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Przedstawiono zakres działalności laboratorium oraz system zarządzania wdrożony i akredytowany przez Polskie Centrum Akredytacji. Zwrócono uwagę na cele systemu oraz wynikające z tego wymagania i obowiązki. Zamieszczono wykaz procedur objętych akredytacją oraz przykłady badań wykonanych w laboratorium w ostatnich kilku latach.
The scope of the laboratory's activity and the management system implemented and accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation were presented. Attention was drawn to the objectives of the management system and the resulting requirements and obligations. The list of procedures covered by the accreditation and examples of scientific research, carried out in the laboratory in the last few years, have been discussed.
Today, the business practice in a globalized environment is characterized mainly by the energy crisis and environmental-safety aspects, impacts as well as risks of the sustainability of its production in the context of further socio-economic development. Organizations in this context are looking for more efficient and sustainable ways to manage the green growth of their activities, processes and production as such. The research conducted by the authors so far points to a strong connection in the optimization of energy and environmental aspects of corporate production, both from the point of view of their intervention links and the necessity of a standard management system. As part of this research, standardized globally recognized concepts, guidelines and models for production energy management, especially ISO50001, ISO50006, ISO50015, and for environmental management ISO14001, respectively were identified and analysed more deeply. EMASIII, ISO14045, ISO14051, from the point of view of the possibility of their merger and subsequent IMS certification, were built in the organization according to an innovative model. The HLS structure of the key elements of the IMS was designed, supplemented by standards to support the process of the system by using indicators of energy and environmental management and their connection to indicators of sustainable production and its green growth.
This article analyzes the expectations of the management board and managerial staff as opposed to the expectations and concerns of regular employees of the company. Communication between the decision-making and executive groups is presented as one of the key elements determining the proper operation of the quality management system in the enterprise. In the practical part, the results of the research covering the management and regular employees were presented and compared. The research is aimed at diagnosing the quality of information flow in the enterprise based on the quality management system in the assessment of both surveyed groups, determining the perception of the importance and scale of participation in the proposed corrective actions among the surveyed groups of respondents, and diagnosing the level of informing rank-and-file employees about the goals and importance of conducting internal and external audits. The research also covered the role of lower-level employees in the effective functioning of the company’s quality management system. An attempt was made to analyze the degree of participation of regular employees in the functioning of the quality management system in the enterprise. The article ends with the conclusions and proposals for future research.
Artykuł przedstawia główne elementy systemu sterowania i zarządzania systemu SyMEC. Elementy te realizują proces zarządzania cyklem życia aplikacji MEC, który obejmuje między innymi dodanie/usunięcie aplikacji do/z systemu, przydzielenie zasobów i uruchomienie/zatrzymanie instancji aplikacji w węzłach MEC. Ponadto przedstawiono opracowany system zarządzania i monitorowania wykorzystania zasobów infrastruktury MEC. Przedstawione elementy zostały zaimplementowane i zintegrowane w pełni funkcjonalnym prototypie systemu SyMEC.
The paper presents main elements of the SyMEC control and management system. It is responsible for MEC application lifecycle management which include, among others, creation of application package, resource allocation and instantiation. The management part of the system provides monitoring and management features for edge infrastructure resources. Presented solution has proven by development of the fully featured prototype of the SyMEC system.
Cel: Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja tych zadań, jakie mogą realizować osoby zarządzające, aby utrzymywać zaangażowanie pracowników. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Podstawową metodą był przegląd literatury. Został on przeprowadzony zgodnie z metodologią badawczą zaproponowaną przez J. W. Creswella. W procesie analizy wniosków z badań przyjęto koncepcję przyczynowo-skutkową. Wyniki/wnioski: Kierownictwo powinno: zabiegać o jak najwyższy poziom innych wartości organizacyjnych, które sprzyjają zaangażowaniu (w tym głównie o zaufanie i sprawiedliwość), wyznaczać ambitne (przekraczające nieco posiadane możliwości) i atrakcyjne cele jakości, udzielać wsparcia wszystkim pracownikom w wykonywaniu ich zadań oraz w innych sytuacjach, które tego wymagają, określić zasoby potrzebne dla procesów i zapewnić ich dostępność oraz pamiętać o właściwej alokacji zasobów (zarówno społecznych, technicznych, jak i ekonomicznych). Na dalsze badania zasługuje zaangażowanie demonstracyjne i wyprzedzające. Ograniczenia: Ograniczenia wynikają z przyjętego zakresu badań. Opracowane założenia są związane bezpośrednio ze strukturą normy ISO 9001, a szczególnie kryterium, jakim jest przywództwo i zaangażowanie. Przyjęta metoda, przegląd literatury, nie jest doskonałym sposobem pozyskiwania informacji. Dotychczasowe badania były przeprowadzone w różnych organizacjach i w różnych kulturach. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Wnioski z przeglądu doczasowych badań mogą mieć praktyczne zastosowania w procesie kształtowania i podtrzymywania zaangażowania pracowników. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Dokonany przegląd artykułów wykazał, że brakuje opracowania ukazującego, w jaki sposób - realizując szczegółowe wymagania systemu zarządzania jakością - można kształtować zaangażowanie.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify the tasks that managers can carry out in order to maintain employee engagement. Design/methodology/approach: The primary method was a literature review. It was conducted in accordance with the research methodology proposed by J. W. Creswell. In the process of analysing the findings of the research, the cause-and-effect concept was adopted. Findings/conclusions: Top management should strive for the highest possible level of the organisational values that foster commitment (primarily trust and fairness), set ambitious (exceeding slightly the available capacities) and attractive quality objectives, provide support to all employees in the performance of their tasks and in other situations that require it, identify the resources needed for processes and ensure their availability, and be mindful of the proper allocation of social, technical and economic resources. Further research should focus on demonstrative and anticipatory commitment. Research limitations: A limitation arises from the adopted scope of the research. The research assumptions are directly related to the structure of the ISO 9001 standard, and especially the criteria of leadership and commitment. The adopted method of literature review is not a perfect way to obtain information. Previous research has been conducted in different organisations and in different cultures. Practical implications: The findings of the review of the previous research on the subject may have practical applications in the process of shaping and sustaining employee commitment. Originality/value: The conducted review shows that there is a lack of publications showing how employee engagement can be shaped by implementing the specific requirements of a quality management system.
Content available remote Certyfikacja systemów zarządzania jakością w przedsiębiorstwach budowlanych
W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe zasady przeprowadzenia certyfikacji systemu zarządzania, uwzględniając specyfikę sektora budowlanego. Na przykładzie trzech etapów wyjaśniono kolejne kroki, które należy podjąć w celu uzyskania i utrzymania certyfikacji. Dodatkowo wskazano najczęściej podnoszone wady oraz zalety wykonania certyfikacji wśród przedsiębiorstw budowlanych wraz z komentarzem, przybliżając zagadnienia związane z uzyskaniem certyfikatu szczególnie w grupie MŚP budowlanych, które, co pokazują autorskie badania, są grupą najmniej świadomą korzyści płynących z posiadania certyfikowanego systemu zarządzania jakością.
The article presents the basic principles of the management system certification taking into account the specificity of the construction industry. The 3-step example explains the next steps to be taken to obtain and maintain certification. In addition, the most frequently raised disadvantages and advantages of certification among construction companies were indicated, along with a commentary on the issues related to obtaining a certificate, in particular in the group of construction SMEs, which, as shown by proprietary research, are the group least aware of the benefits of having a certified quality management system.
Real estate, due to its specificity and the role it plays in the economic, social and environmental area, requires an economically effective but also sustainable approach to its use. There is a need to protect both public and private interests through rational real estate management with the use of modern decision support tools. The changing socio-economic environment in a given country, as well as international cooperation, require modernization of the rules and procedures of real estate management, especially those that make up the public real estate stock. This article presents the basic premises and goals of the existence of public real estate resources. Features and conditions specific to the management system of such a resource are also given. A list of strengths and weaknesses was made using the literature and the results of the authors’ own research on such a system functioning in Poland. It was emphasized that, at present, a key element in the decision-making process regarding spatial development and real estate management is having high-quality information. The article was written on the basis of selected literature, Polish law and the authors’ experience in property management and appraisal.
Payakumbuh City Government has built an Integrated Waste Treatment Plant (TPST) in Ibuh Market as an effort to reduce waste through waste processing by composting. This study aimed to evaluate the environmental impact of the Ibuh Market waste management system with some solid waste management alternatives using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Method. The stages of the research consisted of the measurement and analysis of waste generation, composition, and recycling potential, followed by the application of LCA for composting waste management scenario (scenario 1), with no composting (scenario 2), as well as with composting and recycling (scenario 3). The waste generated by Ibuh Market is 8.99 tons/day, food waste has the highest share in waste composition, amounting to 80.60%, and the waste with the greatest potential to recycle is an inorganic waste by 72.37%. LCA was carried out using the CML-IA impact assessment method. On the basis of the weighting results of the Global Warming Potential, Acidification Potential, and Eutrophication Potential impact categories show that scenario 2 has the highest weight, which is 4.34 × 10-7, scenario 3 has the smallest weight that is 3.73 × 10-7. Hence, scenario 3 was chosen as the best option, because it has the lowest impact weight. The study recommended using biofuels as an alternative to the fuels in the transportation process, applying a modified open windrow aeration system in the composting process at TPST, as well as practicing the sanitary landfill, for becoming a more environmentally friendly solid waste management system.
The aim of this work is to review the basic issues and problems related to the analysis of human reliability in terms of the possibility of using the methods functioning in this area to improve occupational safety management. Methods of human reliability analysis (HRA) are related to the prediction and assessment of system failures, which are the result of incorrect actions or omissions by a human, and not the failure of a physical element in the system. The paper presents the significance of the problem of human reliability from the point of view of accidents; describes HRA as a process with three main components; characterizes human errors using various criteria as well as discusses the generations of HR analysis and evaluation methods, including factors influencing the performance. The basic guidelines for the selection of methods for reliability analysis were also presented in terms of their possible use for improving the health and safety management system.
Optymalizacja oznacza efektywną pracę z miejscem na wysoką jakość i uznanie klienta. Pierwszym krokiem w tym kierunku jest dobrze zaprojektowany i wdrożony system zarządzania.
Content available remote Inteligentny System Zarządzania Siecią Wodociągową w Żywcu
W artykule przedstawiono Inteligentny System Zarządzania Siecią Wodociągową (ISZSW) w Żywcu. Analizowany system wodociągowy obejmuje około 240 km przewodów wodociągowych i jest postrzegany jako bardzo złożony oraz trudny w zarządzaniu, z uwagi na górzyste ukształtowanie terenu, mnogość stref ciśnienia, obecność zbiorników i przepompowni sieciowych oraz wykorzystywanie pojedynczego ujęcia wody. Opisany system zarządzania siecią zaprojektowano jako kompleksowe narzędzie wspomagające pracę eksploatatorów, dyspozytorów oraz planistów. Jego głównymi założeniami są synchronizacja i wzajemne uzupełnianie się podsystemu monitoringu, bazy danych przestrzennych GIS, podsystemu billingowego oraz modelu hydraulicznego. Wśród najważniejszych zalet wdrożonego ISZSW wymienić można uporządkowanie informacji dotyczących infrastruktury wodociągowej, panel wspomagający pracę dyspozytora poprzez generowanie alarmów ostrzegawczych oraz model hydrauliczny sieci przeznaczony do prac bieżących i koncepcyjnych.
The paper presents Smart Water Supply Network Management System (SWSNM) in Żywiec. The water supply system consists of approx. 240 km of water pipes and is considered as complex and hard to manage, due to the mountainous terrain, many pressure zones, plenty of tanks, pump stations and single water intake. The presented SWSNM integrates the following subsystems: monitoring, GIS and billing. The SWSNM supports the water company in operation, design and planning of a water supply system. The main advantages of the SWSNM are: the orderly structured database of technical infrastructure, the operator panel with warnings alarms and hydraulic model supporting the operational and planning processes.
Material characterization and assessment is a crucial stage in most of aviation and aeronautical research and a basis for further design and testing of more complex aircraft elements and structures. Material test’s reliability can only be guaranteed by conducting them at independent and reliable laboratories, operating based on a management system assessed by a third-party such as the accreditation according to the ISO/IEC 17025 or NADCAP or having the qualification of the second-party based on specific customer requirements. This paper introduces basic requirements for material testing laboratories according to accreditation systems and describes its responsibilities as qualified and reliable testing suppliers.
The article considers several modern scientific papers substantiating the need for assessing workplace safety and focusing on methods applied for the quantitative assessment of working conditions. The analysis found unsolved problems in qualimetry, which could lead to the development of new practical and generally applicable methods to effectively assess working conditions. The analysis proved the relevance of the topic and helped to determine the aim of the article, i.e., the development of a methodology for the quantitative assessment of working conditions in industries, considering harmful production factors. An exponential distribution, which belongs to the theory of extreme statistics, was proposed for the transition of heterogeneous single indicators of harmful factors into a dimensionless scale. Affine transformations were used to combine dissimilar scales, making it possible to divide segments on dissimilar scales into equal proportions. The article proposes a step-by-step method for determining a complex indicator of working conditions in industries. The proposed methodology allows management decisions that minimise the deviation in actual values of harmful factors from the optimal ones. The developed technique was tested at one specific metallurgical production site.
Purpose: Contemporary management seeks ways to foster competitiveness and to enhance organizational development. This can often be achieved by carrying out activities that identify and monitor stakeholder expectations and requirements. This article aims to show the importance of stakeholders in the improvement of quality in an organization. Design/methodology/approach: The multi-faced and multi-dimensional nature of the issue (the role of a stakeholder in the quality improvement) and the identification of the covered research areas was accomplished by means of a two surveys conducted in years 2011-2014 in the Central Pomeranian region. The first survey was done in January-April 2011 and the second in November 2013-April 2014. Therein, 600 organizations were interviewed in the first and 1107 in the second survey. Findings: The study shows that stakeholders consciously influence quality in an organization, which directly affects the need to improve quality (e.g. by the implementation of management systems), enhancing trust, the satisfaction of the entities and the competitiveness of the organizations. The use of management systems by organizations (e.g. ISO 9001), allows companies to adapt to the identified market needs. Originality/value: The results confirmed a correlation between the stakeholder and quality, as the relationship between the quality and the internal/external stakeholder determine improvement of an organization (perceived as a process). This results in, inter alia, the need to continuously monitor and improve the processes, as well as to assess the level of parameterization through the implementation of the management system (e.g. ISO 9001). The stakeholders are important determinant of quality.
Purpose: Many factors influence the safety of food, feed, cosmetics or packaging for these products. These include legal requirements, proper people behaviour, management systems and the organisational culture used in enterprises, as well as activities related to the prevention/minimisation/elimination of microbiological, chemical and physical hazards. A very important link in ensuring the safety of manufactured products are, among others, suppliers, including service providers in the area of pest control. Providers of these services must adapt to the requirements of the enterprise to which they provide services. In turn, the requirements of the enterprise are dictated by the requirements of the management standard for compliance with which the enterprise maintains the certificate; therefore, the requirements of individual management standards should be known to pest control companies to avoid the risk of non-compliance. The main purpose of the article was to present the importance of knowing the requirements of the food safety management system by the service provider in the area of pest control. Design/methodology/approach: An analysis of the requirements of selected food safety management standards in the pest control area was carried out. Findings: The analysis showed similarities in requirements in the area of pest control of selected food safety management standards. Practical implications: Based on the analysis, recommendations for good practices in the field of protection against pests were formulated. Good practice guidelines should be used by service providers in the pest control area. Originality/value: The article contains important guidelines on good practices in the field of protection against pests.
Purpose: The purpose of this publication is to investigate the linear correlation relationship between the deployment of five certified management systems (ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015; ISO 27001:2013 and ISO 45001:2018) in organizations operating within the European Union. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of secondary sources - data about number of certifications (ISO 9001; ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001) in EU countries in 2018. Findings: The publication focuses on the analysis of quantitative relations between the industry standards that make up the integrated management system. The focus was on the three most common systems: quality management system (ISO 9001:2015), environmental management system (ISO 14001:2015) and occupational health and safety management system (ISO 45001:2018). In addition, the analysis took into account two systems often occurring as a component of integrated systems: ISO 27001:2013 information security management system and ISO 22000:2018 food safety management system, which are industry standards that make up the integrated management system. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of relations between numbers of main ISO certificates in EU countries.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze relations between the implementation of industry management systems in European Union countries. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of statistic data about: quality management system (ISO 9001:2015), environmental management system (ISO 14001:2015) and occupational health and safety management system (ISO 45001:2018) in European Union countries. Findings: The publication focuses on the analysis of quantitative relations between the industry standards that make up the integrated management system. The analysis of data concerning the number of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 22000:2018 and ISO 45001:2018 certificates implemented in the European Union countries allows to conclude that there are correlations between the number of implemented particular standards. In particular, the presence of a standard concerning the quality management system ISO 9001 is positively correlated with all other analyzed certified management systems. The results of the analysis support the H1 hypothesis, which says: the presence of other industry management systems is positively correlated with the presence of ISO 9001:2015 quality management system in organizations. Originality/value: In the paper we found that in most European Union countries, implementation of particular standards, especially ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, is strongly correlated.
Dynamically implemented mandatory management systems resulting from legal requirements in maritime transport since 2006 [1-3], very often (especially in the first years of implementing the requirements) functioned independently by the optional procedural approach - ISO [4-5]. It is now common practice to integrate requirements in both - the mandatory and voluntary areas. Legal requirements and recommendations do not define and recommend a specific form of extending existing management systems. The publication describes the relationship between the requirements for the management systems currently applicable in maritime transport resulting from legal requirements (Safety Management System - SMS) and voluntary implementations (Quality Management and Environmental Management System). The common areas identified for the analysis of system requirements (for obligatory and optional systems) will facilitate the integration and broadening of the management culture in maritime transport organizations.
Artykuł stanowi kontynuację pracy będącej przedmiotem sympozjonu z roku ubiegłego [6]. Obejmuje szczegółowy opis zrealizowanego systemu do zarządzania procesem obróbki termicznej (w skrócie SZOT). Obszarem działania jest dział kontroli jakości w przedsiębiorstwie produkcyjnym, a czynności podlegające automatyzacji to obróbka termiczna składników poprodukcyjnych (pianki polietylenowej i nici poliestrowych) oraz wykończenie haftu. Automatyzacja będzie odbywać się na podstawie przygotowanych bibliotek widm absorpcyjnych w bliskiej podczerwieni (NIR), budowy komory termicznej oraz zaimplementowaniu algorytmu integrującego bibliotekę widm z komorą termiczną.
This article is a continuation of the work that was subject of the previous Symposia’s edition (58th). It includes a detailed description of the implemented system for the thermal treatment process management (shortly SZOT). The area of activity is the ąuality control department in the production company. Activities of automation are: heat treatment of post-production components (polyethylene foam and polyester threads) and embroidery completion from ąuality perspective. Automation process will be based on the library of near-infrared absorption spectra (NIR) preparation, build of thermal box and algorithm implementation that integrates library with thermal box.
W niniejszym artykule omówiono wyniki badań dotyczące dojrzałości wdrożonych systemów zarządzania jakością w wybranych organizacjach branży budowlanej, pod kątem możliwości wdrożenia koncepcji „lean construction”. Wiele badań wskazuje na potencjalne korzyści, jakie mogą uzyskać organizacje w wyniku zastosowania zasad „lean”, np. obniżenie kosztów, zmniejszenie czasu realizacji budowy, zmniejszenie marnotrawstwa. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie propozycji [głównych zadań] wdrożenia koncepcji „lean”, opartych na znormalizowanych systemach zarządzania jakością, w organizacjach branży budowlanej. W badaniu wykorzystano analizę dokumentacji, wywiady, metodę samooceny zgodnej z ISO 9004. Wyniki badań potwierdzają wcześniejsze ustalenia, że systemy zarządzania jakością mogą stanowić podstawę do wdrożenia „lean construction”. Należy jednak pamiętać o specyfice branży budowlanej, głównie o tym, że prace budowlane są związane ze specyficznymi źródłami marnotrawstwa.
The paper discusses the results of research on the maturity of the quality management system, implemented in selected organizations operating in the construction industry in terms of the possibility of introducing the concept of lean construction. Multiple studies have indicated the potential benefits which organizations may gain by applying lean principles, e.g. decreased costs, reduced construction time, and wastefulness. The aim of this paper is to develop a proposition – main tasks, of implementing the lean construction concept based on normalized quality management systems, in organizations operating in the construction industry. The research was carried out using documentation analysis, interviews, and a self-assessment method, consistent with ISO 9004. Its results confirm earlier findings e.g. (1, 2), according to which quality management systems may serve as the foundation for implementation of lean construction. However, it is vital to take the specific nature of the construction business into account, especially the fact that the construction works are connected with particular sources of wastefulness (3).
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