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w słowach kluczowych:  landscape study
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This paper presents the attempts carried out at the start of the twentieth century by Austro-Hungarian Army specialists in camouflage painting. Consideration to the landscape features of the surroundings helped the army to protect the fortifications from enemy observation. Against the background of global and European trends, where the development of camouflage came only after the outbreak of the First World War, these experiments were innovative and pioneering. This topic is important because of the international and European context of the research and introducing practical issues for a proper approach to reconstructing and conserving historic fortifications. The research was conducted in Austria, Poland, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Previous studies of camouflage with paint in Austro-Hungarian fortifications are incidental and contributory, hence the need for a cross-sectional approach and practical recommendations. Inquiries, literature studies, analysis of available archival sources and the limited iconographic material, and field research were conducted. The results indicate that there was no general camouflage painting scheme in Austria-Hungary and each site was treated individually within its unique context. The study aims to conclude how to properly read the relics of camouflage painting and preserve and protect this specific engineering heritage. It is also possible to formulate guidelines on the basis of the results. The restoration of such paintings for educational purposes might be a part of conservation work programs, and the more extensive revaluation of architecturae militaris monuments that has recently been taking place both in Poland and abroad.
Artykuł dotyczy prób prowadzonych na przełomie XIX i XX wieku przez specjalistów armii austro-węgierskiej w zakresie malowania maskującego, które miało chronić fortyfikacje przed obserwacją nieprzyjaciela przez uwzględnienie cech krajobrazowych otoczenia. Na tle tendencji światowych i europejskich, gdzie rozwój kamuflażu nastąpił dopiero po wybuchu I wojny światowej, eksperymenty te były nowatorskie i oryginalne. Temat jest istotny ze względu na międzynarodowy, europejski kontekst badań oraz konserwatorskie zagadnienia praktyczne, służące właściwemu podejściu do rekonstrukcji i konserwacji zabytkowych fortyfikacji. Badania prowadzono w Austrii, Polsce, Włoszech, Chorwacji, Czarnogórze, Bośni i Hercegowinie. Dotychczasowe opracowania dotyczące maskowania z wykorzystaniem farb w fortyfikacjach austro-węgierskich mają charakter incydentalny i przyczynkarski, stąd potrzeba przekrojowego ujęcia i zaleceń praktycznych. Przeprowadzono kwerendy, studia literatury, analizę dostępnych źródeł archiwalnych i nielicznego materiału ikonograficznego, oraz badania w terenie. Wyniki wskazują, że w Austro-Węgrzech nie istniał ogólny schemat malowania maskującego, a każdy obiekt był traktowany indywidualnie i uwzględnieniem swojego niepowtarzalnego kontekstu. Celem pracy jest sformułowanie wniosków dotyczących właściwego odczytywania reliktów malowania maskującego oraz zabezpieczenie i ochrona tego specyficznego dziedzictwa inżynieryjnego. Możliwa jest również aplikacja wyników przez wytyczne do ewentualnego odtworzenia takiego malowania w celach edukacyjnych, w ramach programów prac konserwatorskich i szerzej zakrojonej w ostatnim czasie - w Polsce i poza jej granicami - rewaloryzacji zabytków architecturae militaris.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań dotyczących ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu Ostródy, położonej na terenie województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego, nazywanej niegdyś perłą Oberlandu. Zaprezentowano w nim wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy krajobrazowej oraz opisano prognozowane przekształcenia krajobrazu.
The article contains results of our investigations on the landscape protection and formation pursued in the town of Ostróda, in the Province of Warmia and Mazury, a town which used to be called the Pearl of Oberland. The paper presents results of the landscape analysis completed by the authors, and predictions about future landscape transformations.
To properly compose a space at the community level its area should be analyzed taking into account the cultural and natural values and landscape values specified in sight from roads and valorisation of views. Such studies are aimed at the gradation of study area for spatial effects in the case of heavily accented investments there in the landscape. This article describes a method proposal of analysis for the municipality area taking into account the landscape values, this method was a one of the elements of study of the cultural landscape of the community Paczków done by a team of authors. In the first part of the paper the authors present the systematics of the well-known landscape valorization methods, noting, inter alia, methods of the natural valorisation, valorization methods of the cultural elements, planning and managerial valorization methods. During the work on the study there was developed an authorial method of valorisation of panoramas and views presented in the further part of the study. After the preliminary analysis of the terrain and routes of the community Paczków the exhibi-tion space was selected within an average of 500 m from the locality, situated on the road leading to it. Of the selected points there were made photos of the village panoramas and open landscape with a viewing angle of about 90-1200. On their basis there were made drawings by processing the image of photo on linear composition taking into account the facture differences of individual planes. The number of plans and landform were analyzed (wing view, the emergence of a distant placed surfaces, hilliness of the area plane), then the degree of diversification of land cover (crop diversity, variety of colors, variety of surface structures). We analyzed the complexity of the habitat elements (the relationships between the saturation of buildings and surrounding greenery it, the types of systems of the mid-field green), and the degree of space orientation (emphasis of the road direction by vertical elements - rows and avenues of trees, its free and smooth direction, emphasizing the landscape elements receding in perspective). For each of these issues there were made 4 models of panoramic view with a four-level scale of complexity, with the assumption that with it grows the view attractiveness. In total, each panoramic image of the community area could get points in a scale from 4 to 16. It was assumed to consider as a medium attractive view in the range of 7 to 10 points, 11 points and above as a very attractive view and worthy of protection. The views of scoring 6 and below have no landscape value. The diverse composition of the view emphasized by the ordering element is, according to authors, of the greatest value. As it turns out, it has a strong relationship with the commonly understood cultural values. These are the view approaches to the traditionally shaped forms, and so, inter alia, the localities with the building development surrounded by high green, enriched with the dominant of church tower, the diversity of crop fields, alleys and roadside rows, free but dependent on landform the road line make the landscape so pleasant to receive. The conclusion here is that the developed method, based on the valorisation of purely spatial elements gives a good tool for assessing the value of the landscape, and in particular the degree of its consistency with the cultural values.
The article applies to the creation and protection of the mountain valley of the river Sekówka and to one of the aspects of managing a site which represents an outstanding universal value in scope of formation of the landscape context of a World Heritage site - the church in Sękowa and its setting. The authors would like to show the relationships between the site and its setting in the river valley, as well as the mutual impact on the values represented. In July 2003, following the resolution by the General Assembly of UNESCO in Paris, six Polish wooden Gothic churches from Lesser Poland and the Carpathian Highlands were included in the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List of UNESCO. Among others there was the church in Sękowa. It represents one of the most valuable and picturesque monumental examples of sacral wooden buildings in Poland. Even in the 19th century its outstanding aesthetic, architectonic and landscape values were admired. The main idea of this presentation is connected with the expression of connections between these unique values and the architecture of the church and its landscape context with its surroundings. The issue deals with the most fundamental tasks: protection of the object as well as tourist movement service at the place of a unique value,and the activity connected with religious practice of the local parish.
Content available remote Miejscowy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego III Kampusu UJ
Teren III Kampusu UJ jest położony w części tzw. zachodniego klina zieleni Krakowa i sąsiaduje bezpośrednio z Zespołem Jurajskich Parków Krajobrazowych. Z racji wyjątkowo atrakcyjnego położenia - w tle klasztor na Bielanach, Przegorzały, Kopiec Kościuszki i panorama Starego Miasta z Wawelem - teren ten w zapisie ogólnego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego miasta z roku 1994 znalazł się w strefie ochrony krajobrazu otwartego. Równocześnie na przeważającej części tego obszaru obowiązywała intensywność miejska. Zatem pierwszym zadaniem było znalezienie kompromisowego rozwiązania dla obszaru o dwu wspomnianych, przeciwstawnych zapisach planu: duża intensywność zabudowy i ochrona krajobrazu otwartego. W studium krajobrazowym poprzedzającym opracowanie planu wyznaczone zostały główne kierunki widoków na otaczające atrakcje krajobrazowe - jako osie przestrzeni publicznych w kampusie. Pozostające między nimi pola stały się tym sposobem kwartałami inwestycyjnymi. Kompozycja całego założenia została uzupełniona regulacjami dotyczącymi wysokości zabudowy, pierzei, akcentów, dwoma dominantami oraz "bramami" wprowadzającymi na teren kampusu. Realizacja nowego Kampusu UJ, do którego włączone zostały także obiekty Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej oraz Park Technologiczny jest przewidywana na okres kilkunastoletni. Pierwszym etapem był w 1998 r. Kompleks Nauk Biologicznych, którego projekt i realizacja potwierdziła trafność kompozycji planu opartego na wynikach studiów krajobrazowych.
The area of Campus III is located on a section of the so-called "Western Greenery Wedge" of Kraków, and it is adjacent to the Jurajski Landscape Park Complex. Due to the exceptionally attractive location, with the Bielany Monastery, Przegorzały, Kościuszko Mound and the Old Town and the Wawel Castle panorama, the area was placed in the open landscape protection zone in the General Spatial Plan of 1994. At the same time, the major part of the area was characterized by intense urban development. Therefore, the first task was to find a compromise solution for the area holding two opposite Plan determinations: high intensity of development and open landscape protection. In the landscape study preceding the Plan development, main directions of views on the surrounding attractive landscapes were determined as the axes of the Campus's public spaces. The fields between the axes became development quarters. The composition of the whole layout was supplemented with the regulations concerning the heights of buildings, building lines, accents, two dominating structures and the "gateways" leading to the Campus. The completion of the new Jagiellonian University Campus, with which the facilities of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Papal Theological Academy, as well as of the Technological Park, were also integrated, will be attained in about a dozen of years. The first stage was the Biological Science Faculty completed in 1998. Its design and finishing confirmed that the composition plan based on landscape studies were correct.
Od roku 1994 zagadnienie krajobrazu stało się ważnym przedmiotem w Instytucie Planowania i Projektowania Krajobrazu na Wydziale Ekologii i Nauk o Środowisku Politechniki w Zwoleniu (Słowacja). Koniecznym wymogiem jest stosowanie metod interaktywnych oraz przetwarzanie i opracowywanie dokumentacji nie tylko z udziałem ekspertów, ale także władz lokalnych, przedsiębiorców, jak również społeczeństwa. Czynnikiem integrującym jest cel - stan jakości krajobrazu. Należy do niego dochodzić zbiorowym wysiłkiem wszystkich uczestniczących stron.
Since 1994 the topic of landscape is an important subject at the Department of Landscape Planning and Design, Faculty of Ecology and Environment, Technical University in Zvolen. The basic tool used for solving land problems, are landscape studies and landscape planning. Results are usually presented through the physical planning. Landscape is considered to be everything starting with spatial design, through park design and landscape architecture. Another is the term gardening, dealing with park and garden design. It is considered in Slovakia, that practical application of the landscaping, leads to the land care. A necessary requirement is the use of interactive methods and documentation processing with participation of not only experts but local governments, businessmen and the public, too. Integrating factor is the target - landscape quality condition which should be reached by a collective effort of all participating specialists.
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