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Instytut Energetyki Odnawialnej wraz z Polską Izbą Magazynowania Energii 5 września br. opublikowały „Mapę drogową dla magazynów ciepła w Polsce”. Ten obszerny raport dotyczy kluczowej roli magazynów ciepła w stabilizacji systemu energetycznego w Polsce.
W 2019 r. w środowisku polskich papierników wywiązała się dyskusja na temat konieczności upamiętniania nieistniejących oraz likwidowanych zakładów papierniczych. Zapoczątkował ją na łamach „Przeglądu Papierniczego” Leszek Goetzendorf Grabowski, wieloletni członek Komisji Historycznej SPP. Do dyskusji włączył się prof. Paweł Wandelt, ówczesny redaktor naczelny pisma, oraz historycy z Muzeum Papiernictwa. W wyniku licznych rozmów została wówczas wypracowana koncepcja stworzenia portalu internetowego w postaci mapy, z naniesionymi punktami zawierającymi informacje o dawnych i współczesnych zakładach papierniczych.
The development of cities and peri-urban areas is exerting an increasingly strong impact on the natural environment and, at the same time, on the living conditions and health of people. Problems and challenges that need to be addressed include increasing air pollution in these areas, formation of a surface urban heat island (SUHI), water management disruptions (water scarcity or excess), and the destruction of natural habitats. One of the solutions that contributes to climate change mitigation is the introduction of blue-green infrastructure into the city space and urbanised areas. The research objective was to identify spatial features (geodata) that determine the optimum location of selected blue-green infrastructure (BGI) components, acquire them, and then use the Geographical Information System (GIS) to determine their optimum locations. As the first step, cartographic models were developed which indicated areas that enable the development of selected blue-green infrastructure components in the Olsztyn city area, Warmińsko-Mazurskie Province, Poland. The models were juxtaposed with other two models developed by the authors, i.e. a surface urban heat island model and a demographic model that showed the age structure of the city’s population. Consequently, maps with potential locations for the blue-green infrastructure were developed, while taking into account reference data from the National Land Surveying and Cartographic Resource and Landsat 8 images. Keywords: blue-green infrastructure, drainage system, GIS, Landsat 8 images, map, reference databases, retention, spatial analysis
W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję konforemnego, analitycznego i jednostrefowego odwzorowania i układu kartograficznego dla obszaru Polski, charakteryzującego się mniejszymi o ok. 50% zniekształceniami długości niż np. układ PL-1992. Proponowany układ może mieć zastosowanie w procesach projektowo-realizacyjnych obiektów o wysokiej precyzji geometrycznej (np. węzły kolejowe, obiekty przemysłowe).
The paper presents the concept of a conformal, analytical and single-zone projection and cartographic system for the area of Poland, characterized by approx. 50% less length distortions than, for example, the PL-1992 system. The proposed system can be used in the design and implementation processes of objects with high geometric precision (e.g. railway junctions, industrial facilities).
The subject of the study is the forecasting of fires, on the example of Australian events in the winter of 2013, using the spatial location of fire-hazardous areas. To do this, several approaches were used to visualize data in space and time. A temporary map has been created showing the points of fires using a color scheme linked to the date. A series of small multiple visualizations has been developed. A time series has been created in which the regularity of the brightness of points is distributed depending on the date of origin and animated maps that allow you to view data in space and time. In this case, the geographic information system was used as the main tool when working with maps, as it is one of the best ways to process georeferenced data displayed on the map. A space-time cube is displayed, which displays data in 3D format, or rather, fire points, symbolized by the average temperature of the fire (displayed in different colors) in accordance with the day of the month. Finally, clusters of focal points were created using the space-time framework in the ArcGIS software environment. The described results of using the method of spatial location of fire hazardous zones, in addition to the direct task – localization of fire points (fires), this method makes it possible to study patterns in spatial and temporal scales, with the possibility of further visualization of the spatio-temporal cube in 3D format in the ArcScene program, which will allow more efficient predict fire hazardous periods and areas in the study area. The method of spatial location of fire hazardous areas can be used for any investigated area for which there are statistical and spatial data, both for the purpose of localizing fires, and for the purpose of studying patterns in selected space-time scales.
Content available Standardization of digital site plans in Poland
At the turn of the analogue and digital era in archaeology, in Poland, the earlier forms are still dominant. The National Institute of Cultural Heritage (NID in Polish) sets out the general rules for the development of site plans, which are the part of the archaeological field work documentation. However, NID does not define standards for the development of plans with the use of geoinformation technology. The paper presents some aspects of a digital site plan elaboration. The goal is also to demonstrate how to implement the solution in a Geographical Information System (GIS) application, using the example of QGIS software. On one hand, the solution proposed in this study is in line with the Polish archaeological nomenclature and gives the possibility to take into account data dependencies between sites located in different parts of the country. On the other hand, the proposed system of raw material and found codes may also be used to analyze concepts and phenomena covering an area beyond current national borders (e.g. the Amber Route based on fossil resin from the Baltic region). The description of the proposed archaeological site data model in Unified Modelling Language notation creates great implementation capabilities in any GIS and Database Management System environments. Standardization in the area of digital archaeological documentation and the use of common data structures may extend the possibilities of analysis and interpretation of research results both in the micro (e.g., urban) and macro scale (e.g., international).
Na przełomie ery analogowej i cyfrowej w archeologii, w Polsce, dalej w przewadze jest ta pierwsza. Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa zdefiniował ogólne reguły wykonywania planów stanowisk archeologicznych, które mają być przedstawione w dokumentacji z prac archeologicznych. Wytyczne NID nie definiują jednak, jak ma wyglądać standaryzacja poszczególnych elementów, w przypadku wykonywania opracowań za pomocą technologii geoinformacyjnej. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia wybrane aspekty opracowania cyfrowego planu stanowiska archeologicznego. Celem szczegółowym jest zaprezentowanie sposobu wdrożenia rozwiązania w systemach informacji geograficznej (GIS) na przykładzie QGIS. Opracowana koncepcja, zgodna z polską nomenklaturą archeologiczną, daje możliwość zintegrowania danych między stanowiskami w różnych częściach kraju. Proponowany system kodów surowców i zabytków mógłby mieć także zastosowanie przy analizie koncepcji i zjawisk obejmujących zasięgiem obszar wykraczający poza współczesne granice państw (np. Szlak Bursztynowy oparty na żywicy kopalnej z rejonu Bałtyku). Opis proponowanego modelu danych stanowiska archeologicznego, wykonany przy użyciu UML, stwarza duże możliwości implementacyjne w dowolnym środowisku narzędziowym GIS i systemie zarządzania bazą danych. Standaryzacja w obszarze cyfrowych opracowań archeologicznych oraz stosowanie uzgodnionych struktur danych mogą rozszerzać możliwości na poziomie analizy i interpretacji wyników badań w mikroskali, np. miejskiej lub makro, np. międzynarodowej.
Od 2019 roku Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii (GUGiK) nieodpłatnie udostępnia online zbiory uzyskane z lotniczego skaningu laserowego i ich produkty pochodne. Dane te umożliwiły przekształcenie (transformację) istniejącego zasobu map geodezyjnych (zbioru danych zgromadzonych w przestrzeni 2D) do obiektów przestrzennych oraz ich wizualizacji 3D. Celem niniejszej pracy było przedstawienie wykonanej transformacji danych i ocena jakości zrealizowanego procesu. Dodatkowo sprawdzono, czy zgromadzone dane mogą być bezpośrednio wykorzystane do budowy bazy danych trójwymiarowych (3D) - stanowiącej produkt atrakcyjny dla specjalistów z dziedziny inżynierii lądowej. Jest to istotne ustalenie, wiedząc, że służba geodezyjna wykonuje pomiary w nawiązaniu do osnowy poziomej i wysokościowej, czyli współcześnie wyznaczane są trzy współrzędne mierzonych obiektów W pracy wykorzystano zbiory udostępnione przez GUGiK, a także zbiory wektorowe zgromadzone na Wydziale Geoinżynierii UWM w Olsztynie. Ze zbiorów pozyskanych metodą pomiarów bezpośrednich w ramach studenckich praktyk pomiarowych opracowano bazy danych z obiektami zapisanymi za pomocą dwóch i trzech współrzędnych. Uzyskane w niniejszej pracy rezultaty wskazują, że można przekształcić istniejący zasób danych pomiarowych oraz map geodezyjnych do nowej formy prezentacji - prezentacji przestrzennej (3D) - bardziej czytelnej dla profesjonalistów wykorzystujących technologię BIM (ang. Building Information Modelling), jak również przyjaźniejszej obywatelom zainteresowanym użytkowaniem tych danych.
Since 2019 in Poland, the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (abbrev. in Polish, GUGiK) has made available on-line free of charge collections obtained from airborne laser scanning and their derivatives. These data enabled the conversation (transformation) of the existing resource of geodetic maps (a set of data collected in 2D space) into spatial objects and their 3D visualization. The purpose of this paper is to present the data transformation performed and to assess the quality of the implemented process. In addition, it was checked whether the collected data can be directly used to build a three-dimensional (3D) database - constituting a product attractive to specialists in the field of civil engineering. This is an important finding, knowing that the geodetic service performs measurements in relation to the horizontal and altitude network, i.e. nowadays, three coordinates of the measured objects are determined. The work uses the sets provided by GUGiK, as well as vector sets collected at the Faculty of Geoengineering at UWM in Olsztyn. The sets were obtained from direct measurements carried out as part of measurement's student practices, from which databases with recorded objects using two and three coordinates were developed. The results obtained in this study indicate that it is possible to transform the existing resource of measurement data and geodetic maps into a new form of presentation - spatial (3D) presentation - more readable for professionals using BIM technology (Building Information Modelling), as well as more friendly to citizens interested in using these data.
With the increasing need for energy, energy studies to be obtained from waste gain importance. In this study, it has been tried to determine the amount of biogas energy that can be obtained from olive pomace (pirina), which is produced by processing oil olives. Numerical maps of pirina amounts and potential biogas energy values and location maps of the proposed pirina processing plant were created. The necessary calculations were made by comparing the obtained results with the relevant literature information. In the study, the current potential biogas energy amount was calculated, maps were created and the electricity and gasoline energy equivalent levels of this energy were tried to be calculated using the 2015-2019 data of the Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara Regions. The total potential amount of pirina in the research area is 1853375.7 tons and the potential biogas energy amount that can be obtained is 33360762.4 MJ. Pirina, which is the production waste after pressing the olives for oil, can be used for energy production. By using pirina to obtain biogas energy, both the utilization of pirina and the development of the regions will be provided.
Content available Status of the cartographic model
The author presents the proposal for a map as a model based on the current concepts in the philosophy of science. It is the attempt to define a map within the general theory of the model – in its ontological, semantical, and epistemological aspect. Treating a map as a model of reality boils down to specifying several characteristics determining its character. The article primarily aims at broadening the discussion on what a map is and what defines it as a model of reality. A new definition has been proposed in effect of the deliberations based on the analysis of models’ typology in the sphere of philosophy.
The study examines the possibility of applying the selected components of the theory of six value aggregation paths in designing walking pathways. Based on spatial data collected using a landscape assessment method on the aesthetic values of the landscape of the place under analysis, a model was developed of the network of links of the landscape aesthetic value using a minimum increase in this value. The authors designed scenarios for the optimal routes of walking pathways. The conducted study leads to the conclusion that the minimum value increase path may create a good basis for designing walking pathways. Not only is this manifested in the varied route of the pathway, but also in it being designed in such a way that the landscape’s aesthetic value increases beyond an assumed level of aesthetic value. In addition, the use of hexagonal basic fields enables the design of various route lengths and the optimization of time by adapting the model to a specific group of recipients.
In the modern world of mass information being reduced to colourful images, maps have the chance to become a medium that transmits important information in an attractive format. Due to time pressure, many cartographic publications that have a short life span on the internet contain a lot of methodological errors. Viewers receive an image that is hard to interpret, incomplete or even incorrect. The author aims to summarize and classify the cartographic content of social media, while bearing methodology, the role of the cartographer and users’ reactions to that content in mind. The springboard to online discussion is mainly a map topic. Their design or methodology is of little interest in most cases. This may be due to insufficient knowledge of how forms (their correctness and quality) shape messages. Hence the role of the cartographer is important, what can be seen – among methodological remarks – as one of conclusions. It seems that map-makers are becoming more expert, and are guiding map lovers and amateur cartographers towards creating good, effective and elegant maps.
The increase in the number of bike orienteering marathons in recent years in Poland has encouraged search for interesting terrains for races that would promise increasingly exciting competitions. In consequence, the significance of various geodetic materials during competition also grows. The type of used maps depends on the length of a race, communication system and the diversity of geological features and land cover. Proper reading of information contained on the maps by the organizers and competitors allows not only to identify an optimal route and find checkpoints, but also to reach monuments worth discovering. Such a presentation of cultural heritage – including the smallest, the most underestimated or forgotten landscape forms – is possible thanks to the ability to use existing maps combined with good orientation in the field.
Powiększająca się w ostatnich latach ilość maratonów rowerowych na orientację w Polsce skłania do wyszukiwania ciekawych terenów do ich rozgrywania oraz nadawania rywalizacji coraz bardziej interesującej formy. Wzrasta znaczenie używanych w rywalizacji różnych podkładów geodezyjnych. Rodzaj stosowanych map zależy od długości dystansu, układu komunikacyjnego oraz różnorodności ukształtowania i pokrycia terenu. Właściwe odczytywanie informacji zawartych na mapach przez organizatorów i zawodników umożliwia nie tylko wytyczenie optymalnej trasy przejazdu i odnalezienie zadanych punktów kontrolnych, ale także dotarcie do wartych poznania obiektów. Taka ekspozycja dziedzictwa kulturowego – także tych najmniejszych, niedocenianych lub zapomnianych form krajobrazu – możliwa jest dzięki połączeniu umiejętności wykorzystywania posiadanych map z dobrą orientacją w terenie.
The cartographic documents covering railway areas require additional specifi c cartographic symbols and codes because of the diversity of the existing railway infrastructure elements. Cartographic symbols represent objects featured in maps and schematic plans, according to their attribute characteristics and the scale of a given map. A cartographic code is a designation assigned to cartographic symbols featured in maps in scale ranges of 1:500 to 1:5000. The main purpose of the conducted study was to determine the extent of uniformity of cartographic symbols and codes used in railway areas in the light of the relevant applicable legal regulations, technical standards, industry-specifi c manuals, and the perception of space as presented in the cartographic documentation of railway areas. The condition of cartographic symbols and codes has been analysed, taking the characteristics of the target audience of cartographic documents as well as the intended use and content of such documents into consideration. The paper describes the patterns behind the processes of coding real elements of railway infrastructure in cartographic documents, and off ers tables including fi ndings of comparative analyses of cartographic symbols and codes according to the following requirements: • GK-1 of the technical standard “Organisation and performance of measurements in railway land surveying”, • Regulation of the Minister of Administration and Digitization of 2 November 2015 on the topographic objects database and the principal map, • Ig-10 (D-27) instruction on developing and updating schematic plans. The conducted studies have revealed a lack of consistency and discrepancies among the cartographic symbols and codes used and adopted in railway areas. These symbols should be consistent and harmonised with other symbols and elements of cartographic documents in order to function as a harmonious whole. It has also been found that there are no defi nitions for characteristic cartographic symbols and codes found across railway infrastructure elements. The paper offers new original cartographic symbols and codes for those elements which have not been defi ned so far. New definitions cover: animal protection device and stabilised fixed points of reference for observing the areas susceptible to creep of rails in a continuous welded track. The findings of the conducted studies contribute to the subjects raised in the contemporary domain of civil engineering and railway transport. The article contains author’s insights and conclusions. The paper has been developed as part of AGH’s statutory research no.
Artykuł wskazuje zalety przedstawiania na mapach Google Earth wyników pomiarów realizowanych na obiektach ruchomych, ilustrowane przykładami: trajektorii samolotu (kurs i wysokość), przejazdu narciarza (trasa i prędkość), natężenia oświetlenia ulicznego, jadącego tramwaju (prędkość, pobór prądu, napięcie), zjawisk na powłoce rurociągu podziemnego (różnica potencjałów). Jest to możliwe przy użyciu rejestratora wyposażonego w odbiornik GPS, dzięki czemu zapisy można przenosić na mapę.
The paper shows advantages of presentation of measurements on a moving object, using Google Earth 3D maps. The examples include an airplane trajectory (course and altitude), a skier ride (course and speed), street light intensity, a moving streetcar (speed, current consumption, voltage), a buried pipeline coating (potential difference). The records from a logger equipped with GPS receiver can be transferred onto the map.
Content available remote GML praktycznie czy tylko teoretycznie?
Do projektowania lub zarządzania terenami zieleni urządzonej wykorzystywane są różnego rodzaju programy komputerowe, zarówno komercyjne, jak i bezpłatne. Część z nich opiera się na funkcjonalności systemów informacji geograficznej.
The article tackles the difficult problem of identity creation of new inhabitants of western and northern Poland after 1945 and of relativism in the understanding of national identity after 1989. One of the manifestations are geographical names, which are reflected on maps. The authors of the article looked at this difficult, historically unprecedented process of integration and identification of new inhabitants with the geographical space through the prism of maps, entering into the contemporary discussion about the transformations taking place in the understanding of national identity.
Content available remote Uzbrojenie pod jednym adresem
Content available remote Niechciana mapa
Content available remote Mapa wątpliwych patronów
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