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One of the main problems of today’s automotive manufacturers are emission norms that are getting much stricter. According to these high demands, car manufacturers are developing new systems to keep exhaust emissions at the lowest possible level. The resonance expansion system for emissions reduction of internal combustion engines could decrease emissions production not only in modern vehicles but also in older vehicles by additional mounting on the exhaust system. This article shows the resonance expansion system technical solution and simulations of fluid flow done in flow simulation software. The resonance expansion system is also patented, and further experiments for design improvement are planned in the near future.
Stwierdzono ilościowe wytrącanie szczawianów kobaltu(II) i manganu(II) (stężenia metali poniżej LOD: Co < 0,35 ppm, Mn < 0,27 ppm) w stężonym roztworze kwasu octowego (90% mas.), powszechnie stosowanym jako rozpuszczalnik w przemysłowych procesach utleniania p-ksylenu do kwasu tereftalowego. Obecność zanieczyszczeń typowych dla procesu utleniania p-ksylenu, czyli kwasu benzoesowego, kwasu bromowodorowego oraz jonów sodu nie miała negatywnego wpływu na powstawanie osadów. Obecność stałego kwasu tereftalowego w mieszaninie reakcyjnej miała pozytywny wpływ na proces odzyskiwania katalizatora. Zaobserwowano, że szczawiany tworzą aglomeraty na powierzchni stałego kwasu tereftalowego, co ułatwia oddzielenie osadu od cieczy macierzystej. Ponadto potwierdzono wysoką efektywność wytrącania w szerokim zakresie stężeń metali (50-1600 ppm). Wyniki pokazują, że strącanie kwasem szczawiowym jest skuteczną metodą odzyskiwania katalizatorów homogenicznych zawierających związki kobaltu(II) i manganu(II).
A 1% soln. of (COOH)₂ in 90% MeCOOH was added to a 90% MeCOOH soln. contg. Co and Mn ions at concns. of 500 and 300 ppm, resp., and impurities typical of the oxidn. of p-xylene to C₆H₄(COOH)₂ (BzOH, HBr and Na ions) in amts. simulating the mother liquor compn. of a real industrial process. After mixing, the Co and Mn contents of the decanted liq. were detd. by AAS. Presence of impurities had no neg. impact on the ppt. formation. The presence of solid C₆H₄(COOH)₂ in the reaction mixt. had a pos. impact on the catalyst recovery process. Oxalates formed agglomerates on the surface of the solid C₆H₄(COOH)₂ which facilitated the sepn. of the ppt. from the mother liquor. The pptn. with (COOH)₂ is an efficient recovery method of spend Co(II) and Mn(II) homogeneous catalysts.
The main product of the conversion of ethanol to acetone on a ZnO-CaO catalyst is acetone, the yield of which strongly depends on the composition of the reaction environment. When oxygen is present, the yield of products of destructive and complete oxidation increases greatly. In contrast, when water vapor is present, both the selectivity and conversion of ethanol increase. Therefore, the conversion of ethanol is the limiting step in the overall process, which determines the selectivity of the conversion of ethanol to acetone. In this regard, it appeared suitable to investigate the effect of introducing water to the contact zone. As experiments indicated, the addition of water caused a significant effect on the conversion, selectivity, and acetone yield on the ZnO-CaO catalyst. As the partial pressure of water vapor increases, the conversion of ethanol and the acetone yield increase, while the yield of carbon dioxide decreases. The decrease in carbon dioxide is associated not only with the inhibition of the conversion of ethanol to CO2. In this study, the adsorption of water vapor and ammonia on the surface of the ZnO-CaO catalyst was examined by infrared spectroscopy method. It has been shown that water vapor at low temperatures is adsorbed on the catalyst surface in the molecular form, while at higher temperatures it is adsorbed in the dissociative form. Co-transformation reactions of ethanol with acetic acid, acetaldehyde with ethylene, and acetaldehyde with acetic acid have been studied. The obtained results indicated that acetone is formed mainly through the stage of complexation of acetaldehyde with ethylene. The isomerization reaction of 1-butene to 2-butene has been investigated. It was found that the yield of cis-2-butene in the absence of water vapor is higher, likely attributed to the molecular adsorption of water on Lewis centers. Based on these findings, a scheme for the vapor-phase conversion of ethanol into acetone on the studied catalysts was formulated.
Głównym produktem konwersji etanolu do acetonu na katalizatorze ZnO-CaO jest aceton, którego wydajność silnie zależy od składu środowiska reakcji. W obecności tlenu znacznie wzrasta wydajność produktów destrukcyjnego i całkowitego utlenienia. Natomiast w obecności pary wodnej wzrasta selektywność i konwersja etanolu. Dlatego konwersja etanolu jest etapem ograniczającym w całym procesie, który określa selektywność konwersji etanolu do acetonu. W związku z tym celowe wydawało się zbadanie wpływu domieszek wody do strefy kontaktu. Jak wykazały doświadczenia, dodatek wody miał istotny wpływ na konwersję, selektywność i wydajność acetonu na katalizatorze ZnO-CaO. Wraz ze wzrostem ciśnienia cząstkowego pary wodnej wzrasta konwersja etanolu i wydajność acetonu, podczas gdy wydajność dwutlenku węgla maleje. Spadek dwutlenku węgla jest związany nie tylko z hamowaniem konwersji etanolu do CO2. W niniejszej pracy metodą spektroskopii w podczerwieni badano adsorpcję pary wodnej i amoniaku na powierzchni katalizatora ZnO-CaO. Wykazano, że para wodna w niskich temperaturach jest adsorbowana na powierzchni katalizatora w postaci cząsteczkowej, natomiast w wyższych temperaturach jest adsorbowana w postaci dysocjacyjnej. Zbadano reakcje kotransformacji etanolu z kwasem octowym, aldehydu octowego z etylenem i aldehydu octowego z kwasem octowym. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały, że aceton powstaje głównie na etapie kompleksowania aldehydu octowego z etylenem. Zbadano reakcję izomeryzacji 1-butenu do 2-butenu. Stwierdzono, że wydajność cis-2-butenu w nieobecności pary wodnej jest większa, co prawdopodobnie wynika z molekularnej adsorpcji wody na centrach Lewisa. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników zaproponowano schemat przemiany etanolu do acetonu w fazie gazowej na badanych katalizatorach.
Content available Katalizatory wykorzystywane w syntezie biodiesla
Rising prices of electricity, conventional fuels and heating require decisive steps in the further development of technologies based on renewable energy sources. These include geothermal- ; hydrothermal- ; aerothermal- ; and solar energy. Due to the fact that the petrochemical industry is one of the fastest growing branches of the economy, we would like to expand on the topic related to biofuels. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel similar to conventional diesel. It is usually made from animal fat, vegetable oil and waste cooking oil. Its biodegradability, nontoxicity and lack of sulfur and aroma content make it superior to conventional gasoline and diesel. During fuel consumption, it emits fewer air pollutants and greenhouse gases other than nitrogen oxides. In this literature review, we will discuss the latest trends in the world related to catalysts used in biodiesel synthesis.
This article presents a comparative analysis of the properties of two boiler catalyst carriers made of two types of natural aluminosilicates. Both materials have been share by external companies, and daily are used for commercial purposes. In preparing the material for research, it was crushed, and then a grain size of 0.315-0.63 mm has been selected and dried in a laboratory dryer at 110℃ for 12 hours. Then, the water absorption of materials has been determined. The research also presents their porous structure by using the mercury porosimetry method. The manuscript also contains the results of measuring the content of individual elements (K, Na, Mg, Ca, P, Fe, Al, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Ti, Si) in catalyst carriers made by the method of atomic emission spectrometry with induction plasma excitation conjugated (ICP-AES).
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono analizę porównawczą właściwości wybranych nośników katalizatorów kotłowych wykonanych z dwóch rodzajów naturalnych glinokrzemianów. Oba materiały zostały udostępnione przez firmy zewnętrzne i na co dzień wykorzystywane są w celach komercyjnych. W procesie przygotowania materiału do badań dokonano jego rozdrobnienia, a następnie wyselekcjonowano ziarno o rozmiarze 0,315-0,63 mm, które to poddano suszeniu w suszarce laboratoryjnej w temperaturze 110℃ przez 12h. Kolejno wyznaczono chłonność wodną obu materiałów. W badaniach określono także ich strukturę porowatą przy pomocy metody porozymetrii rtęciowej. W manuskrypcie przedstawiono takżę rezultaty pomiaru zawartości poszczególnych pierwiastków (K, Na, Mg, Ca, P, Fe, Al., Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Ti, Si) w nośnikach katalizatorów wykonanego metodą emisyjnej spektrometrii atomowej ze wzbudzeniem w plazmie indukcyjnie sprzężonej (ICPAES).
Content available remote Optimization of the form of the catalyst intake system in the exhaust system
The goal of the article was to optimize the geometric form of the converter intake system in order to improve the distribution of exhaust gas flow on the surface of the catalyst. The article describes the process of designing the converter inlet cone and the connection pipe, as well as optimizing their shape.
Celem artykułu była optymalizacja kształtu geometrycznego układu dolotowego konwertera w celu poprawy rozkładu przepływu spalin na powierzchni katalizatora. Opisano proces konstrukcji stożka wlotowego konwertera i rury przyłączeniowej, a także optymalizację ich kształtu.
Combustion engines are the main driving force of passenger cars, trucks or buses. Engines burn fuels, and as a side effect, release many pollutions to the atmosphere. Car manufacturers had been aware of a need of lowering the amount of exhaust fumes. This brought on the market the first catalytic converters. Nowadays automobile catalyst manufacturing is the largest sector of demand of PGMs (mainly platinum, palladium and rhodium), and unfortunately consumption and future demand of there critical metals is getting higher. Over the past two decades, most countries around the world have developed and implement solutions that would minimize the impact of the growing number of cars on the environment. One solution contributing to this is the organisation of an end-of-life car collection and recycling network, which is now an integral part of automotive industry. The main drivers for the development of such network were stricter environmental regulations and economic conditions. The development of recycling is also becoming more popular in Poland. However, catalyst recycling system is still not transparent to all stakeholders. Due to the huge variety of catalysts and their different structure and composition of elements from the PGMs group, the valuation of their price before they are recycled is not obvious. This raises a lot of controversy and does not inspire trust among those who recycle their catalysts. The aim of this work is to show how the management of used catalytic converters looks like in Poland and how developed is network of catalysts recycling in Poland. At the same time this will show how important it is in terms of a circular economy and the recovery of valuable raw materials from a group of PGMs.
This article presents an analysis of the validity of using catalytic additives for combustion with wood pellets in a low-power boiler. Five different catalytic additives have been used in the research, the chemical composition of which based on TiO2, MnO2, aqueous H2PtCl6 solution and 99.5% pure aqueous urea solution. The carrier for the active substance has been sodium aluminosilicate. The catalytic additive has been applied until the appropriate concentration in the pellet structure has been obtained, corresponding to 0.1% in relation to the weight of the fuel burned. Based on the results of the measurements, the percentage reduction of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere (CO, NOx, SO2 and particulate matter) and fuel consumption resulting from the use of individual active substances have been determined. The manuscript also showed the effect of the savings in fuel consumption and the unit cost of the catalytic additive on the amount of annual avoided costs for heating and domestic hot water preparation.
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiano analizę zasadności zastosowania dodatków katalitycznych do spalania z pelletem drzewnym w kotle małej mocy. W badaniach zastosowano pięć różnych dodatków katalitycznych, których skład chemiczny bazował na TiO 2 , MnO 2 , wodnym roztworze H 2 PtCl 6 i 99.5% czystym wodnym roztworze mocznika. Za nośnik dla substancji aktywnej posłużył glinokrzemian sodu. Dodatek katalityczny nakładany był do momentu uzyskania odpowiedniego stężenia w strukturze pelletu, odpowiadającego 0.1% w stosunku do masy spalanego paliwa. W oparciu o wyniki przeprowadzonych pomiarów określono procentową redukcję emisji zanieczyszczeń do atmosfery (CO, NO x , SO 2 i pyłu zawieszonego) oraz zużycia paliwa wynikającego ze stosowania poszczególnych substancji aktywnych. W manuskrypcie wykazano także wpływ wielkości oszczędności w zużyciu paliwa i kosztu jednostkowego dodatku katalitycznego na wysokość rocznych kosztów unikniętych dla ogrzewania i przygotowaniu ciepłej wody użytkowej.
In this paper, we have studied a method based on exponential splines for numerical solution of singularly perturbed two parameter boundary value problems. The boundary value problem is solved on a Shishkin mesh by using exponential splines. Numerical results are tabulated for different values of the perturbation parameters. From the numerical results, it is found that the method approximates the exact solution very well.
Fuels combustion, polluting the atmosphere is a side effect of an engines’ work. Increasing ecological awareness has led to constant pursuit of disposing harmful substances properly. Catalytic converters (car catalysts), containing precious metals from the platinum group, including palladium, platinum and rhodium, have been commonly adopted for this purpose. These critical elements can be found in many raw materials used frequently throughout the economy. Therefore, it is economically viable to retrieve these elements from, among the others, spent catalysts, so they can be reused to manufacture new converters. In order to determine a possible cost of spent car catalyst, it is essential to use the analytical techniques to determine elemental content in any given sample. X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) is an example of such a technique. It is nevertheless advisable to use a complementary procedure to confirm any results obtained. A cross-verification technique was developed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). This procedure was verified using comparative studies, which confirmed its usefulness and correctness.
Content available remote Metody otrzymywania nadkwasów karboksylowych
Dokonano przeglądu prac naukowych związanych z wytwarzaniem nadkwasów organicznych przez katalityczne utlenianie kwasów organicznych nadtlenkiem wodoru.
A review, with 29 refs., of catalysts used and conditions for oxidn. of org. acids with H₂O₂ to resp. peracids.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyse the modelling of exhaust gas flow patterns with variations in pressure, number, and shape of filters on the catalytic converter. Design/methodology/approach: The research method used is a simulation using ANSYS, which starts by creating a converter catalytic model with pressure variations: (0.5-1.5 atm), number of filters: (2-5), and the form of filter-cut/filter-not-cut. Findings: The decrease in velocity is caused by non-uniform velocity in the exhaust gas flow that occurs when passing through a bend in the filter-cut that serves as a directional flow to create turbulence. Filter-cut type tends to have fluctuating pressure, turbulence flow pattern shape so that contact between filter and exhaust gas is more effective. Based on the analysis of flow patterns, the speed and pressure of the 5 filter-not-cut design at a pressure of 0.5 are the best, while at pressure (1-1.5 atm) the type 5 filter-cut is the best. Research limitations/implications: This study is limited to filter-not-cut and filter-cut types with variations in the number of filters: 2, 3, 4, and 5, and the inlet pressure between 0.5-1 atm. Practical implications: The practical implications of this study are to find a catalytic converter design that has advantages in the effectiveness of exhaust gas absorption. Originality/value: The results show that the filter-not-cut and filter-cut types have the best effectiveness in the number of 5 filters. Filter-not-cut at the pressure of 0.5 atm and filter-cut at pressure (1-1.5 atm).
Zbadano trzy układy katalityczne o różnej zawartości kobaltu i manganu (5Co-Mn, Co-Mn i Co-5Mn), które składają się głównie z tlenków o budowie spinelowej, takich jak Co3O4, MnCo2O4 i Mn2CoO4. Stwierdzono, że największą aktywnością w procesie całkowitego utleniania metanu charakteryzuje się katalizator o największej zawartości kobaltu (5Co-Mn). Ustalono ponadto, że badane układy katalityczne wykazują większą aktywność od wcześniej badanych katalizatorów palladowo-platynowych.
Three bimetallic catalyst systems contg. different molar amts. of Co and Mn (5Co-Mn, Co-Mn and Co-5Mn) were obtained by pptn. and analyzed by energy dispersive Xray fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and by low-temp. N2 adsorption/desorption methods. The catalysts consisted mainly of spinel oxides such as Co3O4, MnCo2O4 and Mn2CoO4. The highest activity was revealed by 5Co-Mn catalyst. The activity of the other 2 catalysts decreased with the decrease of Co content. All catalysts exhibited higher activity than previously tested Pd-Pt catalysts.
Content available remote Otrzymywanie syntetycznych cząstek MoS2 za pomocą metody mokrej
Przedstawiono pełną procedurę otrzymywania syntetycznych nanocząstek disiarczku molibdenu za pomocą metody mokrej. W tym celu zastosowano roztwory heptamolibdenianu amonu, siarczku amonu oraz kwasu cytrynowego jako katalizatora reakcji. Proces prowadzono w sposób ciągły, stosując reaktory zderzeniowe. Podano metodę separacji MoS₂ z mieszaniny poreakcyjnej oraz jego krystalizacji. Przeprowadzono również badania nad potencjalnymi zastosowaniami uzyskanego produktu.
(NH₄)₆Mo7O₂₄, (NH₄)₂S and citric acid solns. were introduced into the impinging jet reactor with coaxial and tangential type inlets to obtain MoS₂ nanoparticles. The resulting ppt. was washed with water, dried at 50oC for 24 h and calcined in a furnace under Ar for 1 h. The particle size distribution was detd. by using a laser diffraction particle size analyzer. Sepd. particles smaller than 300 nm were dispersed in engine oil and their effect on rheol. and tribol. properties was examd.
Do otrzymywania propano-1,2-diolu (glikolu propylenowego) z bioglicerolu użyto katalizatorów zawierających Cu, Zn, Mg i Al, otrzymanych metodą strąceniową na 8 komercyjnych nośnikach glinokrzemianowych. Reakcję prowadzono w reaktorze okresowym w temp. 250°C w atmosferze H2 pod ciśnieniem 8 MPa przez 4 h. Najlepsze wyniki (konwersja ponad 94%, selektywność ponad 87%) uzyskano stosując katalizatory oparte na takich nośnikach, jak Tonsil 570 FF, Pural TH i Pural MG 70, przy czym najbardziej stabilny okazał się katalizator na nośniku Tonsil 570 FF. Badania metodami XRF I BET potwierdziły, że skład pierwiastkowy katalizatora odgrywa większą role przy poprawie jego aktywności i selektywności niż wielkość jego powierzchni właściwej.
Eight types of aluminosilicate carriers were impregnated with a mixt. of Cu, Zn, Al and Mg nitrates and characterized by low-temp. N2 sorption and XRF methods. The activity and selectivity of the catalysts were tested in a hydrogenolysis reaction of glycerol, carried out in a tank reactor at 250°C under H2 pressure of 8 MPa for 4 h. The content of metals had a higher impact on the activity and selectivity of the catalysts than the size of their sp. surface area.
The occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) such as pharmaceutical compounds (PhACs) is becoming a major global issue due to the persistence, bioaccumulation, and toxicity of these pollutants. Human and animal consumption was recognized as the major sources for pharmaceutical pollution. Existent conventional treatment processes have shown low degradation efficiencies towards PhACs. In this regard, TiO2 based nanocomposite photocatalysis process has presented effective degradation towards PhACs. Operational parameters such as dopant content, catalyst loading, and initial pH were the major factors in the photocatalysis system. In this review, we discuss the recent studies that have employed TiO2 based nanocomposite for the degradation of PhACs. Future research recommendations have also been elaborated.
The main goal of the considered work is to adjust mathematical modeling for mass transfer, to specific conditions resulting from presence of chemical surface reactions in the flow of the mixture consisting of helium and methanol. The thermocatalytic devices used for decomposition of organic compounds incorporate microchannels coupled at the ends and heated to 500ºC at the walls regions. The experiment data were compared with computational fluid dynamics results to calibrate the constants of the model’s user defined functions. These extensions allow to transform the calculations mechanisms and algorithms of commercial codes adapting them for the microflows cases and increased chemical reactions rate on the interphase between fluid and solid, specific for catalytic reactions. Results obtained on the way of numerical calculations have been calibrated and compared with the experimental data to receive satisfactory compliance. The model has been verified and the performance of the thermocatalytic reactor with microchannels under hydrogen production regime has been investigated.
Pre-treatment techniques employed for exhaust emission control of compression ignition engines were found to reduce the emission levels by small percentage only, failing to meet the required emission regulations. Post-treatment technique including diesel particulate filtration, diesel oxidation catalysis and selective catalytic reduction is found to be an effective solution. While the fuel-based regeneration of diesel particulate filter leads to uncontrolled combustion affecting the durability of the filter. Development of an effective regeneration system is one of the major technical challenges faced by automotive industry for meeting emission norms. A composite regeneration system with the application of microwave energy is proposed in this paper. As an initial phase, a three-dimensional model of the system is developed and its flow analysisis carried out by considering the case of single channel flow. Simulation of the regeneration process is also done by developing a Simulink model. The results of simulation showed that an engine running continuously for a period of 24 hours would require three regenerations.
A series of Mn-doped CeO2-CuO catalyst (CeO2-MnOx-CuO) (Ce/Mn molar ratio of 0.5, 1.0 2.0 and 3.0) were prepared using co-precipitation method for the selective oxidation of CO in automobile engine exhaust. The content of copper was 5.0 wt. % in each sample. Catalysts were installed on the automobile engine exhaust and CO amount was recorded with help of CO sensor, with and without the catalyst. The catalytic converter efficiency was estimated for each catalyst through efficiency formula. It was observed that Ce/Mn catalyst with a molar ratio of 2.0 shows the maximum efficiency (88.35%). Stability of conversion process was analyzed by plotting the CO amount with respect to time. The catalyst with Ce/Mn molar ratio of 2.0 performed the most streamline conversion process with least deviations.
Content available remote Tlenki lantanowców jako katalizatory elektrody tlenowej
Przeanalizowano elektrochemiczną aktywność wybranych tlenków lantanowców użytych jako katalizatory w procesie elektroredukcji tlenu na elektrodzie platynowej. Kinetykę zachodzącego na katodzie procesu badano metodą chronopotencjometrii, w której śledzono zmianę potencjału pod wpływem zmiany prądu, co umożliwiło wykreślenie krzywych polaryzacyjnych w układzie współrzędnych η, I (gdzie η to nadpotencjał a I to natężenie prądu) oraz wartości natężenia prądu wymiany I0. Badania prowadzono w temp. 298 i 328 K. Uzyskane wyniki w pełni potwierdziły postulowany w pracy) fakt, że dobry katalizator rozkładu nadtlenku wodoru w roztworze jest również dobrym katalizatorem elektrody tlenowej.
Eight lanthanide oxides were used sep. as a catalyst in the electrolysis of O₂ on Pt electrode at 298 and 328 K to det. the reaction kinetics by chronopotentiometry. The highest catalytic activity was obsd. for Pr₂O₃ and Sm₂O₃ at 298 K. It decreased with temp. rise achieving values close to Tr₂O₃ activity at 328 K.
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