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Content available remote Promieniowy rozkład koncentracji met akrylanu metylu w drewnie modyfikowanym
Przedstawiono rozkład koncentracji metakrylanu metylu w bielu i twardzielu modyfikowanego drewna sosnowego. Nasycone próbki pocięto na warstwy o grubości 5mm. Średnia zawartość metakrylanu metylu w każdej warstwie była określona wagowo i przypisana płaszczyźnie środkowej warstwy. Umożliwiło to określenie koncentracji na brzegach próbek.
The results of investigation of the methylmetacrylate concentration in sapwood and hardwood of a modified pinewood are presented. The specimens were cut in layers of 5mm thickness. The methylmetacrylate average content in each layer was determined by weighing and assigned to its central plane which made it possible to calculate the concentration on edges of the specimens.
Content available remote Some classes of linear quasigroups
Several important classes of quasigroups can be characterized by means of certain linear constructions (see e.g. [3], [4], [7], [8]). The first to investigate such linear quasigroups seems to be Toyoda [8] as early as in 1941, who showed that a quasigroup Q is medial iff there is an Abelian group Q(+), two automorphisms f,g of Q and an element a ∈ Q such that fg=gf and xy=f(x)+g(y)=+a for all x,y ∈ Q. Further, Belousov [1] (and independently Soublin [7] showed that a quasigroup Q is distributive iff there is a commutative Moufang loop Q(+) and an automorphism f of Q(+) such that 1 - f is an automorphism, f (x) + x € C(Q(+))} and xy=f(x) + (1-f)(y) for all x,y ∈ Q. As a further generalization in this direction, Kepka [3] proved that a quasigroup is trimedial (i.e., each sub quasigroup generated by at most three elements is medial) iff there is a commutative Moufang loop Q(+), two automorphisms f, g of Q(+) and an element a € C(Q(+)) such that fg = gf and xy = f (x) + g(y) + a for all x,y ∈ Q. These results naturally suggest an idea of defining an arithmetical form of a quasigroup Q as a quadruple (Q(+),,f, g,a) such that Q(+) is a commutative Moufang loop, f, g are automorphisms of Q(+), a E Q and xy = (f (x) + g(y)) + a for all x,y ∈ Q. We shall say that Q is a linear quasigroup if it has at least one arithmetical form. All possible arithmetical forms of a linear quasigroup were characterized in [5] and the structure of commutative Moufang loops occurring in different arithmetical forms of a linear quasigroup was investigated in [6]. This contribution is devoted to the description of some particular classes of linear quasigroups.
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