from these rocks, allowing precise palynostratigraphic conclusions. These showed that the rocks of the Szczawno Formation studied should be referred to the lower part of the Serpukhovian [Verrucosisporites morulatus (Vm) Subzone], correlated with the lowest Namurian, while rocks of the Wałbrzych Formation from Biały Kamień belong to the Lower Bashkirian [Lycospora subtriquetra-Cirratriradites rarus (SR) Subzone], correlated with the Upper Namurian A. These results indicate that the rocks from both sections studied are younger than they were earlier believed. This revises the age of the Szczawno and Wałbrzych formations in the northern part of the Intra-Sudetic Basin which belong to four miospore zones, from Vm to SR, corresponding to the Serpukhovian and lowermost Bashkirian (Namurian A corresponding to the Pendleian to Alportian of British chronostratigraphy).
Coal-bearing conglomerates occur in the Menilite Formation of the Silesian Unit, outcropped in the village of Kobielnik. Coal particles are angular and differ in size (2 mm-6 cm). The examined coal shows rather predominance of vitrinite (collotelinite, collodetrinite, vitrodetrinite). However, the presence of inertinite (fusinite, semifusinite and inertodetrinite with rather accessory funginite and secretinite) is also significant. However, liptinite (sporinite, cutinite and resinite) also indicates its presence in the maceral composition. The results of both coal petrographic and palynologcal analyses were conducted with the intention of applying them to reconstruct environments of coalformation. Palynological studies revealed palynofacies consisting mainly of black palynoclasts ofrectangle or oval shape. Miospores are abundant and various in colour-from yellow to dark brown. The miospore assemblage is dominated by Lycospora and several other Carboniferous genera occur there. The presence of Radiizonates aligerens (Knox) Staplin, Jansonius, the guide species to the lower part of the Westphalian A (Langsettian) indicate that at least part of the coal pieces come from this part of the Pennsylvanian. The age position of the whole miospore assemblage should be determined as the Late Bashkirian-Moscovian (Westphalian). Additionaly, some older miospores, usually dark in colour, were found in this assemblage and they are considered as reworked.
Based on quantitative and qualitative analyses of the Triassic miospores assemblages from different regions of Poland climatic changes have been documented. Analyzed material came from the published and archival works of Orłowska-Zwolińska and author and comprised ten palynological zones distinguished in the Triassic of Poland. Two different palynological methods were applied in this study – PPC model and SEG model – to obtain palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmetal data. Xerophytic elements (spores and pollen grains of xerophytic plants), reflecting mainly dry climate conditions, dominated in the palynomorph spectra of the Triassic deposits from Poland. Significant numbers of hygrophytic elements indicating temporary more humid phases occurred in the late Olenekian, Ladinian, the middle Carnian, late Norian and the Rhaetian.
The results of the palynostratigraphical studies presented in this paper come from five boreholes Patoka 1, Czarny Las, Woźniki Śląskie K1, Kobylarz 1 and Poręba as well as from four outcrops at Lipie Śląskie, Patoka, Zawiercie and Poręba, in Upper Silesia (southern Poland). The palynostratigraphical zonation presented by Orłowska-Zwolińska (1983) for the epicontinental Upper Triassic of Poland was applied. The palynomorph spectra are marked by different preservation states, combined with the frequent occurrence of reworked specimens, probably even from Palaeozoic strata. The spore-pollen assemblage recognized in the “Chrzanów Formation” belongs to the early Carnian verrucata Subzone of the palynological longdonensis Zone. The spectrum from the Stuttgart Formation represents the Carnian astigmosus Zone. Spectra in the Patoka Marly Mudstone-Sandstone Member (Grabowa Mudstone-Carbonate Formation), with the Lisowice bone-bearing horizon, represent the middle and late Norian meyeriana b Subzone. The Rhaetian age of the bone-bearing succession in the Lisowice–Lipie Śląskie clay-pit suggested in the literature was not confirmed. The age of assemblages from the “Połomia Formation”, which overlies the Patoka Member, was not determined, owing to the poor state of miospore preservation. Moreover, three types of palynofacies were recognized as being characteristic for a fluvial channel (1), a flood plain (2), and lacustrine and playa environments (3) as well as for an undetermined milieu. Type 1 was found in the deposits of the Stuttgart Formation, the Patoka Member and the “Połomia Formation”, type 2 in the Patoka Member and the “Połomia Formation”, type 3 in the “Chrzanów Formation”, the Stuttgart Formation and the Patoka Member.
Kompleksowe badania palinologiczne przeprowadzono na 37 próbkach z otworu wiertniczego Trojanowice 2, z interwału 502,0–558,8 m. Na podstawie rozpoznanych gatunków miospor wyróżniono dwa standardowe poziomy miosporowe: Emphanisporites annulatus-Camarozonotriletes sextantii z emsu oraz Grandispora douglastownense-Ancyrospora eurypterota z pogranicza emsu i eiflu. Przeprowadzone anlizy palinofacjlne pozwoliły określić środowisko sedymentacji spągowych partii profilu na morskie, bliskiego brzegu, z intensywną dostawą materiału organicznego z lądu.W części stropowej stwierdzono natomiast nieco głębsze warunki depozycji, w większym oddaleniu od obszarów źródłowych. Analiza kolorystyczna wykazała dojrzały stopień przeobrażenia termicznego materii organicznej. Formalnie opisano po raz pierwszy dwa nowe gatunki miospor: Camptozonotriletes reticulum sp.n. i Perotrilites asymmetricus sp.n.
The palynological investigation were carried out on 37 samples from the Trojanowice 2 borehole from a depth interval of 502.0–558.8 m. Based on the presence of index and important microflora species two standard miospore zones were recognized: Emphanisporites annulatus-Camarozonotriletes sextantii, from the Emsian and Grandispora douglastownense-Ancyrospora eurypterota from the Emsian/ Eifelian transition interval. Palynofacies from the lower part of the section indicate marginal marine palaeoenvironmental conditions. Palynofacies from the upper part prove deeper marine conditions further from the shoreline. Additionally, spore colour analyses revealed a high degree of thermal transformation. Two new miospore taxa have been formally erected: Camptozonotriletes reticulum sp.n. and Perotrilites asymmetricus sp.n.
The material studied was obtained from 210 samples taken from six selected boreholes, representing major regions of the epicontinental Lower Jurassic basin of Poland, dominated by marginal-marine and continental sedimentation. Lower Jurassic miospore spectrum is very rich and contains 61 genera and 211 species, of which 19 genera and 40 species represent taxa of stratigraphic significance for Lower Jurassic enlisted in the intercontinental correlation tables (such as Baculatisporites primirius (Wolf) Thomson & Pflug, Cirratriradiotes saturni (Ibrahim) Schopf & Wilson, Concavisporites hexagonalis (Kedves & Simoncsics, Concavisporites jurienensis Balme). Also miospore abundance in individual samples is usually high, sometimes reaching hundreds to more than 1000 miospores in one sample. Miospores studied were mostly produced by ferns and Coniferae. Large number of miospores enabled studies on morphological variability of certain genera or species, like Tigrisporites Klaus, Neoraistrickia Potonie and Lycopodium semimuris Danze-Corsin & Laveine, and better definition of such genera as Cingulizonathes Dybova & Jachowicz and Limbosporites Nilsson. Some morphological features (such as corrosion, colour variability, secondary morphological features produced by fungi or algae) are clearly linked to sedimentary or early burial environments. Morphology was studied both in transmitting light and SEM. In Pomerania (NW Poland) presence of Pliensbachian ammonites offered opportunity of comparison between ammonite stratigraphic standard and miospore successions. This comparison showed that some miospores have much wider stratigraphic distribution than it was thought before. In Poland fairly rich miospore assemblage was found even in marine deposits, while elsewhere miospores in marine sediments were poor or absent. This may explain why stratigraphic ranges of some miospore taxa were regarded to be so narrow. Generally, miospores show narrower ranges in Hettangian (Pinuspollenites-Trachysporites zone) and Early Sinemurian times (regular presence of Lycopodium semimuris Danze-Corsin & Laveine), while their stratigraphic significance decreases from the Sinemurian times on. Only miospore assemblages can be regarded as a stratigraphic tool. Miospore stratigraphy should be linked to other stratigraphic methods based on occurrence of megaspores, dinoflagellate cysts, and sequence stratigraphy.
The Early Carboniferous age of the flysch succession in the Moravian-Silesian zone has been based principally on lithological correlations with the stratotype goniatite-bearing section. Its uppermost part-the Kyjovice Formation in the region of Toszek (Poland)-has been studied palynologically for the first time. Miospore assemblages of the upper part of the Western European nitidus-carnosus (NC) miospore Zone of the early Serpukhovian have been distinguished. This agrees well with a general stratigraphic range of the Kyjovice Formation within the Go-E1a goniatite zones.
Chitinozoans from the Late Silurian (Pridoli s.l.) and Devonian, and miospores from the Middle and Late Devonian, have been investigated from the Solimoes Basin in northern Brazil. Of the 37 chitinozoan species encountered, 16 are retained in open nomenclature, because of an insufficient number of well-preserved specomens, and Ramochitina jutaiense is newly described. Three or four miospore zones have been recognized: the LE - LN and VH zones of late to latest Famennian age, and a poorly characterized interval not older than the AP zone of latest Emsian - early Eifelian age. A regional chitinozoan biozonation, consisting of six zones, is proposed for the investigated interval. These zones are, from the oldest to the youngest: concurrent range zone of Ancyrochitina ancyrea and Ancyrochitina aff. A libyensis (Pridoli s.l.); interval range zone of Angochitina filosa (early Lochkovian); concurrent range zone of Urochitina loboi and Ramochitina jutaiense sp.nov. (late Lochkovian); concurrent range zone of Ancyrochitina arirambaense and Alpenachitina eisenacki (Eifelian s.l. - early Givetian); interval range zone of Angochitina mourai (Frasnian - middle Famennian); and total range zone of Fungochitina ultima (late Famennian).
Rich assemblages of the Namurian miospores were recorded in the deposits of the Wałbrzych Formation from the northern part of the Intrasudetic Basin. One hundred twenty five miospore taxa were determined and two miospore zones were distinguished. Deposits from Konradów and Biały Kamień belong to the Stenozonotriletes triangulus-Rotaspora knoxi (TK) Zone, correlated to the middle Namurian A. Deposits from Szczawno Zdrój appeared to be younger, because they represents the Lycospora subtriquetra-Kraeuselisporites ornatus (SO) Zone (late Namurian A).
The Early Carboniferous fluvial and deltaic sequence of the Intra-Sudetic Basin remained undated until recently, except for a Late Viséan ammonoid fauna in its upper part. Current miospore data indicate that the oldest part of the sequence is not older than the mid Viséan Knoxisporites triradiatus-Knoxisporites stephanephorus biozone of the west European miospore division. This palynological age determination is consistent with the recently obtained Ar-Ar cooling ages of white micas from sheared metamorphic rocks at the NW margin of the basin. This suggests that the rapid late orogenic denudation of the northern and western flanks of the Intra-Sudetic Basin must have started at or shortly after c. 335 Ma.
Five local miospore zones, six subzones and two assemblages are distinguished for the Frasnian to lower Tournaisian deposits in the Kołobrzeg region (western Pomerania): assemblage I, Membrabaculisporis radiatus-Tholisporites densus (RD), Membrabaculisporis radiatus-Cymbosporites boafeticus (RB), Lagenoisporites immensus-Diducites poljessicus (IP) Zone, assemblage II, Tumulispora rarituberculata (Ra) and Convolutispora major (Ma) Zone. The first three biozones and the two assemblages are new in this region. The local miospores zones distinguished in western Pomerania are correlated with the European standard miospore and conodont zonations. Two new miospore species and one new variety are described, two species is emended.
W badawczo-poszukiwawczym otworze Tarnawa 1, zlokalizowanym około 25 km na wschód od Myślenic, przeprowadzono badania sporowe utworów klastycznych karbonu w interwale głębokości 4407,0 –4585,0 m. Dotyczyły one wyłącznie osadów płonych. Stwierdzono w nich asocjacje o typie mieszanym, skomponowane z taksonów charakterystycznych zarówno dla górnowizeńskich, jak i dolnonamurskich zespołów sporowych, w większości reprezentujących mikroflorę typową dla zony sporowej NC (nitidus-carnosus), odpowiadającej najwyższej części brytyjskiego piętra brigant (= zona goniatytowa P2) i piętru pendlej (= zona goniatytowa E1) w schemacie Claytona i in. (1977). Istotny udział w spektrum stanowiły również taksony zon sporowych asbu: TC (tessellatus-clavata) i NM (nigra–marginatus) — Perotrillites tessellatus, Raistrika nigra, Triquitrites marginatus oraz brigantu: VF (vetustus–fracta) — Potoniespores aff. delicatus Playford, cf. Potoniespores delicatus sensu Playford, Tripartites distinctus i Murospora cf. partenopia. Najmłodsze oznaczone gatunki sporomorf sugerują jednak arnsberski wiek asocjacji, poprzez związek z zoną sporową TK (triangulus–knoxi) (Clayton i in., 1977).
Deep, test-exploratory borehole Tarnawa 1 from the hydrocarbons penetrating zone is situated 25 km east of Myślenice, between Wianiowa IG 1 borehole in the West and Rajbrot 2 in the East (Carpathians, Poland). Coal-bearing clastic sediments of the Lower Carboniferous have been ascertained there only on lithological and geophysical data (Daran et al., 1997) and originally biostratigraphically unconfirmed. Mixed spore associations have been distinguished in the depth interval between 4585,00 m and 4407,00 m. Composed principally of Brigantian and Pendlcian taxa they also contained species characteristic for Asbian-Brigantian standard spore zones: TC (tessellatus-clavata) represented by Perolrillites tessellatus (Staplin) Neville, Potoniesporcs aff. delicalns Playford, Poloniespores delicatus sensu Playford, NM (nigra-marginatus) characterized by Ra-istrickia nigra Love, Triquitrites marginatus Hoffmeister, Staplin, Molloy, Tripartitcs distinctus Williams and VF (vetustus-fracla), as well as the elements of microflora typical for the Lower Namurian: Punctatisporites sinuatus (Artüz) Neves, cf. Crassispora kosankei? (Potonié et Kremp) Smith et Butterworth, cf. Florinites sp.?, Mooreisporites fustis Neves, Moreisporites trigallenis Neves (G. Clayton ct al., 1977; R. Neves, 1958, 1961). Index taxa: Bellispores nitidus (Horst) Sullivan and Reticulatisporites carnosus (Knox) Neves made possible their correlation with Brigantian-Pendleian standard spore zone NC (nitidus-carnosus) of the unified palynostratigraphic scheme of the Carboniferous for the Western Europe, whereas the abundance of Mooreisporites spp. might have suggested their correlation with younger Amsbergian spore zone TK (trianguhis-knoxi) (G. Clayton et al., 1977).
Detailed stratigraphy of the Tournaisian and Viséan in western Pomerania has been established on conodonts, miospores and ostracods recovered from 25 boreholes. Miospore associations from the Tournaisian and Viséan are assigned to nine biostratigraphic units (zones and subzones) erected earlier. Three successive benthic ostracod assemblages and two sub-assemblages are distinguished for the Tournaisian. The miospore zones/subzones and the ostracod assemblages/subassemblages are correlated with the Tournaisian sandbergi, Lower crenulata, isosticha-Upper crenulata, and typicus conodont zones. Stratigraphic gap has been demonstrated at the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary, using the results of both conodont and miospore studies. The Tournaisian/ Viséan boundary has been established approximately on the first appearance of the miospore species Lycospora pusilla Somers.
Przedstawiono szczegółową stratygrafię turneju i wizenu Pomorza Zachodniego w oparciu o konodonty, miospory i małżoraczki. Materiał do badań biostratygraficznych pochodził z 25 otworów wiertniczych. Zespoły miospor z badanych utworów zaliczono do dziewięciu wcześniej wyróżnionych jednostek biostratygraficznych (zon i podzon). Dla turneju wyróżniono trzy kolejne zespoły i dwa podzespoły małżoraczków bentonicznych. Zony/podzony miosporowe i zespoły/podzespoły małżoraczkowe skorelowano z turnejskimi zonami konodontowymi sandbergi, dolna crenulata, isosticha-górna crenulata i typicus. Obecność luki stratygraficznej na granicy dewon/karbon udokumentowano na podstawie konodontów i miospor. Granica turnej/wizen została ustalona jedynie w przybliżeniu, na podstawie pierwszego pojawienia się gatunku miosporowego Lycospora pusilla Somers.
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