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Delaunay surfaces are investigated by using a moving frame approach. These surfaces correspond to surfaces of revolution in the Euclidean three-space. A set of basic one-forms is defined. Moving frame equations can be formulated and studied. Related differential equations which depend on variables relevant to the surface are obtained. For the case of minimal and constant mean curvature surfaces, the coordinate functions can be calculated in closed form. In the case in which the mean curvature is constant, these functions can be expressed in terms of Jacobi elliptic functions.
The article presents attempts related to the laser welding of combustion engine manifold and turbine. The study discussed in the article made it possible to identify the potential and limitations connected with the application of laser welding technologies, workmanship accuracy and the positioning of elements to be welded. The study-related tests enabled the assessment of the effect of primary welding parameters on the shape of the weld both in terms of keyhole and melt-in welding processes. The first part of the research-related article discusses results concerning the laser welding of the turbine with the compensating capsule.
W artykule opisano próby spawania laserowego elementów manifold i turbiny silników spalinowych. Określono możliwości i ograniczenia zastosowania technologii spawania laserowego związaną z dokładnością wykonania i pozycjonowanie elementów przeznaczonych do spawania. Zbadano wpływ podstawowych parametrów spawania na uzyskany kształt spoiny zarówno w przypadku spawania laserowego techniką z oczkiem jak i techniką z jeziorkiem. W części 1 omówiono wyniki prób spawania laserowego turbiny z mieszkiem kompensacyjnym.
The article presents attempts related to the laser welding of combustion engine manifold and turbine. The study discussed in the article made it possible to identify the potential and limitations connected with the application of laser welding technologies, workmanship accuracy and the positioning of elements to be welded. The study-related tests enabled the assessment of the effect of primary welding parameters on the shape of the weld both in terms of keyhole and melt-in welding processes. The first part of the research-related article discusses results concerning the laser welding of the compensating capsule with the collector.
W artykule opisano próby spawania laserowego elementów manifold i turbiny silników spalinowych. Określono możliwości i ograniczenia zastosowania technologii spawania laserowego związaną z dokładnością wykonania i pozycjonowanie elementów przeznaczonych do spawania. Zbadano wpływ podstawowych parametrów spawania na uzyskany kształt spoiny zarówno w przypadku spawania laserowego techniką z oczkiem jak i techniką z jeziorkiem. W części 2. omówiono wyniki prób spawania laserowego mieszka kompensacyjnego z kolektorem.
Content available remote A Contribution to the Nature of Periodic Boundary Conditions
Many dynamical systems are characterized by the property that the system-determining processes may occur on different scales. Not seldom the model then contains very different dynamical processes, each of them formulated on another length- or timescale. In order to keep the numerical effort small, for those systems the implementation of periodic boundary conditions is a common approach. Some of those systems are additionally determined by anisotropy or preferred directions. For such problems a modified structure of periodic boundary conditions can be helpful to preserve the representational character the system area is bound to. This paper firstly dedicates to the problem of preferred directions. This is followed by the explanation of certain modified periodic boundary conditions and a discussion of their respective manifolds' properties.
Content available remote On almost pseudo conformally symmetric manifolds
The object of the present paper is to study a type of non-conformally flat semi-Riemannian manifolds called almost pseudo conform ally symmetric manifold. The existence of an almost pseudo conformally symmetric manifold is also shown by a non-trivial example.
Content available remote Complete lift of Fa(K,1) structure in the tangent bundle
Prasad and Gupta have obtained the integrability conditions of a-structure. In the present paper I have studied the complete lift of - structure in the tangent bundle.
Content available remote Semi-slant submanifolds of t-manifolds
J. L. Cabrerizo et al. [5] studied slant submanifolds of Sasakian and K- contact manifolds. Semi-slant submanifolds were introduced as a generalized version of CR-submanifold. Cabrerizo et al. [4] obtained interesting results for the semi-slant submanifold of Sasakian manifolds. The purpose of the present paper is to study slant and semi-slant submanifolds of a T-manifold.
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