Operational control is one of the most important powers of the state police services, including, since 2018, the State Protection Service (Służba Ochrony Państwa – SOP). The analysis of the title issue presented in the article leads to the conclusion that the shape of the operational control, which is a novum in the security service, which is the SOP, does not differ from the solutions used in regulating the operational powers of other Polish services, both in terms of the principles and procedure of applying control operational, and the (technical) ways of using this power in practice.
Kontrola operacyjna jest jednym z ważniejszych uprawnień państwowych służb policyjnych, w tym także od 2018 roku Służby Ochrony Państwa (SOP). Analiza tytułowego zagadnienia przedstawiona w artykule doprowadza do wniosku, że kształt kontroli operacyjnej stanowiącej novum w odniesieniu do służby ochronnej, jaką jest SOP, nie odbiega od rozwiązań stosowanych przy regulowaniu uprawnień operacyjnych innych polskich służb zarówno co do zasad i trybu stosowania kontroli operacyjnej, jak i sposobów (technicznych) korzystania z tego uprawnienia w praktyce.
The need of ensure the safety in the realised industrial processes results directly from their negative influence both on environment and workers’ health, and, as a result - the associated material losses. Safety management must be based on the risk management, results of which are the basis of risk acceptability assessment and taking action of the systemic character directed on risk minimisation. Those actions should guarantee technical condition of the used technological installations and monitoring and control equipment as well as organisational solutions, which in the effective manner are going to minimise the probability of occurrence of environmental and occupational accidents, and - in the case of their occurrence - minimise the influences. Therefore research on the practical solutions of process safety assurance, both in the regular conditions of work and in the time of the emergency are of the crucial meaning. That is why the value of the paper is being constituted by the authorial model of operational control, which aim is to guarantee the process safety from the perspective of the both: technical and occupational safety. The worked out model is the systemic tool giving the guidelines of operational management and allowing for the homogeneous management in the range of environmental safety and occupational safety and on the basis of - being the fundamental element of the model - risk management. The worked out model can be implemented in case of any organisation which wants to assure the safety of the realised processes by risk and system management.
Assurance of the supervised conditions in all processes affects directly both products and users safety and environmental influence. ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards in Operation point require from organisations to implement and control the planned processes by establishing processes’ criteria, assuring the supervised conditions and verifying processes’ conformity. Moreover, in Planning section it is required to plan the processes with the consideration of quality and environmental risk. Therefore research on the practical solutions of operational planning and control in the production processes are of the crucial meaning, especially from the perspective of the integrated fulfilment of the requirements. That is why the value of the paper is being constituted by the authorial methodology of identification of the key-operational criteria, including integrated risk assessment, using the computer support and being a starting point for assurance of the supervised conditions in the key-processes of high risk. The worked out methodology has been implemented in the processes of performance and completing the stirrups, which quality is of the huge influence on the work safety of the mine roadway supports in the mine workings. The aim of the analysis was to identify the operational parameters in the stirrups technological process, to estimate their meaning and to point at the key operational criteria from the point of fulfilling the quality and environmental requirements. Practical implication of the proposed methodology can be applied in case of any organisation which wants to improve the realised processes ensuring the computer supported supervised conditions.
Operational control of welding quality is the fundamental element of the entire rail manufacturing process. In practice, real-time systems are used for this purpose. This article features a new method that makes use of fuzzy logic to analyze the data from mechanical tests and from the ultrasound inspection of connections.
Kontrola operacyjna jakości zgrzewania szyn jest zasadniczym elementem kontroli procesu całego procesu technologicznego produkcji szyn. W praktyce do tego celu stosowane są systemy działające w czasie rzeczywistym. W artykule zaproponowano nową metodę, która stosuje logikę rozmytą do analizowania danych pochodzących z testów mechanicznych połączeń oraz inspekcji ultradźwiękowej połączeń.
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Purpose: of the presented paper is meant to explain the necessity of implementing the Integrated Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management System and using the proper methods of estimating the technological processes, which takes into account not only the final products but also the environmental influences and occupational health and safety; in this case in the steel wire production. Design/methodology/approach: applied for the survey has covered the integrated opinion of technological processes based on the quality, environmental and occupational health and safety criterion and using the Integrated Risk Ratio to estimate the risk connected with occurrence of nonconformities, environmental aspects and threats to occupational health and safety in the analyzed processes. Findings: of the carried out researches are as follows: the realization of quality, environmental and occupational health and safety policy by the integrated methods of technological processes estimation and in accordance with the proposed models results in the improvement of analyzed productive processes of steel wire rod, and in consequence - to their optimization both in the range of view of products' quality and in the aspect of quality of environmental influence and occupational safety. Practical implications: refers to the application in the steel wire production of the technological model and model of operational control lowering the Integrated Risk Ratio. Originality /value: of the presented paper has been achieved by application of the new methodology concerning the usage of integrated methods of technological processes estimation, including the Integrated Risk Ratio.
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