An epidemic threat (or state of epidemic) means that the state's activity is subject to many restrictions. This also applies to entrepreneurs, including those who are operating under the Geological and Mining Act. The most significant changes apply to administrative proceedings, including decisions regulated by GMA. An additional difficulty is that these solutions are unstable. They partly relied on the rule that procedural time limits governed by administrative law were not running (or were suspended). The Act of 14 May 2020 removes this solution and introduces a rule that the above time limits started to run within seven days after entering this act into force. In principle, however, there are no provisions that change the legal situation of the entrepreneur, and, in particular, lead to the extension of the binding force of the decision necessary to conduct business regulated by the provisions of GMA.
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Od 2 września 1994r. obowiązuje nowa regulacja prawna wynikająca z Ustawy - Prawo geologiczne i górnicze a dotycząca zasad koncesjonowania działalności gospodarczej tam wymienionej. Koncesji wymaga poszukiwanie lub rozpoznawanie złóż kopalin, wydobywanie kopalin ze złóż, bezzbiornikowe magazynowanie substancji w górotworze oraz składowanie odpadów w podziemnych wyrobiskach górniczych, poszukiwanie i wydobywanie surowców mineralnych znajdujących się w odpadach powstałych po robotach górniczych oraz po procesach wzbogacania kopalin. Jej udzielenie nie narusza wymagań wynikających z przepisów odrębnych.
New legal regulations contained in 'Geological and Mining law' Act have been set since 2 September 1994. They concern the rules of issuing concessions for the business units mentioned in the Act. The concession is required for exploring or researeh on mineral deposits, exploitation of the minerals from deposits, non-reservoir storage of the material in the ground and depositing wastes in underground mining excavations, exploring and obtaining minerals contnined in the wastes remaining after mining operations and processes of mineral enrichment of the deposits.
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