A more detailed understanding of flat textile products’ internal structure opens up new possibilities for research on the application use of voids in the structure of flat textile products, i.e. the arrangement and structure of the channels between threads and voids between fibres. The work presented is a continuation of research on the channels between threads performed by research teams from IW, TUL and Texo Systems. It refers to the study on the structural segmental models of woven fabrics conducted by the late. Prof. J. Szosland. In further works, a product micro-scanning method using structured light was applied, focusing on the study of the inlet diameter of the channels between threads. Analysis of the air permeability test results showed an influence of the size of the channels between threads (approximate volume of the channel, spacing surface area, coefficient of spacings, angle of channel inclination) and parameters of woven fabrics (type of weave, sett of warp and weft or tightness) on this parameter. Creating a spatial model of the channel between threads would enable to estimate the media flows through these materials (air and water vapour permeability, heat resistance) and electromagnetic radiation, e.g. IR, UV. The directions for further research were defined.
Dokładniejsze poznanie struktury wewnętrznej płaskich wyrobów włókienniczych otwiera nowe możliwości badawcze w zakresie aplikacyjnego wykorzystania wolnych przestrzeni w strukturze płaskiego wyrobu włókienniczego tj. rozkładu i budowy kanałów międzynitkowych oraz przestrzeni międzywłókienkowych. Zaprezentowane prace są kontynuacją badań nad kanałami międzynitkowymi przez zespół pracowników Instytutu Włókiennictwa, Politechniki Łódzkiej i firmy Texo Systems i nawiązują do badań nad strukturalnymi modelami modułowymi tkanin przez Śp. prof. J. Szoslanda. W pracach, zastosowano metodę micro skanowania wyrobu z wykorzystaniem światła strukturalnego, koncentrując się na badaniu średnicy wejścia do kanału międzynitkowego. Analiza wyników badań przepuszczalności powietrza wykazała wpływ na ten wskaźnik: wielkości kanałów międzynitkowych (przybliżona objętość kanału, pole prześwitu, współczynnik prześwitów, kąt pochylenia kanału) oraz parametrów tkaniny (rodzaj splotu, liczność osnowy i wątku lub ścisłość oczek). Wyartykułowanie modelu przestrzennego kanału pozwoliłoby oszacować znane przepływy mediów przez te materiały (przepuszczalność powietrza i pary wodnej, opór cieplny) oraz promieniowania elektromagnetyczne np. IR, UV. Określono dalsze kierunki badań.
The studies on the IR absorption for woven fabrics show that the phenomenon of reflection and transmission of IR is influenced by, among others, the structure of thread channels resulting from the type of weave, sett of warp and weft and the structure of the yarn. Significant factors are also a raw material, surface weight and thickness of a woven fabric as well as its color and finish. Further research enabled to determine the geometric parameters of the channels between threads (height of the channel, channel spacing surface area, angle of channel deviation from the vertical position) and establish the relationship between these parameters. A coefficient of spacings of woven fabric surface was introduced, which is the ratio of the channel spacing surface area to the total surface area of the woven fabric. For a single channel and for the entire image of woven fabric seen an approximate volume of a single channel and channels of visual image was determined. The results of the research refer to the standard woven fabrics and woven fabrics with yarn of barrier effect against IR. The article is a summary of previous research in this field and suggests the possibility of more precise selection of important structural and geometrical factors, as well as those related to raw materials of woven fabrics, that affect the ability of IR absorption and thus the shaping of the properties of flat textile products, through a creation barriers for IR radiation. Many dependencies associated with a variety of material structure, i.e. its structure, construction, porosity, physical and mechanical parameters and complexity of shapes of the channels between threads makes it difficult to describe the phenomena arising as result of IR absorption by woven fabrics. At this stage, an attention was draw to the dependence of the spatial structure of fabric, among others, the size of the channles between threads and raw material composition on the size of the transmission and IR reflection. There is a need to continue research channels between threads and the filamentary yarn and the development of the channel model between threads. There is also a need for more research on the selection of raw materials warehouse and dyes and chemical additives for flat textile products.
The studies on the IR absorption for woven fabrics show that the phenomenon of reflection and transmission of IR is influenced by, among others, the structure of thread channels resulting from the type of weave, sett of warp and weft and the structure of the yarn. Significant factors are also a raw material, surface weight and thickness of a woven fabric as well as its color and finish. Further research enabled to determine the geometric parameters of the channels between threads (height of the channel, channel spacing surface area, angle of channel deviation from the vertical position) and establish the relationship between these parameters. A coefficient of spacings of woven fabric surface was introduced, which is the ratio of the channel spacing surface area to the total surface area of the woven fabric. For a single channel and for the entire image of woven fabric seen an approximate volume of a single channel and channels of visual image was determined. The results of the research refer to the standard woven fabrics and woven fabrics with yarn of barrier effect against IR. The article is a summary of previous research in this field and suggests the possibility of more precise selection of important structural and geometrical factors, as well as those related to raw materials of woven fabrics, that affect the ability of IR absorption and thus the shaping of the properties of flat textile products, through a creation barriers for IR radiation. Many dependencies associated with a variety of material structure, i.e. its structure, construction, porosity, physical and mechanical parameters and complexity of shapes of the channels between threads makes it difficult to describe the phenomena arising as result of IR absorption by woven fabrics. At this stage, an attention was drawn to the dependence of the spatial structure of fabric, among others, the size of the channels between threads and raw material composition on the size of the transmission and IR reflection. There is a need to continue research channels between threads and the filamentary yarn and the development of the channel model between threads. There is also a need for more research on the selection of raw materials warehouse and dyes and chemical additives for flat textile products.
In this paper, a novel method of estimation of the diameter of inter-yarn channel inlets in textile materials, in particular fabrics, is described. This method is based on 3D micro-scanning with structured light. After 3D reconstruction of the fabric surface, one uses the so called “cutting” plane perpendicular to the fabric to get the cross-sections and measure the diameters of the channel inlets. The mean value of the diameters measured estimates the size of the channel inlets. A standard 3D scanner for dental applications was applied for the research. As an important result, we present the correlation of the diameters and other parameters of the fabrics chosen with the air permeability.
W artykule przedstawiono nową metodę oceny średnic kanałów międzynitkowych w materiałach tekstylnych, w szczególności w tkaninach. W metodzie tej zastosowano trójwymiarowe skanowanie obiektu przy użyciu światła strukturalnego. Po rekonstrukcji trójwymiarowej powierzchni tkaniny, przeprowadza się analizę danych polegającą na „przecięciu” powierzchni tkaniny płaszczyzną prostopadłą do niej w różnych miejscach. Otrzymane przekroje umożliwiają estymację średnic wlotów do kanałów międzynitkowych. W celu wyznaczenia wartości średnic wlotów do kanałów międzynitkowych stosuje się funkcję aproksymującą w postaci wielomianu niskiego rzędu. W badaniach zastosowano typowy skaner dentystyczny. Ważnym wynikiem przeprowadzonych badań jest korelacja średnic kanałów międzynitkowych z przepuszczalnością powietrza wybranych tkanin.
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