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w słowach kluczowych:  metrology of geometrical quantitie
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The paper presents a new method of analysis of a controlled radius (CR). The presented method was verified based on simulations of coordinate measurements and during real measurements conducted on the selected coordinate measuring machine (CMM) – ACCURA II. In addition, the investigations were conducted by means of the Calypso metrology software and the Python programming environment. Computer simulations were performed for the selected dispersion of measurement points relating to nominal data of measured products. The actual coordinate measurements were conducted by using various measurement strategies. The created method takes into account the analysis of flattening of a considered curve, for which the measurement characteristic CR is determined. The analysis was conducted based on linear regression. The advantage of the presented method is the possibility of its implementation in software of a CMM and, consequently, the use of the above-mentioned method in industry. The new method detected flat fragments of measured objects regardless of the applied number of measurement points.
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