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1 września 2021r. minęły 82 lata dzielące nas od wybuchu II Wojny Światowej. Jest to znaczący okres w naszym życiu i pamięci. Przeszedłem i ja ten wielki szlak przeżyć i wspomnień, a swoją służbę i pracę zakończyłem w Wojskowym Instytucie Technicznym Uzbrojenia w podwarszawskiej Zielonce. Daje to mi śmiałość do zapisania niektórych faktów skrywanych w pamięci i refleksji o tych trudnych wojennych czasach. Mam nadzieję, że czytelnik moje opowiadanie przyjmie z życzliwością.
Date of 01 September, 2021 marks 82 years from the start of the Second World War. It is a meaningful time in our life and memory. I also covered that great road of experiences and memories to terminate my service and work in the Military Institute of Armament Technology in Zielonka near Warsaw. For that reason I dare to put on the paper some facts and reflections hidden in memory about that difficult wartime. I hope that the reader receives my story with kindness.
Posługując się z konieczności ograniczoną wiedzą i czerpiąc z tradycji i historii, pragnę zasygnalizować wybrane fragmenty doktryny obronnej zawarte w traktatach Andrzeja Maksymiliana Fredry (ok. 1620-1679), wybitnego działacza i uczonego, nawiązując do koncepcji polskiego merkantylizmu, wpływów obcej myśli militarnej i przykładów rozwiązywania problemów obronności w skali makro i mikro, od dyplomacji i polityki po logistykę wojskową sięgającą pojedynczego żołnierza. Zamierzam treść artykułu ująć w krótkich tezach o tradycjach pospolitego ruszenia i omawiając działalność Fredry i treść jego traktatów. Pamiętając o znaczeniu pytania o pożytki płynące z przypominania doświadczeń, ryzykuję kilka ocen.
Examples found in the general and Polish history, concerning the institution of mass levy, point to its basic problem – the necessity to determine the size of citizens mobilization proper for the foreseen threat. Common conscription was used rarely, in extreme situations of total defeat and propaganda was usually at the lost position. In this article I made a short analysis of the set of concepts of the ‘small mass levy’ as it was seen by Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro (circa 1620-1679), statesman and practitioner using his broad knowledge. His presentation of the rules of such a doctrine was based on the elements of mercantilism doctrine, physiocracy and in connection with military science – it developed the method of economy and military logistics. Being forced to use limited knowledge and culling from tradition and history, I would like to put emphasis on the chosen pieces of defence doctrine incorporated in the tractates of Andrzej Maksymilian Fredro (about 1620-1679), a prominent activist and scholar, alluding to the concept of Polish mercantilism, the influence exerted by foreign military thought and the examples of solving defence problems on the macro- and micro-scale, starting from diplomacy and politics and ending at the military logistics pertaining to every single soldier. What I intend to do is to present the content of the article in short theses concerning the tradition of mass levy and deliberating on Fredro’s activity and his tractates. Keeping in mind the question concerning the benefits stemming from the process of recalling experiences, I take the risk of some assessment.
The art of war has a long and rich history. Thousands of treaties have been written by hundreds of theoreticians during dozens years since it emerged. The article deals with only a few. They include the representative of the antiquity (Xenophon, Thucydides and Caesar), the Middle Ages (Machiavelli) and modern history (Luddendorf, Fuller and Liddell-Hart).
Content available remote Taktyczne aspekty bitwy pod Kannami
The article is a collection of the author’s thoughts concerning tactical aspects of the Battle of Cannae fought between the Roman and Carthaginian armies during the Second Punic War. It is worth stressing that the Carthaginians defeated almost two-fold numerically superior enemy, closing them in a double envelopment and almost completely destroyed them. The reasons of the victory of forces under Hannibal’s command lies in his respecting such axioms of fighting as correct defining of the point of gravity of operations and its manoeuvring in the course of fighting, the unity of command, cooperation of services, building advantage in a decisive time and place, surprise and taking advantage of its consequences, manoeuvre, maintaining reserves, correct evaluation of the enemy and the use of terrain. Moreover, the author points out mistakes made by the Romans such as improper choice of place, not seeing the possibility of Carthaginians’ counter-manoeuvre, looking for the settlement in the front assault and improper command organization. The article underlines the necessity of drawing conclusions resulting from past military confrontations that could prove useful in preparing modern variants of force operations. The material respects the criterion of historical truth that is proved by a great number of quoted sources dealing with the problem of that unprecedented battle in the history of the art of war.
Content available remote Bezpieczeństwo polityczno-militarne Europy w czasach „Belle Epoque”
The article features a chronological review of major military alliances signed by then existing European powers. The starting point for the considerations is the end of French – Prussian war (1870-1871) and setting up the German Empire which inspired a new style of European security. Its main aim was to keep peace, basing on the principle of mutual balance of forces. Pursuing this balance was an inspiration to sign military treaties. While discussing the military alliances and treaties, the authors analyse the process of development of the Dual Alliance, Triple Alliance and Triple Agreement. Those military pacts of 1914 transformed into military blocks of the Great War (1914-1918). Basing on the process of shaping these major military alliances in Europe, also some other minor, often bilateral, military alliances are discussed. The authors conclude that in the times of steam, electricity and automobile, European military alliances and divisions divided the Old Continent into two opposite camps. Here, the authors agree with Norman Davies’ thesis that since the 80s of the 19th century we can talk about Europe’s bipolarity. That division, with certain changes, remained until the 80s of the 20th century.
The article discusses organisational changes in the Land Forces of the Polish Armed Forces’ (PAF) in the West carried out after World War II. In the introduction the author presents the Land Forces’ combat strength at the end of the war and the plans of development prepared by the Supreme Commander and the scope of their accomplishment. Then there are shown organisational structures of the main brigades, divisions and units of respective branches. The final part of the article focuses on the Polish Armed Forces’ in the West disbandment within overall demobilisation of the allied armed forces. The material is complemented with charts and organisational diagrams.
Content available remote Polskie wojska operacyjne w systemie bezpieczeństwa państwa w latach 1955-1975
The article deals with the role of Polish operational forces in the system of the state security in 1955 - 1975. The first two parts present the place of these forces in the military security system and their basic tasks in various kinds of military operations. Then the changes of operational forces' combat content was shown, with special attention drawn to their different dynamics. The last part of the article presents plans of these forces' operational use in case of war, within the Warsaw Pact offensive strategic operation, and the concepts of their use for direct defence of the country, which made up the assumptions of regular strategic-operational and operational exercises carried out by the General Staff of the Polish Army. The whole article is complemented with charts and maps.
This article presents the main forms of senior commanders supplementary education in the Armed Forces of the Second Republic of Poland. The fundamental content was tailored according to the chronology and problems. As a result, the Reader has a possibility to follow the development of the educational system of staff officers and Generals of the Polish Army. This process was conditioned by the development of the then Polish Armed Forces. To write this article, the Author used the archive and secondary sources. The article, therefore, presents a wide-ranging and exhaustive description of the established research problem. The main considerations concentrated on three main periods, which include the following years: 1921-1926; 1926-1935 and 1935-1939. These periods are determined by changes which happened in the field of structure and organization of Polish Armed Forces between 1921 and 1939. The content discussed in this material is a valuable completion of historical knowledge concerning the interwar period, but it can also have some modem applications to similar contemporary problems.
Content available remote Zarys polskiej myśli obronno-ekonomicznej w latach 1918-1939
Polish defensive and economic thought in the time of the Polish Second Republic (1918-1939) was built due to the needs and capabilities of the then state. The defensive - economic thought in the period under research was focused firstly on the science applied for the armed forces to use (the armed forces’ organization and organizational - functional structures and supplying of troops). The following factors influenced the development of this thought: lack of their own experience from World War 1, economic backwardness of the country, the level of national military thought (keeping large number of troops, particularly the infantry and cavalierly and conservatism characteristic for the majority of high military commanders). In the course of time, influenced by military threat, this thought concentrated on the knowledge to serve defensive-economic policy. War economics specialists dealt with the following matters in their publications: location and functioning of the defence industry, supplies and agriculture in wartime, economic mobilization, war financing, role of personnel and raw materials resources in wartime. They followed and took advantage offoreign literature in their scientific investigations. These publications have cognitive, theoretical and pragmatic values. However, many of these thoughts could not be implemented, as they did not match political, strategic interests and weaknesses of the Polish economy at that time. This thought cannot be completely condemned, ignored, disparaged or glorified. Nevertheless, these are our roots that have to be known and researched.
The article deals with changes in organizational structures of armoured and mechanized battalions of the Polish Armed Forces in 1945-1975. The author presents them on the background of three post-war armed forces’ development periods, i.e. passing into peacetime in 1945-1948, reconstruction in the time of growing tension on the international arena in 1949-1975 and reorganization and technical modernization of forces in order to adapt them to operations in conditions of using nuclear weapon in 1955-1975. This allows defining existing conditions of performed transformations and showing their specific character. The article is completed with organizational figures and a table which contains comparison of armoured and mechanized battalions’ forces and assets in the period under discussion.
The article presents political and military reasons to create the first after the Second World War, typically military academic school in Poland. Apart from its tasks, functional and organisational structure, also the process of creating the scientific and didactic environment of the Academy of General Staff (ASG - Akademia Sztabu Generalnego) has been described. The crucial element of this article is to characterise the recruitment system to ASG and the results of entrance exams. Also the scale of influence of Russian patterns onto the process of creating and education in the Academy and the range of help rendered by the Soviet Union in the first years of ASG functioning has been presented. The contents of the article were based on the current Polish and foreign literature concerning that matter and on the unpublished earlier archival materials.
The article presents examples of selected battles conducted using fortification in military conflicts after 1945. In the second half of the 20th century, armies took advantage of permanent fortifications, which during local wars were significantly modernised and transformed. The Indo-Chinese War, the French-Algerian conflict and Israeli-Arab wars gave many interesting examples of the fortification development in 1945-1954. However, it can be noticed that only well developed countries’ armies developed the fortifications, the system of which resembled the military architecture from the 19th and early 20th centuries. The French fortified camp “Dien Bien Phu” and Israeli line “Bar'Leva” are examples of such fortifications erected after 1945, in spite of the fact that they were built in the semi-permanent fortification system. We can see further evolution and broad use of fortifications taking into consideration the diversity of their role and forms in military conflicts in the second half of the 20th century. The terrain and modern war technology to strengthen the fortifications were always taken into account. The fortifications’ strength of defence was also conditioned by the armies’ logistical and material possibilities. The forms of fortifications depended on the tasks carried out by the armies and the development of engineering. Although the contemporary war gained an air-land character, modern armies still face many difficulties in order to capture fortified points, areas and zones.
In the article the author presents Russian Interior Troops fighting against Ukrainian Underground in 1944-1947, their structure, methods and principles of their activities and the subsequent phases of their re-organisation. He also lists the possibilities of avoiding UPA (Ukrainian Partisan Army) attacks, drawing particular attention to the security of marching in various conditions. The author describes the characteristic features of Reconnaissance and Search Group’s activities, its organisation and UPA troops’ methods of conducting actions.
The article presents the history of attack and defence in limited visibility conditions in military conflicts of the 20th century. The author showed the attack and defence in night in conditions, and also technical developments applied successfully in this kind of actions in the 20th century that influenced them. The final part of the article concentrates on psychological aspects on contemporary battlefield in limited visibility conditions.
Content available remote Sztab Generalny Naczelnego Dowództwa Wojska Polskiego : 1919-1921
The Polish Armed Forces and its supreme structures were established before independent Poland was reborn. The Polish Armed Forces General Staff was set up on October 25th, 1918 by the terms of a decree of Regency Board of the Polish Kingdom. The article deals with the activities of the General Staff in the period of fighting for the reborn Poland's borders. A special role is assigned to tasks of recognising the enemy’s plans, the location of its forces, developing homogenous organisational army structures, training doctrine, supporting front units and, limited, operational planning.
Content available remote Szkolenie dowództw (sztabów) na przestrzeni dziejów
The need to train commands (staffs) arose when the first mass armies appeared. Then the necessity to shape and develop the effectiveness of thinking and operability of action in different battlefield situations was perceived among command (staff) officers. Various forms of training, exercises in particular were to serve this aim. The first exercise used to train commands (staffs) was so called war game, the principles of which were very similar to the game of chess but figurines envisaged battalions and squadrons were used instead of pawns, and a map of the terrain instead of the chessboard. The second half of the 19th century finally shaped the modern system of command (staff) officers' training (education). The main forms that dominated then were various forms of physical exercises in field using staff maps. Dominating methods used in the course of these exercises were reproductive or imitative methods and also others similar to currently applied ones such as situational, stage, biographical and historical methods. A rapid development of the art of war (particularly changing ways of waging battles), the creation of national armies and further development of combat means influenced finally the system of command (staff) officers in that period. Also professional preparation of commanders and staff officers had an impact on staff schools educating personnel for senior staffs. Further shaping of the cadre training system in the Republic of Poland after World War I and II and within the Warsaw Pact framework concentrated on significant intensity of training endeavours, particularly coalition exercises on a large scale with the participation of many armies representing the member states of the Warsaw Pact and also on problems dominating at those times. The problems referred to mobilisation deployment of troops, waging operations in the initial stage of war, active and manoeuvre operations, fighting from defence to assault, marching on long distances, manoeuvre groups' activities and complex fire assault on the enemy. The training, however, was not fully adjusted to the needs of particular units (commands/staffs) due to their character and designation. The next transformations of the command (staff) training of land forces troops take place within the Partnership for Peace Programme and after our joining NATO. Currently (after entering NATO structures) the command (staff) operational -tactical training for land forces units should be modified so that the training would enable the cadre a permanent operational - tactical condition in case of crisis or armed conflict situation. The new tactical - operational training system of the units' cadre should be based in particular on the defence doctrine assumptions of the state and also be coherent with the training doctrine of the Polish Armed Forces and NATO. Exercises should continue to be the main forms of operational - tactical training, but command - staff exercises supported with computer simulation and exercises with (episodic) participation of troops and in the field.
Content available remote Spartańscy tresantes w V-IV wieku p.n.e.
The author analyses the importance of courage and cowardice in Spartan ideology trying to explain the status of tresantes who suffered infamy and severe punishment for cowardice on a battlefield. Contrary to common in science beliefs, the author thinks that the Spartans differentiated punishment towards tresantes and that pragmatism dominated in their evaluations. According to the author, the attitude to cowardice and cowards in Sparta was generally the same as in other Greek states. The differences resulted mainly from maximalisation of Hoplic ideology. The author claims that the statement that a Spartan returned from war „with a shield or on a shield” was created as an element of the Spartan legend late (maybe in 2nd century AD). The article also includes general remarks on Spartan military and the state of research on war and military in ancient Greece.
Content available remote Broń chemiczna : czynnik warunkujący powstanie wojsk obrony przeciwchemicznej
The article presents problems connected with a long and complex way of transformations of chemical defence troops, the establishment and development of which is closely connected with using chemical weapon on a battlefield. In the introduction the author analyses historical aspects of chemical weapon appearance before the beginning of World War I. It is stressed that by that war toxic means had been known and later were used on a massive scale during that war (chlorine, mustard gas). In the further part of the article the International agreements that in 1899 and 1907 banned using any toxins have been discussed. Next dates and places where chemical weapons was used are listed. The periods of using chemical weapon is analysed in detail in this part of the article. Concluding the percentage losses in soldiers as a result of applying chemical weapon are described. There has been pointed out the need to equip troops with appropriate forces and assets that allow liquidating its dangerous consequences. Much attention is drawn to the development of the troops on particular stages of their actions.
Content available remote Z dziejów kształcenia oficerów Polskiej Marynarki Wojennej
The rebirth of Poland and the decree of Józef Piłsudski, the Supreme Commander ordering the creation of the Polish Navy on 28 November 1918 enabled re-establishing maritime education and training. The first unit was the Navy Cadre in Toruń (February 9, 1920). On 1 July 1920, the Course for the Polish Navy River Officers, transferred from Warsaw, started its activity. An unsuccessful development of the situation on Poland’s eastern border caused that in summer of 1920 the Ministry of Military Affairs decided to direct all available forces onto the front. The resumption of officer training for the Navy needs was possible after the end of the war. On 15 March 1921, Temporary Instruction Courses for the Navy Officers were called in Toruń and they were later transformed into the Navy Officers’ School. The article presents the history of this school until dissolving it on 11 September 1939. The end of the Second World War enabled re-establishing the maritime education and training. On 20 February 1949, the Navy Higher Officers’ School started its activities, it was later transformed into the Navy Higher School (WSMW). October 1, 1987 started a new chart in the school history. On that day it was transformed into the Naval Academy that prepares candidates for the officers for the Polish Navy needs who graduate as Master of Science or Engineers.
The beginnings of educational activities in the Polish army date back to the second half of the 18th century and are connected with patterns worked out at the Knights’ School. The article presents the educational activities from the Knights’ School times until the First World War. The forms and methods of conducting such activities have been characterised and its influence on raising the level of education among soldiers and shaping patriotic attitudes have been discussed.
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