The search for global regularities governing the biodiversity of living organisms has a long history, and altitudinal gradients have explanatory power. To determine whether soil animals exhibit altitudinal gradients of abundance and diversity and to assess the impact of plant communities (meadows and forests) on any observed patterns, we studied soil invertebrates along an altitudinal gradient of 500–1000 m a.s.l. in the Silesian Beskid Mts (Western Carpathians). Ten study plots were established in three vegetation zones in meadows and also forested sites (spruce, beech, oak-hornbeam, riparian). In spring, summer and autumn of 2004, 2005 and 2006, five soil samples (20 x 20 x 25 cm) were dug from every study plot on each occasion and invertebrates were separated from the soil by hand-sorting . Earthworms were identified to species, and other invertebrates to higher taxa. The two types of plant associations studied (meadow, forest) differed significantly in the population density and biomass of soil invertebrates – earthworms were more numerous in meadows (132.3 ind. m-2 in meadows and 24 ind. m-2 in forests) and other invertebrates in forests (57.7 ind. m-2 in meadows and 67.4 ind. m-2 in forests). Density tended to be higher in summer than in other seasons, and at minimum in autumn. Meadows of foothills and the lower montane zone were richest in earthworm species (7 species). Upper montane meadow, upper montane spruce forest and lower montane beech forest were poorest in earthworms (2 species).The most abundant animals among other invertebrates were larvae of Coleoptera and Diptera. Coleoptera larvae dominated at higher altitudes. The density and biomass of earthworms in meadows correlated negatively with elevation (density, r = -0.52, biomass r = -0.66). The corresponding correlations for other invertebrates were much weaker (density, r=-0.32; biomass, r = -0.31). The diversity of earthworms tended to decrease with altitude in meadows. Sites at higher elevations were poorer in species of both earthworms and other invertebrates. For both earthworms and other invertebrates in spruce forest there were no differences in biodiversity indices along the altitudinal gradient.
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In arid and semi-arid areas, heavy grazing combined with climate change cause land degradation (e.g., desertification). Grazing management is essential for ecosystem recovery and desertification control in these areas, including Northern China.s Horqin Sandy Land. However, the recovery of soil faunal community during grazing exclusion is unknown. We examined plant and soil macro-invertebrate community structure together with soil properties in three treatments in a representative degraded Horqin sandy grassland: exclosure for 15 and 10 years (15EX and 10EX) and long-term continuous grazing (CG). The vegetation cover and height increased significantly and soil bulk density decreased significantly along the gradient from CG to 15EX, but there were no significant differences in soil pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon and total nitrogen. Soil macro-invertebrate abundance, group richness and diversity increased along the gradient from CG to 15EX, with significant differences in invertebrate abundance and group richness between CG and 15EX; there was no significant differences between CG and 10EX. There were no significant differences in soil macro-invertebrate diversity and evenness between these three treatments. These results suggested that grazing exclusion for at least 15 years might be necessary for the recovery of these fauna. The vegetation height and the soil electrical conductivity, organic carbon, and total nitrogen determined the distribution and community structure of soil macro-invertebrates. Some faunal groups lived in specific habitats due to strong adaptation to different management practices. For example, the Thomisidae, Philodromidae, Salticidae, and Rhopalidae tended to live in habitats with tall vegetation. The Lygaeidae, Miridae, Teneberionidae, and Linyphiidae adapted to live in soil with low soil organic carbon and nitrogen (ungrazed grassland).
The Turonian-Coniacian boundary succession from the Wagon Mound-Springer composite section in the US Western Interior shows a virtually identical macrofaunal record to that revealed in the proposed candidate Coniacian GSSP in the Salzgitter-Salder-Slupia Nadbrzezna composite section in central Europe, with easy identification in both regions of the base of the Coniacian Stage, as defined by the first appearance of the inoceramid bivalve species, Cremnoceramus deformis erectus (Meek). The macrofaunal boundary definition is additionally confirmed by the foraminiferal and nannofossil data, demonstrating the high potential of the inoceramid marker for the base of the Coniacian. The former claims about distinct diachroneity between macrofossil and microfossil dates in the trans-Atlantic correlations, resulted from methodological deficiencies, and have no factual basis.
The investigations were conducted in the years 2006–2007 in Czarny Potok village at the foot of Jaworzyna Krynicka Mt. Three experimental areas were established on the investigated terrain (differing in the soil vegetal cover): grassland, arable land and forest. The soil samples were collected three times: in autumn 2006, in spring 2007 and in summer 2007. The numbers of soil fauna differed depending on the vegetal cover and the land use. The soil fauna was most numerously trapped in the mountain meadow soil used for hay production and fertilized with farmyard manure. Less numerous meso- and macrofauna was observed on the arable land.
Badania przeprowadzone zostały w latach 2006-2007 w Czarnym Potoku u podnóża Jaworzyny Krynickiej. Na terenie doświadczalnym wydzielono trzy obszary doświadczalne (różniące się okrywą roślinną gleby): użytek zielony, grunt orny i las. Próbki gleby pobrano trzykrotnie: jesienią 2006 r., wiosną 2007 r. i w lecie 2007 r. Liczebność fauny glebowej różniła się w zależności od okrywy roślinnej i sposobu użytkowania. Fauna glebowa najliczniej była odławiana w glebie łąki górskiej użytkowanej kośnie i nawożonej obornikiem. Mniej liczną mezo- i makrofaunę glebową zaobserwowano na gruncie ornym.
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The macrofaunal content of an exceptionally fossiliferous Late Albian core section is described from Zippelsforde in the Brandenburg district in eastern Germany. The main faunal horizon includes among others Euhoplites vulgaris, Mortoniceras (Deiradoceras) albense, Neohibolites minimus, Inoceramus cf. anglicus and Actinoceramus sulcatus. This assemblage indicates a Hysteroceras varicosum Zone, Hysteroceras orbignyi Subzone age. That interval is known from the Anglo-Paris as well as from the Lower Saxony Basin in western Germany, but not was previously recorded from the North East German Basin. Therefore, the record fills a palaeogeographical gap between the Albian in the Carpathians and that of Central Europe. The superjacent interval contains Aucellina gryphaeoides, dating it as latest Albian (Mortoniceras (M.) inflatum Zone, late C. auritus Subzone or younger), and thus indicating a significant condensation within the Late Albian.
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Studies were carried out in the vicinity of Turew near Poznań (Western Poland) in the years 2003 and 2004 in three midfield shelterbelts of different age (150, 11, 6 years old) and along two transects across shelterbelt (6 and 11 years old) >ecotone> field at distance 15 and 50 m from the shelterbelt. The field located in deforested area was treated as the control. The studies were aimed at estimating the changes in community structure (composition, density, biomass) of soil and litter macrofauna, (mainly dipteran larvae), related to shelterbelt age both within shelterbelts as in adjoining fields. The results were compared to previous studies carried out in 1999-2000 in the same agricultural landscape. The density and biomass of soil and litter macrofauna were many times higher in shelterbelts (2824-870 ind. m[^-2] and 3782-521 mg.d.wt. m[^-2]) than in fields (483-53 ind. m[^-2] and 101-12 mg.d.wt. m[^-2]) and increased with the age of planted trees. The same was true for taxonomic richness. Ecotone zone of both transects was characterised by the greatest density and biomass of animals, mainly those of mobile epigeic animals, particularly the ants. The density and biomass values were declining in the field with the increasing distance from the shelterbelt. Across the transect of an older (10-11 years old) shelterbelt and adjacent field the density and biomass of studied animals were higher in all plots than across the younger (5-6 years old) one. It can be concluded, that the effect of the shelterbelt increases with age of planted trees. The results confirm the previous suggestions of the enhancement of the field macrofauna by forested strips. The highest similarity in taxonomic and dominance structure was found between the shelterbelts and their ecotones and they differed significantly from those in the field.
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Four commonly employed biotic indices based on macrofauna composition: BMWP (British Monitoring Working Party score system), ASPT (Average Score Per Taxon), DSFI (Danish Stream Fauna Index) and FBI (Family level Biotic Index) were used to assess environmental quality of six small slow-flowing lowland streams (Masurian Lakeland, North-eastern Poland). Their efficiencies in determining the level of degradation, assessed by the simoultaneous measuring of the main abiotic parameters of water, were tested. The search for relationships between both abundance and percentages of invertebrate taxa and values of the main abiotic parameters with multiple regression analysis resulted in determining an indicative value for certain taxa. Results of discriminant function analysis show, that environmental quality can be predicted accurately on the basis of macrofauna composition in 94-100% of the sites. However, none of tested indices classified the sites to particular classes of degradation with with sufficient accuracy. The relationships between the values of all tested indices and the values of Cumulative Index of Environmental Quality (CIEQ) based on abiotic parameters, expressed as coefficients of linear regression, were very low and ranged between 0.006 and 0.068. Therefore, a new regional, macrofauna-based biotic index, APODEMAC, is proposed as a better tool for environmental quality assessment. Values of APODEMAC are strongly dependent on values of CIEQ (R^2 = 0.641), and their seasonal variance is lower than that of other indices. Coefficient of linear regression between CIEQ values and APODEMAC was 9 to almost 100 times higher than for other tested biotic indices. The selection of indicator taxa used in APODEMAC procedure was based on comparisons between the taxa densities at sampling sites differing in terms of environmental quality and on the results of multiple regression and discriminant analysis. The importance of certain taxa of molluscs, leeches and dipterans in this procedure is much higher, while the importance of mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies is much lower than in BMWP, ASPT, FBI and DSFI. The occurrence of the various larval insects in the studied environments seems to be limited rather by substrate type than by the chemical quality of stream water. Application of simple regional biotic indices like APODEMAC is suggested as an, in some cases, easier, cheaper and less time-consuming way of biological assessment compared to complicated and time-consuming implementation of the existing indices.
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Analiza taksonomiczno-ilościowa szczątków makrofauny ze stanowisk, stwierdzonych na poziomie 950 m w kopalni Sośnica, pozwoliła na identyfikację tych stanowisk jako reprezentujących morskie poziomy faunistyczne serii paralicznej. W przekopach zidentyfikowano poziomy Barbara, Gabriela, Henryk, Konrad, poziom dodatkowy wiązki Roemer oraz, po raz pierwszy w kopalni, poziom Jarosz. Stwierdzono, że wykształcenie poziomów w badanych stanowiskach nie odbiega od charakterystyki stanowisk, zbadanych na pozostałych poziomach eksploatacyjnych, co świadczy o niewielkiej zmienności warunków środowiskowych podczas utworzenia się poziomów morskich, w obrębie dzisiejszego obszaru górniczego kopalni.
Quantitative and qualitative analyses based on fossils from new localities at 950 m level in Sośnica coal-mine ware made. Which enabled their identification as marine faunal horizons in namurian paralic series. Levels: Barbara, Gabriela, Henryk, Konrad, additional level of the Roemer bunch were identificated in three mine - galleries. For the first time marine horizon Jarosz was recognized in Sośnica coal - mine. The examined marine horizons have a similar formation to those from the localities described earlier in Sośnica coal - mine. This indicates that the environment circumstances during sedimentaton of marine horizons were not very differentiated.
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Trzy odsłonięcia górnego kampanu, należące do trzech kolejnych poziomów amonitowych (Neancyloceras phaleratum, Bostrychoceras polyplocum i Didymoceras donezianum) w dolinie środkowej Wisły, zostały zbadane pod kątem paleośrodowiskowym. Bogata makrofauna ze wszystkich szczebli troficznych, świadczy o spokojnym środowisku, odpowiadającemu dzisiejszej strefie pogranicza wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego szelfu, o normalnym zasoleniu, dobrze natlenionych wodach przydennych i podłożu o zróżnicowanej konsystencji, stwarzającego różnorodnej faunie odmienne nisze ekologiczne.
The paleoecology of macrofauna from three Upper Campanian outcrops in the Middle Vistula valley, belonging to three successive ammonite zones (Neancyloceras phaleratum, Bostrychoceras polyplocum and Didymoceras donezianum), have been investigated on paleoenvironmental ground. The rich macrofauna of all trophic levels indicates the calm epicratonic basin, corresponding to the inner to outer shelf environment, of normal salinity waters, good bottom-water oxygenation and with substrate of varied consistency, providing different niches for diverse fauna.
Analiza ilościowa i jakościowa szczątków fauny ze stanowisk, reprezentujących poziom morski Barbara (V) w przekopach dołowych kopalń Sośnica, Gliwice, Knurów i Pstrowski pozwoliła na dokładną charakterystykę tego poziomu w północno-zachodniej części GZW. Stwierdzono dominujący udział małżów z rodzaju Polidevcia sp. i Anthraconeilo sp. , ślimaków z gatunku Glabrocingulum ostraviensis oraz raminonogów zawiasowych z ewolucją zbiornika morskiego: biofazę nukulową oraz biofazę produktusowo-gonitytową.
Quantitative and qualitative analysy based on fossils in Barbara (V) horizon from mine-galleris in Sośnica, Gliwice, Knurów and Pstrowski coal mines was made. It allowed for detailed characteristics of this level in north-western part of Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Pelecypods, especially Polidevcia sp. and Anthraconeilo sp., gastropods - Glabrocingulum ostraviensis and articulata brachopods are predominating by the number of individuals. Faunal assemblages in Barbara (V) horizon indicate two biophases, connected with basin evolution: biophase of Nucula and biophase of Productids and goniatids.
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