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W ostatnich dekadach, w dużych miastach Europy Zachodniej narodziła się nowa tendencja oddolnego, społecz¬nego tworzenia tymczasowych przestrzeni publicznych. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą weryfikacji czy miejsca takie rzeczywiście powstają tylko w miastach i czy rzeczywiście jest to zjawisko nowe? W tym celu w latach 2016, 2019 i 2023 przeprowadzono badania zmian w zagospodarowaniu rekreacyjnym 100 km rzeki Wieprz (płynącej głównie przez obszary wiejskie), wraz z analizą zależności pomiędzy trwałością miejsc a ich wielkością, typem oraz rodzajem podmiotu odpowiedzialnego za ich powstanie i utrzymanie. Podjęto również próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, na ile intencjonalna i zaplanowana jest tymczasowość miejsc. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań ukazują wiejskie tereny nadrzeczne jako obszar o bardzo dużej liczbie miejsc rekreacyjnych (głównie niewielkich i nieformalnych), których liczba w ciągu ostatnich 7 lat niemal się podwoiła. Jednocześnie bardzo duży jest tu udział miejsc tymczasowych (35%), których czas „życia” wynosi mniej niż 3-4 lata. Tak więc na terenach wiejskich, oddolnie tworzone tymczasowe miejsca publiczne okazały się dominującym typem nadrzecznej przestrzeni rekreacyjnej. Nie jest to też zjawisko nowe, lecz typowe i „naturalne” dla obszarów wiejskich. W przeciwieństwie do miast, tymczasowość miejsc nie jest tu jednak zaplanowana lecz raczej dopuszczana lub akceptowana.
In recent decades, a new trend of grassroots, social creation of temporary public spaces has taken root in large cities in Western Europe. This article is an attempt to verify whether such places are really being created only in cities, and whether it is really a new phenomenon. To this end, a study of changes in the recreational development of 100 km of the Wieprz River (flowing mainly through rural areas) was conducted in 2016, 2019 and 2023, along with an analysis of the relationship between the permanence of places and their size, type and the type of entity responsible for their creation and maintenance. An attempt was also made to answer the question of how much the temporary nature of the sites is intentional and planned. The results of the study show the rural riverside area as an area with a very large number of recreational places (mainly small and informal), the number of which has almost doubled over the past 7 years. At the same time, it featured a very high proportion of temporary sites (35%), with a “lifespan” of less than 3–4 years. Thus, in rural areas, bottom-up created, temporary public places turn out to be the dominant type of riverside recreational space. This is not a new phenomenon, but typical and “natural” for rural areas. Unlike in cities, however, the temporariness of places here is not planned but rather allowed or accepted.
Cultural landscape stratigraphy is a concept based on geological epoch imaging. It refers to a method of interpretation of the specific arrangement and relations between cultural layers visible in the landscape. The number of layers and their age carry information about the persistence of a given landscape type and structure. For a specific site (region, landscape unit) and scale, the layers can be illustrated in a graphical notation of a coordinate system, where the vertical axis (y) represents the time intervals and the x and z axes illustrate the spatial location in Cartesian coordinates of a given landscape unit. This paper aims to present the landscape stratigraphy model, taking into account the necessary differences depending on the landscape scales. Three levels of analysis are presented. On the mesoscale (level of geographical mesoregion), the landscape stratigraphy includes the biography and schematic imaging of the area. The microscale (level of landscape units and level of landscape interior) contains three types of imaging: cartographic, spatial digital (3D), and spatial graphic drawing. These two scales differ in their imaging detail. The landscape stratigraphy model is based on analysis of both literature and cartographic sources. The stratigraphy imaging includes two steps: the analysis of historical and contemporary maps performed in GIS, and the creation of an appropriate type of imaging, using 3D modelling software, vector graphic software, and a graphic tablet. The landscape stratigraphy model can be used in landscape persistence identification, and landscape protection and forecasting. Moreover, the attractive visualisation of landscape changes can be helpful in landscape education.
Wojny są nośnikiem zmian urbanistycznych. Nie chodzi tylko o towarzyszące im zniszczenia, ale także o mechanizmy związane z ich społecznymi skutkami, w tym i swoiście rozumianej kreacji architektonicznej i urbanistycznej. Szczególnie widoczne stało się to po zajęciu przez oddziały brytyjskie Jerozolimy w grudniu 1917 roku. W kontekście wydarzeń mających miejsce na Bliskim Wschodzie towarzyszyła temu procesowi ekspansja wzorców zachodnich o podłożu fantasmagorii historycznej.
War is a unique carrier of urban changes – not only with regard to the destruction that accompanies them but also in the context of the mechanisms associated with their social consequences. Not only for the destruction resulting from military actions but also arising from the mechanisms related to their political and social effects, including architectural and urban creation in a very specific sense. For these reasons, the Great War of 1914–1918 is now generally seen not only as a traumatic political and military experience on a universal scale but also as a trigger that gave rise to the great social changes that occurred in the twentieth century. The cultural change then forced on leaders, to take many different shapes often reaching for the clearly recognisable symbolism at the intersection of urban planning, architecture, historical phantasmagoria and religion. This became particularly visible during the so-called Palestinian campaign of General Edmund Allenby and after British troops captured Jerusalem in December 1917.
This paper provides a systematic review of the methodologies used to evaluate the visual impacts of surface mining. The main objectives are: (a) to analyse the scientific literature and identify the most important issues and the methods and tools used; (b) to conduct an analysis using descriptive of statistical methods and qualitative interpretation; and (c) to evaluate the state of knowledge on this particular topic and identify gaps in the literature, to suggest future research directions. The findings of the analysis suggest that there is no single method capable of integrating all dimensions of the landscape and, thus, future research should put more emphasis on incorporating as many factors contributing to the visual impact of mining as possible towards developing holistic approaches.
Analiza bazuje na reinterpretacji danych kartograficznych od XVIII do końca XX w. Jako podstawę analizy przyjęto skalę 1: 100 000 w pięciu niezależnie kartowanych mapach. Zmiany zasięgu terenów leśnych rozpatrywano na odcinku od Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego do Kostrzyna nad Odrą. Celem pracy jest próba odtworzenia zmian terenów leśnych i skorelowanie tego procesu z wydarzeniami politycznymi i gospodarczymi. Krajobraz analizowanego obszaru charakteryzuje się dużą czasową i przestrzenną dynamiką, który determinowany były głównie przez czynniki antropogeniczne. Odnotowano wzrost terenów leśnych kosztem łąk, pastwisk oraz terenów pól. Na obszarze doliny dolnej Warty od drugiej połowy XVIII w. zaobserwowano gwałtowne zmiany warunków hydrologicznych, związane z pracami melioracyjnymi i regulacją całej doliny, pływając także na zmiany zasięgów terenów leśnych. Po drugiej wojnie światowej nastąpiło przerwanie ciągłości kulturowej w wyniku przesiedleń ludności.
This analysis is based on the interpretation of cartographic data dating from between the 18th and the end of the 20th century. The scale 1:100 000 was used as a basis for analysis in five independently drawn up maps. Changes in wooded areas were examined on the section from Gorzów Wielkopolski to Kostrzyn nad Odrą. The aim of this work is to try to reconstruct the changes in wooded areas and to correlate this process with political and economic events. The landscape of the analysed area is characterised by high temporal and spatial dynamics, which are determined mainly by anthropogenic factors. Wooded areas increased at the expense of meadows, pastures and fields. Since the second half of the 18th century, rapid changes in hydrological conditions have been observed in the area of the Lower Warta Valley, related to drainage works and the regulation of the entire valley, also affecting changes in the range of wooded areas. After the Second World War, cultural continuity was interrupted by the displacement of the population.
Izolacja przestrzenna wysp powoduje, że tworzący się w ich obrębie krajobraz kulturowy jest odmienny w porównaniu do obszarów sąsiadujących. Jednak odmienność Wyspy Chrząszczewskiej wynika głównie z jej budowy geologicznej, która wpłynęła na szereg oddziaływań antropogenicznych, związanych z wydobyciem surowców mineralnych. W analizowanym ponad dwustuletnim okresie rozwoju przestrzennego nie stwierdzono wyraźnych zmian w sposobie jej użytkowania, jedynie prace melioracyjne prowadzone od II połowy XIX w. spowodowały zanik mokradeł oraz cennych przyrodniczo obszarów solniskowych. Charakterystyczną cechą obserwowaną współcześnie są procesy samorzutnego zadrzewienia, które mają miejsce na: odłogach, osuszonych mokradłach, wyrobiskach i stromych wybrzeżach.
Spatial isolation of the islands cause differences in processes of culture landscape development, compared to the neighboring areas. However, in the Chrząszczewska Islands located in the narrow Dziwna strait, such trend is not observed due to slight isolation. Distinct character of the island landscape is mainly caused by socio – economical drivers and geomorphological composition, which contributed to a number of anthropogenic impacts associated with the extraction of mineral resources. In last two centuries of landscape history there were no significant changes in the manner of land use. Those identified were connected with land reclamation works carried out since the second half of the nineteenth century, resulted finally in the disappearance of wetlands and valuable salt meadows. As a characteristic feature of modern processes, spontaneous forest succession was observed, which took place on fallow land, drained wetlands, excavations and steep coasts areas.
The aim of our work on the Kysuce region was to map the incidence of preserved TAL elements, assessment of their contemporary usage and assessment of the threat to them under the influence of anthropogenic and natural stress factors. To do so, it was crucial to understand space and time intersection of TAL existence, the interaction of socio-economic, abiotic and biotic systems of the landscape and assess correctly the contemporary trends of the evolution of society and the threat to the agrarian heritage resulting from it. High proportion of TAL, covering 12% of the whole area, is typical for the monitored region. There were two types of TAL: TAL with dispersed settlement, covering 2261.4 ha of the area (3%) and TAL of arable-land, grasslands, covering 6990.3 ha of the area (9%). In the agricultural country, TAL makes up for important stabilizing elements and their presence increases biodiversity in these regions. It is of high importance to classify TAL as significant landscape features that are important as local bio-centres (because of their benefits for society and the environment).
Content available The landscape in times of populism and post-truth
The fascination with the landscape - which has led to the emergence of the art of the creation and protection of beauty in human surroundings - as a profession - has always been the domain of the elite. When a society follows the ideas of the elite, the level of culture rises, whilst when it is the other way around, when the elite follows the voice of the people – culture undergoes a regression. That which has been happening in Poland for the past 20 years can, without a doubt, be called a pauperisation of planning. The awareness of the essence of planning - of the fact tha a good plan should offer something more than the satisfying of the expectations of its future users, is disappearing in a populist atmosphere. This is the innovative value of plans and the essence of the progress of civilisation. This has been happenning for a very long time in those countries to whose standard of living we aspire to. The Landscape Architecture Forum has been an occasion to exchange thoughts for 20 years.Today we should return o the topic from which we started - to didactics! In order so that we can, through its earnestness, increase the level of social capial without surrendering to the deviation of the “threat of the forest within the forest” - no matter if this or that minister would compliment us for it. The duty of a university - one that has remained unchanged since the time of Plato’s Academy - is preparing young people to become a part of the elite - capable of searching for truth and of the creation and spreading of higher values based on truth. The functioning of the elite - and as such, a minority within the majority - is difficult in a democracy. However, this does not justify helplessness and idleness. In the field of didactics we have it easier - we can do what we want without paying attention to public opinion polls. Thus: Let us do our thing! Let us educate the elite!
Fascynacja krajobrazem, która doprowadziła z końcem XIX w. do wyodrębnienia sztuki tworzenia i ochrony piękna w otoczeniu człowieka jako zawodu, zawsze była udziałem elit. Gdy społeczeństwo podąża za upodobaniami elit, poziom kultury podnosi się, natomiast gdy jest odwrotnie i elity kierują się głosem ludu - w kulturze pojawia się regres. To co dzieje się w Polsce od 20 lat bez wątpienia można nazwać pauperyzacją planowania. W populistycznej atmosferze znika świadomość istoty planowania, tego mianowicie że dobry plan powinien oferować coś więcej niż oczekują jego przyszli użytkownicy. W tym tkwi innowacyjny walor planu i sedno postępu cywilizacyjnego. Tak od dawna działo się i nadal dzieje się w krajach, którym zazdrościmy standardu życia. Forum Architektury Krajobrazu od 20 lat jest okazją do wymiany myśli. Dziś należy wrócić do tematu, od którego zaczynaliśmy - do dydaktyki! Aby poprzez jej rzetelność podnosić poziom kapitału społecznego, nie ulegając dewiacji o „szkodliwości puszczy w puszczy”, choćby ten czy inny minister nas za to głaskał. Obowiązkiem wyższej uczelni - niezmiennym od czasów Akademii Platońskiej - jest przygotowanie młodych ludzi do tego, aby stali się elitą zdolną do poszukiwania prawdy oraz do tworzenia i krzewienia wysokich wartości na podstawie prawdy. Funkcjonowanie elit, a więc mniejszości wśród większości, jest w demokracji trudne. Ale to nie usprawiedliwia bezradności i bezczynności. Na polu dydaktyki mamy łatwiej, możemy robić swoje, nie zwracając uwagi na sondażowe słupki. Zatem: Róbmy swoje! Kształćmy elity!
Celem jest pokazanie procesów zachodzących w krajobrazach jako efektu decyzji politycznych od lat 40. XX wieku. Te decyzje (gospodarcze, społeczne i ideologiczne) przekształciły krajobrazy w Polsce. Trzebiatkowa i Anielpol posłużyły do prześledzenia przemian krajobrazów wiejskich. Kwestie kształtowania własności prywatnej jako elementu krajobrazu związanego z kreowaniem indywidualnego znaczenia miejsca przedstawiono na przykładzie z rejonu Zakopanego. Materiał źródłowy stanowiły zdjęcia lotnicze z lat 1964‐2009. Pierwsze z nich stanowiły punkt wyjścia analizy poprzez określenie stanu frozen palimpsest w odniesieniu do procesów historycznych. Splatają się tu dwa procesy: 1) interpretacja zdjęcia przez pryzmat znajomości procesów historycznych oraz 2) identyfikacja cech krajobrazu i poszukiwanie ich związku z wydarzeniami historycznymi lub indywidualnymi decyzjami ludzi. Zdjęcia współczesne pozwoliły na wskazanie kierunków przekształceń krajobrazów (ongoing palimpsest) w efekcie decyzji politycznych.
An article explores the processes taking place in the landscape which are the results of political decisions since the 1940s. These decisions (economic, social and ideological) have transformed the landscapes in Poland. The villages of Trzebiatkowa and Anielpol were used to follow changes in rural landscapes; an example from the Zakopane region shows issues related to the shaping of private property as an element of landscape connected with the creation meaning of an individual place. The main source materials used are the available aerial photographs from 1964‐2009s. The earliest available photographs present the frozen palimpsest. Two processes are involved here: 1) photo‐reading informed by knowledge of historical processes, and 2) the identification of certain landscape characteristics and the search for connections with historical events or the decisions of individuals. Contemporary photographs taken since the 2000s allow as to observe the ongoing palimpsest.
Na obszarze Pomorza Zachodniego od pierwszej połowy XIX w. obserwuje się gwałtowne zmiany warunków hydrologicznych, związane z prowadzeniem melioracji i regulacją dolin rzecznych. Działania te skutkowały zmniejszeniem się areału zajmowanego przez mokradła oraz zanikiem małych zbiorników wodnych. Pod koniec XX w. degradacja systemów melioracyjnych, mająca miejsce na obszarach badanych zlewni, wpłynęła na ponowny wzrost areału terenów podmokłych (torfowisk, bagien, podmokłych łąk i lasów), a także pojawienie się nowych zbiorników wodnych. W odniesieniu do struktury użytkowania terenu odnotowano wyraźny wzrost powierzchni leśnych, kosztem gruntów ornych. Krajobraz analizowanego międzyrzecza charakteryzuje się zatem dużą czasową i przestrzenną dynamiką, którą determinują głównie czynniki antropogeniczne.
Hydrological changes connected with meliorations and regulations within river valleys are observed in the Western Pomerania region between the 19th and the 20th c. Such changes caused decrease of wetlands area and disappearance of small water bodies. The lack of proper maintenance of hydrotechnical objects on meliorated valleys in the last decade of the 20th c. caused increase of wetland areas and reappearance of small water bodies. However, aerial photos taken in the beginning of the 21th c. indicate reoccurring of terrestrialisation of wetland areas. Significant changes of space and time dynamics are observed on wetland ecosystems. Regarding land use structure changes, the significant increase of forest areas at the expense of the arable lands was observed. Landscape changes in selected area were determined by mostly anthropogenic factors with fluctuated space and time dynamics.
Ukształtowanie doliny Małej Wisły umożliwiło już w późnym średniowieczu jej zagospodarowanie. We wczesnym etapie budowano liczne młynówki, a w XVI – XVII wieku system stawów hodowlanych, które aż do czasów współczesnych stanowią charakterystyczną cechę krajobrazu doliny. Jednak liczne wezbrania powodziowe nawiedzające od wieków dolinę Małej Wisły niszczyły stawy i zasypywały lub zmieniały bieg koryt młynówek. Jak wynika z archiwalnych zapisów oraz szkiców i map topograficznych, po powodziach ponownie odbudowywano stawy, lecz najczęściej zmieniano ich kształty, powierzchnie i układ grobli. Powodowało to wyraźne zmiany w krajobrazie doliny. Aż do końca XIX wieku wezbrania powodziowe w znaczący sposób zmieniały krajobraz opisywanej części doliny. W czasach współczesnych powodzie nie powodują już trwałych zmian w dolinie, bowiem wybudowanie zbiornika wodnego w Goczałkowicach spowodowało obniżenie wysokości kulminacji fal wezbraniowych.
The shape of the Little Wisła River Valley enabled it to make economical use of it. At first, many watermill streams and a system of fish ponds were built in the 16th-17th centuries, which up till now have been characteristic of the valley landscape. However, numerous floods, which struck the Little Wisła River Valley for centuries, devastated the ponds, covered up or changed the course of watermill streams. The archive records, sketches and topopgraphic maps show that after floods the ponds were rebuilt, but often their shape, area, and layout of dams were changed. It led to significant changes of the landscape of the valley. Up to the end of the 19th century floods immensly changed the landscape of the valley described. Nowadays floods do not cause permanent changes in the valley because its industrialisation and connections with the surrounding environment makes it necessary to rebuild buildings and technical infrastructure.
Przedstawiono przemiany krajobrazu wsi Bielice, Nowy Gierałtów i Goszów (Sudety Wschodnie). Uwarunkowania fizjograficzne, funkcje wsi oraz odległość od miasta wpłynęły na kierunek ewolucji krajobrazu w obliczu zmian polityczno-narodowościowych i ustrojowych po II wojnie światowej. Przemiany dotyczyły głównie odejścia od rolniczego użytkowania ziem, a w efekcie nasilenia wtórnej sukcesji leśnej. Powojenny regres w rozwoju przestrzennym wsi ustąpił wraz z silnym rozwojem funkcji turystycznej. Wprowadzenie obcej stylistycznie zabudowy letniskowej, willowej i obiektów turystycznych doprowadziło do zaburzenia historycznych układów wsi, a w miejscowościach podmiejskich do stopniowego zaniku ich krajobrazowej odrębności. W oparciu o idee umiarkowanego i zrównoważonego rozwoju przestrzennego zaproponowano sposoby przeciwdziałania niekorzystnym trendom zmian krajobrazowych.
There are shown landscape’s changes in the villages of Bielice, Nowy Gierałtów and Goszów (Eastern Sudetes). In the face of political-national and constitutional changes after II World War the physiographical determinants, function of villages and distance from the town have had an influence on landscape’s evolution direction. Landscape’s changes have mainly concerned retiring from the agriculture land use and as a result intensify of repeated forest succession. Postwar regress in village’s spatial development have last years subsided together with intense growth of tourist function. Introduction of stylistic foreign summer-resort building, detached houses and tourist objects have caused disturbance of historical villages configuration and in suburban villages - their landscape autonomy loss. On the basis of moderate and sustainable spatial development ideas there were proposed how to counteract detrimental landscape’s changes trends.
The analysis of the area of the municipality of Tuoro sul Trasimeno in Umbria, Central Italy (the historical site of the Battle of Trasimeno in 217 BC) was carried out to evaluate changes in land use from 1977 to 2000 at the land-plot level using relevant land use maps. An evaluation of the environmental quality of land use in 2000 was also made. The study involved an analysis of the environmental diversity in terms of extent and variety of land use. The Landscape Conservation Index (ILC), and diversity indicators (Shannon-Wiener Index and Eveness Index) were calculated. The study showed how landscape quality gradually declined due to an increase in agricultural areas to the detriment of natural areas. The calculation of environmental indicators, particularly the Eveness Index showed how the difference between real and potential diversity increased, in favour of real diversity. This is a symptom of increased human pressure.
More and more concern on landscape is a resulting from growing conviction of researchers about it’s indicating role in regard to ecosystem functioning. Number of research that confirm influence of landscape changes on biodiversity, climate, soil productivity, human health or quantity and quality of water courses and bodies is increasing. The simplest form of landscape study is an analysis of land cover. The data of this type can be easily treated by statistic methods and illustrated on the map. However, this sort of analysis concern mostly on particular component of landscape, not on the landscape as a whole. In many cases the structure, in terms of configuration and composition of land cover classes, determines landscape functions. Additional factor, usually not taken into account, is geomorphology of study area. The landform and his origin strongly affect landscape and it’s functions. The basic purpose of this study is to present the possibility of employing statistical analysis of numerical maps to describe landscape and predict the consequences of its changes. This paper considers the issue of landscape diversity measured by the share of land cover forms and the distribution of such forms in different geomorphologic forms of the Wielkopolsko-Kujawska Lowland. Author analyzed landscape structure of Wielkopolsko-Kujawska Lowland in 17 landscape types distinguished according to geomorphological division of Krygowski. In each geomorphological unit the share and structure of 16 land cover classes, obtained by data from CORINE Land Cover 2000 generalization, was counted. Analysis affected chosen indicators of patches area, density of their edges, shape, core zones, isolation and connectivity and was supported by Spatial Pattern Analysis Program Fragstats. Depending on the study object the change in various land cover forms entails different ecological consequences. They depend not only on the land cover type but also on its structure. The ability to predict those consequences and counteract adverse phenomena is very important. This study confirms that it is possible to draw conclusions on landscape consequences of land cover changes on the regional level only on the basis of quantitative data. It applies both to the future and the past.
Content available remote Spectral discrimination of arable from fallow fields as landscape components
Remote sensing methods, including aerial photography and satellite images, could be successfully used for detecting and acreage assessing of landscape components like fallow fields. The objective of the present study was to characterize the reflectance of fallow fields situated in various soil conditions and of different age and compare them with spectral characteristics of main arable crops: winter rye, spring oat, winter oilseed rape, corn, potatoes and meadow. Field spectral reflectance measurements were made with the CIMEL CE313 luminancemeter and five vegetation indices (NDVI, STVI, MSI, MNDVI and GRVI) were developed by combining the reflectance factors in the five wavebands (450, 550, 650, 850 and 1650 nm). In the second part of May, when seasonal biomass peak of winter crops and meadows occurs and spring crops partly covers the soil, significant differences were observed in the spectral properties of fallow and cultivated fields. Results showed that among the analyzed vegetation indices MSI index (R1650/R850) was found to be the best for discriminating among the fallow fields and GRVI (R550/R650) and NDVI ((R850-R650)/(R850+R650)), were the best discriminators between the fallow fields and arable crops.
Despite almost a hundred years of reforestation efforts, the recharge area of the Judea Group aquifer in the hills of the western Galilee still shows the signs of the severe soil erosion that transpired in previous centuries. At present the soil profile is thin and basement rock is often exposed. Historical and Biblical sources suggest that the hills in the past were more forested. Therefore, the delta 15N values of dissolved nitrate were measured in radiocarbondated groundwater to see if evidence for past soil conditions could be deduced. Nitrate mineralization processes in soils lead to enrichment in 15 N of the residual nitrate, which being dissolved by rain enters into the groundwater without further isotopic fractionation. Previous studies have shown that there is a trend of increasing delta 15 N in a soil profile from plant, to litter, to the organic material in the soil. In addition, there is a tendency for higher delta 15 N values to be observed in those samples that have been taken at greater depth in a soil profile due to progressive mineralization and subsequent nitrification of soil organic material. As long as the dissolved oxygen is not depleted, denitrification will not occur to alter the isotopic composition of the dissolved nitrate. The nitrate concentrations and delta 15 N values, water chemistry, tritium and radiocarbon activities were measured from the phreatic outcrop recharge region, and onwards into the confined portions of the Judea Group aquifer and its continuation into the juxtaposed Kurdani and Pleistocene aquifers. The radiocarbon activity decreases with flow. Tritium values of above 2 TU are restricted to the recharge region. Using an initial 14 C activity of 64 pMC the radiocarbon ages of the water are found to range from recent to 7800 BP. The delta 15 N values of the dissolved nitrate within the young water recharge area fall in the range of +3.1 to +4.8› (Air), having a mean of +3.9› (n=5). In older water the nitrate concentration increases slightly, while the delta 15 N ranges from +4.7 to +7.2› (Air), having a mean of +6.4› (n=17). The increase in the delta 15 N values in the older water down-dip is not due to denitrification processes; for, the waters are well oxygenated. These older waters infiltrated at the same point of origin in the phreatic portions of the aquifer (non-contaminated) as the recent water. As the earlier infiltrating water flowed down dip they retained the delta 15 N values of the environment at that time. The delta 15 N values present evidence that, compared to the present, the soil and plant cover was better developed in earlier times, including Biblical times.
The Himalayan Range is subject to both tectonic forces and climatic variations, each operating on different time scales, as observed in Nepal. Through the use of repeated photos, we try to illustrate some examples of very rapid geomorphological evolution, especially over the last 10 years, showing both the intensity of the processes in action (landslides, floods) and their potential impacts on inhabited areas and infrastructures under construction. We selected four sites from the middle Kali Gandaki valley (Annapurna–Dhaulagiri Himal) where frequent natural hazards are threatening the two-lane highway under construction, and two more sites in the south of the Everest massif to illustrate the changes brought about by the last 2015 earthquake.
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