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W niniejszej pracy przedstawione zostały wyniki badań meteorytów i próbek biologicznych, przeprowadzonych w ostatnim czasie w kierowanym przeze mnie Laboratorium Spektroskopii Mössbauerowskiej. Badania te dotyczyły między innymi opracowania nowej metody pozwalającej na dokonywanie wstępnej klasyfikacji chondrytów zwyczajnych. Równolegle do badań dotyczących meteorytów zostało zaproponowane użycie spektroskopii mössbauerowskiej do badania próbek biologicznych. Widma mössbauerowskie chondrytów zwyczajnych składają się z dwóch dubletów ze względu na obecność żelaza paramagnetycznego w oliwinach i piroksenach oraz dwóch sekstetów pochodzących od magnetycznie uporządkowanego żelaza obecnego w fazach metalicznych i troilicie. Powierzchnie spektralne różnych faz mineralogicznych w meteorytach, określone przez zastosowanie spektroskopii mössbauerowskiej, są proporcjonalne do liczby atomów żelaza w danej fazie mineralogicznej. Ta właściwość widm mössbauerowskich stanowiła podstawę do skonstruowania metody klasyfikacji chondrytów zwyczajnych. Metoda ta wykorzystuje pola powierzchni spektralnych widm mössbauerowskich, które analizowane są za pomocą wielowymiarowej analizy dyskryminacyjnej i odległości Mahalanobis. Metoda ta nosi nazwę 4M i pozwala określić prawdopodobieństwo przynależności chondrytu zwyczajnego do danego typu - H, L lub LL. Spektroskopia mössbauerowska nie jest rutynowo stosowana do oznaczania stężenia żelaza. Ponieważ jednak ta metoda nie wymaga wstępnej obróbki próbek przed pomiarem, może mieć ona ogromne znaczenie dla oceny stężenia żelaza w próbkach, które można następnie wykorzystać do dalszych badań. Próbki biologiczne są tego dobrym przykładem. Uważa się, że żelazo może odgrywać ważną rolę w neurodegeneracji. W pracy przedstawione zostały wyniki badań porównawczych obszarów ludzkiego mózgu (kontrolnych i patologicznych), przeprowadzonych za pomocą technik spektroskopii mössbauerowskiej i obrazowania metodą rezonansu magnetycznego. Spektroskopia mössbauerowska wykazała wyższe stężenie żelaza w atypowym parkinsonizmie (nazywanym postępującym porażeniem nadjądrowym) w obszarach mózgu takich jak istota czarna (substantia nigra) oraz gałka blada (globus pallidus) w stosunku do próbek stanowiących grupę kontrolną. W pozostałych chorobach neurodegeneracyjnych nie zarejestrowano wzrostu stężenia żelaza w tkankach mózgowych. Ze względu na fakt, że określenie roli żelaza może wnieść bardzo wiele w zrozumienie mechanizmów powstawania i rozwoju chorób neurodegeneracyjnych, badania mössbauerowskie próbek mózgowych stanowią ciekawy i perspektywiczny kierunek badań, który wymaga przeprowadzenia dalszych pomiarów i analiz.
This work presents the recent research results related to meteorites and biological samples conducted in the Mössbauer Spectroscopy Laboratory led by the Author. These studies concerned, among others, the development of a new method allowing for the preliminary classification of ordinary chondrites. Parallel to the research on meteorites, it was proposed to use Mössbauer spectroscopy to study biological samples. The Mössbauer spectra of ordinary chondrites consist of two doublets due to the presence of paramagnetic iron in olivines and pyroxenes and two sextets derived from magnetically ordered iron present in metallic and troilite phases. The spectral areas of various mineralogical phases in meteorites; determined by the use of Mössbauer spectroscopy; are proportional to the number of iron atoms in this mineralogical phase. This property of the Mössbauer spectra formed the basis for constructing a method for classifying ordinary chondrites. This method uses the spectral surface areas of the Mössbauer spectra, which are analysed using multidimensional discriminant analysis and Mahalanobis distances. This method is called 4M and allows one to determine the probability of belonging to one of the types of ordinary chondrites - H, L or LL. Mössbauer spectroscopy in not routinely used to determine iron concentration. However, as this method does not require pre-treatment of samples prior to measurements, it can be of great importance for assessing iron in samples that can then be used for further testing. Here, biological samples are a good example. It is believed that iron can play an important role in neurodegeneration. Thus, the work presents the results of comparative studies of areas of the human brain (control and pathological) carried out using Mössbauer spectroscopy techniques and magnetic resonance imaging. Mössbauer spectroscopy showed a higher concentration of iron in atypical parkinsonism (called progressive supranuclear palsy) in areas of the brain such as substantia nigra and globus pallidus compared to control group samples. In other neurodegenerative diseases, no increase in iron concentration in brain tissues was recorded. Due to the fact that determining the role of iron can contribute a lot to understanding the mechanisms of the formation and development of neurodegenerative diseases, Mössbauer studies of brain samples are an interesting direction of research that requires further measurements and analyses.
Content available Morocco meteorite falls and finds: some statistics
Since the first recorded discovery of a meteorite in 1937 near the Mrirt village (Khenifra, Morocco), a total of 946 authenticated meteorites have been recorded in Morocco. The material, including 10 observed falls, comprises 918 stones, 13 irons and 15 stony-irons. A low ratio of falls to finds (represent only 0.01 % of the Moroccan declared meteorites) compared with other countries (e.g., USA 14.3 %). However the rate of recovery of meteorites (falls + finds) in Morocco exceeds that of most other countries of similar size and range of climatic conditions. More than 95 % of documented meteorites from Morocco have been recovered from Eastern Morocco (Eastern Sahara Moroccan) including many rare types. This Region has proved to be one of the most prolific areas in the world for meteorite finds.
Content available remote The thermoluminescence of meteorites: a brief 2010 perspective
Early work on meteorite thermoluminescence, influenced by pottery dating and dosimetry applications, demonstrated a relationship between natural thermoluminescence and (1) the orbital per-ihelion of a meteorite and (2) the terrestrial age (time since fall) of a meteorite. For 14 years natural TL measurements were routinely made on newly recovered Antarctic meteorites to help identify unu-sual thermal and radiation histories, and to sort them by terrestrial age and perihelion. Two examples of the value of such data are presented, an Antarctic meteorite that underwent a major orbit change prior to fall and the collection mechanics of meteorites at the Lewis Cliff collection site. A second major area of focus for meteorite TL, that has no non-meteorite heritage, is the use of their induced TL to provide an extraordinarily sensitive and quantitative means of exploring metamorphic intensity and palaeothermometry. While especially valuable for unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, these types of measurement have proved useful with virtually every major class of meteorite, asteroidal and plan-etary. The challenge now is to extend the technique to small particles, micrometeorites, interplanetary dust particles, and cometary particles.
Analiza katodoluminescencyjna (CL) została wykorzystana do zbadania czterech różnych meteorytów należących do grupy ureilitów: Dhofar 1303, DaG 868, DaG 999 oraz NWA. We wszystkich próbkach odkryte zostały diamenty o różnych barwach luminescencji i widmach CL. Świadczy to o zróżnicowaniu rodzajów centrów luminescencji w sieci krystalicznej badanych ziaren. Głównymi liniami emisyjnymi w diamentach z ureilitów są: 433 ±5 nm, 615 ±5 nm i 520 ±5 nm. Badane diamenty należy zaliczyć do typu Ia. Są to diamenty zawierające podstawienia węgla przez atomy azotu (>1018 N/cm3) występujące w formie agregatów, a nie pojedynczych atomów.
Four different meteorites of the ureilite group have been examined with cathodoluminescence method: Dhofar 1303, DaG 868, DaG 999 and NWA. Diamonds differing both in luminescence colours and CL spectra have been discovered in all the samples. They show diversity of luminescence centres in the crystalline lattice of the grains. Main emission lines in diamonds from ureilites are 433 ±5 nm, 615 ±5 nm and 520 ±5 nm. The diamonds should be classified as Type Ia. They contain substitutions of carbon by nitrogen atoms (>1018 N/cm3) occurring in the form of aggregates rather than individual atoms.
Content available Microscopic investigations of Shisr 007 meteorite
Elemental composition, mineral composition and microstructure of Shisr 007 meteorite found in 2001 have been studied by analytical electron microscopy. It was established that the main meteorite minerals: olivines, pyroxenes, troilite, and graphite identified in the sample represent extraterrestrial minerals typical of olivine-pyroxene achondrites. Chemical and mineral composition, and texture confirm previous classification of this achondrite as ureilite.
Badano skład pierwiastkowy, skład mineralny i mikrostrukturę meteorytu pustynnego Shisr 007 wykrytego w Omanie w 2001 roku. Do badań wykorzystywano analityczną mikroskopię elektronową. Ustalono, że zarówno skład pierwiastkowy, jak i skład mineralny, a także mikrostruktura tego nowego materiału pozaziemskiego potwierdzają jego przynależność do urelitów. Stwierdzono, że zawartość fajalitu w pewnych oliwinach jest wyższa, a zawartość wollastonitu w pewnych piroksenach jest wyższa lub niższa niż poprzednio ustalono. Ureilit Shisr 007 uległ prawdopodobnie utlenieniu podczas wietrzenia na Ziemi.
The Songyuan chondrite is composed mostly of minerals and chondrule types common in equilibrated ordinary chondrites. More distinctively, the Songyuan material includes numerous sintered cryptocrystalline rock lumps, possible chondrule precursors, and less frequent fragments of olivine-pyroxene basalt. The moderate porosity (estimated under the polarizing microscope at a few percent by volume) and un compacted metal grains, suggest that the meteorite came from very shallow horizons of the regolith. The shallow original position of the Songyuan fragment on its parent body is consistent also with the abundance of numerous euhedral crystals of the main meteoritic components present in the interstitial pores. They crystallized most probably from fluids migrating through the superficial horizons from the in ner parts of the Songyuan parent body. The structural characteristics and slight differentiation in olivine composition suggests a high degree of homogenization and, together with the median value of the fayalite content (26.2 š0.24 wt.%), corre sponds to the L5 chemical-petrologic group of equilibrated ordinary chondrites. More over, the homogenous extinction in the olivine crystals and the absence of multiple planar fractures indicate the lowest level of the shock metamorphism (S1), whereas the lack of any oxide rims around kamacite and troilite grains points to the lowest level of weathering (W0).
Content available Microstructure on NWA 4435 meteorite
Elemental composition, mineral composition and microstructure of NWA 4435 meteorite found in 2006 has been studied by analytical electron microscopy and optical microscopy. It was established that the main meteorite minerals: olivines, pyroxenes, troilite, and graphite identified in the sample represent extraterrestrial minerals typical of carbonaceous chondrites. Chemical and mineral composition, petrologic type of chondrules, their abundance and sizes, the presence of troilite, and abundance of oxidized iron phases confirm CV3 class of this chondrite.
Badano skład chemiczny i mineralny oraz mikrostrukturę meteorytu NWA 4435. Zanalizowano chondry i ciasto skalne meteorytu. Obecność chondr, troilitu, inkluzji wysokotemperaturowych oraz tekstura próbki świadczą o pozaziemskim pochodzeniu badanej skały i przynależności tego meteorytu do chondrytów węglistych klasy CV3.
Elemental and mineral composition of Gold Basin and El Hammami meteorites discovered in 1995 and 1997 have been studied by analytical electron microscopy and optical microscopy. It was established that the main meteorite minerals: olivines, pyroxenes, kamacite and taenite as well as troilite identified in the samples represent extraterrestrial minerals typical of the ordinary chondrites. Feldspars represented by plagioclase, orthoclase, magnetite, calcite, chromite and silica have been also present in the studied samples. Chemical and mineral composition, iron content, petrologic types of chondrules, their abundance and sizes, the presence of troilite veins and abundance of nonoxidised iron phases confirm H class of El Hammami chondrite, i.e.. olvine-bronzite class, and L class of Gold Basin, i.e. olivine-hyperstene class.
Badano skład chemiczny i mineralny meteorytów Gold Basin i El Hammami. Zanalizowano chondry i ciasto skalne. Obecność chondr oliwinowych, chondr piroksenowych, żył troilitowych oraz faz żelazo-niklowych: kamacytu i troilitu świadczą o pozaziemskim pochodzeniu badanych skał. Oprócz minerałów najbardziej rozpowszechnionych w meteorytach takich jak: oliwin, piroksen, kamacyt, taenit i troilit wykryto także plagiklazy, magnetyt, kalcyt, chromit, ortoklaz i krzemionkę. Zgodnie z uprzednią klasyfikacją Gold Basin jest chondrytem klasy L o niskiej zawartości żelaza, a El Hammami chondrytem typu H zawierającym dużo żelaza.
Content available remote Microscopic studies of NWA4047 meteorite
Elemental and mineral composition of NWA4047 meteorite found in 2005 has been studied by analitical electron microscopy and optical microscopy. It was established that the main meteorite minerals: olivines, pyroxenes, kamacite and taenite as well as troilite identified in the sample represent extraterrestrial minerals typical of the ordinary chondrite of high iron content. Chemical and mineral composition, petrologic types of chondrules, their abundance and sizes, the presence of troilite veins and abundance of nonoxidised iron phases confirm H class of this chondrite, i.e. olvine-bronzite class.
Badano skład chemiczny i mineralny meteorytu NWA 4047. Zanalizowano chondry i ciasto skalne tego meteorytu. Obecność chondr, żył troilitowych oraz faz żelazo-niklowych: kamacytu i troilitu świadczą o pozaziemskim pochodzeniu badanej skały i przynależności tego meteorytu do chondrytów żelaznych o dużej zawartości żelaza, tj. do klasy chondrytów oliwinowo-bronzytowych.
Effective absorption and reflection coefficients was calculated on the basis of measurements made with the aid of the laser flash method and the differential scanning microcalorimetry for a small specimen of the meteoritic iron from the Morasko fall. For the Morasko meteorite, the effective reflection coefficient is equal to 69 % and the effective absorption coefficient is to high to be measured with the laser flash method. Those values means that the properties of the meteorite sample slightly differs from that for the pure iron.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń efektywnych współczynników odbicia i pochłaniania wykonanych na podstawie pomiarów przeprowadzonych za pomocą Laserowej Metody Impulsowej oraz skaningowej mikrokalorymetrii różnicowej dla małej próbki pobranej z żelaznego meteorytu Morasko. Dla tej próbki meteorytu efektywny współczynnik odbicia jest równy 69 % a efektywny współczynnik absorpcji jest niemierzalny za pomocą Laserowej Metody Impulsowej. Wartości te oznaczają, że właściwości próbki meteorytu niewiele różnią się od tych podawanych dla czystego żelaza.
Content available remote Datowanie meteorytów kamiennych metodą potasowo-argonową
W niniejszej pracy, całkowicie wykonanej w Pracowni Spektrometrii Mas Instytutu Fizyki UMCS, przedstawiamy wyniki datowania sześciu meteorytów kamiennych: Baszkówka, Pułtusk, Norton County, Chico Hills, Point of Rocks i Dimmitt. Koncentrację potasu wyznaczyliśmy precyzyjnie metodą rozcieńczenia izotopowego - maksymalny błąd względny wynosi 2% w przypadku Norton County przy zawartości potasu 0,0101%. Analiza argonu została przeprowadzona za pomocą spektrometru mas z próżnią statyczną. Cały wydzielony argon potraktowaliśmy jako radiogeniczny, ponieważ atmosferyczny argon został usunięty podczas kilkugodzinnego wygrzewania w temperaturze 150°C i pompowania. Otrzymane wieki meteorytów zawierają się pomiędzy 1,28 a 3,91 miliardów lat.
We have determined the K/Ar dates of the six stone meteorites: Baszkówka, Norton County, Dimmitt, Pułtusk, Chico Hills and Point of Rocks. We have obtained very precisely K content by isotope dilution mass spectrometry - max. relative error was 2% in the case of Norton County, in which the lowest %K was encountered. We have determined content of40Ar by static vacuum mass spectrometry. The total argon released was treated as radiogenic argon, because the atmospheric argon was released by heating samples in 150°C and pumping off over a few hours. The obtained dates of stone meteorites varied from 1.28 to 3.91 Ga. The oldest dates are younger than the age of the Solar System by about 0.5 Ga, likely because we did not release all the radiogenic argon.
The present paper describes two compound chondrules labelled panda and chevron, discovered in the Baszkówka meteorite. Optical microscope, electron microscope and electron microprobe studies revealed an unusual mineral composition and fabric. Both chondrules include "primary" and "secondary" components. The panda and chevron chondrules have apparent diameters of ~0.86 and ~0.54 mm respectively with spinel dominant in primary components and olivine-plagioclase in secondary components overlain by thin microcrystalline rims. Euhedral or subhedral Mg, Fe2+/Al, Cr-spinel crystals from the panda's primary component (zoned, cavernous or homogeneous) were not found in Mg-Fe chondrules in Baszkówka, where Cr occurs exclusively as chromite. Olivine crystals from panda's primary (Fa27.1) and secondary (Fa26.5) component have similar compositions to those from panda's rim (Fa26.4) and comparable to olivine from other Baszkówka Mg-Fe chondrules (average ~Fa25.7). The Ca-plagioclase laths from the groundmass of panda's primary component has an extremely variable composition (~An49 to ~An60), evidently more calcic than those in other chondrules of the meteorite (mean ~An13). The primary components of the two spinel-bearing chondrules may have been formed in a fireball generated by powerful impact during early accretion of a protoplanet. After crystallisation the spinel crystals were abraded and polished, probably during rapid flight through a dense cloud of interplanetary dust. The moderately reducing conditions of the hypothetical fire ball were replaced by a more reducing environment during the condensation of the rims of both chondrules.
Content available Radioactivity of the Baszkówka meteorite
In January 1996 a fragment, and in May 1996 a cut slab of the Baszkówka meteorite, were delivered for the radioactivity analysis to the Dosimetry Department of the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection (CLOR) in Warsaw. The measurement method was gamma spectrometry using HPGe (High Purity Germanium) detectors. The CLOR prepared volume calibration source identical to the cut slab of the meteorite delivered for analyses. The presence of 40K and the cosmogenic radionuclides such as 54Mn and 22Na was detected in the Baszkówka meteorite. The results and measurement method are discussed.
The contributions of Polish scientists to studies of extraterrestrial matter are described, and a history of investigations into the Pułtusk, Łowicz, Morasko and Baszkówka meteorites is given. Opinions expressed in Polish journals on the structure and genesis of chondrules are discussed, together with the results of X-ray structural research of graphites. Polish papers devoted to the studies of cosmic dusts, particularly of their aluminosilicate glass, are summarized. In this context the use of the infrared method in distinguishing terrestrial and cosmic glasses is stressed.
Oxygen isotopic compositions of two picotite-bearing chondrules from Baszkówka L5(S1) equilibrated ordinary chondrite have been determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry. The O-isotopic compositions of the minerals in the picotite-bearing chondrules are slightly more 16O-rich than the bulk O-isotopic composition of Baszkówka. The petrological properties and the O-isotopic compositions of these chondrules suggest that they have closer relationship to ferromagnesian chondrules than CAIs. The 16O-enrichment of the picotite-bearing chondrules may result from incomplete O exchange reaction between 16O-rich chondrule precursors and the 16O-poor solar nebular gas. This implies that the picotite-bearing chondrules are more primitive than ordinary ferromagnesian chondrules in Baszkówka. The O-isotopic compositions of the minerals in one of these chondrules relate to the crystallization sequence. These O-isotopic variations of minerals within the chondrule may result from incomplete O exchange between the chondrule melt droplet and the nebular gas. The heterogeneity of the O-isotopic composition in Baszkówka indicates that Baszkówka has not been homogenized completely during thermal metamorphism and/or secondary alteration.
Content available Noble gases in Baszkówka and Mt. Tazerzait
Concentration and isotopic composition of noble gases have been measured in bulk samples of the L5 chondrites Baszkówka and Mt. Tazerzait. Compared to other chondrites both meteorites have very large cosmic-ray exposure ages of 74 and 60 million years, respectively. During their history both meteorites were not involved in major thermal events.
The mineral composition of the Baszkówka meteorite comprises: olivine, pyroxenes, plagioclase, Fe,Ni metal, troilite and chromite with minor chlorapatite, whitlockite, magnetite, haematite, spinel, idaite, calcite and native Cu. A rare variety of spinel (picotite), probably the oldest among the minerals of Baszkówka, was identified in the only two chondrules named: panda and chevron. The composition of the olivine (Fa 26.2š1.8 wt.%) and the high degree of chondrite homogenisation, a result of thermal metamorphism, are consistent with earlier results and indicate the L5 group. No distinct shock effects were observed in Baszkówka, classified as S1. Troilite-Fe,Ni and Fe,Ni metal lumps are defined and interpreted as molten planetesimals impact splashes.
Content available Inventory of Polish meteorites
Meteorites which fell on or were found in Poland are arranged in chronological order. Each meteorite is described, and specimens preserved in Polish collections are listed.
The L5 chondrites Baszkówka and Mt. Tazerzait are characterised. Their astronomical, mineralogical and petrological characteristics confirm that these meteorites are similar. They could be derived from the same parent body, though from the different depths below its surface. A third meteorite - the Tjerebon - might have arisen from the same swarm of meteoroids. The parent body to these meteorites in the asteroid belt can not be established at present. The porosity, of these chondrites suggests that they formed close to the surface of their parent asteroid. The process of formation of the parent rock of the Baszkówka chondrite is similar in some respects to sedimentation of a weakly compacted terrestrial sandstone. Thus, a two-stage geological history may be envisaged: firstly formation of the component minerals and mineral aggregates of this meteorite. Then, later in a different environment, the accretion of fragments of this parent material, together with a small amount of matrix, into a strongly porous sedimentary rock.
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