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w słowach kluczowych:  low humidity measurement
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Polymer-based capacitive humidity sensors emerged around 40 years ago; nevertheless, they currently constitute large part of sensors’ market within a range of medium (climatic and industrial) humidity 20-80%RH due to their linearity, stability and cost-effectiveness. However, for low humidity values (0-20%RH) that type of sensor exhibits increasingly nonlinear characteristics with decreasing of humidity values. This paper presents the results of some experimental trials of CMOS polymer-based capacitive humidity sensors, as well as of modelling the behaviour of that type of sensor. A logarithmic functional relationship between the relative humidity and the change of sensor output value at low humidity is suggested.
Content available remote Polymer-based sensors for measurement of low humidity in air and industrial gases
Some problems concerning low humidity measurements using polymer-based humidity sensors are characterized. An exemplary calibration procedure applied to a humidity/temperature module is presented, as well as low-humidity range characteristics of humidity/temperature modules, and possible ways to extend the measurement range of these sensors towards low humidity levels of air and industrial gases are discussed.
Scharakteryzowano zagadnienia związane z pomiarami niskich wilgotności sensorami z polimerowym materiałem wilgotnościoczułym. Przedstawiono przykładową procedurę kalibracyjną zastosowaną do modułów termohigrometrycznych, i rozpatrzono możliwe sposoby rozszerzenia zakresu przetwarzania sensorów z polimerową warstwą wilgotnościoczułą na poziom wilgotności niskich w powietrzu i gazach przemysłowych.
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