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The article is the analysis of the current issues related to gender policy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The article presents the principle of equality that has a number of manifestations, one of which is the principle of gender equality meaning equal approach to all relevant issues regardless of gender. Gender stereotypes, gender behavioural norms and problems of gender identification in the modern Ukrainian society are analysed. The problem of gender differences is associated with the fact that due to the continuous dynamic changes in the world, more and more questions arise as to the impact of certain gender stereotypes on professional activities of a person. One of the currently discussed issues is the impact of gender mainstreaming on the role of women in the military, as well as the impact on the effectiveness of military operations with their participation. The results of the research confirm that the principle of equal rights and possibilities for the service people of both genders is implemented in the army; however there is still the necessity to strengthen educational activities among the personnel, first of all, among the units and subdivisions of Ukraine’s Armed Forces. For the last few years, considering the fulfilment of assigned tasks in both everyday life and combat operations, the role of servicewomen has increased. To determine theoretical foundations of that problem the theoretical methods of generalisation, scientific analysis and synthesis were implemented. Corresponding software was used to process empirical data and to conduct analytical calculations. Analytical processing of information was engaged to solve the problem of scientific analysis of the events as a holistic phenomenon.
Wyniki badań świadczą o tym, że w wojsku realizowana jest zasada równych praw i możliwości dla żołnierzy obu płci, ale nadal istnieje konieczność wzmocnienia działań edukacyjnych wśród kadr, przede wszystkim jednostek i pododdziałów Sił Zbrojnych Ukrainy. Od kilku lat wzrasta udział żołnierek w wypełnianiu wyznaczonych zadań zarówno w życiu codziennym, jak i w działaniach bojowych. Dla określenia teoretycznych podstaw tego problemu zastosowano teoretyczne metody uogólnienia, analizy naukowej i syntezy. Do opracowania danych empirycznych i przeprowadzenia obliczeń analitycznych wykorzystano odpowiednie oprogramowanie. Zastosowanie analitycznego przetwarzania informacji umożliwiło przeprowadzenie naukowej analizy wydarzeń jako zjawiska holistycznego.
Nowojorska Fundacja Architektury Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation, przewodząca rewolucji kulturalnej, poprzez swoje działania dąży do uznania i kultywowania, wkładu i osiągnięć kobiet w branży budowlanej. W 2014 r. organizacja ta, wspierana licznymi dotacjami, rozpoczęła projekt mający na celu identyfikację budynków oraz krajobrazów, które zostały dosłownie stworzone przez kobiety. Wśród projektów zauważonych przez fundację znalazła się praca Signe Nielsen.
Pomimo że kobiety i mężczyźni mają 95,5% identycznego DNA, charakteryzują ich odmienne nawyki żywieniowe oraz różna podatność na zachorowalność na choroby dietozależne, w związku z tym potrzebują w swoim pożywieniu innych składników odżywczych. Żywność, której celem jest zaspokojenie potrzeb kobiet lub mężczyzn, to nowa tendencja w polskim przemyśle spożywczym. Jednakże produkty przeznaczone dla płci nie są do końca nową kategorią, gdyż taka żywność jest od dawna dostępna w Stanach Zjednoczonych i niektórych krajach Europy Zachodniej. Producenci, projektując żywność przeznaczoną dla danej płci, kierują się różnymi motywami. Na rynku można wyróżnić dwie kategorie takiej żywności. Pierwsza ma na celu wyłącznie zainteresowanie konkretnych grup konsumentów i opiera się na stereotypach niekoniecznie związanych z potrzebami żywieniowymi danej płci. Natomiast druga grupa bazuje na autentycznych potrzebach żywieniowych oraz uwzględnia profilaktykę chorób dietozależnych, a nie na stereotypy społeczno-kulturowe przypisane każdej płci.
Although women and men have 95.5% identical DNA, they have different eating habits and different susceptibility to the incidence of diet-related diseases, therefore they need different nutrients in their food to prevent these diseases. Food aimed to satisfy the needs of women and men is a new trend in the Polish industry. However, gender-dedicated products are not entirely a new food category, as such food has long been available in the US and some Western European markets. When designing gender-dedicated food, producers follow various motives. There are two groups of genderdedicated food on the market. The first one aimed to interest a specific group of consumers, based on stereotypes not necessarily related to the nutritional needs of each gender. The second group, on the other hand, is based on current nutritional and preventive needs, and not on socio-cultural stereotypes prescribed for each gender.
Content available The career of a female manager
The article discusses issues related to the contemporary approach to the professional career of a female manager. A special focus has been placed on the conditions influencing the shaping of women's careers. The findings of own research on the perception of women's careers at managerial positions in modern companies are presented. The considerations are complemented by an attempt to interpret the reasons for the approach to women's careers.
The aim of the study was to investigate changes of power–velocity relationship and muscular strength of female volleyball players during preparatory period and competition season. Methods: The study was conducted on eleven female volleyball players: age 21.6 ± 1.7 years, body height 177.9 ± 4.7 cm, body mass 71.3 ± 6.6 kg. Power–velocity relationship was determined by means of five maximal 10-second cycloergometer efforts with external loads equal to: 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 and 12.5% of body weight (BW). The joint torque of flexors and extensors of an elbow, shoulder, hip, knee and trunk was measured using a torque meter. The measurement were taken before (I) and after (II) the preparatory period, after the first (III) and second (IV) competitive season. Results: The power with a load equal to 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0% BW increased significantly after first and second competitive season. The sums of joint torque for the lower and upper limb changed insignificantly. In the case of the right upper limb, sum of the joint torques was significantly reduced by 9.5% between measurement I and IV. Sum of the left upper limb was significantly decreased by 9.8% between measurement I and II. Sum of the joint torque of the trunk was significantly increased between measurements I and II, III and IV by 12.9%, 12.3% and 11.2%, respectively. Conclusion: Obtained results may suggest that selection of the training loads was adequate for training power output and muscle strength of lower limbs but too little emphasis was placed on development of strength in the muscles of the upper limbs.
Increased reaction time and asymmetrical force generation in muscles may elevate the risk of falling among seniors. Therefore, it seems useful to analyze the symmetry of strength and amplitude parameters that evaluate neuromuscular control. The aim of the study was to evaluate force parameters for the quadriceps and biceps femoris muscles in young and older women performing maximal voluntary contraction. Methods: Fifty women (1 group in their twenties and the other in their sixties) participated in the study. The study used surface electromyography methodology and measured peak torque under static conditions. Electromyographic signals and peak torque were recorded separately in knee extensors and flexors of the right and left lower limbs after a visual signal. The following parameters were selected for analysis: 1) maximum the electromyographic amplitude signal; 2) peak torque; 3) rate of torque development; 4) relative force; and 5) “flexor–extensor” ratio. Results: The analysis demonstrated a decrease in the values of all parameters in the elderly group and symmetry in EMG amplitude in both the younger and older women. Asymmetry was found in the group of elderly women for peak torque and the relative force for knee flexors and “flexor–extensor” ratio. Conclusions: The decline in values of force parameters in knee flexors and their asymmetry (not extensors) revealed in the elderly group might prove an important factor in the assessment of risk factors for falling among the elderly.
Content available Prawo międzynarodowe a prawo kobiet w islamie
Artykuł stanowi próbę wytłumaczenia ideologii prawa islamskiego w stosunku do kobiety, przedstawia różnice i podobieństwa w odniesieniu do wyznaczników prawa międzynarodowego. W prosty sposób porządkuje podstawowe najważniejsze informacje potrzebne do zrozumienia doktryny islamu.
The article attempts to explain the ideology of Islamic law in relation to women, presents differences and similarities according to the determinants of international law. It easily organizes basic, essential information which are the key to understand the doctrine of Islam.
The aim of this study was to establish the reference values of spatiotemporal parameters, joint angles, ground reaction forces and plantar pressure distribution collected simultaneously on the same measurement path during normal gait in a homogenous group of young, healthy women. Methods: The studied group consisted of 28 healthy women aged 21 years on average. The motion capture system BTS Smart-D, 2 AMTI force platforms and Footscan pedobarographic platform were used in this research. The 14-metre measurement path and the 6-metre distance that examined women had to walk through before entering the measurement area ensured that a natural gait pattern was recorded. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate differences between right and left lower extremities. Results: The applied method enabled collecting several parameters regarding normal female gait biomechanics such as: spatiotemporal parameters, angle-time characteristics as well as range of motion of pelvis, hip, knee and ankle joints in gait cycle, force-time characteristics and peaks of ground reaction force components in stance phase, peak pressure and time of loading of defined foot regions in stance phase. Conclusions: The results may be used by clinicians, physiotherapists or researchers as a reference in diagnosing gait disorders or evaluating patient’s walking pattern. In recent literature there are some disparities in gait parameters reference values even regarding similar research groups. These differences may arise from distinct method, slower or faster gait, other laboratory environment etc. This should be considered and more than one source of normative values should be checked when searching for reference data.
Content available Badanie postaw przedsiębiorczych młodych kobiet
Problematyka postaw przedsiębiorczych stanowi jeden z aktualnych obszarów badań dotyczących szeroko rozumianej przedsiębiorczości. W artykule przedstawiono postawy przedsiębiorcze kobiet w zakresie ich samooceny, barier i czynników motywujących do otwierania własnej działalności gospodarczej. Przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych, realizowanych w grupie 710 młodych kobiet, kształcących się w ostatnich klasach szkół ponadgimnazjalnych oraz studentek.
The problem of entrepreneurial attitudes is one of the current research areas in the field of entrepreneurship. The article presents the entrepreneurial attitudes of women regarding their self-esteem, barriers and motivating factors to starting their own business. The article presents the results of research conducted on a group of 710 women in their last years of high school and university students.
Content available remote Oscar Niemeyer’s Ibirapuera Park in São Paulo built with one line
Niemeyer's extraordinary ability to present his projects with one line comes from the inspiration of the landscape, the hills surrounding Copacabana Beach, and the female body. Sketching since he was younger, the architect has improved his line so much that one line was enough to explain the whole project. One of the realizations built with one line was the Ibirapuera Park in São Paulo, opened in 1954. The buildings created there, showed a glimpse of Sugarloaf Mountain, women and their curvilinear forms.
Niezwykła zdolność Oscara Niemeyera do przedstawiania jedną kreską swoich projektów wywodzi się z inspiracji krajobrazem, wzgórzami otaczającymi plażę Copacabana i kobiecym ciałem. Szkicujący od młodych lat architekt tak dopracował swoją kreskę tak, że wystarczyła jedna linia, która tłumaczyła cały projekt. Jedną z realizacji zbudowanych jedną kreską był Park Ibirapuera w São Paulo otwarty w 1954 roku. Kolejne budynki tam powstające uwidaczniały zauroczenie projektanta górą Głowa Cukru, kobietami i ich krzywoliniowymi formami.
The Kasigau ward is home to many gemstones with their mining contributing to the county's economic development. The mining sector is dominated by artisanal and small scale mining with 3e5% of women employed. A Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach was used to involve women with the aim of establishing home-grown interventions. Seven villages and forty nine households participated in household interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and female feedback reflection meetings to generate and analyze data. Women worked as zururas (workers) or employees, in deplorable environmental conditions, and were heavily impacted by mining activities. Women developed actionable strategies on productive engagement in the artisanal mining sector.
Content available The human balance system and gender
The human body balance system is a complex system of organs and mechanisms, which generate postural reactions to counter the displacement from the equilibrium position of the body centre of gravity, and which control eye movement in order to maintain a stable image of the environment. Computerised Dynamic Posturography (CDP) allows for a quantitative and objective assessment of the sensory and motor components of the body balance control system as well as of the integration and adaptive mechanisms in the central nervous system. The aim of this study was to determine the differences, when maintaining body balance, based on the gender of young, healthy people using CDP. The study was carried out on a group of 43 healthy subjects by comparing the effectiveness of the balance system in 22 women and 21 men aged between 20 and 26 years, between 171 and 177 cm in height, and without any clinical symptoms of balance disorders. The men and women were selected such that they did not differ significantly in height and BMI. Using the Equitest posturograph manufactured by NeuroCom International Inc. the following tests were performed: Sensory Organisation Test (SOT), Motor Control Test (MCT) and the Adaptation Test (ADT). The gender of young healthy individuals without any clinical symptoms of balance disorders also does not affect the effectiveness of the sensory system and the use of this signal in maintaining body balance.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess the symmetry of proprioceptive sense among female soccer players when trying to reproduce isometric knee extensions (right and left) and to analyze the impact of a given level of muscle force on proprioception. Methods: The study involved 12 soccer players aged 19.5 ± 2.65 years. Soccer players performed a control measurement of a maximum 3s (knee at the 90°) position in the joint. Subsequently, 70%, 50%, and 30% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) were all calculated and then reproduced by each subject with feedback. Next, the players reproduced the predefined muscle contraction values in three sequences: A – 50%, 70%, 30%; B – 50%, 30%, 70%; C – 70%, 30%, 50% of MVC without visual control. Results: In every sequence, the participants found obtaining the value of 30% of MVC the most difficult. The value they reproduced most accurately was 70% of MVC. Both trial II and trial III demonstrated that the symmetry index SI significantly differed from values considered acceptable (SIRa). In each successive sequence the largest asymmetry occurred while reproducing the lowest values of MVC (30%) (p < 0.05). Conclusion: High level of prioprioceptive sense is important to soccer players due to the extensive overload associated with dynamics stops or changes in direction while running. Special attention should be paid to develop skills in sensing force of varying levels. It was much harder to reproduce the predefined values if there was no feedback.
Purpose: Correct foot structure is important due to locomotion and postural stability. The aim of this study was to determine the relationships between morphological foot structure and balance indices in a quiet standing position in women over 65 years of age. Methods: The study included 116 women aged 65-90 years. The mean age was 70.6±8.4 years and BMI 29.1±3.4 m/kg2. The measured indices included postural control while standing on both feet and photogrammetric foot evaluation. An analysis was performed of the selected foot and balance indices. Results: There were no significant differences observed in the feet structure. Certain correlations between some foot indices and the indices of postural control were noted. The increased differences in the width indices between the right and the left foot lead to balance deterioration. Larger angles of valgity and varus deformity of toes and indices describing the longitudinal arch and transverse front arch of the foot have the greatest impact on the deterioration of balance in the medio-lateral axis. Conclusions: The differences between the indices and morphological indices for the right and the left foot are not significant, which indicates the proportionate formation of feet in the individual life. The increased differences in the width indices between the right and the left foot lead to balance deterioration. Larger angles of valgity and varus deformity of toes and indices describing the longitudinal arch and transverse front arch of the foot have the greatest impact on the deterioration of balance in the medio-lateral axis.
The human body’s posture control is a complex system of organs and mechanisms which controls the body’s centre of gravity (COG) over its base of support (BOS). Computerised Dynamic Posturography (CDP) allows for the quantitativeand objective assessment of the sensory and motor components of the body’s posture control system as well as of the integration and adaptation mechanisms in the central nervous system. The aim of this study was to assess the relationships between the body’s height and BMI on CDP results in a group of young healthy women without any clinical symptoms of balance disorders. It was found that the MS depended significantly on the height and BMI of the subjects as well as on the SOT conditions. As the height and BMI increased the MS value decreased. The postural response latency (LC) in the MCT statistically significantly depended only on height and showed a positive correlation. The postural response latency increased with height. The postural response amplitude for both right and left lower limbs significantly depended on height and BMI, but only for the backward movement of the platform. The response amplitude for all platform translations under all MCT conditions increased with height and BMI. The body’s resultant imbalance caused by the platform perturbations in the ADT were greater in shorter people and those with a lower BMI.
The objective of the research was to assess the effect of a 4-week-long training program on selected parameters: electromechanical delay (EMD) and amplitude of electromyographic signal (EMG). Fourteen female students of the University School of Physical Education participated in the study. Torques and surface electromyography were evaluated under static conditions. Surface electrodes were glued to both sides of the rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), and erector spinae (ES) muscles. The 4-week-long program was aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and resulted in increased EMD during maximum torque production by flexors of the trunk, increased amplitudes of the signals of the erector spinae (p = 0.005), and increased EMG amplitude asymmetry of the lower (p = 0.013) and upper part (p = 0.006) of the rectus abdominis muscle. In a training program composed of a large number of repetitions of strength exercises, in which the training person uses their own weight as the load (like in exercises such as curl-ups), the process of recruitment of motor units is similar to that found during fatiguing exercises and plyometric training.
Artykuł prezentuje wizerunek kobiety w społeczeństwie. Przedstawione zostało, w jaki sposób na przełomie lat, rola i pozycja kobiet ewoluowała oraz jak procesy zachodzące w społeczeństwie i kulturze wpłynęły na zmianę w mentalności Polaków. Chociaż stereotypy płci są głęboko zakorzenione w świadomości ludzi, aktywne i wyzwolone kobiety zyskują coraz większą akceptację społeczną, przełamując tym samym owe schematy. Artykuł nakreśla zatem, na jakim etapie znajduje się społeczeństwo oraz jaka jest obecna sytuacja kobiet na rynku pracy.
Content available Postural Stability of Sitting Women
The study examined the utility of stabilometric dimensions and explored whether the changes in sitting postures were manifested in functional measures of postural control. Eleven women participated in the study, which used 11 chair sitting postures: arms on laps or arms right angled; armrest at a height of 17, 20 and 23 cm; with or without backrest; slouch or straight back; legs right angled at knees or crossed legs. The backrest and armrest shifted 16.3% of body weight from a seat pan. The characteristics of stabilometric dimensions evaluated the influence of seat components and sitting behaviour on postural balance. The study attempted to evaluate stability and its application in human–seat interface design.
Content available remote Udział kobiet w polskim szklarstwie
Problematyka gender należy od wielu lat do kwestii bardzo często podnoszonych przez nauki społeczne. Od czasu ukonstytuowania się w obrębie socjologii subdyscypliny, jaką jest socjologia grup dyspozycyjnych, kwestie równego statusu kobiet i mężczyzn są podnoszone w kontekście wojska, różnego rodzaju służb i straży, a także policji. Ma to swój wymiar praktyczny (związany z funkcjonowaniem owych służb) oraz ideologiczno – kulturowy (skorelowany z trendami i tendencjami obserwowanymi w krajach Zachodu). W artykule podjęto kwestie prezentowania wizerunku kobiet, będących funkcjonariuszkami Policji w mediach branżowych Policji, takich jak periodyk „Policja 997”, a także na oficjalnej witrynie internetowej instytucji.
The gender issues have been often raised in social sciences in recent years. Since the sociology of uniformed groups became a sociological subdiscipline, the issue of the equal status of men and women have been discussed in the context of the military, police and many other uniformed services. It has its practical dimension (connected with the functioning of these groups) as well as ideological and cultural ones (correlated with the tendencies seen in Western countries). In this article the issues of the image of policewomen in trade media such as “Policja 997” and this institution’s official internet site are depicted.
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