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w słowach kluczowych:  lift motion
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This study examines the ergonomics of the patient lifting motion often used by healthcare professionals, focusing on the shoulder area, as manual weight management is still an important part of daily work. Data acquisition was made with the 17 IMU sensors, Movella Xsens system. A total of 25
quality measurements were acquired for further data processing. A mathematical model with the defined assumptions is presented in this research calculating shoulder moment-kinematics. The load engagement profile was determined based on the hip extension as a variable size for different test subjects and trials. Shoulder flexion-extension range of motion (ROM) variance was estimated, determining each test subject’s technique, together with shoulder moment and cumulative shoulder moment. Cumulative shoulder load varied from 31.46% to 27.78% from the mean shoulder moment value. During the estimated accumulation of a 5-year work span, the difference in worst to best techniques accumulated to 1.86 times. Recommendations on how the technique and the further scope of the research could be improved were given.
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