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Purpose: The main purpose of the article is to assess the impact of regional variations in economic conditions on consumer attitudes and behavior during the crisis. The study was carried out using the example of Polish voivodeships. Design/methodology/approach: In order to implement the study goal formulated, an analysis of the indicators characterizing the economic and income situation of Polish voivodeships was conducted. The assessment of the crisis-related consumer attitudes and behaviors, including the regional variation thereof, was carried out based on a CATI survey of a randomly selected group of 1000 respondents in Poland, relative to 2023. The differentiation and disparity across voivodeships, with respect to the phenomena surveyed, was subjected to calculation. The surveyed objects were clustered using the Ward's method, to verify the impact of the economic differentiation and indicator levels on consumer attitudes and behavior during the crisis. Findings: Poland remains significantly regionally differentiated in terms of the economic level of voivodeships as well as household and consumer incomes. The crisis is clearly of no subsidy in reducing these disparities. Particularly substantial disparities are found between the poorest voivodships of eastern Poland and the richer ones of western Poland. The economic and income standing of the voivodeships is reflected in consumer attitudes and behavior. Concerns associated with the deterioration of the material position and income, often accompanied by reduced sense of security and stability of employment, are considerably more often expressed by residents of voivodeships characterized by inferior economic indicators and lower income. Research limitations/implications: The Implication behind the survey entailed the examination of whether the crisis has caused changes in the attitudes and behavior of Polish consumers, as well as whether their concerns and constraints have been influenced by the economic and income condition of the regions. Practical implications: The conclusions drawn in the study can serve as a useful tool for public and utility entity managers, enabling more effective application of remedial and intervention measures, relative to the residents of regions characterized by unfavorable economic conditions and crisis-related negative sentiment. Social implications: The article provides useful insights on the economic and income indicators, as well as the on impact of existing regional differences on consumer attitudes and behavior amid the crisis, which the voivodship managers as well as the central authorities in Poland should familiarize themselves with. Originality/value: The added value of the article lies in the evaluation of recent secondary and primary source data on the differences in the economic condition of the voivodeships in Poland, including the impact of these differences on consumer attitudes and behavior, relative to their work, financial situation and sense of security during the crisis.
On February 24, 2022, the world faced a very different reality. The armed aggression of the Russian Federation affected not only the Ukrainian state, but also had a huge impact on the politics of numerous countries, especially those bordering with Ukraine, including Poland. The scale of destruction and the form of aggression expressed by Russia astounded not only the Ukrainian part, but also other countries of the world. The consequences of the war have proven to be horrific. The time since the armed assault has become Poland’s largest refugee crisis after the Second World War and also the largest one in Europe. The aforementioned refugee crisis also bears the hallmarks of a migration crisis (and so it was assumed in the considerations) due to the record number of refugees who arrived in Poland in the first days of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The challenge Poland faced was not only the scale of the influx of people, but also the short time in which the influx has occurred. The new situation required Poland to prepare a coherent action plan between public authorities, local governments, NGOs and citizens. The aim of this paper is to present the most important activities undertaken by the National Firefighting and Rescue System (NFRS) to help war refugees from Ukraine in 2022. The scale of actions taken in the wake of the situation at that time was described on the example of the activity of the State Fire Service (SFS) and Volunteer Fire Brigades (VFB) participating in activities aimed at minimising the refugee crisis. In addition, thanks to the diagnostic survey carried out among the local community (residents of border towns), it was possible to diagnose the level of sense of security of those who, while providing help, experienced the effects of the military crisis in Ukraine. Despite the fact that the presented conflict does not meet the formal prerequisites for armed conflict, as according to Article 1 of the Third Hague Convention of 1907, the initiation of armed action must be supported by a prior formal act of war declaration, the paper assumes that this armed conflict will be called a war (Schindler, Toman, 1988). The conducted research focused on an analysis of reports and statements on the type, scope and size of tasks imposed on the National Firefighting and Rescue System units and the role of the fire service in the process of combating the migrant crisis. Analyses were performed of activities carried out by the National Firefighting and Rescue System units in the first seven months of the conflict, i.e. from February 24, 2022 to October 11, 2022. It should be added that the activities implemented by the guards have not been completed and on various levels are being continued until now. The paper makes use of the available literature and legal acts, and a special analysis was carried out based on statistical data obtained from the National Headquarters of the State Fire Service of Poland and the Border Guard Headquarters. An assessment of the role played by the NFRS in the process of combating the migration crisis in Poland, in the view of Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022, also made use of data obtained from a diagnostic survey of the target research group of 181 people who are active witnesses of the actions taken, often shoulder to shoulder with SFS and VFB. The above methods allowed a detailed presentation of the range of activities of the selected National Firefighting and Rescue System units in combating the migration threat and showed the wide spectrum of their involvement, effectiveness, efficiency and rapidity. The results showed new research areas that would be worth paying more attention to in future research processes.
24 lutego 2022 roku świat stanął w obliczu zupełnie innej rzeczywistości. Zbrojna agresja Federacji Rosyjskiej dotknęła nie tylko państwo ukraińskie, ale miała ogromny wpływ na politykę wielu państw, zwłaszcza graniczących z Ukrainą, w tym Polski. Skala zniszczeń i forma agresji wyrażona przez Rosję zaskoczyła nie tylko część ukraińską, ale także inne kraje świata. Konsekwencje wojny okazały się przerażające. Czas od zbrojnej napaści stał się dla Polski największym kryzysem uchodźczym po II wojnie światowej, a także największym w Europie. Wspomniany kryzys uchodźczy nosi również znamiona kryzysu migracyjnego (i tak też zakładano w rozważaniach) ze względu na rekordową liczbę uchodźców, którzy przybyli do Polski w pierwszych dniach wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej. Wyzwaniem, przed którym stanęła Polska, była nie tylko skala napływu ludzi, ale także krótki czas, w jakim napływ ten nastąpił. Nowa sytuacja wymagała od Polski przygotowania spójnego planu działania pomiędzy władzami publicznymi, samorządami, organizacjami pozarządowymi i obywatelami. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie najważniejszych działań podejmowanych przez krajowy system ratowniczo-gaśniczy (KSRG) na rzecz pomocy uchodźcom wojennym z Ukrainy w 2022 r. Skala działań podejmowanych wobec ówczesnej sytuacji została opisana na przykładzie aktywności Państwowej Straży Pożarnej (PSP) i Ochotniczych Straży Pożarnych (OSP) uczestniczących w działaniach minimalizujących kryzys uchodźczy. Dodatkowo, dzięki przeprowadzonemu wśród społeczności lokalnej (mieszkańców miejscowości przygranicznych) sondażowi diagnostycznemu, możliwe było zdiagnozowanie poziomu poczucia bezpieczeństwa osób, które udzielając pomocy, doświadczyły skutków kryzysu militarnego na Ukrainie. Pomimo tego, że przedstawiony konflikt nie spełnia formalnych przesłanek konfliktu zbrojnego, gdyż zgodnie z art. 1 III konwencji haskiej z 1907 r. rozpoczęcie działań zbrojnych musi być poparte uprzednim formalnym aktem wypowiedzenia wojny, w pracy przyjęto, że ten konflikt zbrojny zostanie nazwany wojną (Schindler, Toman, 1988). Przeprowadzone badania skupiły się na analizie raportów i zestawień dotyczących rodzaju, zakresu i wielkości zadań nałożonych na jednostki krajowego systemu ratowniczo-gaśniczego oraz roli straży pożarnej w procesie zwalczania kryzysu migracyjnego. Analizie poddano działania realizowane przez jednostki krajowego systemu ratowniczo-gaśniczego w pierwszych siedmiu miesiącach trwania konfliktu, tj. od 24 lutego 2022 r. do 11 października 2022 r. Należy dodać, że działania realizowane przez straż nie zostały zakończone i na różnych płaszczyznach trwają do chwili obecnej. W pracy wykorzystano dostępną literaturę, akty prawne, a szczególną analizę przeprowadzono na danych statystycznych uzyskanych z Komendy Głównej Państwowej Straży Pożarnej oraz Komendy Głównej Straży Granicznej. W ocenie roli KSRG w procesie zwalczania kryzysu migracyjnego w Polsce, w obliczu wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej w 2022 roku, wykorzystano również dane uzyskane z sondażu diagnostycznego docelowej grupy badawczej liczącej 181 osób, będących aktywnymi świadkami podejmowanych działań, często ramię w ramię z PSP i OSP. Powyższe metody pozwoliły na szczegółowe przedstawienie zakresu działań wybranych jednostek krajowego systemu ratowniczo-gaśniczego w zwalczaniu zagrożenia migracyjnego oraz pokazały szerokie spektrum ich zaangażowania, skuteczności, efektywności i szybkości działania. Wyniki wskazały nowe obszary badawcze, na które warto byłoby zwrócić większą uwagę w przyszłych procesach badawczych.
Aim: The article aimed to present the essence of the systemic approach to business continuity management (BCMS - Business Continuity Management System) and to determine the level of maturity of business continuity systems implemented in small and medium-sized enterprises about selected groups of external threats, corresponding to current economic, political and legal conditions. Project/methodology/approach: The subject of this study is an analysis based on the available resources in the literature and the results of the conducted empirical study. Findings: As a result of the literature study, it has been proven that organizations are exposed to many threats that affect business continuity to varying degrees. The fundamental element of organizational prevention at the operational level is the business continuity plan, which defines response mechanisms in the event of an incident or crisis that negatively affects the stability of implemented projects. The analysis of the research results indicated that the primary response mechanism established in modern organizations transfers the burden of the effects of the crisis to employees, as it is related to the performance of professional duties using remote communication methods and techniques. Research limitations/implications: The primary research limitation was the difficulty in obtaining a representative research sample, which is why it was decided to limit the scope of the research and carry it out in enterprises belonging to high-tech industries. Bearing in mind that the scope of the study referred to conditions which, due to the increased uncertainty of the general (intermediate) environment, are subject to changes and improvement of modern management systems, it is recommended to conduct the research again in other economic sectors. Expanding the study's scope will allow the development of a catalogue of good practices, including a more comprehensive catalogue of threats to the continuity of modern business organizations. Originality/value: The article presents previously untested mechanisms ensuring business continuity about current threats - blackout and energy lockdown. The analyses contained therein may be the basis for improving internal crisis response systems, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises.
Purpose: The article aims to analysis the essence of multinational entrepreneurship, the main currents of research conducted in this field, and in the context of the crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic, which creates both economical barriers and opportunities for multinational companies, as well as to present the role of these enterprises in the economies' reconstruction. Design/methodology/approach: The article reviews national and foreign professional, scientific publications concerning economical aspects on multinational entrepreneurship and conducted an analysis based on economic data on the situation of multinational companies, as well as the flow of FDI, including the OECD, International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC) and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor databases (GEM). Findings: The conducted literature and empirical studies allow us to conclude that the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on multinational entrepreneurship, including changes in the activities of enterprises and attempts to adapt them to the changing and uncertain environment. The first response to the crisis for international companies is their use of available resources, followed by transformations of supply chains or changes in business models. Regarding multinational companies, the economic slowdown caused by the pandemic can be interpreted not only in terms of threats but also opportunities, as crises may also contribute to the creation of new opportunities for their development. Research limitations/implications: The COVID-19 pandemic and numerous blockages in economies worldwide have created a unique situation that does not yet have a solid theoretical grounding in the economic literature on multinational entrepreneurship (context of the emergence of a crisis), which is a challenge for researchers. Research should also use innovative research methods to a greater extent, i.e., internationalization of complex systems, visualization, computer simulations, and experiments. Practical implications: Regarding empirical research, it is worth noting that it is difficult to decide here to what extent the indicated changes are permanent. Hence there is a need for further research in this area. The existing assumptions concerning the business environment, the theory of internalization and patterns of multinational entrepreneurship, and the relations and connections between multinational entrepreneurship and international views of business and entrepreneurship also require re-analysis. Social implications: The role of international enterprises in the reconstruction of national economies was pointed out. Originality/value: The focus was on the cognitive aspects related to changes in the area of international entrepreneurship, relating to FDI flows and crisis trends caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, mainly due to the fact that in international business research this area of research often abounds in ambiguous conclusions.
Purpose: The new reality of the ongoing war in Europe, in addition to the enormity of the unimaginable human tragedy, has generated serious problems of various categories, especially in the field of energy security management. Thus, there is a hypothesis that in the current situation, the implementation of the idea of sustainable development in terms of energy development and maintenance of measures for achieving climate goals, may be significantly hampered and slowed down. Based on the analysis, it was determined that there are legitimate concerns about the existence of obstacles to the process of achieving sustainable development in the context of interest. Design/methodology/approach: Research related to this issue consisted of a literature analysis of available texts. This article is purely theoretical in nature and is based on a literature analysis. For the purpose of it, three groups of keywords were developed to reflect their diverse characteristics, in order to identify the state of the current literature covering the knowledge of energy management in the energy crisis associated with the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Findings: The issues raised in this article are merely an exemplification of the problems concerning further energy development and the implementation of the concept of environmental sustainability caused by the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. From a sketchy analysis of the available information, it can be deduced that, on the one hand, the effect of this aggression on the realisation of the concept of sustainable development may be an acceleration of, for example, decarbonisation, but, on the other hand, it is a very complex problem, as it may trigger a crisis whose scale and effects we are not yet able to determine. Originality/value: The article deals with new problems emerging in the space of energy management and the implementation of environmental sustainability in the context of armed conflict in Europe. The considerations presented may open up new fields and directions of research exploration for researchers.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to analyse the actions taken in individual regions and countries in the field of state aid for air carriers and to verify its impact on counteracting the effects of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular in the European Union. Design/methodology/approach: The research was mainly based on the comparative analysis of the International Air Transport Association, European Commission and selected air carriers’ data. Findings: The diversity of forms and values of public aid between regions of the world was identified. No links were found between the volume of financial support and the pace of market recovery, both globally and within the European Union. In EU, private-owned unsubsidised entities have been recovering faster than state-owned so-called ‘national carriers’ which received substantial amount of public funds. Research limitations/implications: The research was based on limited number of entities and on limited number of operational and financial indicators. Some data comparisons are burdened with error due to inconsistency between reporting (fiscal) periods of selected air carriers. Originality/value: The research summarizes and describes the different forms of public aid implemented for the air carriers and shows ineffectiveness of government support granted for these entities.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to analyse the actions taken in individual regions and countries in the field of state aid for air carriers and to verify its impact on counteracting the effects of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular in the European Union. Design/methodology/approach: The research was mainly based on the comparative analysis of the International Air Transport Association, European Commission and selected air carriers’ data. Findings: The diversity of forms and values of public aid between regions of the world was identified. No links were found between the volume of financial support and the pace of market recovery, both globally and within the European Union. In EU, private-owned unsubsidised entities have been recovering faster than state-owned so-called ‘national carriers’ which received substantial amount of public funds. Research limitations/implications: The research was based on limited number of entities and on limited number of operational and financial indicators. Some data comparisons are burdened with error due to inconsistency between reporting (fiscal) periods of selected air carriers. Originality/value: The research summarizes and describes the different forms of public aid implemented for the air carriers and shows ineffectiveness of government support granted for these entities.
The mission of many companies around the world is to strive for continuous development of their operations, thus increasing their own operability and profits generated. The ways to do this are at least several - from increasing the scope of the company’s operations to looking for weak links inside the company, thus optimizing the costs incurred. It so happens, however, that it is not internal conditions that influence the way a business entity is shaped, but external influences over which one does not always have control. It then remains to adjust to the new reality and, as far as possible, reduce its negative impact. Emerging threats in the socioeconomic space, in recent years, caused by the COVID pandemic or the war in Ukraine, among others, have contributed to an area in which research should be undertaken. The purpose of the study was to analyze the disruptions created inside supply chains and their impact on the transport company. In the described research, the research questions were formulated as follows: How do disruptions in supply chains affect the opportunity costs of transportation companies and how can they be minimized? A research assumption was made that disruptions in supply chains affect the opportunity costs of transportation companies. These disruptions limit opportunities to expand economic activity. The problem discussed referred to the issue of opportunity cost - in particular, the cost of lost opportunities and benefits, in order to then propose changes and actions to reduce the adverse effects from external influences. Based on the research, it can be concluded that disruptions in supply chains affect the opportunity cost of companies (1). Identifying and analyzing disruptions Identifying disruptions and analyzing allows you to identify several options for minimizing opportunity costs (2). Considering the disruptions in supply chains under the influence of the global crises among the most significant affecting the studied entity were: disruptions related to the timeliness of deliveries, the inability to hire new drivers and the possibility of acquiring another set of vehicles (3). These disruptions prevented the surveyed entity from expanding its operations and thus affected its opportunity costs.
Misją wielu przedsiębiorstw na całym świecie jest dążenie do stałego rozwoju swojej działalności, a co za tym idzie zwiększania własnej operacyjności i generowanych zysków. Sposobów, aby tego dokonać jest co najmniej kilka – od zwiększenia zakresu działania przedsiębiorstwa po wyszukanie słabych ogniw wewnątrz firmy, optymalizując w ten sposób ponoszone koszty. Zdarza się jednak tak, że to nie wewnętrzne uwarunkowania wpływają na sposób kształtowania podmiotu gospodarczego, a zewnętrzne wpływy, nad którymi nie zawsze ma się kontrolę. Pozostaje wtedy dopasować się do nowej rzeczywistości i w miarę możliwości obniżać jej negatywne oddziaływanie. Powstałe zagrożenia w przestrzeni społeczno-gospodarczej, w ostatnich latach, spowodowane między innymi pandemią COVID czy wojną na Ukrainie przyczyniły się do powstania obszaru w którym należy podjąć badania. Celem opracowania była analiza zakłóceń powstałych wewnątrz łańcuchów dostaw i ich wpływu na przedsiębiorstwo transportowe. W opisywanym badaniu pytania badawcze sformułowano następująco: w jaki sposób zakłócenia w łańcuchach dostaw wpływają na koszty alternatywne przedsiębiorstw transportowych i w jaki sposób można je minimalizować? Przyjęto hipotezę badawczą, iż zakłócenia w łańcuchach dostaw mają wpływ na koszty alternatywne przedsiębiorstw transportowych. Zakłócenia te ograniczają możliwości poszerzenia aktywności gospodarczej. Omawiany problem odnosił się do kwestii kosztu alternatywnego – w szczególności kosztu utraconych możliwości i korzyści, aby następnie zaproponować zmiany oraz działania, które pozwolą na obniżenie niekorzystnych skutków z zewnętrznych wpływów. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań można stwierdzić, że zakłócenia w łańcuchach dostaw wpływają na koszty alternatywne przedsiębiorstw (1). Identyfikacja i przeanalizowanie zakłóceń umożliwia wskazanie kilku opcji minimalizowania kosztów utraconych możliwości (2). Biorąc pod uwagę zakłócenia w łańcuchach dostaw pod wpływem światowych kryzysów, do najistotniejszych oddziałujących na badany podmiot zaliczamy: zakłócenia związane z terminowością dostaw, brakiem możliwości zatrudnienia nowych kierowców oraz możliwością nabycia kolejnego zestawu pojazdów (3). Zakłócenia te uniemożliwiły badanemu podmiotowi poszerzenie prowadzonej działalności, a tym samym wpłynęły na jego koszty utraconych możliwości.
Content available remote Kryzys obrony cywilnej w Polsce : perspektywa instytucjonalna
Problemem badawczym podjętym w niniejszym artykule jest kryzys instytucji ochrony ludności na przykładzie Obrony Cywilnej we współczesnej Polsce. Instytucje ochrony ludności stały się ważnymi ogniwami bezpieczeństwa niemilitarnego państw europejskich, szczególnie w obliczu kryzysów migracyjnych oraz pandemii COVID-19. Tymczasem Obrona Cywilna RP pod koniec drugiej dekady XXI wieku uległa marginalizacji. Celem autora jest znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie o przyczyny tej nietypowej sytuacji. Chcąc osiągnąć ten cel problem ukazano z perspektywy teorii instytucjonalnej, która ma długą tradycję wyjaśniania procesów zmian instytucjonalnych na gruncie nauk społecznych.
The research problem addressed in this article is the crisis of civil protection institutions on the example of Civil Defense in contemporary Poland. Civil protection institutions have become important parts in the non-military security of European countries, especially in the face of migration crises and the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the Civil Defense of the Republic of Poland became marginalized at the end of the second decade of the 21st century. The author's goal is to find an answer to the question about the causes of this unusual situation. To achieve this goal, the problem was presented from the perspective of institutional theory, which has a long tradition of explaining processes of institutional change in the social sciences.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest syntetyczna ocena wpływu zjawisk o charakterze kryzysowym na wielkości przewozowe w kolejowym transporcie ładunków między Azją a Europą na kolejowym Jedwabnym Szlaku. Analiza źródeł wtórnych i analiza wyników przewozowych w przewozach między Chinami a Europą przeprowadzono w oparciu o dane i wielkości statystyczne otrzymywane w ramach prac analityczno-badawczych w zakresie przewozów ładunków w ramach Organizacji Współpracy Kolei (OSŻD). Analiza potwierdziła, że przewozy towarowe między Chinami a Europą wykazały swoją stabilność w wielkościach przewozowych. Prowadzone działania kolei państw członkowskich OSŻD mające na celu przeciwdziałanie zjawiskom kryzysowym spowodowały osiągnięcie pozytywnych wyników przewozowych i zwiększanie przewozów kontenerowych w kolejowym transporcie międzynarodowym między Azją a Europą na kolejowym Jedwabnym Szlaku. Wyniki analiz wykazały wzrosty przewozów kontenerów w relacjach Chiny – Europa – Chiny w korytarzach transportu kolejowego funkcjonujących w ramach koncepcji Nowego Jedwabnego Szlaku. Niemniej zjawiska kryzysowe uwidoczniły zmiany w przewozach na Korytarzu Północnym oraz dążenia do poszukiwania alternatywnych korytarzy przewozowych. Podstawowymi indykatorami międzynarodowego transportu kolejowego w przewozach tranzytowych między Azja i Europą okazały się szybkość transportu i czas dostawy towarów. Wpływ na wyniki przewozowe miały prace nad rozwojem i organizacją transportu kontenerów w ruchu międzynarodowym, w tym organizacja pociągów blokowych kontenerowych, cyfryzacja procesów obsługi na przejściach granicznych, cyfrowy list przewozowy CIM/SMGS.
The aim of this article is to synthetically assess the impact of crisis phenomena on transport volumes in rail cargo transport between Asia and Europe on the rail Silk Road. The analysis of secondary sources and the analysis of transport results in traffic between China and Europe was carried out on the basis of data and statistical quantities obtained as part of analytical and research work in the field of freight traffic within the framework of the Organization for Co-Operation between Railways (OSJD). The analysis confirmed that freight traffic between China and Europe has shown its stability in transport volumes. The actions taken by the railways of the member states of the OSJD to counteract the crisis phenomena resulted in the achievement of positive transport results and an increase in container transport in international rail traffic between Asia and Europe on the rail Silk Road. The results of the analyses showed an increase in container transport in the China-Europe-China relations in the rail transport corridors operating under the New Silk Road concept. Nevertheless, the crisis has highlighted changes in transport on the Northern Corridor and efforts to search for alternative transport corridors. The main indicators of international rail transport in transit transport between Asia and Europe turned out to be the speed of transport and the time of delivery of goods. The transport results were influenced by work on the development and organization of container transport in international traffic, including the organization of container block trains, digitization of service processes at border crossings, and the CIM/SMGS consignment note.
This research aimed to study the correlation between the role, behaviour, characteristics, style, and efficiency of leaders in managing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) during the global economic crisis in Thailand. Mixed methods were employed to collect qualitative and quantitative data from SME entrepreneurs with business experiences and successful business management in Bangkok for at least 10 years in the service sector that was growing in medium-term growth by using the interview form and questionnaire survey. Many factors can contribute to a successful or existing business, and an appropriate approach will be used in operation. The approach and leadership roles discovered in this study should emphasise building personnel confidence, having a clear vision, being a good planner, being decisive, being a problem solver to reduce business effects, creating various channels to access targets, and updating information systems to improve business strategies.
Celem tego badania było zbadanie korelacji między rolą, zachowaniem, cechami, stylem i skutecznością liderów w zarządzaniu małymi i średnimi przedsiębiorstwami (MŚP) podczas globalnego kryzysu gospodarczego w Tajlandii. W celu zebrania danych jakościowych i ilościowych zwrócono się do przedsiębiorców zlokalizowanych w Bangkoku z sektora MŚP z 10 letnim doświadczeniem w sektorze usług, posiadającym doświadczenie biznesowe i skuteczne zarządzanie biznesem, dla posyskania danych zastosowano metody mieszane (formularz wywiadu i ankiety). Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badan stwierdzono, że wiele czynników może przyczynić się do sukcesu planowanego lub istniejącego biznesu, po tym gdy odpowiednie podejście zostanie zastosowane w działaniu. Podejście i role przywódcze zidentyfikowane w niniejszym badaniu powinny kłaść nacisk na budowanie zaufania personelu, posiadanie jasnej wizji, bycie dobrym planistą, bycie zdecydowanym, rozwiązywanie problemów w celu zmniejszenia efektów biznesowych, tworzenie różnych kanałów dostępu do celów oraz aktualizowanie systemów informacyjnych w celu poprawy strategii biznesowych.
Problemy gospodarcze, które pojawiły się w Polsce, dotykają społeczeństwo nie tylko, jeśli chodzi o wzrost cen żywności (inflacja najwyższa od 25 lat), ale zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o wzrost cen za energię cieplną i elektryczną oraz transport. Tego rodzaju kłopoty pojawiły się już podczas szalejącej pandemii COVID-19 w 2020 i 2021 roku, a spotęgowały je z pewnością konflikt zbrojny między Rosją a Ukrainą oraz wymogi, jakie nakłada na Polskę Komisja Europejska m.in. w związku z rozpowszechnieniem produkcji energii odnawialnej.
Kryzys ukraiński w 2013 roku, a następnie konflikt hybrydowy z Federacją Rosyjską od 2014 roku miał zasadniczy wpływ na zmianę sytuacji geopolitycznej w Europie Środkowej i postrzegania bezpieczeństwa w Polsce. Jedną z konsekwencji tych wydarzeń było utworzenie piątego rodzaju Sił Zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – Wojsk Obrony Terytorialnej. Celem artykułu jest dokonanie oceny funkcjonalności tej formacji i określenie jej przydatności w kontekście zagrożeń hybrydowych dla bezpieczeństwa Polski. Szczególnej analizie poddano okres poprzedzający atak wielkomocarstwowej Federacji Rosyjskiej na Ukrainę.
The Ukrainian crisis in 2013 and the subsequent hybrid conflict with the Russian Federation since 2014 had a major impact on changing the geopolitical situation in Central Europe and the perception of security in Poland. One of the consequences of these events was the creation of the fifth type of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland – the Territorial Defense Forces. The purpose of the article is to assess the functionality of this formation and determine its usefulness in the context of hybrid threats to Poland’s security. A particular analysis is made of the period preceding the attack of the multi-capitalist Russian Federation on Ukraine.
Content available The role of human capital in recovering from crisis
Purpose: Paying attention to the determinants of the growing role of people and their knowledge as factors supporting the development of entities in the period of recovery from the crisis. Design/methodology/approach: the study is based on a critical analysis of the literature, and due to the topicality of the analyzed issues, also on the basis of press publications and internet sources. The subject area includes issues related to human capital in the situation of recovering from the crisis and changing the strategy. Findings: The considerations presented in this study show that appropriate human capital management is a factor supporting the change of strategy towards development in the period of recovery from crisis. Practical implications: Theoretical considerations are supplemented with the results of world research in the field of human capital management. As a result, the current trends recommended in this area of management are indicated. They constitute the guidelines for managers on how to deal with human capital so that it supports the development of the enterprise. Social implications: Recognizing effective ways of managing human capital may have multifaceted beneficial socio-economic consequences. Overcoming the crisis and entering the phase of redevelopment is important both for the state and for society. Originality/value: The study shows a specific approach to human capital, which not only determines the effective management of a company in a crisis situation, but when properly managed it supports the transition from crisis-related stagnation to the strategy of re-development after the crisis.
Purpose: The study provides a concise overview of the CSR concept in the literature regarding two market’s aspects - quality and marketing. The aim of the study is to analyse to what extent a CSR maps to crisis management phases. Design/methodology/approach: The article entails a literature review of 352 articles published in the years 2006-2021 supported by machine learning. Findings: 15 thematic groups were identified. It is impossible to point to unambiguous thematic trends in relation to the topics in the analysed articles. CSR as a field includes three main elements (economic, environmental, social), but this concept can be considered in many areas and a wide range of organizational activities, which was shown in the article in individual thematic groups. Research limitations/implications: As every literature review serves as a snapshot of a particular period, the results of the study are limited. Future research may also concern the qualitative research (e.g., case-studies in individual companies) and quantitative research (e.g., focusing on specific aspects and/or dedicated samples). Practical implications: The CSR implementation is not a single and short-term organization’s project, but an element of a long-term strategy and market trends. It is an important practical information for all organizations undertaking activities in corporate social responsibility. Social implications: The results of the presented research help the reader to see a broader perspective of CSR activities. Microeconomic activities within the CSR triad influence the macroeconomic scale - the global increase in awareness of business responsibility towards society. Originality/value: This is the first paper containing the literature review results on CSR considering the aspects of quality and marketing. The crisis management perspective was also considered as an issue related to the intensity of organizational activities in CSR.
Purpose: This paper aims to contribute to the field by exploring the development of the functionality of mobile applications in crises using commercial banks as an example. Design/methodology/approach: This research was conducted between 2020 and 2022 in 13 commercial banks, performing a total of 390 complete tests of mobile applications by 30 clients (respondents). Findings: It was found that mobile applications are becoming a significant customer service channel in some banks. In addition, the mobile application is helpful for the client since it can replace personal contact with the bank in terms of service without needing additional support from an advisor in other contact channels. It was also found that crises significantly accelerate the development of mobile applications to meet customers' needs and expectations. Research limitations/implications: The research was conducted as part of the Institution of the Year project in 2020, 2021, and 2022. The study was carried out in 13 commercial banks, performing 390 complete tests of mobile applications by 30 clients (respondents). Practical implications: Crises, which have occurred frequently in recent years, force managers to take measures to respond quickly to the needs and expectations of customers. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic made it impossible for many customers to contact direct sales field personnel directly. The banking sector has also been affected by this problem. Although banks had used mobile applications for some time, customers could only use a limited set of functions. They had to go to a bank branch to open an account or take a loan. Social implications: To meet customer requirements, bank managers make strategic decisions to improve mobile applications to meet the needs and expectations of customers and achieve a high level of satisfaction. There are many studies on responding to crises in various sectors. The research results will positively influence the improvement of the quality of services as well as the progress of the quality of life of society. Originality/value: No research has been conducted on customers' role in creating new mobile application improvements. Therefore, the article presents the research results in this field, and the appropriate conclusions were drawn.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to research and analyze the main trends in the hotel and restaurant industry of Ukraine under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, to identify the main problems of business entities in the field of hospitality and to outline the prospects for its further development. Design/methodology/approach: In the research process, general scientific methods were used – information collection, its analytical processing, theoretical generalization and comparison; graphic method – to illustrate the dynamics of the indicators studied in the work. The object of the study is the activity of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry in Ukraine. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the functioning of domestic enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The information base of the research became theoretical and methodological developments of domestic and foreign authors, materials of periodicals; statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine; research of the Association of Hotels and Resorts of Ukraine (UHRA); informational materials of the National Tourist Organization of Ukraine. Findings: The article provides an analysis of the efficiency of the hotel and restaurant business. In article is shown the negative impact of the pandemic on the development of the hotel and restaurant industry in Ukraine. The analysis of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic showed that the hotel and restaurant business needs the implementation of complex innovative approaches in various spheres of activity. Practical implications: Based on the analysis of the theoretical and methodological principles and trends in the development of the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine during the pandemic, were summarized practical recommendations and were substantiated a measures aimed at overcoming the consequences of the crisis and improving the efficiency of the enterprises. Originality/value: The results of the conducted research will contribute to the improvement of the management system of hotel and restaurant business enterprises and increase their competitiveness on the domestic and international markets.
The article is devoted to the problem of safe supplies in crisis situations in selected organizations of the health care sector. An attempt was made to answer the question to what extent, for example, the implementation of the ISO 28000-based model can assist organizations in managing the security of the supply chain, especially in crisis situations. What actions should be taken to maintain the supply chain security management system or what solutions can be introduced to the identified processes affecting the functioning of the supply chain? The essence is to emphasize the role of the supply chain management system, based on specific requirements, in maintaining an appropriate level of security, especially during a crisis. To what extent can requirements focusing on the flow of process control activities ensure supply chain security?
Content available remote The World Food Program in the Global Logistics Cluster
The subject of the article is an analysis of the functioning of the World Food Program (WFP) as a leading organization, directing and coordinating activities in humanitarian logistics at the level of the Global Logistics Cluster (GLC). The article adopts the research goal of defining the role of the World Food Program in activities carried out in humanitarian logistics at the level of the Global Logistics Cluster. Hypotheses were formulated; WFP is responsible for directing and coordinating humanitarian activities of all partner organizations participating in the GLC, and WFP is responsible for the development of the global supply chain and effective cooperation between partners in various humanitarian logistics operations. Achieving the research goal and verifying the adopted hypothesis was possible thanks to the use of research methods such as: analysis of existing data (desk research), analysis of documents published by WFP, as well as logical inference based on the collected research material and conducting a case study. The article shows that the WFP is the leading UN agency in the GLC, contributing to the development of humanitarian logistics and meeting the humanitarian needs of communities in various parts of the world. Humanitarian operations carried out at the initiative of WFP under the GLC can be divided into Logistics Sector Support, Logistics Preparedness and Logistics Cluster Operation. Humanitarian aid directed and coordinated by the WFP, supplemented with development aid, is the result of the development of humanitarian logistics at the GLC level.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza funkcjonowania Światowego Programu Żywnościowego (World Food Program, WFP) jako wiodącej organizacji, kierującej oraz koordynującej działania w logistyce humanitarnej na poziomie Globalnego Klastra Logistycznego (GLC). WFP to wyspecjalizowana agencja ONZ powołana do zwalczania problemu głodu i wzmocnienia bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego na świecie. W artykule przyjęto cel badawczy w postaci określenia roli Światowego Programu Żywnościowego w działaniach realizowanych w logistyce humanitarnej na poziomie Globalnego Klastra Logistycznego. Sformułowano hipotezy; WFP spełnia funkcję kierującą i koordynującą działania humanitarne wszystkich organizacji partnerskich partycypujących w GLC, oraz WFP odpowiada za rozwój globalnego łańcucha dostaw i efektywną współpracę między partnerami w zróżnicowanych przedmiotowo operacjach w ramach logistyki humanitarnej. Osiągnięcie celu badawczego oraz weryfikacja przyjętych hipotez było możliwe dzięki zastosowaniu metod badawczych w postaci: analizy danych zastanych (desk research), analizy dokumentów opublikowanych przez WFP, a także logicznego wnioskowania na podstawie zebranego materiału, oraz przeprowadzeniu studium przypadku (case study). W artykule wykazano, że WFP jest wiodącą agendą ONZ w GLC, przyczyniającą się do rozwoju logistyki humanitarnej i zaspokajania potrzeb humanitarnych społeczności w różnych częściach świata. Operacje humanitarne realizowane z inicjatywy WFP w ramach GLC można podzielić na Logistics Sector Support, Logistics Preparedness i Logistics Cluster Operation. Kierowana i koordynowana przez WFP pomoc humanitarna, uzupełniona o pomoc rozwojową, jest rezultatem rozwoju logistyki humanitarnej na poziomie GLC.
In this article, the authors give general overview of the effect of the pandemic crisis on the aviation industry. The current pandemic crisis seriously affect the aviation business, consequently, affect the logistic chain all over the world especially in the second half of 2019 early 2020. As aviation industry, plays a major role in transportation logistic all over the world, the authors also, analyzed the impact of manner of managing the business during the crises to cope with difficulties and reduce the total company losses. They believe that a good and successful manager who determines the company’s strategy and perceptions are able to rescue the industry by means of finding alternative methods for maintain business and reduces total losses. The ability of management to be agile comes to work in such situations by choosing the exact team and exact policy. The authors conducted a survey to answer the main two questions: which of the management strategy is more adaptive for aviation organizations in crises? And what is the impact of the team management on the management strategy in crises? The Survey show that the best strategy for managing maintenance and Repair Organizations MRO is Alliances. Also, Survey reflect the importance of teamwork management in crisis to cup with negative consequences.
W artykule autorzy dokonują ogólnego przeglądu wpływu kryzysu pandemicznego na przemysł lotniczy. Obecny kryzys pandemiczny poważnie wpływa na biznes lotniczy, w konsekwencji wpływa na łańcuch logistyczny na całym świecie, zwłaszcza w drugiej połowie 2019 roku i na początku 2020 roku. Ponieważ przemysł lotniczy odgrywa główną rolę w logistyce transportu na całym świecie, autorzy analizowali również wpływ sposobu zarządzania firmą podczas kryzysów, aby poradzić sobie z trudnościami i zmniejszyć całkowite straty firmy. Uważają, że dobry i skuteczny menedżer, to taki który określa strategię firmy i jest w stanie uratować przemysł poprzez znalezienie alternatywnych metod utrzymania działalności i zmniejszenie całkowitych strat. Zdolność zarządzania do bycia skutecznym (odnoszącym sukcesy) sprawdza się w takich sytuacjach poprzez wybór odpowiedniego zespołu i odpowiedniej polityki. Autorzy przeprowadzili badanie, aby odpowiedzieć na dwa główne pytania: która ze strategii zarządzania jest bardziej adaptacyjna dla organizacji lotniczych w kryzysach? I jaki jest wpływ zarządzania zespołem na strategię zarządzania w kryzysach? Badanie pokazuje, że najlepszą strategią zarządzania organizacjami utrzymania ruchu i napraw MRO jest sojusz. Ponadto, badania odzwierciedlają znaczenie zarządzania pracą zespołową w sytuacjach kryzysowych z negatywnymi konsekwencjami.
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