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In response to the post-war mechanisation and electrification of the mining industry, the Mining Office for the Inspection of Energy-Mechanical Equipment in Katowice was established in 1957, with local jurisdiction over the entire country, which was renamed the Specialised Mining Authority in 2012. Its material jurisdiction, as mining supervisory authorities and architectural and construction administration and construction supervision in the mining industry, was defined successively by ordinances: President of the Council of Ministers and the Ministers of the Internal Affairs and Administration and the Environment, and finally the Act - Geological and Mining Law. The Specialised Mining Authority was abolished on 19 October 2022. The core activities of the SGGUE/SUG were of a control and supervisory and preventive nature. Its staff performed inspections of technical facilities and monito¬red selected issues. The director of the authority also issued permits for the commissioning of facilities and, in the field of construction, acted in accordance with the building regulations. Thanks to the authority's efforts, mining facilities have made numerous upgrades. For example, open construction switchgear has been replaced by closed construction switchgear. In 2021, the SUG's jurisdiction covered 39 underground mines. The office's supervision included: 261 shafts and small shafts, 319 mine shaft lifts, 8 pieces of equipment, running on a track with an in¬clination of more than 45°, and 88 main fan stations (208 fans), 387 internal high and medium voltage electrical installations and networks, 49 control rooms, 67 control rooms, as well as 1993 building structures.
Artykuł przedstawia działalność i kolejne zmiany właściwości rzeczowej utworzonego w 1957 r. Urzędu Górniczego do Badań Kontrolnych Urządzeń Energo-Mechanicznych, w 2012 r. przemianowanego na Specjalistyczny Urząd Górniczy, a następnie zlikwidowanego 19 października 2022 r. Jego właściwość rzeczową, jako organu nadzoru górniczego oraz administracji architektoniczno-budowlanej i nadzoru budowlanego w górnictwie, określało kolejno 7 rozporządzeń: Prezesa Rady Ministrów oraz ministrów Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji oraz Środowiska, a finalnie ustawa - Prawo geologiczne i górnicze.
According to the Geological and Mining Law, a landowner cannot object to the dangers caused by the movement of a mining plant, which is being conducted in accordance with the law. However, he can demand compensation for the damage caused by this movement. It is up to the injured party to choose how to repair it. The entity responsible for the damage is the entrepreneur responsible for the operation of the mining plant resulting in the damage or its legal successor. In their absence, the State Treasury, represented by the competent mining supervisory authority, is responsible for the damage. Claims for compensation for damage caused by the mining plant's movement are first pursued through a settlement procedure - the injured party applies to the State Tre¬asury (the director of the relevant Regional Mining Authority) for a settlement covering his claim. It is the duty of the director of the relevant Regional Mining Authority to take steps to investigate the legitimacy of the claim filed. Exhaustion of this procedure is a prerequisite for pursuing the claim before a common court in accordance with the rigors of the Code of Civil Procedure.
W artykule przybliżono problematykę szkód spowodowanych ruchem zakładu górniczego. Omówiono kwestie podmiotów zobowiązanych do naprawiania szkód, w tym Skarbu Państwa, trybu dochodzenia roszczeń i sposobu naprawy szkody oraz czynności podejmowanych przez organów nadzoru górniczego w przypadku skierowania roszczenia do Skarbu Państwa.
Artykuł określa kompetencje organów administracji publicznej w przedmiocie wydawania decyzji w zakresie ochrony środowiska w odniesieniu do działalności górniczej, wynikające m.in. z Prawo geologicznego i górniczego, Prawa ochrony środowiska, Prawo przedsiębiorców oraz ustaw o odpadach i o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych. Wskazuje tym samym decyzje wydawane w przedmiotowym zakresie przez organy ochrony środowiska (organ wykonawczy gminy, starostę, marszałka województwa, regionalnego dyrektora ochrony środowiska), organy nadzoru górniczego oraz Inspekcję Ochrony Środowiska. Porusza ponadto kwestię uprawnień organów w zakresie kontroli i nadzoru nad ruchem zakładów górniczych oraz występowania przez nie w roli oskarżyciela publicznego w sprawach o wykroczenia.
The article indicates which public administration authorities supervise and have control rights over the operation of mining plants concerning environmental protection. Therefore, it provides information about environmental protection authorities (decision making authorities of communes, starosta, marshal of a voivodeship, the regional director for environmental protection), mining supervisory authorities and the Environmental Protection Inspectorate. At the same time, it indicates that, among those above mentioned, only the mining supervisory authorities, starostas and marshals of voivodeships have the power to supervise and control the operation of mining plants. All of them can act as subsidiary prosecutor in cases of offence, as well as conduct enforcement proceedings concerning non-cash benefits or can apply to the enforcement authority as a creditor with an appropriate writ of execution. The article highlights the need for individual authorities to respect their subject matter jurisdiction, an example of which is the power of the commune head to issue an order to remove waste from the excavation (a place not intended for storage) based on a special provision regulating issuing the remediation of irregularities in the operation of a mining plant by the mining supervisory authorities.
W artykule przedstawiono informacje dotyczące tworzenia i zmian zachodzących w urzędach górniczych funkcjonujących w Krakowie.
The history of organised forms of mining supervision in Kraków dates back to the Middle Ages, i.e. to the issuance of Statut dla żup solnych (Statute for salt mines) by Casimir III the Great. Mining offices in Kraków operated in various forms depending on the political power and political system at a given time; in modern Times they operated as a mining starostwo, a district mining office, or a State Mining Office. The successor to these bodies is the District Mining Office in Kraków, which has been established in its current form by a regulation of 1946. As part of their activity, mining offices in Kraków have supervised the extraction of most of the minerals available in Poland: rock salt, crude oil, natural gas, hard coal, metal ores, brine, healing and thermal waters, rock minerals, sand, and gravel. In addition, they currently supervise over tourism flows in the historic Bochnia and Wieliczka salt mines and building a tunnel through the Luboń Mały mountain. Those employed in the District Mining Office in Kraków are committed to ensuring safety for persons working in mines, ensuring general safety, and limiting mining effects on the environment.
Artykuł opisuje podstawy prawne i postępowanie dotyczące oceny oddziaływania na środowisko przedsięwzięć górniczych w Saksonii z punktu widzenia Saksońskiego Wyższego Urzędu Górniczego.
The Sächsisches Oberbergamt (State Mining Authority of Saxony), as the specialist and enforcement authority of the Free State of Saxony, is the executing body of the state mining authority in this industry in the state. As such, it is responsible for the foundation, management and termination of mining exploration, extraction and processing plants. The role of the State Mining Authority of Saxony does not only focus on the approval of operating plans and its accordance to the Federal Mining Act, but also includes the execution of mining planning approval procedures pursuant to Section 52 subparagraph 2a of the Federal Mining Act, where a mining scheme requires an environmental impact assessment. The article illustrates first the legal bases of the environmental impact assessment, follows with the explanation of how the obligation to perform an environmental impact assessment is determined and provides the description of the process of the approval procedure including the environmental impact assessment itself. At the end it explains the responsibility regarding implementation of environmental impact assessment and admission of operation plans.
Artykuł opisuje system prawny regulujący przemysł górniczy w Kanadzie jak również rolę nadzoru górniczego w zakresie nowelizacji przepisów bezpieczeństwa górniczego. Referat koncentruje się również na roli nadzoru górniczego w sprawowaniu kontroli nad prowadzonymi pracami jak również ochroną środowiska naturalnego. Struktury organizacyjne nadzoru górniczego i jego rola w strukturach państwa są również szczegółowo opisane.
Article describes the legal system regulating the mining industry in Canada as well as the role of government agencies in developing and updating mining safety regulations. The paper also focuses on the procedure of overseeing new mining projects from the perspective of safety as well as protecting the environment. The organizational structures of government agencies supervising the mining industry in Canada are described in detail.
W artykule przedstawiono poparty przykładami przegląd procedur likwidacji zakładów górniczych. W zakresie tym funkcjonują dwa odmienne instrumenty prawne. Pierwszy z nich to plan likwidacji zakładu, w którym przedsiębiorca górniczy musi przedstawić dowody spełnienia warunków zakończenia działalności górniczej oraz eliminacji zagrożeń i przedłożyć go nadzorowi górniczemu do zatwierdzenia. Drugi instrument sprowadza się do ogłoszenia przez organ nadzoru górniczego zakończenia nadzoru, gdy tylko stwierdzi on, że zostały spełnione określone warunki.
The finishing of mining operations is regulated by two different instruments. In the final operation plan, the mining contractor must present all measures to close operations, eliminate mining hazards and submit them to the relevant mining authority for testing and approval. The end of the mining supervision, on the other hand, occurs by law, if the necessary conditions are met. The mining authority has to examine and establish this. In the article is given an overview of the procedures, explained by examples.
Artykuł, na tle uregulowań prawnych, prezentuje działania podejmowane przez organy nadzoru górniczego w celu wypracowania metod i zasad jednolitego postępowania w sprawach nielegalnego pozyskiwania kopalin w Polsce. Przedstawia również dane statystyczne odnoszące się do problematyki nielegalnej eksploatacji i opisuje utrudnienia w naliczaniu opłaty podwyższonej, których źródłem są przepisy innych ustaw pozwalające na obejście przepisów Prawa geologicznego i górniczego.
Mining supervision authorities have participated in proceedings concerning cases of illegal extraction of minerals only since 2012, when the Geological and Mining Law obliged them to issue decisions ordering the suspension of unlicensed activities. Between 2012 and 2014, they issued a total of 281 such decisions. Since 2015, these authorities are competent for charging the increased fee. Between 2015 and 2018, they issued 435 decisions within this respect, imposing fees for a total amount of PLN 99.8 million. In cases of attempts to circumvent the Geological and Mining Law based on other administrative decisions, such as building permits, fees are charged based on the amount of minerals extracted as a result of activities extending beyond them. In order to suport regional mining authorities in this respect, the State Mining Authority (Polish: Wyższy Urząd Górniczy – WUG), among other activities, developed and then updated the methodology of conducting proceedings in such cases, specifying such aspects the method of gathering evidence, documentation specimen for the amount of mineral extracted, the method of determining the specific gravity of the mineral, and the principle of joint and several liability of offenders. With the support of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP&WM), it equipped employees of Regional Mining Authorities (Polish: Okręgowy Urząd Górniczy – OUG) with equipment that guarantees reliable preparation of evidence. The course of 48 cases filed against the President of WUG with the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Gliwice in the years 2015–2018, out of which the court recognized the arguments of the appealing party in only 4 cases, may serve as a testimony to the high standards of procedures introduced in mining authorities and to the high competences of their employees. However, in order to effectively eliminate unlicensed extraction, it is still necessary to analyse experiences concerning the functioning of regulations and propose new legislative solutions in this respect (e.g. simplifying the process of obtaining licences for land-bound minerals).
W artykule przedstawiono informacje o Archiwum Dokumentacji Mierniczo-Geologicznej w Wyższym Urzędzie Górniczym. Zaprezentowano historię powstania, formalno-prawne podstawy jego funkcjonowania, organizację i zadania oraz dotychczasowe osiągnięcia. W części końcowej omówiono metodykę oceny zagrożeń ze strony wyrobisk górniczych, mających połączenie z powierzchnią usytuowanych na terenach zlikwidowanych podziemnych zakładów górniczych. Wyniki przeprowadzonych do tej pory inwentaryzacji są znaczącym wsparciem w procesie udzielania informacji o terenie pogórniczym realizowanym przez archiwum.
The closure of mines results from the restructuring of the mining sector started in the 1990s. This is associated with the need to protect and archive mine survey and geological documentation, which includes complete information on mining activities. To preserve the knowledge included in mine survey and geological documentation for future users of post-mining areas, the President of the State Mining Authority established an Archive of Mine Survey and Geological Documentation 25 years ago. Its aim is to collect, protect, and archive documents from mines to be closed, as well as to prepare them to be made available. So far, the Archive has acquired a total of 584 fonds (133 of which from underground mines, and 451 from open-pit and borehole mines). As at the end of 2018, the Archive collected 24,316 archival units (single documents or collections of them), including cartographic documents. Some of them, especially those necessary to prepare information on geological and mining conditions in a post-mining area, were converted into electronic form. As at the end of 2018, a total of 12,722 applications for the provision of such information were processed. In 2018, the State Mining Authority – with financial support from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management – also became to make an inventory of previous excavations connected to the surface, which is part of the "Reduction of inconvenience caused by extraction" priority programme. As at the end of 2018, a total of 2,790 excavations of this type in Śląskie and Dolnośląskie Provinces were inventoried. Inventory results are stored at the Archive, while data on inventory results are used to prepare information on post-mining areas and made available to persons concerned.
Artykuł przedstawia wykorzystanie nowoczesnych, cyfrowych systemów baz danych: Saksońskiego Systemu Informacji Górniczej i Rejestru Historycznego Górnictwa oraz prowadzonych w powiązaniu z nimi aplikacji: mapy koncesji Saksonii, mapy poeksploatacyjnych pustek podziemnych, platformy saksońskich danych geotechnicznych, Geoportalu Atlas Saksonii oraz Saksońskiego Portalu Środowiskowego. Ich zastosowanie pozwala na optymalizację procesów administracyjnych, podniesienie ich efektywności i systematyczną poprawę jakości świadczonych usług.
Effective implementation of the tasks of the Saxon Mining Office (Sächsisches Oberbergamt - SOBA) would not be possible without modern digital database systems. These include the Saxon Mining Information System and Register of Historical Mining as well as applications run in conjunction with them. The Saxon Mining Information System enables the automatic generation of necessary reports, diversified statistical summaries and the creation of thematic maps. Based on the data collected in the system, the location and form of mining plants and their facilities, together with factual data, can be presented in the GIS. On the basis of the system data, SOBA runs a map of the Saxon concession (Berechtsamskarte), allowing for easy identification of overlap areas for the proposed concession areas. Register of Historical Mining (Altbergbaukataster - ABK), in turn, collects data on residues from mining and mining operations without legal succession, indicated as part of mining damage analysis, and the possible effects of historical mining on construction works. The Register contains, among others, current maps of post-mining underground voids ( Hohlraumkarte ), with marked areas of underground workings which may pose a threat to people, enterprises and their property. In turn, the platform of Saxon geotechnical data (GDI Sachsen) is aimed at making the geotechnical data owned by state institutions available to a wide range of recipients. The Geoportal Saxony Atlas (Geoportal Sachsenantlas) makes it possible to access and use this data and other geological information. The next component of the platform is the Saxon Environmental Portal (SachsenPortalU) containing, among others, detailed maps and information on such topics as: waste and sewage, land and soils, energy, flood information, geology, noise, nature and landscape, and water. The database applications developed at the Saxon Mining Office to a large extent reflect and support the work of the office. Their application enables the optimisation of administrative processes, increase of their efficiency and systematic improvement of the quality of services provided.
W artykule na wybranych przykładach przedstawiono sposób wprowadzenia w życie stwierdzeń i wniosków przyjętych przez komisje specjalne powołane przez prezesa WUG w latach 2002–2016 dla zbadania przyczyn i okoliczności wypadków zbiorowych, katastrof albo niebezpiecznych zdarzeń. W sposób szczególny scharakteryzowano działalność komisji powołanej dla zbadania przyczyn i okoliczności tąpnięcia oraz wypadku zbiorowego w dniu 29.11.2016 r. w KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. O/ZG "Rudna" w Polkowicach
According to statutory declarations, the president of the State Mining Authority can appoint special commissions to examine the causes and circumstances of dangerous events in mining, including to analyze the causes and circumstances of the event, present conclusions and propose recommendations which can be used to prevent similar events in the future. The article presents a method, in which companies have enforced conclusions adopted by some commissions appointed by the president of the State Mining Authority in 2002-2016. Bearing in mind the range and scope of destruction caused by the crump which took place on 29 November 2016 in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., the O/ZG “Rudna” mine in Polkowice, which left 8 people dead, a method of enforcing the conclusions adopted by a commission designated to examine the causes and circumstances of this disaster.
Artykuł dokonuje krótkiego rysu historycznego tworzenia się służb górniczych od najstarszych, historycznych wzmianek do czasów współczesnych na kanwie 70-letniej historii nadzoru górniczego na Dolnym Śląsku. Święto OUG we Wrocławiu stało się też przyczynkiem do przedstawienia ludzi związanych z nadzorem górniczym.
The article presents the history of the formation of mining supervision in Lower Silesia, an institution which has been inseparably connected with the development of mining in the region, from its establishment to the modern times. The Regional Mining Authority (OUG) in Wrocław was founded in 1946, and was initially seated in Żary. After moving to Wrocław in 1953, the Authority took charge of the Szczecin region, and, partially, of the Gdańsk, Poznań and Wrocław regions. Subsequent administrative reforms brought upon changes to the structure and local competence of mining supervision. Starting with 1955, Lower Silesia was supervised by OUG Wrocław and OUG Wałbrzych. The establishment and construction of coper ore mines was a critical moment for the Regional Mining Authority (OUG) in Wrocław. This was a great challenge, since the deposits discovered were inaccessible and required the application of a complex shaft dredging technology. The tasks and shape of mining supervision was significantly changed by subsequent administrative reforms (1975, 1999), the inclusion of OUG Wałbrzych in the structures of OUG Wrocław (2002), Poland’s accession to the European Union (2004) and the inclusion of common mines under administrative control of the mining supervision authority (2012). Today, the Regional Mining Authority in Wrocław is a team of experts, each specializing in a different field. Their main task is to improve the work safety in mining facilities throughout Lower Silesia. The 70th anniversary, embodied by the fabulous Gwaruś gnome and commemorated by a celebratory medal, is an expression of gratitude to all those whose work has contributed to the development of the regional mining authority throughout the years.
Artykuł przedstawia organizację nadzoru nad bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy w górnictwie USA. Omawia podstawy prawne funkcjonowania nadzoru górniczego, organizację i sposób przeprowadzania kontroli oraz stosowane środki represji. W artykule przywołano statystyki dotyczące wypadkowości w górnictwie USA, wysokość nakładanych kar pieniężnych oraz najczęściej popełniane wykroczenia w zakładach górniczych.
Mine Safety and Health Administration is an American federal agency developing and enforcing safety and health rules for all U.S. mines, providing educational and technical support to mine operators under the Federal Mine and Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine Act). MSHA distinguishes between coal and metal/non metal category of mines, that are being inspected by separate units. Under the Mine Act each underground mine is inspected at least four times annually, a surface – at least twice, with no chance to deny, giving no advance notice. To promote compliance with the provisions of the act, all violations are cited, with a wide range from $112 to even $242000 each, depending on the type of violation, considering 5 basic factors estimated for each mine too. Over years, the amount of dollars assessed has been fluctuating along with the number of citations and withdrawals. Recently the numbers have dropped, however, still the most frequently cited standards regard underground coal mining. For almost 40 years of MSHA’s supervision, number of fatalities as well as injury rates has significantly dropped, among all due to restricted Pattern of Violation rule or conducting impact inspections. Safety has became even more valuable to operators due to Dodd-Frank Act, requiring disclosing the mine safety information.
Zagrożenie tąpaniami należy od wielu lat do najniebezpieczniejszych zagrożeń naturalnych, występujących w polskim górnictwie. Wielkość tego zagrożenia uzależniona jest od warunków prowadzenia działalności górniczej - zarówno naturalnych, jak głębokość zalegania złoża czy występowanie zaburzeń geologicznych, a także górniczych - wynikających z dokonanej wcześniej eksploatacji, zastosowanej technologii lub koordynacji robót. W latach 2014-2015 zagrożenie tąpaniami występowało w 22 z 30 czynnych kopalń węgla kamiennego oraz we wszystkich trzech kopalniach rud miedzi, a wspomnieć należy również o aktywności sejsmicznej generowanej odkrywkową eksploatacją węgla brunatnego. O tym, że jest to nadal zagrożenie realne, świadczy występowanie w latach 2013 - 2015 tąpnięć, w wyniku których pracownicy zatrudnieni pod ziemią ulegli wypadkom, w tym śmiertelnym. W artykule przedstawiono dane statystyczne dotyczące rejestrowanych w latach 1980-2015 wysokoenergetycznych zjawisk sejsmicznych, zaistniałych tąpnięć oraz towarzyszących im wypadków, w korespondencji z uzyskanym wydobyciem. Omówiono wykorzystywane w podziemnych zakładach górniczych metody oceny stanu zagrożenia tąpaniami, jak również stosowane środki profilaktyki aktywnej i pasywnej, obejmującej już fazę projektowania eksploatacji górniczej lub poprzez działania organizacyjne stosowane w fazie prowadzenia eksploatacji. Integralną część artykułu stanowi opis niektórych działań organów nadzoru górniczego w celu ograniczenia zagrożenia tąpaniami w zakładach górniczych. Przedstawiono wnioski zespołu doradczo-opiniodawczego powołanego przez Prezesa Wyższego Urzędu Górniczego do analizy niektórych zagadnień związanych ze wstrząsem o energii 4x109 J i tąpnięciem, zaistniałym w dniu 18 kwietnia 2015 r. w KHW S.A. KWK „Wujek" w Katowicach Ruch „Śląsk". We wnioskach artykułu przedstawiono podstawowe kierunki działań zmierzających do dalszej poprawy w zakresie rozpoznania i zwalczania zagrożenia tąpaniami w przyszłości.
For many years rock burst hazard has been among the most dangerous natural hazards encountered in Polish mining industry. This hazard's size depends on the conditions in which mining operations take place - may they be natural, like the deposit's depth or existing geological fault, or mining-related - resulting from previous extraction, technology used or the coordination of works. In 2014 rock burst hazard occurred in 22 out of 30 active hard coal mines and in all three copper ore mines. The fact that this is still a real threat is evidenced by the rock bursts that occurred between 2013 and 2015 and resulted in accidents, including fatal ones among underground workers. This paper presents statistical data of high-energy seismic tremors, rock bursts and accidents accompanying them in relation to the level of extraction recorded between 1980 and 2015. It discusses the methods for assessing rock burst hazard used in underground mines as well as active and passive preventive measures applied either in the design phase of mining operations, or used as organizational actions in the extraction phase. An integral part of the paper is the description of some of the mining supervision authorities' actions that have been taken in order to reduce the risk of rock burst hazard in mines. Furthermore, it presents the conclusions of the advisory-consultative panel appointed by the President of the State Mining Authority to examine certain issues related to the high-energy tremor of 4x109 J magnitude and the rock burst which occurred on 18 April 2015 in KHW SA „Wujek" hard coal mine in Katowice. This paper concludes with the description of the basic lines of action to be taken for further improvement of the identification of and prevention from rock burst hazard in the future.
W artykule przedstawiono obszerne omówienie pojęcia zakresu właściwości rzeczowej oraz miejscowej OUG w Gliwicach w kontekście prowadzonych przemian reorganizacyjnych, jakie następowały na przestrzeni lat aż do chwili obecnej.
The article presents a detailed description of organisation for supervision and control over mining plants regarding both substantial and territorial jurisdiction of the District Mining Office in Gliwice. The article contains a brief history of this organisational form, its territorial scope and competences of the current mining supervision bodies. The substantial and territorial jurisdiction of the District Mining Office in Gliwice is also defined. These terms are defined in light of the legal provisions currently in force, specifically highlighting the most important provisions. A map was used to illustrate the current territorial jurisdiction of the District Mining Office in Gliwice. Additionally, entities supervised by the District Mining Office in Gliwice are characterised briefly. Considering the strategic goals and the mission of a mining authority as a specialist body it was demonstrated how important and difficult is the work of specific persons to provide safe operation of mining plants.
W celu poprawy stanu bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy organy nadzoru górniczego podejmują szereg działań, w tym takie, które promują kulturę bezpieczeństwa wśród przedsiębiorców i pracowników zakładów górniczych. W artykule przedstawiono niektóre inicjatywy tych organów, które zmierzają do tego celu. Przedstawia on również współpracę Wyższego Urzędu Górniczego z innymi instytucjami krajowymi i zagranicznymi w tym obszarze.
Although nearly 95 years have passed since Polish mining authorities have been instated in the newly forming 2nd Republic of Poland, their goal to supervise mining plants in order to improve the safety and work conditions of miners remained the same [3]. This overarching goal was reinforced in different iterations of mining laws and decrees throughout modern history. The Polish mining authorities pay special attention to promoting safety culture among mining entrepreneurs and miners themselves. This is done by a wide variety of means including informational meetings with the mining plants’ staff regarding the causes of incidents and accidents and entrepreneurs’ actions undertaken in order to improve the state of safety, scientific conferences where issues of occupational safety and health (OSH) as well as technological innovations are discussed, publications ranging from a monthly scientific journal to brochures about hazards associated with mining, prizes for people and institutions with great merit in the betterment of miners’ work conditions and safety (Fig. 2 & 3) and competitions which promote OSH. The State Mining Authority also utilizes new media and shares best practices in mining on its website in addition to informational movies and animations on its YouTube channel. Furthermore, Polish mining authorities cooperate with different domestic and foreign likeminded institutions in the field of OSH. The actions described in this article are a testimony to the mining authorities attachment to promoting safe and responsible behavior among miners and their efforts to improve their safety and work conditions.
W artykule przedstawiono autorską koncepcję kultury bezpieczeństwa w organizacji, która obejmuje zarówno definicję, jak i model zjawiska. Stanowiła ona podstawę doboru elementów kultury bezpieczeństwa w zakładach górniczych, ich operacjonalizacji i konstrukcji zestawu narzędzi badawczych. Narzędzia wykorzystano w badaniach zrealizowanych w zakładach górniczych – węglowych i miedzi. Główną intencją publikacji jest jednak próba oceny praktycznej wartości koncepcji. Cel ten zrealizowano poprzez: 1) wykazanie, w każdym z zakładów górniczych KGHM, różnic między stanem elementów warstwy mentalnej kultury bezpieczeństwa osób dozoru ruchu – rok 2012 w odniesieniu do roku 2002, 2) skonfrontowanie wielkości stwierdzonych różnic ze zmianami wskaźników wypadkowości. Ponadto określono możliwości i warunki dokonania celowej zmiany kultury bezpieczeństwa załogi.
The article presents an original concept of safety culture in organization which includes both a definition and model of phenomenon. It was basis for selecting elements of safety culture in mines, their operationalization and construction of research tools set. Tools were used in research carried out in mines – coal and copper. The main intention of the publication is, however, attempt to assess a practical value concept. This purpose was achieved by showing relationship between safety culture state changes and accidents level changes in mines of KGHM Polska Miedz S.A., as well as determining possibilities and conditions to make intentional changes of safety culture of staff.
Mimo wielu pozytywnych aspektów istnienia górnictwa, odciska ono swój ślad na powierzchni Ziemi i oddziałuje na lokalne społeczności. Sama tego świadomość rodzi konflikty pomiędzy przedsiębiorcami górniczymi a użytkownikami powierzchni i władzami samorządowymi oraz brak akceptacji społecznej dla górniczych zamierzeń inwestycyjnych. Tym samym, zaspokajanie potrzeb surowcowych kraju wymaga stałego łagodzenia konfliktów, wypracowywania kompromisów i pozyskiwania akceptacji społeczności rejonów występowania złóż kopalin. Służy temu rzetelna polityka informacyjna, tworzenie ram organizacyjnych rozwiązywania konfliktów oraz działania funkcjonujących zakładów górniczych, a przede wszystkim szybka likwidacja szkód górniczych. Istotne jest także istnienie służących temu rozwiązań prawnych. Artykuł przedstawia rozwiązania, jakie w tej dziedzinie wypracowano w Polsce i – na tym tle – omawia rolę i działania organów nadzoru górniczego w tym zakresie.
One of the conditions for the economic development of a country is a rational use of mineral deposits. Despite the numerous positive aspects of the related mining industry, its operations have often negative effects on the environment and residents of mining municipalities. Therefore, mining is not possible without the acceptance of local communities inhabiting the areas where the minerals are deposited. In Poland, a number of legal solutions have been developed to involve the communities in the decision making process pertaining to mining and to the repair of the resulting damages. Mining supervision authorities play an important role in the process of gaining the necessary acceptance. Their activities include the integration of the tasks undertaken within the boundaries of a mining area, prevention of damages, supervision and control over the correct operations of mining plants and timely damage repair as well as the popularisation of mining issues. First and foremost, by the appointment of the liaison teams and a Surface Protection Committee, these bodies form the organisational framework for preventing, mitigating and resolving conflicts between the mining companies and the local authorities. The chief principles of these activities are: objectivity and versatility as well as a full and just documentation of all issues, adopted in order to build the positive image of the mining authorities as honest, competent and unbiased. It facilitates conflict solving and the development of public acceptance for mining.
Artykuł przedstawia obszary zastosowania publicznie dostępnych baz danych w codziennej działalności nadzorczej i kontrolnej Okręgowego Urzędu Górniczego we Wrocławiu. W oparciu o informacje pozyskane z publicznie dostępnych baz danych można prowadzić postępowania administracyjne, weryfikować kierunek działań, podejmować decyzje albo tworzyć np. tematyczne, specjalistyczne mapy. Celem artykułu jest wymiana wzajemnych doświadczeń i dobrych praktyk w pracy organów administracji publicznej.
The article presents the areas of use of generally accessible databases such as: Electronic National Court Register, Central Land and Mortgage Register Database, Geoportal, Central Geological Database, Lower Silesian Geoportal and Geoserwis by the Regional Mining Authority in Wrocław. The information from these databases may be used to conduct administrative proceedings for illegal extraction of minerals, verify data on the business activity of companies and identification of land property owners and check the cartographic documentation as well as the location of mineral deposits and protected areas. The information retrieved from the public databases may be used for preparing rough drafts and themed maps required for analysis purposes.
W artykule omówiono zagadnienia związane z kompetencjami interpersonalnymi (społecznymi) dozoru i ich znaczeniem dla prawidłowego oraz sprawnego funkcjonowania kopalń węgla kamiennego oraz zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa pracy. Przedstawiono ramy definicyjne pojęcia kompetencji społecznych oraz związanych z nimi umiejętności. Podkreślono także ich znaczenie dla pełnienia funkcji kierowniczych. Ponadto, zaprezentowano wyniki diagnozy potrzeb szkoleniowych w obszarze kompetencji społecznych, przeprowadzonej w ramach seminariów dyskusyjnych z pracownikami dozoru kopalń węgla kamiennego.
The article discusses the issues of interpersonal (social) skills of the supervision personnel and their importance to appropriate and efficient functioning of hard coals mines and to the workplace safety. The definition framework of social competencies and particular skills were presented, including personal and interpersonal skills. Their importance for supervision roles in the post-industrial society and knowledge-based economy were also emphasised. The correlation between the low level of interpersonal skills of the supervision personnel and the performance of managerial tasks was described as found by the study, namely the difficulties arising due the lack of people handling skills and lack of communication instruments. The results of the diagnosis of training needs in the area of social competencies were presented as obtained by discussion seminars with supervision personnel of hard coal mines. The low level of supervision personnel training in the area of social competencies was emphasised as well as the very high level of declared needs in the area. The article presents the researched preference of the supervision personnel in the matters of: organisation of social competence trainings, training methods and payments, criteria for selecting employees for training and the range of topics discussed.
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