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Content available Synteza i zastosowanie modyfikowanych nanorurek TiO2
Heterogeneous photocatalysis in the presence of semiconductor materials, especially TiO2, is increasingly studied due to its potential application in hydrogen generation, carbon dioxide conversion, and pollutant degradation. TiO2, known for its cost-effectiveness, stability, and safety, is particularly effective in its nanometric form, with nanotubes standing out for their structure that improves light absorption and charge carrier mobility. One approach to improve the properties of TiO2 for its application in photocatalytic processes involves its modification. Modifications of TiO2 nanotubes aim to reduce the rate of recombination of photogenerated charge carriers, increase photocatalytic activity in the UV range, extend its activity to the visible radiation range, and enhance reaction selectivity. Enhancing TiO2 photocatalytic efficiency involves modifications such as doping, creating heterojunctions, and introducing structural defects. The objective of this mini-review is to present selected methods of modifying TiO2 nanotubes obtained through anodic oxidation, leading to the enhancement of their photocatalytic properties.
As a result of the work carried out, composites were obtained whose matrix was polylactide (PLA) and the filler was hemp shives with the addition of stearin. Using a heating press, composites with different shares of both PLA and hemp shives were obtained. The amount of stearin was always 15% in relation to the mass of hemp shives used. Samples were prepared from the obtained composites to test the biodegradation process, which were measured and weighed. The biodegradation process was carried out in the environment, placing the appropriately prepared batches of composites in compost derived from grass. Samples were taken at monthly intervals to analyze changes in mass and thickness and morphological assessment. The degradation process of the obtained composites was carried out for 3 months. The mass of the samples after the first month of biodegradation did not change significantly, however, with the biodegradation time, the masses of the tested composite samples decrease. The thickness of composite samples after the first month of biodegradation increased in relation to the initial value, which may be caused by the adsorption of water from the substrate. However, after three months of biodegradation, a decrease in thickness was observed for all samples in comparison to the initial value. Analysis of the surface morphology of the composite samples carried out using a stereoscopic microscope and a scanning electron microscope confirmed the biodegradation process for the obtained composites. Stearin, which is a mixture of fatty acids, used as a composite modifying additive turned out to be a nutrient for microorganisms present in the compost, which accelerated the decomposition of the samples. As a result of the conducted research, it can be stated that the obtained composite has properties that support ecological processing, which is in line with the assumptions of a circular economy.
The tribological properties of composites based on 316L steel reinforced with zirconium diboride (5 and 10 wt.%) were described. The composites were fabricated by the spark plasma sintering (SPS) method. Wear resistance tests were carried out using the ball-on-disc method at room temperature under dry friction conditions. Countersamples made of SiC, Si3N4, ZrO2 and AISI52100 steel were used in the tests. The determined parameters included the coefficient of friction μ, mass loss m and specific wear rate Ws(disc). After the tribological tests, the surfaces of the samples were examined under a confocal microscope. The obtained research results showed that the tribological properties depend on the test conditions (the type of countersample) and on the content of the ZrB2 reinforcing phase.
Przedstawiono właściwości tribologiczne kompozytow na osnowie stali 316L wzmocnionych diborkiem cyrkonu (5 i 10% wag.). Kompozyty zostały wytworzone z zastosowaniem metody Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS). Badania odporności na zużycie przeprowadzono, wykorzystując metodę ball-on-disc w temperaturze pokojowej w warunkach tarcia suchego. Testy przeprowadzono, stosując następujące przeciwprobki: SiC, Si3N4, ZrO2 i stal AISI52100. Wyznaczono współczynnik tarcia μ, ubytek masy m i wskaźnik zużycia Ws(disc). Powierzchnie probek po testach tribologicznych obserwowano za pomocą mikroskopu konfokalnego. Uzyskane wyniki badań wykazały, że właściwości tribologiczne zależą od warunkow badań (rodzaju przeciwprobki) i ilość fazy wzmacnianej ZrB2.
With the development of manufacturing processes, an increase in the importance of metal-fibre composites in materials engineering is observed. These are materials consisting of appropriately arranged layers of metal and various types of fibres. The very wide use of composite materials in the construction of machine and equipment components means they are often exposed to work in variable temperature conditions. The aim of this article was analysis of the thermal expansion of typical composites: carbon fibre-reinforced polymer, glass fibre-reinforced polymer, glass-reinforced aluminium laminate and carbon-fibre reinforced aluminium laminate. EN AW-6060 aluminium alloy was used as the reference material. The aim of the dilatometric tests was to determine the coefficient of thermal expansion and the dimensional stability of composite materials at elevated temperatures up to 100 °C. The EN AW-6060 aluminium alloy was characterized by the highest linear expansion coefficient (20.27×10−6 1/K). Composites containing glass fibres were characterized by the lowest positive linear thermal expansion coefficient. Among the composite materials tested, CARALLs exhibit the lowest thermal expansion coefficient.
Wraz z rozwojem techniki, możemy zaobserwować wzrost znaczenia kompozytów metalowo-włóknistych w inżynierii mechanicznej. Są to materiały składające się z odpowiednio ułożonych warstw metalu oraz różnego rodzaju włókien. Bardzo szerokie zastosowanie materiałów kompozytowych w budowie elementów maszyn i urządzeń powoduje, że niejednokrotnie są one narażone na pracę w warunkach zmiennych temperatur. Celem tego artykułu była analiza rozszerzalności cieplnej typowych materiałów kompozytowych wzmocnionych włóknami węglowymi i szklanymi oraz laminatów typu GLARE i CARALL. Jako materiał referencyjny wykorzystano stop aluminium EN AW-6060. Celem badań dylatometrycznych było określenie rozszerzalności cieplnej i stabilności wymiarowej materiałów kompozytowych w podwyższonych temperaturach do 100°C z szybkością nagrzewania 5°C/min. Największym współczynnikiem rozszerzalności liniowej (20,27×10−61/K) charakteryzował się stop aluminium EN AW-6060. Najmniejszym dodatnim liniowym współczynnikiem rozszerzalności cieplnej charakteryzowały się kompozyty zawierające włókna szklane. Spośród materiałów kompozytowych, najmniejszym współczynnikiem rozszerzalności cieplnej charakteryzował się kompozyt typu CARALL.
Analyzing the development of the modern construction industry clearly shows the steady increase in the share of load-bearing and enclosing structures made based on building materials obtained by new technology. Polymer-based composites have a special place in this range of materials. The use of composite materials in construction can solve such important issues as reducing operating costs and the mass of buildings, improvement of technical characteristics of structures, serviceability, strength, deformation, thermal insulation, operational properties, etc. The advantage of composites include: the construction of structures, elements and details with predetermined properties that meet working conditions and requirements. The variety of fibers and matrix materials, as well as the optimization of reinforcement schemes used to create the composite structures, give the engineers complete freedom to adjust the properties of the composite material accordingly at the expense of changing the component ratio and macro-structure. Hundreds of thousands of natural (non-composite) and artificial materials are now known. However, they can no longer meet the increased demands.
Analizując rozwoj wspołczesnego budownictwa, wyraźnie widać stały wzrost udziału konstrukcji nośnych i osłonowych wykonywanych w oparciu o materiały budowlane otrzymywane z wykorzystaniem nowej technologii. Kompozyty na bazie polimerow zajmują szczegolne miejsce w tej gamie materiałow. Zastosowanie materiałow kompozytowych w budownictwie może rozwiązać ważne problemy, takie jak: zmniejszenie kosztow eksploatacji i masy budynkow, poprawa właściwości technicznych konstrukcji - użyteczności, wytrzymałości, odkształceń, izolacyjności termicznej, właściwości eksploatacyjnych itp. Zaletą kompozytow jest: swoboda w konstruowaniu elementow i detali o określonych właściwościach, spełniających warunki i wymagania pracy. Rożnorodność włokien i materiałow osnowy, a także optymalizacja schematow zbrojenia stosowanych przy tworzeniu struktur kompozytowych dają inżynierom pełną swobodę w zakresie odpowiedniego dostosowywania właściwości materiału kompozytowego kosztem zmiany proporcji składnikow i makrostruktury. Obecnie znane są setki tysięcy materiałow naturalnych (niekompozytowych) i sztucznych. Nie są one jednak w stanie sprostać rosnącym wymaganiom przemysłu i gospodarki.
This article presents a description of the properties of basalt fibers and polymer composites containing basalt fibers. Basalt fibers are seen as a potentially beneficial component in composite development, especially for vehicles in transport applications. The article also presents the results of the mechanical properties investigation of the glass-epoxy and basalt-epoxy composites. The composites for testing were prepared using the popular hand lay-up method. The samples were cut from prepared plates using abrasive water jet methods. The obtained samples were tested to evaluate their flexural strength and interlaminar sharing strength. The achieved mechanical properties were compared.
Artykuł przedstawia koncepcje weryfikacji materiału kompozytowego zbrojonego włóknem szklanym w osnowie epoksydu mogącego znaleźć zastosowanie w nośnej konstrukcji ramy motocyklowej. Poddano analizie występujące typy ram motocyklowych umożliwiających zastosowanie kompozytów. Wytworzono próbki materiału kompozytowego z wykorzystaniem metody trzpieniowej dla wybranej konstrukcji ramy, badając wpływ różnej orientacji włókien szklanych. Próbki kompozytu poddano badaniom fizykochemicznym, określając podstawowe własności wytrzymałościowe, gęstość, pracę zniszczenia oraz przeprowadzono obserwację mikroskopową wykonanych próbek.
The article presents the concept of a glass fiber reinforced composite in an epoxy matrix that can be used in a motorcycle frame. Motorcycle frames types enabling the composites usage were analyzed. Composite material samples with different glass fibers orientations were produced using the pin method. The manufactured composite material was subjected to physicochemical tests to determine basic strength properties, density, work of destruction, and microscopic observation was carried out.
The article presents the main research directions of the project implemented by the consortium under the National Defence and Security Program: "Development of modern, breakthrough technologies for state security and defence", codename "SZAFIR". During the implementation of the project, the possibilities of using terahertz radiation will be examined for diagnostic tests of components crucial for defence and security, such as solid rocket fuels, aramid fibre-based composites (bulletproof vests, helmets, pyrotechnic suits), and polymer composites reinforced with glass and carbon fibres (aircraft elements). As a result of research, the interaction of tetheric radiation with materials of these components will be analysed, followed by the development of a methodology for determining their defects. This will result in creating innovative dedicated stations for non-destructive testing of these components. Neural network-based advanced signal processing and artificial intelligence algorithms will be used for automatic diagnostics of key components, improve the process of their control and therefore increase the safety of people and military equipment.
W artykule przedstawiono główne kierunki badawcze projektu TeraDiag realizowanego przez konsorcjum (WITU, IOE WAT, ITWL oraz LTT) w ramach programu NCBR na rzecz obronności i bezpieczeństwa państwa pn. "Rozwój nowoczesnych, przełomowych technologii służących bezpieczeństwu i obronności państwa” pk. "SZAFIR". W trakcie realizacji projektu zostaną zbadane możliwości zastosowania promieniowania terahercowego do badań diagnostycznych kluczowych dla obronności i bezpieczeństwa komponentów, takich jak stałe paliwa rakietowe, kompozyty na bazie włókien aramidowych (kamizelki kuloodporne, hełmy, kombinezony pirotechniczne), kompozyty polimerowe wzmacniane włóknami szklanymi i węglowymi (elementy statków powietrznych).W wyniku prac badawczych przeprowadzona będzie analiza oddziaływania promieniowania terahercowego anetz materiałami tych komponentów a następnie opracowana metodyka wyznaczania ich defektów. W rezultacie powstaną nowatorskie dedykowane co najmniej dwa stanowiska do badań nieniszczących tych komponentów. Zaawansowane algorytmy przetwarzania sygnałów i sztucznej inteligencji bazujące na sieciach neuronowych pozwolą na automatyczną diagnostykę kluczowych komponentów, przyczynią się do polepszenia procesu ich kontroli, a przez to poprawią bezpieczeństwo ludzi i sprzętu wojskowego.
The effect of nanocellulose (3 or 5 wt%) on the PLA properties was investigated. Moreover, the possibility of using such composites as an expansion joint material was considered. Nanocellulose was obtained from wastepaper by mechano-chemical treatment. The structure, impact strength, tensile strength of the composites and the adhesion to the cement were studied. It was observed that with the increasing nanocellulose content, the impact strength and tensile strength decreased because of weak interactions at the interface and formation of agglomerates.
W pracy zbadano wpływ nanocelulozy (3 oraz 5% mas.) na właściwości PLA. Dodatkowo rozważono możliwość zastosowania tego typu kompozytów jako materiału dylatacyjnego. Nanocelulozę otrzymano z makulatury poprzez obróbkę mechano-chemiczną. Zbadano strukturę, udarność i wytrzymałość kompozytów na rozciąganie oraz adhezję do cementu. Zaobserwowano, że wraz ze wzrostem zawartości nanocelulozy udarność i wytrzymałość na rozciąganie zmniejszały się jako efekt słabych oddziaływań na granicy faz i tworzenia się aglomeratów.
Adhesion between the polymer matrix and fillers is an important factor influencing the properties of the obtained composites. One way to improve interactions at the interface is to modify the filler with coupling agents, e.g., silanes. The article presents the effect of modifying the surface of the mineral filler with a new type of silane [triethoxy(ketoimino)silane] on the mechanical properties of polyester resin based composites. Composites with triethoxy(ketoimino)silane-modified filler had similar mechanical properties to composites obtained with commercial silanes, with slightly lower water absorption.
Adhezja między osnową polimerową i napełniaczami jest istotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na właściwości otrzymanych kompozytów. Jednym ze sposobów poprawy oddziaływań na granicy faz jest modyfikacja napełniacza środkami sprzęgającymi, np. silanami. W artykule przedstawiono wpływ modyfikacji powierzchni napełniacza mineralnego przy użyciu nowego typu silanu [triethoksy(ketoimino)silan] na właściwości mechaniczne kompozytów na bazie żywicy poliestrowej. Kompozyty z udziałem napełniacza modyfikowanego triethoksy(ketoimino)silanem miały podobne właściwości mechaniczne do kompozytów otrzymanych z udziałem silanów handlowych, przy nieco mniejszej chłonności wody.
The effect of compatibilizer – ethylene-n-octene copolymer grafted with maleic anhydride (EOC-g-MAH) used in the amount of 3 wt% on tensile and flexural properties and impact strength of bioPET with the addition of 10 wt% filler derived from organic waste (egg and mollusc shells, coffee grounds) was investigated. EOC-g-MAH slightly decreased tensile strength, flexural strength, and modulus of elasticity, while significantly increasing impact strength (up to 426%). Moreover, ability of bioPET-based composites to dissipate mechanical energy was improved.
Zbadano wpływ kompatybilizatora – kopolimeru etylen-n-okten szczepionego bezwodnikiem maleinowym (EOC-g-MAH) użytego w ilości 3% mas. na właściwości mechaniczne przy rozciąganiu i zginaniu oraz udarność bioPET z dodatkiem 10% mas. napełniacza pochodzącego z odpadów organicznych (skorupki jaj i mięczaków, fusy z kawy). EOC-g-MAH nieznacznie obniżył wytrzymałość na rozciąganie, zginanie i moduł sprężystości, jednocześnie znacznie zwiększył udarność (aż do 426%). Ponadto zwiększyła się zdolność kompozytów na bazie bioPET do rozpraszania energii mechanicznej.
The useful properties of PVC-based composites intended for the production of a new type of pro-ecological acoustic screens for use in road construction as soundproof covers for urban housing estates, bridges and railway tracks were examined. The composites were obtained by melt mixing using a counter-rotating twin-screw extruder. PVC-based composites are characterized by high Charpy notch impact strength (> 12 kJ/m2), high Rockwell hardness (> 78 N/mm2), high oxygen index (50%), good resistance to UV radiation. An important advantage of these composites is the high content of agri-food waste (30 wt%), which makes the materials environmentally friendly.
Zbadano właściwości użytkowe kompozytów na osnowie PVC przeznaczonych do wytwarzania nowego typu proekologicznych ekranów akustycznych do zastosowań w drogownictwie jako osłony dźwiękoszczelne osiedli miejskich, mostów i torów kolejowych. Kompozyty otrzymano metodą mieszania w stanie stopionym przy użyciu przeciwbieżnej wytłaczarki dwuślimakowej. Kompozyty na osnowie PVC charakteryzują się wysoką udarnością z karbem Charpy’ego (> 12 kJ/m2), dużą twardością wg Rockwella (> 78 N/mm2), wysokim indeksem tlenowym (50%), dobrą odpornością na działanie promieniowania UV. Istotną zaletą tych kompozytów jest duża zawartość odpadów rolno-spożywczych (30% mas.), co czyni materiały przyjaznymi dla środowiska.
The article presents the results of the research work, which included aqualitative and quantitative analysis of the selected wooden wastesintended for manufacturing thecomposite materials. Additionally, theexisting solutions related to the processing of wooden waste from power poles and railway sleepers were analysed. In the context of theanalysis, the focus was on the methods for removing carcinogenic substances used for preserving thetelecommunications poles, power poles and railway sleepers, with the aim of obtaining thesafe end product. On this basis, the concept of a technological system for recycling the mentioned wasteshas beendeveloped. The recycling process involves reprocessing them and using as components of thecomposite materials.
Purpose: The present study aims to evaluate the effect of montmorillonite nanoclay (MMT) and waste glass powder (WGP) on the hardness and thermal conductivity of PMMA polymer composites. Thus, this study concentrates on the potential use of MMT and WGP as reinforcements, in different concentrations, in PMMA polymer matrix, with the expectation of improving the performance of PMMA polymer composites in various applications. Design/methodology/approach: There is a growing demand for PMMA with increased mechanical properties and thermal stability for applications where inorganic glass would fail. Montmorillonite (MMT) clay and Waste Glass Powder (WGP) have physical and chemical properties compatible with PMMA. Therefore, they could potentially enhance PMMA’s hardness and thermal conductivity. Silicon dioxide in glass silica and MMT and octahedral aluminium hydroxide sheet in MMT can strengthen both covalent and hydrogen bonding architecture in PMMA composite for better mechanical strength and thermal conductivity. Thus, PMMA composites were designed by combining MMT powder and WGP powder in different ratios before being incorporated into the PMMA polymer matrix and tested for hardness and thermal conductivity. Findings: The present study measured Brinell Hardness (HB) and electrical conductivity values of four PMMA composites containing different proportions of MMT and WGP. MMT/WGP filler mix had optimal hardiness (HB number = 74) when glass content was 1% (3MMT1G) or better still (HB number = 63) when an equal mix ratio was used (1MMT1G). PMMA composite with 3MMT1G also had the highest thermal conductivity (0.01899W/m.K-1). However, the higher the glass content, the lower the thermal conductivity of the PMMA composite. Thus, the present study has demonstrated that 3MMT1G filler was the best for enhancing the thermal and mechanical properties of PMMA composite. Research limitations/implications: The results of this study demonstrate the potential of this new composite material for a variety of applications. Further research is needed to explore the full potential of this material and to develop new and improved versions. Practical implications: Reusing waste glass as filler materials in composites requires minimal processing and therefore has lower environmental impacts than synthetic options. Originality/value: Experimental data from the present study has provided new insights into Glass/MMT mix design in PMMA composites. The PMMA composite containing 3MMT1G exhibited the best hardness and thermal conductivity characteristics. Thus, the present study has successfully optimised Glass/MMT mix design for PMMA composite for applications requiring these features.
Silicone-based materials are of great interest in medicine and cosmetic applications because of their biocompatibility and elasticity. Recently, there has been a significant focus on the development of functional materials that integrate multiple desirable characteristics. Elastic composites reinforced with magnetic filler are active in a magnetic field. These materials can be an interesting alternative to the currently used materials, after appropriate modification of the NdFeB powder. From the point of view of the use of materials in biomedical engineering, they require a lot of research and analysis to determine whether they are useful and will not cause potentially negative effects on a living organism. The aim of the work was to verify the influence of the powder silanization method on the thermal and physicochemical properties of silicone-based composites reinforced with NdFeB powder. The appropriate selection of the silanization parameters used in the process allows control of the properties of the composite. The powder surface silanization execution affects the physicochemical and thermal stability of the prepared composites. It has been established that, depending on the method of silanization, the composite properties were changed. The obtained experimental results may lead to further research on the functionalization of elastic composites reinforced with magnetic powder.
The development of composite biomaterials constituting both a porous scaffold for filling tissue defects (especially bone tissue) and a carrier of biologically active substances (proteins) is an innovative approach of the presented research. The paper presents the following studies of obtained composites: model protein (bovine serum albumin, BSA) release, changes in microstructure during incubation and bioactive potential in a simulated biological environment (based on scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalysis – SEM/EDS – and infrared spectroscopy – FTIR). Three types of composites with a poly(L-lactide) matrix PLLA were investigated. PLA fibres covered with silica-calcium sol, calcium alginate fibres and calcium alginate beads were used as modifiers of the PLA matrix and carriers of protein. Process of releasing albumin proceeded differently depending on the material and form of the carrier. In the case of calcium alginate fibres, almost all protein was released within 14 days. For the remaining materials, this amount was reached after 3 weeks. All tested composites showed bioactive potential connected with apatite precipitation during incubation in a simulated biological environment. However, coating PLA fibres with silica-calcium sol significantly increased this effect. The highest cell viability was observed for a biomaterial modified by calcium alginate beads.
The recycling processes for CFRP waste are difficult due to their complex, and multi-material composition. Consequently, there is a need for new solutions to address this issue. The focus of CFRP composite recycling processes is primarily on recovering costly carbon fibers, which are characterized by exceptional mechanical properties. Pyrolysis has been identified as an effective method for the recovery of carbon fibers without significant damage. In this study, recovered carbon fibers (rCF) were used to produce polymer concrete. The fabricated polymer concretes contained carbon fibers of varying lengths (10, 20, and 30 mm) and volume fractions of 1 and 3%. The results showed that the addition of 3% post-pyrolytic carbon fibers resulted in significant improvement in the mechanical properties of the polymer concrete. Specifically, the flexural strength increased by more than 100% compared to the polymer concrete without carbon fibers, while the compressive strength improved by more than 60%. Overall, the study demonstrates that incorporating post-pyrolytic carbon fibers in the production of polymer concretes offers a promising solution to the challenge of CFRP waste. The use of these fibers not only helps in the recovery of valuable resources but also results in significant improvement in the mechanical strength of the final product.
The rapid development of the automotive industry is very beneficial to many aspects of human life, but it is also a very significant environmental burden. The most straightforward impact is related to the generation of exhaust, but the management of post-consumer car parts is also a major challenge. Among them, waste tires are very burdensome due to their enormous numbers. Therefore, it is essential to develop novel, environmentally friendly methods for their disposal, which would reduce their environmental impacts. One of the most promising approaches is shredding, resulting in the generation of ground tire rubber (GTR), which can be introduced into polymeric materials as a filler. The presented work is related to the thermomechanical treatment of GTR in a twin-screw extruder assisted by zinc borate (ZB), whose incorporation is aimed to increase interparticle friction within the extruder barrel. The impact of the treatment conditions on the particle size and Surface development of the GTR/ZB compositions was evaluated. Modified GTR was introduced into flexible polyurethane (PU) foams, and the impact on the static and dynamic mechanical performance of the resulting composites was investigated. Increasing the treatment temperature occurred to have an adverse effect on the tensile performance of the composites due to the agglomeration of GTR particles limiting the efficiency of stress transfer, which was also confirmed by dynamic mechanical analysis. On the other hand, increasing the ZB share in the GTR/ZB compositions limited PU disruptions related to the reactivity of the GTR functional groups with isocyanates, which enhanced the mechanical performance of the composites. It was proven that the proposed method of GTR thermomechanical treatment assisted by ZB might benefit the performance of flexible PU foamed composites, which could broaden the application range of GTR and provide novel ways for its efficient utilization.
Elastic properties are important quantities in the modelling and analysis of sandwich composite structures. The stability of sandwich composites mainly depends on their elastic properties, which in turn depend on the elastic properties of its constituents namely, the core and face skin. Several models have been proposed to predict the elastic constants of core materials such as honeycomb and foam. A foam core may be open-cell foam or closed-cell foam. The present work is focused on the hexagonal cells of a honeycomb grid core and closed-cell polymer syntactic foam core. The honeycomb is considered to be orthotropic with nine independent elastic properties. However, the overall structural performance of the honeycomb core is mainly influenced only by out-of-plane elastic properties. On the other hand, the syntactic foam is considered to beisotropic with two independent elastic constants namely, the modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio. The face skin material may be isotropic with two independent elastic constants or orthotropic with nine elastic constants under three-dimensional loading. The present work is focused on predicting the elastic properties of a honeycomb core, syntactic foam and a glass/epoxy composite using existing theoretical models. Thereafter, the elastic properties of the syntactic foam and glass/epoxy composite are later used to establish the elastic constants for syntactic foam core sandwich composites using modified classical lamination theory (MCLT). The results reveal that the reviewed theoretical models for the honeycomb core, syntactic foam, fiber-reinforced polymeric (FRP) glass/epoxy face skins and sandwich composites are validated by the experimental results.
This study aims to examine the effect of flame retardants (FRs) on the mechanical and thermomechanical properties of epoxy composites reinforced with basalt fibers. To effectively modify fire behavior, it is usually necessary to introduce significant amounts of FRs, which raises many concerns due to the potential deterioration of other functional properties, including mechanical performance. In this work, 30 wt.% halogen-free FRs, including a two-component FR (ammonium polyphosphate with pentaerythritol) and melamine cyanurate, were introduced into the polymer matrix. The unmodified and intumescent FR-modified epoxy resin composites reinforced with basalt fibers were subjected to static flexural test and thermomechanical properties assessment. The research results were correlated with the analysis of changes in the chemical composition assessed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. As a result, the saturation of the reinforcing fabrics by the modified epoxy resin was limited, which caused a different failure mechanism under static bending and impact test conditions. Both FR systems reduced the flammability of the modified epoxy laminates along with also acceptable deterioration of the mechanical properties. The most beneficial effects considering the combination of all the analyzed features were noted for the two-component FR system containing ammonium polyphosphate and pentaerythritol.
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